342 research outputs found

    Motion representation with spiking neural networks for grasping and manipulation

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    Die Natur bedient sich Millionen von Jahren der Evolution, um adaptive physikalische Systeme mit effizienten Steuerungsstrategien zu erzeugen. Im Gegensatz zur konventionellen Robotik plant der Mensch nicht einfach eine Bewegung und fĂŒhrt sie aus, sondern es gibt eine Kombination aus mehreren Regelkreisen, die zusammenarbeiten, um den Arm zu bewegen und ein Objekt mit der Hand zu greifen. Mit der Forschung an humanoiden und biologisch inspirierten Robotern werden komplexe kinematische Strukturen und komplizierte Aktor- und Sensorsysteme entwickelt. Diese Systeme sind schwierig zu steuern und zu programmieren, und die klassischen Methoden der Robotik können deren StĂ€rken nicht immer optimal ausnutzen. Die neurowissenschaftliche Forschung hat große Fortschritte beim VerstĂ€ndnis der verschiedenen Gehirnregionen und ihrer entsprechenden Funktionen gemacht. Dennoch basieren die meisten Modelle auf groß angelegten Simulationen, die sich auf die Reproduktion der KonnektivitĂ€t und der statistischen neuronalen AktivitĂ€t konzentrieren. Dies öffnet eine LĂŒcke bei der Anwendung verschiedener Paradigmen, um Gehirnmechanismen und Lernprinzipien zu validieren und Funktionsmodelle zur Steuerung von Robotern zu entwickeln. Ein vielversprechendes Paradigma ist die ereignis-basierte Berechnung mit SNNs. SNNs fokussieren sich auf die biologischen Aspekte von Neuronen und replizieren deren Arbeitsweise. Sie sind fĂŒr spike- basierte Kommunikation ausgelegt und ermöglichen die Erforschung von Mechanismen des Gehirns fĂŒr das Lernen mittels neuronaler PlastizitĂ€t. Spike-basierte Kommunikation nutzt hoch parallelisierten Hardware-Optimierungen mittels neuromorpher Chips, die einen geringen Energieverbrauch und schnelle lokale Operationen ermöglichen. In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene SNNs zur DurchfĂŒhrung von Bewegungss- teuerung fĂŒr Manipulations- und Greifaufgaben mit einem Roboterarm und einer anthropomorphen Hand vorgestellt. Diese basieren auf biologisch inspirierten funktionalen Modellen des menschlichen Gehirns. Ein Motor-Primitiv wird auf parametrische Weise mit einem Aktivierungsparameter und einer Abbildungsfunktion auf die Roboterkinematik ĂŒbertragen. Die Topologie des SNNs spiegelt die kinematische Struktur des Roboters wider. Die Steuerung des Roboters erfolgt ĂŒber das Joint Position Interface. Um komplexe Bewegungen und Verhaltensweisen modellieren zu können, werden die Primitive in verschiedenen Schichten einer Hierarchie angeordnet. Dies ermöglicht die Kombination und Parametrisierung der Primitiven und die Wiederverwendung von einfachen Primitiven fĂŒr verschiedene Bewegungen. Es gibt verschiedene Aktivierungsmechanismen fĂŒr den Parameter, der ein Motorprimitiv steuert — willkĂŒrliche, rhythmische und reflexartige. Außerdem bestehen verschiedene Möglichkeiten neue Motorprimitive entweder online oder offline zu lernen. Die Bewegung kann entweder als Funktion modelliert oder durch Imitation der menschlichen AusfĂŒhrung gelernt werden. Die SNNs können in andere Steuerungssysteme integriert oder mit anderen SNNs kombiniert werden. Die Berechnung der inversen Kinematik oder die Validierung von Konfigurationen fĂŒr die Planung ist nicht erforderlich, da der Motorprimitivraum nur durchfĂŒhrbare Bewegungen hat und keine ungĂŒltigen Konfigurationen enthĂ€lt. FĂŒr die Evaluierung wurden folgende Szenarien betrachtet, das Zeigen auf verschiedene Ziele, das Verfolgen einer Trajektorie, das AusfĂŒhren von rhythmischen oder sich wiederholenden Bewegungen, das AusfĂŒhren von Reflexen und das Greifen von einfachen Objekten. ZusĂ€tzlich werden die Modelle des Arms und der Hand kombiniert und erweitert, um die mehrbeinige Fortbewegung als Anwendungsfall der Steuerungsarchitektur mit Motorprimitiven zu modellieren. Als Anwendungen fĂŒr einen Arm (3 DoFs) wurden die Erzeugung von Zeigebewegungen und das perzeptionsgetriebene Erreichen von Zielen modelliert. Zur Erzeugung von Zeigebewegun- gen wurde ein Basisprimitiv, das auf den Mittelpunkt einer Ebene zeigt, offline mit vier Korrekturprimitiven kombiniert, die eine neue Trajektorie erzeugen. FĂŒr das wahrnehmungsgesteuerte Erreichen eines Ziels werden drei Primitive online kombiniert unter Verwendung eines Zielsignals. Als Anwendungen fĂŒr eine FĂŒnf-Finger-Hand (9 DoFs) wurden individuelle Finger-aktivierungen und Soft-Grasping mit nachgiebiger Steuerung modelliert. Die Greif- bewegungen werden mit Motor-Primitiven in einer Hierarchie modelliert, wobei die Finger-Primitive die Synergien zwischen den Gelenken und die Hand-Primitive die unterschiedlichen Affordanzen zur Koordination der Finger darstellen. FĂŒr jeden Finger werden zwei Reflexe hinzugefĂŒgt, zum Aktivieren oder Stoppen der Bewegung bei Kontakt und zum Aktivieren der nachgiebigen Steuerung. Dieser Ansatz bietet enorme FlexibilitĂ€t, da Motorprimitive wiederverwendet, parametrisiert und auf unterschiedliche Weise kombiniert werden können. Neue Primitive können definiert oder gelernt werden. Ein wichtiger Aspekt dieser Arbeit ist, dass im Gegensatz zu Deep Learning und End-to-End-Lernmethoden, keine umfangreichen DatensĂ€tze benötigt werden, um neue Bewegungen zu lernen. Durch die Verwendung von Motorprimitiven kann der gleiche Modellierungsansatz fĂŒr verschiedene Roboter verwendet werden, indem die Abbildung der Primitive auf die Roboterkinematik neu definiert wird. Die Experimente zeigen, dass durch Motor- primitive die Motorsteuerung fĂŒr die Manipulation, das Greifen und die Lokomotion vereinfacht werden kann. SNNs fĂŒr Robotikanwendungen ist immer noch ein Diskussionspunkt. Es gibt keinen State-of-the-Art-Lernalgorithmus, es gibt kein Framework Ă€hnlich dem fĂŒr Deep Learning, und die Parametrisierung von SNNs ist eine Kunst. Nichtsdestotrotz können Robotikanwendungen - wie Manipulation und Greifen - Benchmarks und realistische Szenarien liefern, um neurowissenschaftliche Modelle zu validieren. Außerdem kann die Robotik die Möglichkeiten der ereignis- basierten Berechnung mit SNNs und neuromorpher Hardware nutzen. Die physikalis- che Nachbildung eines biologischen Systems, das vollstĂ€ndig mit SNNs implementiert und auf echten Robotern evaluiert wurde, kann neue Erkenntnisse darĂŒber liefern, wie der Mensch die Motorsteuerung und Sensorverarbeitung durchfĂŒhrt und wie diese in der Robotik angewendet werden können. Modellfreie Bewegungssteuerungen, inspiriert von den Mechanismen des menschlichen Gehirns, können die Programmierung von Robotern verbessern, indem sie die Steuerung adaptiver und flexibler machen

    The Future of Humanoid Robots

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    This book provides state of the art scientific and engineering research findings and developments in the field of humanoid robotics and its applications. It is expected that humanoids will change the way we interact with machines, and will have the ability to blend perfectly into an environment already designed for humans. The book contains chapters that aim to discover the future abilities of humanoid robots by presenting a variety of integrated research in various scientific and engineering fields, such as locomotion, perception, adaptive behavior, human-robot interaction, neuroscience and machine learning. The book is designed to be accessible and practical, with an emphasis on useful information to those working in the fields of robotics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, computational methods and other fields of science directly or indirectly related to the development and usage of future humanoid robots. The editor of the book has extensive R&D experience, patents, and publications in the area of humanoid robotics, and his experience is reflected in editing the content of the book


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    [Objective] I clarify the impact of social robots on cognitive tasks, such as driving a car or driving an airplane, and show the possibility of industrial applications based on the principles of social robotics. [Approach] I adopted the MATB, a generalized version of the automobile and airplane operation tasks, as cognitive tasks to evaluate participants' performance on reaction speed, tracking performance, and short-term memory tasks that are widely applicable, rather than tasks specific to a particular situation. Also, as the stimuli from social robots, we used the iCub robot, which has been widely used in social communication research. In the analysis of participants, I not only analyzed performance, but also mental workload using skin conductance and emotional analysis of arousal-valence using facial expressions analysis. In the first experiment, I compared a social robot that use social signals with a nonsocial robot that do not use such signals and evaluated whether social robots affect cognitive task performances. In the second experiment, I focused on vitality forms and compared a calm social robot with an assertive social robot. As analysis methods, I adopted Mann-Whitney's U test for one-pair comparisons, and ART-ANOVA for analysis of variance in repeated task comparisons. Based on the results, I aimed to express vitality forms in a robot head, which is smaller in size and more flexible in placement than a full-body humanoid robot, considering car and airplane cockpit's limited space. For that, I developed a novel eyebrow and I decided to use a wire-driven technique, which is widely used in surgical robots to control soft materials. [Main results] In cognitive tasks such as car drivers and airplane pilots, I clarified the effects of social robots acting social behaviors on task performance, mental workload, and emotions. In addition, I focused on vitality forms, one of the parameters of social behaviors, and clarified the effects of different vitality forms of social robots' behavior on cognitive tasks.In cognitive tasks such as car drivers and airplane pilots, we clarified the effects of social robots acting in social behaviors on task performance, mental workload, and emotions, and showed that the presence of social robots can be effective in cognitive tasks. Furthermore, focusing on vitality forms, one of the parameters of social behaviors, we clarified the effects of different vitality forms of social robots' behaviors on cognitive tasks, and found that social robots with calm behaviors positively affected participants' facial expressions and improved their performance in a short-term memory task. Based on the results, I decided to adopt the configuration of a robot head, eliminating the torso from the social humanoid robot, iCub, considering the possibility of placement in a limited space such as cockpits of car or airplane. In designing the robot head, I developed a novel soft-material eyebrow that can be mounted on the iCub robot head to achieve continuous position and velocity changes, which is an important factor to express vitality forms. The novel eyebrows can express different vitality forms by changing the shape and velocity of the eyebrows, which was conventionally represented by the iCub's torso and arms. [Significance] The results of my research are important achievements that opens up the possibility of applying social robots to non-robotic industries such as automotive and aircraft. In addition, the newly developed soft-material eyebrows' precise shape and velocity changes have opened up new research possibilities in social robotics and social communication research themselves, enabling experiments with complex facial expressions that move beyond Ekman's simple facial expression changes definition, such as, joy, anger, sadness, and pleasure. Thus, the results of this research are one important step in both scientific and industrial applications. [Key-words] social robot, cognitive task, vitality form, robot head, facial expression, eyebro

    Mental Imagery in Humanoid Robots

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    Mental imagery presents humans with the opportunity to predict prospective happenings based on own intended actions, to reminisce occurrences from the past and reproduce the perceptual experience. This cognitive capability is mandatory for human survival in this folding and changing world. By means of internal representation, mental imagery offers other cognitive functions (e.g., decision making, planning) the possibility to assess information on objects or events that are not being perceived. Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that humans are able to employ this ability in the early stages of infancy. Although materialisation of humanoid robot employment in the future appears to be promising, comprehensive research on mental imagery in these robots is lacking. Working within a human environment required more than a set of pre-programmed actions. This thesis aims to investigate the use of mental imagery in humanoid robots, which could be used to serve the demands of their cognitive skills as in humans. Based on empirical data and neuro-imaging studies on mental imagery, the thesis proposes a novel neurorobotic framework which proposes to facilitate humanoid robots to exploit mental imagery. Through conduction of a series of experiments on mental rotation and tool use, the results from this study confirm this potential. Chapters 5 and 6 detail experiments on mental rotation that investigate a bio-constrained neural network framework accounting for mental rotation processes. They are based on neural mechanisms involving not only visual imagery, but also affordance encoding, motor simulation, and the anticipation of the visual consequences of actions. The proposed model is in agreement with the theoretical and empirical research on mental rotation. The models were validated with both a simulated and physical humanoid robot (iCub), engaged in solving a typical mental rotation task. The results show that the model is able to solve a typical mental rotation task and in agreement with data from psychology experiments, they also show response times linearly dependent on the angular disparity between the objects. Furthermore, the experiments in chapter 6 propose a novel neurorobotic model that has a macro-architecture constrained by knowledge on brain, which encompasses a rather general mental rotation mechanism and incorporates a biologically plausible decision making mechanism. The new model is tested within the humanoid robot iCub in tasks requiring to mentally rotate 2D geometrical images appearing on a computer screen. The results show that the robot has an enhanced capacity to generalize mental rotation of new objects and shows the possible effects of overt movements of the wrist on mental rotation. These results indicate that the model represents a further step in the identification of the embodied neural mechanisms that might underlie mental rotation in humans and might also give hints to enhance robots' planning capabilities. In Chapter 7, the primary purpose for conducting the experiment on tool use development through computational modelling refers to the demonstration that developmental characteristics of tool use identified in human infants can be attributed to intrinsic motivations. Through the processes of sensorimotor learning and rewarding mechanisms, intrinsic motivations play a key role as a driving force that drives infants to exhibit exploratory behaviours, i.e., play. Sensorimotor learning permits an emergence of other cognitive functions, i.e., affordances, mental imagery and problem-solving. Two hypotheses on tool use development are also conducted thoroughly. Secondly, the experiment tests two candidate mechanisms that might underlie an ability to use a tool in infants: overt movements and mental imagery. By means of reinforcement learning and sensorimotor learning, knowledge of how to use a tool might emerge through random movements or trial-and-error which might reveal a solution (sequence of actions) of solving a given tool use task accidentally. On the other hand, mental imagery was used to replace the outcome of overt movements in the processes of self-determined rewards. Instead of determining a reward from physical interactions, mental imagery allows the robots to evaluate a consequence of actions, in mind, before performing movements to solve a given tool use task. Therefore, collectively, the case of mental imagery in humanoid robots was systematically addressed by means of a number of neurorobotic models and, furthermore, two categories of spatial problem solving tasks: mental rotation and tool use. Mental rotation evidently involves the employment of mental imagery and this thesis confirms the potential for its exploitation by humanoid robots. Additionally, the studies on tool use demonstrate that the key components assumed and included in the experiments on mental rotation, namely affordances and mental imagery, can be acquired by robots through the processes of sensorimotor learning.Ministry of Science and Technology, the Thai Governmen

    GPU Computing for Cognitive Robotics

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    This thesis presents the first investigation of the impact of GPU computing on cognitive robotics by providing a series of novel experiments in the area of action and language acquisition in humanoid robots and computer vision. Cognitive robotics is concerned with endowing robots with high-level cognitive capabilities to enable the achievement of complex goals in complex environments. Reaching the ultimate goal of developing cognitive robots will require tremendous amounts of computational power, which was until recently provided mostly by standard CPU processors. CPU cores are optimised for serial code execution at the expense of parallel execution, which renders them relatively inefficient when it comes to high-performance computing applications. The ever-increasing market demand for high-performance, real-time 3D graphics has evolved the GPU into a highly parallel, multithreaded, many-core processor extraordinary computational power and very high memory bandwidth. These vast computational resources of modern GPUs can now be used by the most of the cognitive robotics models as they tend to be inherently parallel. Various interesting and insightful cognitive models were developed and addressed important scientific questions concerning action-language acquisition and computer vision. While they have provided us with important scientific insights, their complexity and application has not improved much over the last years. The experimental tasks as well as the scale of these models are often minimised to avoid excessive training times that grow exponentially with the number of neurons and the training data. This impedes further progress and development of complex neurocontrollers that would be able to take the cognitive robotics research a step closer to reaching the ultimate goal of creating intelligent machines. This thesis presents several cases where the application of the GPU computing on cognitive robotics algorithms resulted in the development of large-scale neurocontrollers of previously unseen complexity enabling the conducting of the novel experiments described herein.European Commission Seventh Framework Programm

    Telerobotic Pointing Gestures Shape Human Spatial Cognition

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    This paper aimed to explore whether human beings can understand gestures produced by telepresence robots. If it were the case, they can derive meaning conveyed in telerobotic gestures when processing spatial information. We conducted two experiments over Skype in the present study. Participants were presented with a robotic interface that had arms, which were teleoperated by an experimenter. The robot could point to virtual locations that represented certain entities. In Experiment 1, the experimenter described spatial locations of fictitious objects sequentially in two conditions: speech condition (SO, verbal descriptions clearly indicated the spatial layout) and speech and gesture condition (SR, verbal descriptions were ambiguous but accompanied by robotic pointing gestures). Participants were then asked to recall the objects' spatial locations. We found that the number of spatial locations recalled in the SR condition was on par with that in the SO condition, suggesting that telerobotic pointing gestures compensated ambiguous speech during the process of spatial information. In Experiment 2, the experimenter described spatial locations non-sequentially in the SR and SO conditions. Surprisingly, the number of spatial locations recalled in the SR condition was even higher than that in the SO condition, suggesting that telerobotic pointing gestures were more powerful than speech in conveying spatial information when information was presented in an unpredictable order. The findings provide evidence that human beings are able to comprehend telerobotic gestures, and importantly, integrate these gestures with co-occurring speech. This work promotes engaging remote collaboration among humans through a robot intermediary.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Developmental Bootstrapping of AIs

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    Although some current AIs surpass human abilities in closed artificial worlds such as board games, their abilities in the real world are limited. They make strange mistakes and do not notice them. They cannot be instructed easily, fail to use common sense, and lack curiosity. They do not make good collaborators. Mainstream approaches for creating AIs are the traditional manually-constructed symbolic AI approach and generative and deep learning AI approaches including large language models (LLMs). These systems are not well suited for creating robust and trustworthy AIs. Although it is outside of the mainstream, the developmental bootstrapping approach has more potential. In developmental bootstrapping, AIs develop competences like human children do. They start with innate competences. They interact with the environment and learn from their interactions. They incrementally extend their innate competences with self-developed competences. They interact and learn from people and establish perceptual, cognitive, and common grounding. They acquire the competences they need through bootstrapping. However, developmental robotics has not yet produced AIs with robust adult-level competences. Projects have typically stopped at the Toddler Barrier corresponding to human infant development at about two years of age, before their speech is fluent. They also do not bridge the Reading Barrier, to skillfully and skeptically draw on the socially developed information resources that power current LLMs. The next competences in human cognitive development involve intrinsic motivation, imitation learning, imagination, coordination, and communication. This position paper lays out the logic, prospects, gaps, and challenges for extending the practice of developmental bootstrapping to acquire further competences and create robust, resilient, and human-compatible AIs.Comment: 102 pages, 29 figure
