7 research outputs found

    Geographies of the University

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    This open access volume raises awareness of the histories, geographies, and practices of universities and analyzes their role as key actors in today’s global knowledge economy. Universities are centers of research, teaching, and expertise with significant economic, social, and cultural impacts at different geographical scales. Scholars from a variety of disciplines and countries offer original analyses and discussions along five main themes: historical perspectives on the university as a site of knowledge production, cultural encounter, and political interest; institutional perspectives on university governance and the creation of innovative environments; relationships between universities and the city; the impact of universities on national and regional economies and cultures; and the processes of internationalization through student mobility, the creation of education hubs, and global regionalism in higher education

    Community-based natural resource management, livelihood diversification & poverty alleviation : a case study of NG 22/23 and associated communities, Okavango Delta, northern Botswana.

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    Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.This paper presents a case study from Ngamiland, northern Botswana where community~ based natural resource management (CBNRM), through a joint venture agreement (NA) between a Community~based Organisation (CBO) and the private sector for nonconsumptive tourism has been implemented with the objective of contributing to localised poverty alleviation and livelihood diversification through employment and CBO fee revenue. The economic contribution of these benefits is considered with respect to commonly accepted norms and standards within the development ideology of sustainable development and its global measurements; therefore, a brief background of the concepts of poverty, livelihood and ecotourism is presented to provide context for the evaluation of CBNRM as a preferred land~use in Botswana. An evaluation of the significance of wage employment revenue and consequent remittances in the specific case study is intended to contribute to existing studies which have primarily emphasised the contribution of CBO fee revenue only to households. It is concluded that wage employment revenue makes a significant contribution at a household level to localised poverty alleviation and livelihood diversification compared to the insignificant contribution ofCBO fee revenue

    Discussions on Estonian economic policy

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    Võlakriis euroalas: kas eurot on üldse võimalik veel päästa? / sissejuhatuse asemel (Manfred O. E. Hennies ja Matti Raudjärv) Schuldenkrise in Euroland: ist der Euro noch zu retten? / statt Einführung (von Manfred O. E. Hennies und Matti Raudjärv) The euro zone debt crisis: will it be possible to rescue euro at all? / instead of introduction (by Manfred O. E. Hennies and Matti Raudjärv) -Meelis Angerma, Relative price level developments in the Baltic economies and lessons to learn from the crises. Suhteline hinnatase Balti riikide majandustes ja kriisikogemused -Peter Friedrich, Janno Reiljan, FOCJ as model for financing the Estonian general education. FOCJ-mudel Eesti üldhariduse rahastamiseks -Vivika Halapuu,Tiiu Paas, Competition for people as drivers of future economic growth: European people’s attitudes towards migration. Konkurents inimeste kui tulevase majanduskasvu käivitajate järele: eurooplaste hoiakuid immigratsiooni suhtes selgitavad tegurid . -Enn Listra, Katrin Rahu, Niina Vaiser, Systematic differences of retail exchange rate spreads in some EU countries: the banks against financial integration. Valuutade jaekursside kursivahede süstemaatilised erinevused mõnedes Euroopa Liidu riikides: pangad versus finantsintegratsioon -Oliver Lukason, Kadri Ukrainski, Urmas Varblane, Economic benefit of maximum truck weight regulation change for Estonian forest sektor.Veokite täismassi regulatsiooni muutmise majanduslikud mõjud eesti metsatööstuse sektorile. -Mikk Medijainen, Incentives to retire imposed by old-age pension policy in Estonia. Eesti vanaduspensionipoliitika mõjud pensionilejäämise ajenditele -Milan Palát, Economic causes and consequences of international migration of labor. Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen der internationalen Arbeitsmigration -Olev Raju, Economic crisis and economic policy in Estonia 2007-2010.Majanduskriis ja majanduspoliitika Eestis 2007-2010 ..... -Matti Raudjärv, Einige kritische Betrachtungen zu neuesten Entwicklungen in der Estnischen Wirtschaftspolitik .Mõned kriitilised märkused Eesti majanduspoliitika viimastele arengutele -Jüri Sepp, Diana Eerma, Competition policy in infrastructure specific sectors in the Estonian case: entwining of natural monopoly and universal service .Konkurentsipoliitika infrastruktuursetes erandvaldkondades Eesti näitel: loomuliku monopoli ja universaalteenuse põimumine. --Merle Tambur, Maaja Vadi, Bullying at work: do industries differ in the Estonian case? Kas psühholoogilise töövägivalla levik on majandussektorites erinev: olukord Eestis? -Viktor Trasberg, Personal income tax in Estonia – who’s burden? Füüsilise isiku tulumaks – kelle koorem? -Professor Erik Linnaks (1926 – 2001), majandusarvestuse tippteoreetik (Inga Lõokene). -Professor Erik Linnaks (1926 – 2001), Spitzentheoretiker des Rechnungswesens (Zusammenfassung) . -Professor Erik Linnaks (1926 – 2001), leading theoretician in accouting (Abstract) -Viis aastat „Eesti majanduspoliitilised väitlused“ järjepidevast ilmumisest (Matti Raudjärv)- -Die  Publikation „Estnische Gespräche über Wirtschftspolitik“ erscheint schon das fünfte Jahr in Folge (von Matti Raudjärv) -Five successive years of publication of “Discussions on Estonian Economic Policy” (by Matti Raudjärv)  -Majanduspoliitika teaduskonverentside loetelu -Liste der wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen über Wirtschaftspolitik -List of scientific conferences on economic polic

    Report of the Secretary of the Interior; being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the Forty-second Congress : Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1871

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    Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Grant. 4 Dec. HED 1, 42-2, v1-4, 4857p. [1502-1507]On the new Indian policy of turning over control of reservations to Christian sects; on formation of one Indian Territory or State: annual report of the Sec. of War (Serials 1503-1504); annual report of the Sec. of Interior (Serials 1505-1506); annual report of the Gen. Land Office (Serial 1505); annual report of the CIA (Serial 1505), including a report on the new Indian policy, hostilities of the Indians of the Southwest, report of the Board of Indian Com\u27rs, mission to the Kickapoos in Mexico, conditions at the Sioux agencies, and reports of Supts. , agents, schools, and farms; etc

    The discourse of sustainable development: Business groups, local government and NGOs in Juarez (Mexico) and El Paso (USA).

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    The thesis proposes and develops a threefold categorisation as a framework for the analysis of the sustainable development (SD) discourse of business groups, local government and NGOs in the Mexico-US border region and specifically in the border cities of Juarez (Chihuahua, Mexico) and El Paso (Texas, US). The SD categorisation proposed in this thesis consists of three schools of thought, namely, Ecologism, Ecologically-sustainable-Development (EsD) and Corporate-Environmentalism. The thesis investigates how and why Corporate- Environmentalism came to dominate sustainable development discourse in the 1990s. Based on data collected in the border region of Juarez and El Paso, this thesis argues that Corporate-Environmentalism strongly influenced the sustainable development discourse of business groups, local government and NGOs and became the prevailing orthodoxy in the sustainable development discourse of the region during the 1990s. In the course of the same decade, ideas of Ecologism and Ecologically-sustainable-Development were marginalised and lost significant support, whilst Corporate-Environmentalism shaped the majority of respondents' sustainable development discourse and practices. The complex interrelations between the sustainable development discourse of the 1990s and the views of business environmental managers, local government officers, and NGO members/leaders in the region of Juarez/El Paso are discussed. Career mobility of personnel of the three groups (business groups, local government and NGOs), and other factors such as their different educational and professional background, and training shed light on how and why Corporate-Environmentalism became the dominant view within the sustainable development discourse of the 1990s. This research is grounded on the qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews carried out with business environmental managers, local government officers and NGO members/leaders. The interviews were conducted with those responsible for the implementation and promotion of SD policies that embroil mid-level and senior environmental professionals. The analysis in this thesis is comparative in as much as it analyses the differences and similarities of the SD discourse and practices within and between business groups, local government and NGOs. Finally, the thesis analyses the extent to which SD discourse affected approaches to the natural environment of the region of Juarez/El Paso, as well as in other regions in developing and developed countries during the 1990s

    Report of the Secretary of the Interior; being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the first session of the Fifty-first Congress : Annual Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1891

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    Annual Message to Congress with Documents: Pres. Harrison. 3 Dec. HED 1, 51-1, v1-18, 15546p. [2714-2733] Division and reduction of the Sioux reservation in Dakota: the opening of portions of Indian Territory for settlement; no policy for the establishment Alaska: annual report of the Sec. of War (Serials 2715-2720); annual report of the Sec. of Interior (Serials 2724-2730); annual report of the Gen. Land Office (Serial 2724); annual report of the CIA (Serial 2725); etc