169 research outputs found

    International viral marketing campaign planning and evaluation

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    Objective of the Study The objective of this study was to explore international viral marketing campaign (IVMC) planning and evaluation in order to help marketers develop better campaigns. The motivation for the study came primarily from a research gap in existing literature. This thesis set out to answer three research questions that deal with campaign planning, localization and evaluation. Research Method This thesis represents a qualitative single-case study. Semi-structured theme interviews were used for data collection. Five Nokia employees were interviewed for the study; all of whom work directly with viral marketing campaign planning and evaluation at the corporate headquarters in Espoo, Finland. Data collection and analysis were developed around the previously mentioned three themes and the study's theoretical framework. Findings The main findings of this thesis suggest that to ensure maximum persuasiveness and impact, companies creating IVMCs should: understand the character of viral marketing; set solid objectives for campaigns; promote them in owned, earned and bough media; and ensure that it integrates well with other marketing activities. According to the interviewees, viral marketing campaigns appear to work well in most markets where consumers have a way of accessing them, however, a single, global campaign may not work well across markets. The main challenge related to the localization process appears to be a lack of communication and cooperation between the head office and local country organizations. For measurement and evaluation, the use of a combination of metrics was recommended, with efficiency and effectiveness as two key points of evaluation. The study's most valuable contribution to marketers is that it provides a comprehensive roadmap for planning and evaluating viral marketing campaigns

    Assessing the effect of mobile word-of-mouth on consumers : the physical, psychological and social influences

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    Mobile technologies enable users to discover and research products anytime, anywhere. Mobile devices allow consumers to create and share content based on physical location, facilitate seamless interactions, and provide context-relevant information that can better satisfy users’ needs and enhance their shopping experience. As consumers increasingly rely on mobile devices to search information and purchase products, they need immediate, updated, informative and credible opinions in concise forms. Meanwhile, marketers face unprecedented opportunities for mobile marketing, making ever important for them to understand the mobile word-of-mouth and its effect on the purchase behaviors of consumers on the mobile platform vs. those on other devices. Drawing from the media richness theory and the principle of compensatory adaptation, study one performs sentiment analysis of online product reviews from both mobile and desktop devices by analyzing over one million customer reviews from Dianping.com. We find that mobile reviews are naturally shorter, contain more adverbs and adjectives, and have smaller readership and less votes of helpfulness. The product ratings from mobile reviews are more polarized yet the average valence of mobile reviews is higher. By comparison, desktop reviews contain more pictures and are rated more helpful. Lastly, pricy products receive more desktop reviews than mobile ones. Study two draws from the construal level theory and posit that WOM from mobile devices reflects closer psychological distances (temporal and social), thus constitutes a lower construal level than that from desktop computers. Using a dataset of over one million product reviews from Dianping.com, we assess the value of online product reviews from mobile devices in comparison with those from the desktop computers. Our findings show that WOM is more helpful when it is socially and temporally closer to the users and this effect is amplified when using mobile devices, which bring the mental construal to a low level and make others’ opinions more relevant. Further, we show that product type moderates the effect of online reviews in that m-WOM is more influential for hedonic products and its value for the utilitarian consumption is the lowest. Study three deploys the observational learning theory to examine the effect of WOM across the mobile and desktop devices on the purchase behavior of online promotional offers. The findings suggest that the effect of WOM on the purchase of promotion offers varies significantly across the platforms, product categories, and discount rates. These findings help better understand the strengths, limitations and the effect of m-WOM as marketers attempt to offer consumers context-sensitive and time-critical promotions through mobile devices and make a significant contribution to the literature on interactive marketing. These studies render meaningful implications for theory development about the role of mobile technologies in marketing and can assist practitioners formulating effective promotional strategies through the electronic channels via mobile and desktop devices

    Maping customer experience tips: insights from online museum reviews

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    To understand the main attributes with impact on museum’s visitors’ experience, this study analyses the e-WOM communication in the form of the reviews shared by customers on TripAdvisor. A qualitative and exploratory approach was applied through a thematic content analysis on 1403 reviews from five Portuguese museums with a presence on that online platform. The results revealed the attributes and sub-attributes with more impact on the visitor’s experience. Exhibition’s Quality and Ambient Conditions greatly influence the reviewers, and Staff Behaviour and Signs & Signage are the attributes with less impact on the experience. Given the recognized lack of research regarding the museums’ atmospherics features, this study provides contributions to literature and practice by giving continuity to the gaps identified in previous studies. This research brings useful light tips for museums’ management to explore and improve their services and take advantage of e-WOM as a marketing tool. Due to the recognizable increase of technology in museums, the sub-attribute Multimedia Displays arise reveals the importance of exploring this feature in future research.O setor dos museus cresceu consideravelmente no último terço do século XX (Harris, 2013). Entre 2012 e 2020 o número de equipamentos culturais desta natureza aumentou 60% (UNESCO, 2020) em todo o Mundo. Assim como em Portugal, onde se verificou um aumento de 238 museus em 2019 face ao ano de 2000 (Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2020). Segundo o International Council of Museums (ICOM) (2018): “O museu é uma instituição permanente sem fins lucrativos, ao serviço da sociedade e do seu desenvolvimento, aberta ao público, que adquire, conserva, investiga, comunica e expõe o património material e imaterial da humanidade e do seu meio envolvente com fins de educação, estudo e deleite.” (Museum Definition, Prospects and Potentials report and recommendations, ICOM’s Executive Board, December 2018). Os museus, tal como outras atrações culturais, têm um papel importante na indústria do turismo (Bauer, Sohn & Oliveira, 2019; Durão, 2009) e contribuem para o crescimento da economia local (Llop & Carod, 2012). Embora o crescimento do turismo seja uma realidade do século XXI (Pennings, 2015), a pandemia Covid-19 veio inverter a tendência de crescimento e este sector tornou-se um dos mais afetados, tendo registado, em 2020, uma queda de 74% em relação ao ano anterior (UNWT, 2021). De acordo com a UNESCO (2020), apesar de, um modo geral, o turismo cultural ter sido particularmente afetado, nomeadamente os museus, as respostas e soluções para manter as operações surgiram de forma célere e eficaz. Cada vez mais, os museus utilizam ferramentas da Internet para atrair visitantes (Bauer et al., 2019) e, simultaneamente, acompanhar o seu comportamento através dos comentários partilhados através de electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) nas redes sociais (Alexander, Blank & Hale, 2009; Antón, Camarero & Garrido, 2019; Dellarocas, 2003; Hausmann, 2012; Kempiak, Hollywood, Bolan & McMahon-Beattie, 2017; Rodgers & Wang, 2011). Babić Rosario et al. (2020: 427) definiram e-WOM como a “comunicação relativa ao consumo, gerada pelo consumidor, que implica ferramentas digitais e que é dirigida a outros consumidores”. O e-WOM pode ser de conteúdo positivo, negativo, uma combinação de positivo e negativo ou neutro (Rodgers & Wang, 2011). A avaliação do conteúdo gerado e partilhado nas redes sociais, denominada de valência, tem recebido atenção crescente na academia (Cheung & Thadani, 2010; Filieri, 2016; Zanibellato et al., 2018) na medida que os consumidores têm propensão em atribuir forte relevância e confiança ao mesmo. As avaliações negativas tendem ainda a ser mais valorizadas do que as positivas e as classificações extremas tendem a ser consideradas não confiáveis (Filieri, 2016). No TripAdvisor os utilizadores fazem a avaliação da experiência através dos comentários (reviews) e da classificação de 1 a 5 (rating). Através do rating é possível avaliar a qualidade do produto (Hong & Pittman, 2020) e a satisfação (Zanibellato et al., 2018). Segundo os estudos de Alexander et al. (2018) e Yoon et al. (2019) há uma correlação entre o rating e a valência de e-WOM. O e-WOM permite saber o que é que os consumidores dizem de um produto (neste caso os museus) e criar campanhas de e-WOM para atingir objetivos de marketing (Chu & J. Kim, 2018). Assim, os museus devem trabalhar o e-WOM como uma ferramenta de marketing (Hausmann, 2012) e desenhar as experiências oferecidas tendo em vista proporcionar satisfação dos seus visitantes. A literatura reconhece que visitantes satisfeitos geram avaliações positivas (Antón et al., 2019). De acordo com McLean (1997), o produto do museu é a experiência da visita e esta resulta dos serviços tangíveis e não tangíveis. A experiência começa antes da entrada no museu (Rowley, 1999) com uma pesquisa sobre o museu e os seus serviços (Alexander et al., 2018). Uma vez no museu, o visitante experiencia a exposição e todos os serviços disponíveis (Chan, 2009; de Rojas & Camarero, 2008). A experiência continua depois da saída do edifício, estende-se às memórias e às partilhas em redes sociais e avaliações no TripAdvisor (Alexander et al., 2018). Zanibellato et al. (2018) estudaram as características/atributos que influenciam a experiência do visitante (de forma positiva ou negativa) através da informação partilhada pelos visitantes dos 10 museus mais comentados no TripAdvisor. A partir dos conceitos de atmospherics e servicescape, Conti et al. (2020) desenvolveram o conceito de museumscape. Com base, essencialmente, na teoria de Bitner (1992) definiram as seis categorias que influenciam a experiência do visitante: Ambient Conditions, Staff Behaviour, Facilities and Convenience, Art Gallery Quality, Exhibition Space Aesthetics, Signs and Signage. Os autores, através de uma pesquisa exploratória por entrevistas diretas aos visitantes de três museus italianos, estudaram o espaço do museu e o ambiente físico e o seu impacto no Word of Mouth (WOM). Sendo uma área de investigação emergente (Alexander et al., 2018; Conti et al., 2020; Hausmann, 2012; Zanibellato et al., 2018), são identificadas pertinentes lacunas de investigação, nomeadamente o facto de haver poucos estudos sobre e-WOM no campo museológico e sobre a influência do ambiente e espaço físico dos museus na experiência de visita. Assim, e nesta sequência, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa é estudar os atributos dos museus com impacto na experiência do visitante através do e-e-WOM. Os objetivos específicos deste estudo são os seguintes: • Analisar o perfil do visitante com base na sua atividade no TripAdvisor: origem, experiência como utilizador na plataforma (status) e data da experiência; • Classificar os atributos da experiência de visita ao museu de acordo com a sua natureza: produto principal, serviços periféricos e ambiente; • Identificar os atributos e subatributos mais relevantes da experiência de visita ao museu, mencionados pelos reviewers; • Examinar a relação entre a performance dos atributos do museu e a satisfação. Desenvolveu-se um estudo qualitativo exploratório (Creswell, 2007; Merriam & Tisdell, 2016) com uma abordagem dedutiva e indutiva (Bardin, 1977). A informação foi recolhida de uma fonte secundária (Adams, Khan, Raeside & White, 2007), nomeadamente de documentos virtuais (Bryman, 2012): reviews partilhadas no TripAdvisor.com. Esta abordagem foi inspirada em estudos anteriores (Zanibellato et al., 2018; Alexander et al., 2018). O estudo empírico debruçou-se sobre o caso português. As avaliações estudadas pertencem aos cinco museus portugueses, com presença no TripAdvisor, com mais avaliações nas categorias de Museus de Arte e Museus de Especialidade: Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Museu Coleção Berardo, Museu Nacional dos Coches e Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga. Os 1403 comentários recolhidos pertencem aos anos de 2018 e 2019 e foram escritos em língua inglesa. A informação foi tratada através de uma análise temática de conteúdo categorial (Adams et al., 2007; Bardin, 1977; Esteves, 2006) com recurso ao software Nvivo 12. As categorias, baseadas em Conti et al. (2020), surgiram de acordo com os temas repetidos; de seguida, esses temas foram divididos em subcategorias e posteriormente as referências foram distribuídas conforme a direção/valência (positivo, negativo ou neutro) (Rodgers & Wang, 2011; Zanibellato et al., 2018). Por último, procedeu-se à quantificação para encontrar a frequência de ocorrências (Esteves, 2006) e, assim, analisar os atributos e subatributos com mais impacto na experiência do visitante. Em relação aos reviewers, verificou-se que a maioria são de origem Norte Americana e Europeia e que apresentam um elevado grau de experiência enquanto utilizadores do TripAdvisor (status). Os resultados mostram que a classificação dos museus é positiva (4.5 na escala de 1 a 5), assim como as referências das reviews são maioritariamente positivas, em linha com outros estudos (Alexander et al., 2018; Yoon et al., 2019). A codificação revelou os cinco principais atributos que impactam a experiência do visitante, com algumas diferenças em relação aos atributos definidos no estudo de Conti et al. (2020): Ambient Conditions, Exhibition’s Quality, Facilities and Convenience, Museum Space Aesthetics, Signs & Signage, and Staff Behaviour. Também surgiram novos subatributos em relação aos trabalhos de Zanibellato et al. (2018) e de Conti et al. (2020). A principal conclusão da análise de resultados é que o produto principal do museu (Exhibition’s Quality) é o maior influenciador da visita, seguido das condições do ambiente. Os atributos que impactam menos a experiência do visitante são Signs & Signage e Staff Behaviour. Os resultados permitem confirmar as conclusões de Zanibellato et al. (2018) sobre algumas características que impactam a experiência apenas quando há um acontecimento negativo, como é o caso de Staff Behaviour e dos subatributos Display e Acessibility. Ao cruzar os dois estudos, um sobre o conceito de museumscape (Conti et al., 2020) e o outro sobre a análise de e-WOM no contexto museológico (Zanibellato et al., 2018), foi possível desenvolver uma abordagem mais alargada ao e-WOM e ao museumscape, reforçada com a emergência de novos subatributos. As pistas encontradas neste estudo podem ser ferramentas úteis para os museus explorarem e melhorarem os seus serviços e também para mostrar como seria importante considerar as comunicações de e-WOM nas estratégias de marketing. A recolha manual das 1403 reviews e da respetiva informação sobre cada review foi a maior dificuldade encontrada durante a pesquisa, pelo que, para futura investigação, recomenda-se a utilização de um software de recolha de dados adequado ou então, quando possível, a recolha da informação de forma gradual. Este estudo foi realizado antes da Covid-19, pelo que os atributos revelados podem ser úteis para estudar estratégias de espaço e serviço no contexto pandémico e pós-pandémico. Um dos subatributos que parece ser merecedor de atenção futura, devido ao crescimento da utilização de tecnologia por parte dos museus (Luo, 2020; Trunfio & Campana, 2019), é o subatributo referente aos dispositivos Multimedia (Multimedia Displays). Este estudo também deixa como sugestão para investigação futura aprofundar as razões que explicam o decréscimo de reviews de um ano para o outro quando o número de visitantes aumentou. Finalmente, parece ainda ser merecedor de investigação futura, o estudo da influência das reviews partilhadas por outros utilizadores (Yoon et al., 2019) nas reviews atuais

    Accessibility of Health Data Representations for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for Design

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    Health data of consumer off-the-shelf wearable devices is often conveyed to users through visual data representations and analyses. However, this is not always accessible to people with disabilities or older people due to low vision, cognitive impairments or literacy issues. Due to trade-offs between aesthetics predominance or information overload, real-time user feedback may not be conveyed easily from sensor devices through visual cues like graphs and texts. These difficulties may hinder critical data understanding. Additional auditory and tactile feedback can also provide immediate and accessible cues from these wearable devices, but it is necessary to understand existing data representation limitations initially. To avoid higher cognitive and visual overload, auditory and haptic cues can be designed to complement, replace or reinforce visual cues. In this paper, we outline the challenges in existing data representation and the necessary evidence to enhance the accessibility of health information from personal sensing devices used to monitor health parameters such as blood pressure, sleep, activity, heart rate and more. By creating innovative and inclusive user feedback, users will likely want to engage and interact with new devices and their own data

    The translation of advertisements: issues of semiotics, symbolism and persuasion

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    M.A. University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities (Translation), 2012This research report discusses the translation of advertisements paying attention to persuasion, semiotics, and symbolism. It illustrates the importance of symbolism and semiotics in persuading consumers across cultures. The research uses Coca‐Cola as a case study in order to discuss the strategies used by translators in translating persuasive text in print advertisements across cultures and to elaborate on key issues in the translation of advertisements and on theories that are very useful to translators of advertising materials. Semiotics, symbolism and the techniques used by advertisers and translators in persuading, as well as theories related to the translation of advertisements such as skopos theory, relevance theory and functional equivalence are discussed in the literature review and are assessed in the corpus analysis. The importance of sociology, culture and ideology is also illustrated in the study and a brief discussion of the discourse of advertisements is given in order to understand the mechanism of advertisement. This is because translators need to understand how advertising functions before they can translate it. This research report performs a comparative analysis of 30 Coca‐Cola advertisements in English and their translations into French from 1905 to 2011. By analysing and comparing the English advertisements of Coca‐Cola and their translations, this study shows how semiotics and symbolism may be used to analyse the techniques that are used in the advertisements to achieve persuasion in the different French settings. The analysis is further based on Relevance theory, Equivalence theory and skopos theory within the framework of DTS. Observations include translators’ understanding and good management of the visual and textual elements and good understanding of how to render an advertisement truly global by focussing on global, universal and neutral values

    Building bridges for better machines : from machine ethics to machine explainability and back

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    Be it nursing robots in Japan, self-driving buses in Germany or automated hiring systems in the USA, complex artificial computing systems have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives. Two major challenges arise from this development: machine ethics and machine explainability. Machine ethics deals with behavioral constraints on systems to ensure restricted, morally acceptable behavior; machine explainability affords the means to satisfactorily explain the actions and decisions of systems so that human users can understand these systems and, thus, be assured of their socially beneficial effects. Machine ethics and explainability prove to be particularly efficient only in symbiosis. In this context, this thesis will demonstrate how machine ethics requires machine explainability and how machine explainability includes machine ethics. We develop these two facets using examples from the scenarios above. Based on these examples, we argue for a specific view of machine ethics and suggest how it can be formalized in a theoretical framework. In terms of machine explainability, we will outline how our proposed framework, by using an argumentation-based approach for decision making, can provide a foundation for machine explanations. Beyond the framework, we will also clarify the notion of machine explainability as a research area, charting its diverse and often confusing literature. To this end, we will outline what, exactly, machine explainability research aims to accomplish. Finally, we will use all these considerations as a starting point for developing evaluation criteria for good explanations, such as comprehensibility, assessability, and fidelity. Evaluating our framework using these criteria shows that it is a promising approach and augurs to outperform many other explainability approaches that have been developed so far.DFG: CRC 248: Center for Perspicuous Computing; VolkswagenStiftung: Explainable Intelligent System