33 research outputs found


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    Many of the next generation applications in entertainment, human computer interaction, infrastructure, security and medical systems are computationally intensive, always-on, and have soft real time (SRT) requirements. While failure to meet deadlines is not catastrophic in SRT systems, missing deadlines can result in an unacceptable degradation in the quality of service (QoS). To ensure acceptable QoS under dynamically changing operating conditions such as changes in the workload, energy availability, and thermal constraints, systems are typically designed for worst case conditions. Unfortunately, such over-designing of systems increases costs and overall power consumption. In this dissertation we formulate the real-time task execution as a Multiple-Input, Single- Output (MISO) optimal control problem involving tracking a desired system utilization set point with control inputs derived from across the computing stack. We assume that an arbitrary number of SRT tasks may join and leave the system at arbitrary times. The tasks are scheduled on multiple cores by a dynamic priority multiprocessor scheduling algorithm. We use a model predictive controller (MPC) to realize optimal control. MPCs are easy to tune, can handle multiple control variables, and constraints on both the dependent and independent variables. We experimentally demonstrate the operation of our controller on a video encoder application and a computer vision application executing on a dual socket quadcore Xeon processor with a total of 8 processing cores. We establish that the use of DVFS and application quality as control variables enables operation at a lower power op- erating point while meeting real-time constraints as compared to non cross-stack control approaches. We also evaluate the role of scheduling algorithms in the control of homo- geneous and heterogeneous workloads. Additionally, we propose a novel adaptive control technique for time-varying workloads

    A Sequentially Consistent Multiprocessor Architecture for Out-of-Order Retirement of Instructions

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    Out-of-order retirement of instructions has been shown to be an effective technique to increase the number of in-flight instructions. This form of runtime scheduling can reduce pipeline stalls caused by head-of-line blocking effects in the reorder buffer (ROB). Expanding the width of the instruction window can be highly beneficial to multiprocessors that implement a strict memory model, especially when both loads and stores encounter long latencies due to cache misses, and whose stalls must be overlapped with instruction execution to overcome the memory latencies. Based on the Validation Buffer (VB) architecture (a previously proposed out- of-order retirement, checkpoint-free architecture for single processors), this paper proposes a cost-effective, scalable, out-of-order retirement multiprocessor, capable of enforcing sequential consistency without impacting the design of the memory hierarchy or interconnect. Our simulation results indicate that utilizing a VB can speed up both relaxed and sequentially consistent in-order retirement in future multiprocessor systems by between 3 and 20 percent, depending on the ROB size.Ubal Tena, R.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; López Rodríguez, PJ.; Kaeli, D. (2012). A Sequentially Consistent Multiprocessor Architecture for Out-of-Order Retirement of Instructions. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 23(8):1361-1368. doi:10.1109/TPDS.2011.255S1361136823

    HW/SW mechanisms for instruction fusion, issue and commit in modern u-processors

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    In this thesis we have explored the co-designed paradigm to show alternative processor design points. Specifically, we have provided HW/SW mechanisms for instruction fusion, issue and commit for modern processors. We have implemented a co-designed virtual machine monitor that binary translates x86 instructions into RISC like micro-ops. Moreover, the translations are stored as superblocks, which are a trace of basic blocks. These superblocks are further optimized using speculative and non-speculative optimizations. Hardware mechanisms exists in-order to take corrective action in case of misspeculations. During the course of this PhD we have made following contributions. Firstly, we have provided a novel Programmable Functional unit, in-order to speed up general-purpose applications. The PFU consists of a grid of functional units, similar to CCA, and a distributed internal register file. The inputs of the macro-op are brought from the Physical Register File to the internal register file using a set of moves and a set of loads. A macro-op fusion algorithm fuses micro-ops at runtime. The fusion algorithm is based on a scheduling step that indicates whether the current fused instruction is beneficial or not. The micro-ops corresponding to the macro-ops are stored as control signals in a configuration. The macro-op consists of a configuration ID which helps in locating the configurations. A small configuration cache is present inside the Programmable Functional unit, that holds these configurations. In case of a miss in the configuration cache configurations are loaded from I-Cache. Moreover, in-order to support bulk commit of atomic superblocks that are larger than the ROB we have proposed a speculative commit mechanism. For this we have proposed a Speculative commit register map table that holds the mappings of the speculatively committed instructions. When all the instructions of the superblock have committed the speculative state is copied to Backend Register Rename Table. Secondly, we proposed a co-designed in-order processor with with two kinds of accelerators. These FU based accelerators run a pair of fused instructions. We have considered two kinds of instruction fusion. First, we fused a pair of independent loads together into vector loads and execute them on vector load units. For the second kind of instruction fusion we have fused a pair of dependent simple ALU instructions and execute them in Interlock Collapsing ALUs (ICALU). Moreover, we have evaluated performance of various code optimizations such as list-scheduling, load-store telescoping and load hoisting among others. We have compared our co-designed processor with small instruction window out-of-order processors. Thirdly, we have proposed a co-designed out-of-order processor. Specifically we have reduced complexity in two areas. First of all, we have co-designed the commit mechanism, that enable bulk commit of atomic superblocks. In this solution we got rid of the conventional ROB, instead we introduce the Superblock Ordering Buffer (SOB). SOB ensures program order is maintained at the granularity of the superblock, by bulk committing the program state. The program state consists of the register state and the memory state. The register state is held in a per superblock register map table, whereas the memory state is held in gated store buffer and updated in bulk. Furthermore, we have tackled the complexity of Out-of-Order issue logic by using FIFOs. We have proposed an enhanced steering heuristic that fixes the inefficiencies of the existing dependence-based heuristic. Moreover, a mechanism to release the FIFO entries earlier is also proposed that further improves the performance of the steering heuristic.En aquesta tesis hem explorat el paradigma de les màquines issue i commit per processadors actuals. Hem implementat una màquina virtual que tradueix binaris x86 a micro-ops de tipus RISC. Aquestes traduccions es guarden com a superblocks, que en realitat no és més que una traça de virtuals co-dissenyades. En particular, hem proposat mecanismes hw/sw per a la fusió d’instruccions, blocs bàsics. Aquests superblocks s’optimitzen utilitzant optimizacions especualtives i d’altres no speculatives. En cas de les optimizations especulatives es consideren mecanismes per a la gestió de errades en l’especulació. Al llarg d’aquesta tesis s’han fet les següents contribucions: Primer, hem proposat una nova unitat functional programmable (PFU) per tal de millorar l’execució d’aplicacions de proposit general. La PFU està formada per un conjunt d’unitats funcionals, similar al CCA, amb un banc de registres intern a la PFU distribuït a les unitats funcionals que la composen. Les entrades de la macro-operació que s’executa en la PFU es mouen del banc de registres físic convencional al intern fent servir un conjunt de moves i loads. Un algorisme de fusió combina més micro-operacions en temps d’execució. Aquest algorisme es basa en un pas de planificació que mesura el benefici de les decisions de fusió. Les micro operacions corresponents a la macro operació s’emmagatzemen com a senyals de control en una configuració. Les macro-operacions tenen associat un identificador de configuració que ajuda a localitzar d’aquestes. Una petita cache de configuracions està present dintre de la PFU per tal de guardar-les. En cas de que la configuració no estigui a la cache, les configuracions es carreguen de la cache d’instruccions. Per altre banda, per tal de donar support al commit atòmic dels superblocks que sobrepassen el tamany del ROB s’ha proposat un mecanisme de commit especulatiu. Per aquest mecanisme hem proposat una taula de mapeig especulativa dels registres, que es copia a la taula no especulativa quan totes les instruccions del superblock han comitejat. Segon, hem proposat un processador en order co-dissenyat que combina dos tipus d’acceleradors. Aquests acceleradors executen un parell d’instruccions fusionades. S’han considerat dos tipus de fusió d’instructions. Primer, combinem un parell de loads independents formant loads vectorials i els executem en una unitat vectorial. Segon, fusionem parells d’instruccions simples d’alu que són dependents i que s’executaran en una Interlock Collapsing ALU (ICALU). Per altra aquestes tecniques les hem evaluat conjuntament amb diverses optimizacions com list scheduling, load-store telescoping i hoisting de loads, entre d’altres. Aquesta proposta ha estat comparada amb un processador fora d’ordre. Tercer, hem proposat un processador fora d’ordre co-dissenyat efficient reduint-ne la complexitat en dos areas principals. En primer lloc, hem co-disenyat el mecanisme de commit per tal de permetre un eficient commit atòmic del superblocks. En aquesta solució hem substituït el ROB convencional, i en lloc hem introduït el Superblock Ordering Buffer (SOB). El SOB manté l’odre de programa a granularitat de superblock. L’estat del programa consisteix en registres i memòria. L’estat dels registres es manté en una taula per superblock, mentre que l’estat de memòria es guarda en un buffer i s’actulitza atòmicament. La segona gran area de reducció de complexitat considerarada és l’ús de FIFOs a la lògica d’issue. En aquest últim àmbit hem proposat una heurística de distribució que solventa les ineficiències de l’heurística basada en dependències anteriorment proposada. Finalment, i junt amb les FIFOs, s’ha proposat un mecanisme per alliberar les entrades de la FIFO anticipadament

    Out-of-Order Retirement of Instructions in Superscalar, Multithreaded, and Multicore Processors

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    Los procesadores superescalares actuales utilizan un reorder buffer (ROB) para contabilizar las instrucciones en vuelo. El ROB se implementa como una cola FIFO first in first out en la que las instrucciones se insertan en orden de programa después de ser decodificadas, y de la que se extraen también en orden de programa en la etapa commit. El uso de esta estructura proporciona un soporte simple para la especulación, las excepciones precisas y la reclamación de registros. Sin embargo, el hecho de retirar instrucciones en orden puede degradar las prestaciones si una operación de alta latencia está bloqueando la cabecera del ROB. Varias propuestas se han publicado atacando este problema. La mayoría utiliza retirada de instrucciones fuera de orden de forma especulativa, requiriendo almacenar puntos de recuperación (checkpoints) para restaurar un estado válido del procesador ante un fallo de especulación. Normalmente, los checkpoints necesitan implementarse con estructuras hardware costosas, y además requieren un crecimiento de otras estructuras del procesador, lo cual a su vez puede impactar en el tiempo de ciclo de reloj. Este problema afecta a muchos tipos de procesadores actuales, independientemente del número de hilos hardware (threads) y del número de núcleos de cómputo (cores) que incluyan. Esta tesis abarca el estudio de la retirada no especulativa de instrucciones fuera de orden en procesadores superescalares, multithread y multicore.Ubal Tena, R. (2010). Out-of-Order Retirement of Instructions in Superscalar, Multithreaded, and Multicore Processors [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8535Palanci

    SimuBoost: Scalable Parallelization of Functional System Simulation

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    Für das Sammeln detaillierter Laufzeitinformationen, wie Speicherzugriffsmustern, wird in der Betriebssystem- und Sicherheitsforschung häufig auf die funktionale Systemsimulation zurückgegriffen. Der Simulator führt dabei die zu untersuchende Arbeitslast in einer virtuellen Maschine (VM) aus, indem er schrittweise Instruktionen interpretiert oder derart übersetzt, sodass diese auf dem Zustand der VM arbeiten. Dieser Prozess ermöglicht es, eine umfangreiche Instrumentierung durchzuführen und so an Informationen zum Laufzeitverhalten zu gelangen, die auf einer physischen Maschine nicht zugänglich sind. Obwohl die funktionale Systemsimulation als mächtiges Werkzeug gilt, stellt die durch die Interpretation oder Übersetzung resultierende immense Ausführungsverlangsamung eine substanzielle Einschränkung des Verfahrens dar. Im Vergleich zu einer nativen Ausführung messen wir für QEMU eine 30-fache Verlangsamung, wobei die Aufzeichnung von Speicherzugriffen diesen Faktor verdoppelt. Mit Simulatoren, die umfangreichere Instrumentierungsmöglichkeiten mitbringen als QEMU, kann die Verlangsamung um eine Größenordnung höher ausfallen. Dies macht die funktionale Simulation für lang laufende, vernetzte oder interaktive Arbeitslasten uninteressant. Darüber hinaus erzeugt die Verlangsamung ein unrealistisches Zeitverhalten, sobald Aktivitäten außerhalb der VM (z. B. Ein-/Ausgabe) involviert sind. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir SimuBoost vor, eine Methode zur drastischen Beschleunigung funktionaler Systemsimulation. SimuBoost führt die zu untersuchende Arbeitslast zunächst in einer schnellen hardwaregestützten virtuellen Maschine aus. Dies ermöglicht volle Interaktivität mit Benutzern und Netzwerkgeräten. Während der Ausführung erstellt SimuBoost periodisch Abbilder der VM (engl. Checkpoints). Diese dienen als Ausgangspunkt für eine parallele Simulation, bei der jedes Intervall unabhängig simuliert und analysiert wird. Eine heterogene deterministische Wiederholung (engl. heterogeneous deterministic Replay) garantiert, dass in dieser Phase die vorherige hardwaregestützte Ausführung jedes Intervalls exakt reproduziert wird, einschließlich Interaktionen und realistischem Zeitverhalten. Unser Prototyp ist in der Lage, die Laufzeit einer funktionalen Systemsimulation deutlich zu reduzieren. Während mit herkömmlichen Verfahren für die Simulation des Bauprozesses eines modernen Linux über 5 Stunden benötigt werden, schließt SimuBoost die Simulation in nur 15 Minuten ab. Dies sind lediglich 16% mehr Zeit, als der Bau in einer schnellen hardwaregestützten VM in Anspruch nimmt. SimuBoost ist imstande, diese Geschwindigkeit auch bei voller Instrumentierung zur Aufzeichnung von Speicherzugriffen beizubehalten. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist das erste Projekt, welches das Konzept der Partitionierung und Parallelisierung der Ausführungszeit auf die interaktive Systemvirtualisierung in einer Weise anwendet, die eine sofortige parallele funktionale Simulation gestattet. Wir ergänzen die praktische Umsetzung mit einem mathematischen Modell zur formalen Beschreibung der Beschleunigungseigenschaften. Dies erlaubt es, für ein gegebenes Szenario die voraussichtliche parallele Simulationszeit zu prognostizieren und gibt eine Orientierung zur Wahl der optimalen Intervalllänge. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Arbeiten legt SimuBoost einen starken Fokus auf die Skalierbarkeit über die Grenzen eines einzelnen physischen Systems hinaus. Ein zentraler Schlüssel hierzu ist der Einsatz moderner Checkpointing-Technologien. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir zwei neuartige Methoden zur effizienten und effektiven Kompression von periodischen Systemabbildern

    The exploitation of parallelism on shared memory multiprocessors

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    PhD ThesisWith the arrival of many general purpose shared memory multiple processor (multiprocessor) computers into the commercial arena during the mid-1980's, a rift has opened between the raw processing power offered by the emerging hardware and the relative inability of its operating software to effectively deliver this power to potential users. This rift stems from the fact that, currently, no computational model with the capability to elegantly express parallel activity is mature enough to be universally accepted, and used as the basis for programming languages to exploit the parallelism that multiprocessors offer. To add to this, there is a lack of software tools to assist programmers in the processes of designing and debugging parallel programs. Although much research has been done in the field of programming languages, no undisputed candidate for the most appropriate language for programming shared memory multiprocessors has yet been found. This thesis examines why this state of affairs has arisen and proposes programming language constructs, together with a programming methodology and environment, to close the ever widening hardware to software gap. The novel programming constructs described in this thesis are intended for use in imperative languages even though they make use of the synchronisation inherent in the dataflow model by using the semantics of single assignment when operating on shared data, so giving rise to the term shared values. As there are several distinct parallel programming paradigms, matching flavours of shared value are developed to permit the concise expression of these paradigms.The Science and Engineering Research Council

    Pacman: Tolerating asymmetric data races with unintrusive hardware

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    Near real-time network analysis for the identification of malicious activity

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    The evolution of technology and the increasing connectivity between devices lead to an increased risk of cyberattacks. Reliable protection systems, such as Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), are essential to try to prevent, detect and counter most of the attacks. However, the increased creativity and type of attacks raise the need for more resources and processing power for the protection systems which, in turn, requires horizontal scalability to keep up with the massive companies’ network infrastructure and with the complexity of attacks. Technologies like machine learning, show promising results and can be of added value in the detection and prevention of attacks in near real-time. But good algorithms and tools are not enough. They require reliable and solid datasets to be able to effectively train the protection systems. The development of a good dataset requires horizontal-scalable, robust, modular and faulttolerant systems so that the analysis may be done in near real-time. This work describes an architecture design for horizontal-scaling capture, storage and analyses, able to collect packets from multiple sources and analyse them in a parallel fashion. The system depends on multiple modular nodes with specific roles to support different algorithms and tools.A evolução da tecnologia e o aumento da conectividade entre dispositivos, levam a um aumento do risco de ciberataques. Os sistemas de deteção de intrusão são essenciais para tentar prevenir, detetar e conter a maioria dos ataques. No entanto, o aumento da criatividade e do tipo de ataques aumenta a necessidade dos sistemas de proteção possuírem cada vez mais recursos e poder computacional. Por sua vez, requerem escalabilidade horizontal para acompanhar a massiva infraestrutura de rede das empresas e a complexidade dos ataques. Tecnologias como machine learning apresentam resultados promissores e podem ser de grande valor na deteção e prevenção de ataques em tempo útil. No entanto, a utilização dos algoritmos e ferramentas requer sempre um conjunto de dados sólidos e confiáveis para treinar os sistemas de proteção de maneira eficaz. A implementação de um bom conjunto de dados requer sistemas horizontalmente escaláveis, robustos, modulares e tolerantes a falhas para que a análise seja rápida e rigorosa. Este trabalho descreve a arquitetura de um sistema de captura, armazenamento e análise, capaz de capturar pacotes de múltiplas fontes e analisá-los de forma paralela. O sistema depende de vários nós modulares com funções específicas para oferecer suporte a diferentes algoritmos e ferramentas