508 research outputs found

    Dance-the-music : an educational platform for the modeling, recognition and audiovisual monitoring of dance steps using spatiotemporal motion templates

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    In this article, a computational platform is presented, entitled “Dance-the-Music”, that can be used in a dance educational context to explore and learn the basics of dance steps. By introducing a method based on spatiotemporal motion templates, the platform facilitates to train basic step models from sequentially repeated dance figures performed by a dance teacher. Movements are captured with an optical motion capture system. The teachers’ models can be visualized from a first-person perspective to instruct students how to perform the specific dance steps in the correct manner. Moreover, recognition algorithms-based on a template matching method can determine the quality of a student’s performance in real time by means of multimodal monitoring techniques. The results of an evaluation study suggest that the Dance-the-Music is effective in helping dance students to master the basics of dance figures

    WonderFlow: Narration-Centric Design of Animated Data Videos

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    Creating an animated data video enriched with audio narration takes a significant amount of time and effort and requires expertise. Users not only need to design complex animations, but also turn written text scripts into audio narrations and synchronize visual changes with the narrations. This paper presents WonderFlow, an interactive authoring tool, that facilitates narration-centric design of animated data videos. WonderFlow allows authors to easily specify a semantic link between text and the corresponding chart elements. Then it automatically generates audio narration by leveraging text-to-speech techniques and aligns the narration with an animation. WonderFlow provides a visualization structure-aware animation library designed to ease chart animation creation, enabling authors to apply pre-designed animation effects to common visualization components. It also allows authors to preview and iteratively refine their data videos in a unified system, without having to switch between different creation tools. To evaluate WonderFlow's effectiveness and usability, we created an example gallery and conducted a user study and expert interviews. The results demonstrated that WonderFlow is easy to use and simplifies the creation of data videos with narration-animation interplay

    Proof of Concept For the Use of Motion Capture Technology In Athletic Pedagogy

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    Visualization has long been an important method for conveying complex information. Where information transfer using written and spoken means might amount to 200-250 words per minute, visual media can often convey information at many times this rate. This makes visualization a potentially important tool for education. Athletic instruction, particularly, can involve communication about complex human movement that is not easily conveyed with written or spoken descriptions. Video based instruction can be problematic since video data can contain too much information, thereby making it more difficult for a student to absorb what is cognitively necessary. The lesson is to present the learner what is needed and not more. We present a novel use of motion capture animation as an educational tool for teaching athletic movements. The advantage of motion capture is its ability to accurately represent real human motion in a minimalist context which removes extraneous information normally found in video. Motion capture animation only displays motion information, not additional information regarding the motion context. Producing an “automated coach” would be too large and difficult a problem to solve within the scope of a Master's thesis but we can perform initial steps including producing a useful software tool which performs data analysis on two motion datasets. We believe such a tool would be beneficial to a human coach as an analysis tool and the work would provide some useful understanding of next important steps towards perhaps someday producing an automated coach

    Data and methods for a visual understanding of sign languages

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    Signed languages are complete and natural languages used as the first or preferred mode of communication by millions of people worldwide. However, they, unfortunately, continue to be marginalized languages. Designing, building, and evaluating models that work on sign languages presents compelling research challenges and requires interdisciplinary and collaborative efforts. The recent advances in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the power to enable better accessibility to sign language users and narrow down the existing communication barrier between the Deaf community and non-sign language users. However, recent AI-powered technologies still do not account for sign language in their pipelines. This is mainly because sign languages are visual languages, that use manual and non-manual features to convey information, and do not have a standard written form. Thus, the goal of this thesis is to contribute to the development of new technologies that account for sign language by creating large-scale multimodal resources suitable for training modern data-hungry machine learning models and developing automatic systems that focus on computer vision tasks related to sign language that aims at learning better visual understanding of sign languages. Thus, in Part I, we introduce the How2Sign dataset, which is a large-scale collection of multimodal and multiview sign language videos in American Sign Language. In Part II, we contribute to the development of technologies that account for sign languages by presenting in Chapter 4 a framework called Spot-Align, based on sign spotting methods, to automatically annotate sign instances in continuous sign language. We further present the benefits of this framework and establish a baseline for the sign language recognition task on the How2Sign dataset. In addition to that, in Chapter 5 we benefit from the different annotations and modalities of the How2Sign to explore sign language video retrieval by learning cross-modal embeddings. Later in Chapter 6, we explore sign language video generation by applying Generative Adversarial Networks to the sign language domain and assess if and how well sign language users can understand automatically generated sign language videos by proposing an evaluation protocol based on How2Sign topics and English translationLes llengües de signes són llengües completes i naturals que utilitzen milions de persones de tot el món com mode de comunicació primer o preferit. Tanmateix, malauradament, continuen essent llengües marginades. Dissenyar, construir i avaluar tecnologies que funcionin amb les llengües de signes presenta reptes de recerca que requereixen d’esforços interdisciplinaris i col·laboratius. Els avenços recents en l’aprenentatge automàtic i la intel·ligència artificial (IA) poden millorar l’accessibilitat tecnològica dels signants, i alhora reduir la barrera de comunicació existent entre la comunitat sorda i les persones no-signants. Tanmateix, les tecnologies més modernes en IA encara no consideren les llengües de signes en les seves interfícies amb l’usuari. Això es deu principalment a que les llengües de signes són llenguatges visuals, que utilitzen característiques manuals i no manuals per transmetre informació, i no tenen una forma escrita estàndard. Els objectius principals d’aquesta tesi són la creació de recursos multimodals a gran escala adequats per entrenar models d’aprenentatge automàtic per a llengües de signes, i desenvolupar sistemes de visió per computador adreçats a una millor comprensió automàtica de les llengües de signes. Així, a la Part I presentem la base de dades How2Sign, una gran col·lecció multimodal i multivista de vídeos de la llengua de signes nord-americana. A la Part II, contribuïm al desenvolupament de tecnologia per a llengües de signes, presentant al capítol 4 una solució per anotar signes automàticament anomenada Spot-Align, basada en mètodes de localització de signes en seqüències contínues de signes. Després, presentem els avantatges d’aquesta solució i proporcionem uns primers resultats per la tasca de reconeixement de la llengua de signes a la base de dades How2Sign. A continuació, al capítol 5 aprofitem de les anotacions i diverses modalitats de How2Sign per explorar la cerca de vídeos en llengua de signes a partir de l’entrenament d’incrustacions multimodals. Finalment, al capítol 6, explorem la generació de vídeos en llengua de signes aplicant xarxes adversàries generatives al domini de la llengua de signes. Avaluem fins a quin punt els signants poden entendre els vídeos generats automàticament, proposant un nou protocol d’avaluació basat en les categories dins de How2Sign i la traducció dels vídeos a l’anglès escritLas lenguas de signos son lenguas completas y naturales que utilizan millones de personas de todo el mundo como modo de comunicación primero o preferido. Sin embargo, desgraciadamente, siguen siendo lenguas marginadas. Diseñar, construir y evaluar tecnologías que funcionen con las lenguas de signos presenta retos de investigación que requieren esfuerzos interdisciplinares y colaborativos. Los avances recientes en el aprendizaje automático y la inteligencia artificial (IA) pueden mejorar la accesibilidad tecnológica de los signantes, al tiempo que reducir la barrera de comunicación existente entre la comunidad sorda y las personas no signantes. Sin embargo, las tecnologías más modernas en IA todavía no consideran las lenguas de signos en sus interfaces con el usuario. Esto se debe principalmente a que las lenguas de signos son lenguajes visuales, que utilizan características manuales y no manuales para transmitir información, y carecen de una forma escrita estándar. Los principales objetivos de esta tesis son la creación de recursos multimodales a gran escala adecuados para entrenar modelos de aprendizaje automático para lenguas de signos, y desarrollar sistemas de visión por computador dirigidos a una mejor comprensión automática de las lenguas de signos. Así, en la Parte I presentamos la base de datos How2Sign, una gran colección multimodal y multivista de vídeos de lenguaje la lengua de signos estadounidense. En la Part II, contribuimos al desarrollo de tecnología para lenguas de signos, presentando en el capítulo 4 una solución para anotar signos automáticamente llamada Spot-Align, basada en métodos de localización de signos en secuencias continuas de signos. Después, presentamos las ventajas de esta solución y proporcionamos unos primeros resultados por la tarea de reconocimiento de la lengua de signos en la base de datos How2Sign. A continuación, en el capítulo 5 aprovechamos de las anotaciones y diversas modalidades de How2Sign para explorar la búsqueda de vídeos en lengua de signos a partir del entrenamiento de incrustaciones multimodales. Finalmente, en el capítulo 6, exploramos la generación de vídeos en lengua de signos aplicando redes adversarias generativas al dominio de la lengua de signos. Evaluamos hasta qué punto los signantes pueden entender los vídeos generados automáticamente, proponiendo un nuevo protocolo de evaluación basado en las categorías dentro de How2Sign y la traducción de los vídeos al inglés escrito.Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacion