1,396 research outputs found

    Automatic information search for countering covid-19 misinformation through semantic similarity

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    Trabajo Fin de Máster en Bioinformática y Biología ComputacionalInformation quality in social media is an increasingly important issue and misinformation problem has become even more critical in the current COVID-19 pandemic, leading people exposed to false and potentially harmful claims and rumours. Civil society organizations, such as the World Health Organization, have demanded a global call for action to promote access to health information and mitigate harm from health misinformation. Consequently, this project pursues countering the spread of COVID-19 infodemic and its potential health hazards. In this work, we give an overall view of models and methods that have been employed in the NLP field from its foundations to the latest state-of-the-art approaches. Focusing on deep learning methods, we propose applying multilingual Transformer models based on siamese networks, also called bi-encoders, combined with ensemble and PCA dimensionality reduction techniques. The goal is to counter COVID-19 misinformation by analyzing the semantic similarity between a claim and tweets from a collection gathered from official fact-checkers verified by the International Fact-Checking Network of the Poynter Institute. It is factual that the number of Internet users increases every year and the language spoken determines access to information online. For this reason, we give a special effort in the application of multilingual models to tackle misinformation across the globe. Regarding semantic similarity, we firstly evaluate these multilingual ensemble models and improve the result in the STS-Benchmark compared to monolingual and single models. Secondly, we enhance the interpretability of the models’ performance through the SentEval toolkit. Lastly, we compare these models’ performance against biomedical models in TREC-COVID task round 1 using the BM25 Okapi ranking method as the baseline. Moreover, we are interested in understanding the ins and outs of misinformation. For that purpose, we extend interpretability using machine learning and deep learning approaches for sentiment analysis and topic modelling. Finally, we developed a dashboard to ease visualization of the results. In our view, the results obtained in this project constitute an excellent initial step toward incorporating multilingualism and will assist researchers and people in countering COVID-19 misinformation

    False textual information detection, a deep learning approach

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    Many approaches exist for analysing fact checking for fake news identification, which is the focus of this thesis. Current approaches still perform badly on a large scale due to a lack of authority, or insufficient evidence, or in certain cases reliance on a single piece of evidence. To address the lack of evidence and the inability of models to generalise across domains, we propose a style-aware model for detecting false information and improving existing performance. We discovered that our model was effective at detecting false information when we evaluated its generalisation ability using news articles and Twitter corpora. We then propose to improve fact checking performance by incorporating warrants. We developed a highly efficient prediction model based on the results and demonstrated that incorporating is beneficial for fact checking. Due to a lack of external warrant data, we develop a novel model for generating warrants that aid in determining the credibility of a claim. The results indicate that when a pre-trained language model is combined with a multi-agent model, high-quality, diverse warrants are generated that contribute to task performance improvement. To resolve a biased opinion and making rational judgments, we propose a model that can generate multiple perspectives on the claim. Experiments confirm that our Perspectives Generation model allows for the generation of diverse perspectives with a higher degree of quality and diversity than any other baseline model. Additionally, we propose to improve the model's detection capability by generating an explainable alternative factual claim assisting the reader in identifying subtle issues that result in factual errors. The examination demonstrates that it does indeed increase the veracity of the claim. Finally, current research has focused on stance detection and fact checking separately, we propose a unified model that integrates both tasks. Classification results demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art methods

    Mapping (Dis-)Information Flow about the MH17 Plane Crash

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    Digital media enables not only fast sharing of information, but also disinformation. One prominent case of an event leading to circulation of disinformation on social media is the MH17 plane crash. Studies analysing the spread of information about this event on Twitter have focused on small, manually annotated datasets, or used proxys for data annotation. In this work, we examine to what extent text classifiers can be used to label data for subsequent content analysis, in particular we focus on predicting pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian Twitter content related to the MH17 plane crash. Even though we find that a neural classifier improves over a hashtag based baseline, labeling pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian content with high precision remains a challenging problem. We provide an error analysis underlining the difficulty of the task and identify factors that might help improve classification in future work. Finally, we show how the classifier can facilitate the annotation task for human annotators

    Trustworthy LLMs: a Survey and Guideline for Evaluating Large Language Models' Alignment

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    Ensuring alignment, which refers to making models behave in accordance with human intentions [1,2], has become a critical task before deploying large language models (LLMs) in real-world applications. For instance, OpenAI devoted six months to iteratively aligning GPT-4 before its release [3]. However, a major challenge faced by practitioners is the lack of clear guidance on evaluating whether LLM outputs align with social norms, values, and regulations. This obstacle hinders systematic iteration and deployment of LLMs. To address this issue, this paper presents a comprehensive survey of key dimensions that are crucial to consider when assessing LLM trustworthiness. The survey covers seven major categories of LLM trustworthiness: reliability, safety, fairness, resistance to misuse, explainability and reasoning, adherence to social norms, and robustness. Each major category is further divided into several sub-categories, resulting in a total of 29 sub-categories. Additionally, a subset of 8 sub-categories is selected for further investigation, where corresponding measurement studies are designed and conducted on several widely-used LLMs. The measurement results indicate that, in general, more aligned models tend to perform better in terms of overall trustworthiness. However, the effectiveness of alignment varies across the different trustworthiness categories considered. This highlights the importance of conducting more fine-grained analyses, testing, and making continuous improvements on LLM alignment. By shedding light on these key dimensions of LLM trustworthiness, this paper aims to provide valuable insights and guidance to practitioners in the field. Understanding and addressing these concerns will be crucial in achieving reliable and ethically sound deployment of LLMs in various applications

    Leveraging Recursive Neural Networks on Dependency Trees for Online-Toxicity Detection on Twitter

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    openCurrent social dynamics are strongly linked to what happens on Social Media. Opinions, emotions, and how people perceive the world around them are strongly influenced by what they see or read on Social Platforms. We can insert in this field Social Media phenomena like Fake News, Hate Speech, Propaganda, Race and Gender biases. All these events are considered to be among the most significant problems for social stability and one of the most effective means of influencing people. Much work has been done by researchers from different areas of Computer Science, in particular from Natural Language Processing and Network Analysis, focusing on textual information in the first case (articles, posts, comments, etc.) or graph structures and node activities in the second (detection of malicious spreaders, polarization, etc.). In this thesis, we will clarify what are the main problems in this area of research, known by most as Computational Social Science, providing the theoretical basis of the most used tools. Then, we will go into specifics dealing with the topic of the detection of toxic messages on Twitter at the level of the single tweet, comparing different Deep Learning models, among which some innovative solutions proposed by us, trying to answer the following question: can Natural Language syntax be useful in such task? Unlike, for instance, Sentiment Analysis, we have not yet achieved high performance, especially because the models typically used, given a sentence, turn out to focus a lot on the occurring words rather than on the meaning of the sentence itself. Our idea starts from the assumption that exploiting syntactic information can be effective to overcome this obstacle. In the end, we will provide the results of our experiments and possible related interpretations, proposing scientific and ethical reflections, and finally try to convince the reader on why research should invest efforts on this topic, and what future scenarios we should focus on.Current social dynamics are strongly linked to what happens on Social Media. Opinions, emotions, and how people perceive the world around them are strongly influenced by what they see or read on Social Platforms. We can insert in this field Social Media phenomena like Fake News, Hate Speech, Propaganda, Race and Gender biases. All these events are considered to be among the most significant problems for social stability and one of the most effective means of influencing people. Much work has been done by researchers from different areas of Computer Science, in particular from Natural Language Processing and Network Analysis, focusing on textual information in the first case (articles, posts, comments, etc.) or graph structures and node activities in the second (detection of malicious spreaders, polarization, etc.). In this thesis, we will clarify what are the main problems in this area of research, known by most as Computational Social Science, providing the theoretical basis of the most used tools. Then, we will go into specifics dealing with the topic of the detection of toxic messages on Twitter at the level of the single tweet, comparing different Deep Learning models, among which some innovative solutions proposed by us, trying to answer the following question: can Natural Language syntax be useful in such task? Unlike, for instance, Sentiment Analysis, we have not yet achieved high performance, especially because the models typically used, given a sentence, turn out to focus a lot on the occurring words rather than on the meaning of the sentence itself. Our idea starts from the assumption that exploiting syntactic information can be effective to overcome this obstacle. In the end, we will provide the results of our experiments and possible related interpretations, proposing scientific and ethical reflections, and finally try to convince the reader on why research should invest efforts on this topic, and what future scenarios we should focus on

    A Survey on LLM-generated Text Detection: Necessity, Methods, and Future Directions

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    The powerful ability to understand, follow, and generate complex language emerging from large language models (LLMs) makes LLM-generated text flood many areas of our daily lives at an incredible speed and is widely accepted by humans. As LLMs continue to expand, there is an imperative need to develop detectors that can detect LLM-generated text. This is crucial to mitigate potential misuse of LLMs and safeguard realms like artistic expression and social networks from harmful influence of LLM-generated content. The LLM-generated text detection aims to discern if a piece of text was produced by an LLM, which is essentially a binary classification task. The detector techniques have witnessed notable advancements recently, propelled by innovations in watermarking techniques, zero-shot methods, fine-turning LMs methods, adversarial learning methods, LLMs as detectors, and human-assisted methods. In this survey, we collate recent research breakthroughs in this area and underscore the pressing need to bolster detector research. We also delve into prevalent datasets, elucidating their limitations and developmental requirements. Furthermore, we analyze various LLM-generated text detection paradigms, shedding light on challenges like out-of-distribution problems, potential attacks, and data ambiguity. Conclusively, we highlight interesting directions for future research in LLM-generated text detection to advance the implementation of responsible artificial intelligence (AI). Our aim with this survey is to provide a clear and comprehensive introduction for newcomers while also offering seasoned researchers a valuable update in the field of LLM-generated text detection. The useful resources are publicly available at: https://github.com/NLP2CT/LLM-generated-Text-Detection
