3 research outputs found

    Study on open science: The general state of the play in Open Science principles and practices at European life sciences institutes

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    Nowadays, open science is a hot topic on all levels and also is one of the priorities of the European Research Area. Components that are commonly associated with open science are open access, open data, open methodology, open source, open peer review, open science policies and citizen science. Open science may a great potential to connect and influence the practices of researchers, funding institutions and the public. In this paper, we evaluate the level of openness based on public surveys at four European life sciences institute

    Publishing practices and the role of publication in the work of academics in the mathematics education research community in England

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    This thesis explores the publishing practices of the mathematics education research\ud community in England with the aim of better understanding the ways in which\ud education research is shaped by its social, institutional and political context. This is of\ud vital importance in debates about its goals, nature and future, particularly at a time of\ud rapid change in the higher education sector, with changing funding patterns, a drive for\ud research 'impact' and the association of publication with accountability through the\ud Research Assessment Exercise and the Research Excellence Framework.\ud Mathematics education research is explored on three levels: as a field, following\ud Bourdieu; through its external relations with other areas of research, with institutions,\ud government and society; and through the sense-making of individuals who are part of it.\ud The focus on publications cuts an analytical cross-section/seam across these three levels\ud since publication is intimately bound up in both internal and external struggles.\ud Interviews with academics and social network analysis of publication data are brought\ud together through an analysis of existing literature which examines the autonomy,\ud boundaries, entry conditions and doxa of mathematics education research as a field.\ud Semi-structured interviews with nine academics at English universities were used to\ud reconstruct some of the narrative resources drawn on in making sense of publishing\ud practices. These suggest that positive narratives around the value of publication to the\ud research field itself are lacking. This finding is I inked to the nature of education\ud research as a field of study connected to professional practice, as well as to the link\ud between publication and accountability. Exploratory social network analysis of\ud publication data from fourteen mathematics education research journals over a ten-year\ud period allowed a structural examination of the patterns that the ties formed by\ud collaboration. This analysis was then linked with interview data on individual\ud positioning within the field, suggesting the varied ways in which similar patterns of\ud collaboration arise.\ud Implications are drawn for mathematics education research in the UK and for the role of\ud publication in social sciences research, particularly in a field of study connected with\ud professional practice

    Sustenabilitatea educației doctorale în economie și afaceri

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    Volumul ”Sustenabilitatea educației doctorale în economie și afaceri” valorifică ideile și cercetările doctoranzilor de la Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, școala doctorală de economie și administrarea afacerilor. Lucrările au fost prezentate, prin postere sau în plen, în conferința finală a proiectului SESYR, finanțat prin programul european Jean Monnet. Structurarea volumului în patru subcapitole generice are ca scop valorificarea domeniilor considerate prin filosofia proiectului:managementul proiectelor, antreprenoriat si angajabilitate pentru tinerii cercetători. O colecție de 24 de articole având 35 de autori, oferă un mediu de dezbatere științifică provocatoare pentru publicul cititor din domeniul economic. Focalizarea subiectelor din articolele prezente pe motivațiile de cercetare ale doctoranzilor și postdoctoranzilor face ca acest volum să reprezinte un debut publicistic pentru unii autori iar pentru alții, o consolidare a vocației. Diseminarea pasiunilor în astfel de contexte consolidează colaborarea și deschiderea spre noi subiecte investigative. Volumul este destinat studenților, cercetătorilor și profesorilor și îl propunem ca reper bibliografic pentru dezvoltarea altor idei de cercetare și inovare în arealul nostru tematic