164 research outputs found

    Phishing Detection Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

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    Phishing emails are a primary mode of entry for attackers into an organization. A successful phishing attempt leads to unauthorized access to sensitive information and systems. However, automatically identifying phishing emails is often difficult since many phishing emails have composite features such as body text and metadata that are nearly indistinguishable from valid emails. This paper presents a novel machine learning-based framework, the DARTH framework, that characterizes and combines multiple models, with one model for each composite feature, that enables the accurate identification of phishing emails. The framework analyses each composite feature independently utilizing a multi-faceted approach using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and neural network-based techniques and combines the results of these analyses to classify the emails as malicious or legitimate. Utilizing the framework on more than 150,000 emails and training data from multiple sources, including the authors’ emails and phishtank.com, resulted in the precision (correct identification of malicious observations to the total prediction of malicious observations) of 99.97% with an f-score of 99.98% and accurately identifying phishing emails 99.98% of the time. Utilizing multiple machine learning techniques combined in an ensemble approach across a range of composite features yields highly accurate identification of phishing emails

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience

    A pipeline and comparative study of 12 machine learning models for text classification

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    Text-based communication is highly favoured as a communication method, especially in business environments. As a result, it is often abused by sending malicious messages, e.g., spam emails, to deceive users into relaying personal information, including online accounts credentials or banking details. For this reason, many machine learning methods for text classification have been proposed and incorporated into the services of most email providers. However, optimising text classification algorithms and finding the right tradeoff on their aggressiveness is still a major research problem. We present an updated survey of 12 machine learning text classifiers applied to a public spam corpus. A new pipeline is proposed to optimise hyperparameter selection and improve the models' performance by applying specific methods (based on natural language processing) in the preprocessing stage. Our study aims to provide a new methodology to investigate and optimise the effect of different feature sizes and hyperparameters in machine learning classifiers that are widely used in text classification problems. The classifiers are tested and evaluated on different metrics including F-score (accuracy), precision, recall, and run time. By analysing all these aspects, we show how the proposed pipeline can be used to achieve a good accuracy towards spam filtering on the Enron dataset, a widely used public email corpus. Statistical tests and explainability techniques are applied to provide a robust analysis of the proposed pipeline and interpret the classification outcomes of the 12 machine learning models, also identifying words that drive the classification results. Our analysis shows that it is possible to identify an effective machine learning model to classify the Enron dataset with an F-score of 94%.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in Expert Systems with Applications, April 2022. Published by Elsevier. All data, models, and code used in this work are available on GitHub at https://github.com/Angione-Lab/12-machine-learning-models-for-text-classificatio

    LC an effective classification based association rule mining algorithm

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    Classification using association rules is a research field in data mining that primarily uses association rule discovery techniques in classification benchmarks. It has been confirmed by many research studies in the literature that classification using association tends to generate more predictive classification systems than traditional classification data mining techniques like probabilistic, statistical and decision tree. In this thesis, we introduce a novel data mining algorithm based on classification using association called “Looking at the Class” (LC), which can be used in for mining a range of classification data sets. Unlike known algorithms in classification using the association approach such as Classification based on Association rule (CBA) system and Classification based on Predictive Association (CPAR) system, which merge disjoint items in the rule learning step without anticipating the class label similarity, the proposed algorithm merges only items with identical class labels. This saves too many unnecessary items combining during the rule learning step, and consequently results in large saving in computational time and memory. Furthermore, the LC algorithm uses a novel prediction procedure that employs multiple rules to make the prediction decision instead of a single rule. The proposed algorithm has been evaluated thoroughly on real world security data sets collected using an automated tool developed at Huddersfield University. The security application which we have considered in this thesis is about categorizing websites based on their features to legitimate or fake which is a typical binary classification problem. Also, experimental results on a number of UCI data sets have been conducted and the measures used for evaluation is the classification accuracy, memory usage, and others. The results show that LC algorithm outperformed traditional classification algorithms such as C4.5, PART and Naïve Bayes as well as known classification based association algorithms like CBA with respect to classification accuracy, memory usage, and execution time on most data sets we consider

    Integrating genetic markers and adiabatic quantum machine learning to improve disease resistance-based marker assisted plant selection

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    The goal of this research was to create a more accurate and efficient method for selecting plants with disease resistance using a combination of genetic markers and advanced machine learning algorithms. A multi-disciplinary approach incorporating genomic data, machine learning algorithms and high-performance computing was employed. First, genetic markers highly associated with disease resistance were identified using next-generation sequencing data and statistical analysis. Then, an adiabatic quantum machine learning algorithm was developed to integrate these markers into a single predictor of disease susceptibility. The results demonstrate that the integrative use of genetic markers and adiabatic quantum machine learning significantly improved the accuracy and efficiency of disease resistance-based marker-assisted plant selection. By leveraging the power of adiabatic quantum computing and genetic markers, more effective and efficient strategies for disease resistance-based marker-assisted plant selection can be developed

    Dynamic Rule Covering Classification in Data Mining with Cyber Security Phishing Application

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    Data mining is the process of discovering useful patterns from datasets using intelligent techniques to help users make certain decisions. A typical data mining task is classification, which involves predicting a target variable known as the class in previously unseen data based on models learnt from an input dataset. Covering is a well-known classification approach that derives models with If-Then rules. Covering methods, such as PRISM, have a competitive predictive performance to other classical classification techniques such as greedy, decision tree and associative classification. Therefore, Covering models are appropriate decision-making tools and users favour them carrying out decisions. Despite the use of Covering approach in data processing for different classification applications, it is also acknowledged that this approach suffers from the noticeable drawback of inducing massive numbers of rules making the resulting model large and unmanageable by users. This issue is attributed to the way Covering techniques induce the rules as they keep adding items to the rule’s body, despite the limited data coverage (number of training instances that the rule classifies), until the rule becomes with zero error. This excessive learning overfits the training dataset and also limits the applicability of Covering models in decision making, because managers normally prefer a summarised set of knowledge that they are able to control and comprehend rather a high maintenance models. In practice, there should be a trade-off between the number of rules offered by a classification model and its predictive performance. Another issue associated with the Covering models is the overlapping of training data among the rules, which happens when a rule’s classified data are discarded during the rule discovery phase. Unfortunately, the impact of a rule’s removed data on other potential rules is not considered by this approach. However, When removing training data linked with a rule, both frequency and rank of other rules’ items which have appeared in the removed data are updated. The impacted rules should maintain their true rank and frequency in a dynamic manner during the rule discovery phase rather just keeping the initial computed frequency from the original input dataset. In response to the aforementioned issues, a new dynamic learning technique based on Covering and rule induction, that we call Enhanced Dynamic Rule Induction (eDRI), is developed. eDRI has been implemented in Java and it has been embedded in WEKA machine learning tool. The developed algorithm incrementally discovers the rules using primarily frequency and rule strength thresholds. These thresholds in practice limit the search space for both items as well as potential rules by discarding any with insufficient data representation as early as possible resulting in an efficient training phase. More importantly, eDRI substantially cuts down the number of training examples scans by continuously updating potential rules’ frequency and strength parameters in a dynamic manner whenever a rule gets inserted into the classifier. In particular, and for each derived rule, eDRI adjusts on the fly the remaining potential rules’ items frequencies as well as ranks specifically for those that appeared within the deleted training instances of the derived rule. This gives a more realistic model with minimal rules redundancy, and makes the process of rule induction efficient and dynamic and not static. Moreover, the proposed technique minimises the classifier’s number of rules at preliminary stages by stopping learning when any rule does not meet the rule’s strength threshold therefore minimising overfitting and ensuring a manageable classifier. Lastly, eDRI prediction procedure not only priorities using the best ranked rule for class forecasting of test data but also restricts the use of the default class rule thus reduces the number of misclassifications. The aforementioned improvements guarantee classification models with smaller size that do not overfit the training dataset, while maintaining their predictive performance. The eDRI derived models particularly benefit greatly users taking key business decisions since they can provide a rich knowledge base to support their decision making. This is because these models’ predictive accuracies are high, easy to understand, and controllable as well as robust, i.e. flexible to be amended without drastic change. eDRI applicability has been evaluated on the hard problem of phishing detection. Phishing normally involves creating a fake well-designed website that has identical similarity to an existing business trustful website aiming to trick users and illegally obtain their credentials such as login information in order to access their financial assets. The experimental results against large phishing datasets revealed that eDRI is highly useful as an anti-phishing tool since it derived manageable size models when compared with other traditional techniques without hindering the classification performance. Further evaluation results using other several classification datasets from different domains obtained from University of California Data Repository have corroborated eDRI’s competitive performance with respect to accuracy, number of knowledge representation, training time and items space reduction. This makes the proposed technique not only efficient in inducing rules but also effective

    Efficient feature reduction and classification methods

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    Durch die steigende Anzahl verfĂŒgbarer Daten in unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsgebieten nimmt der Aufwand vieler Data-Mining Applikationen signifikant zu. Speziell hochdimensionierte Daten (Daten die ĂŒber viele verschiedene Attribute beschrieben werden) können ein großes Problem fĂŒr viele Data-Mining Anwendungen darstellen. Neben höheren Laufzeiten können dadurch sowohl fĂŒr ĂŒberwachte (supervised), als auch nicht ĂŒberwachte (unsupervised) Klassifikationsalgorithmen weitere Komplikationen entstehen (z.B. ungenaue Klassifikationsgenauigkeit, schlechte Clustering-Eigenschaften, 
). Dies fĂŒhrt zu einem Bedarf an effektiven und effizienten Methoden zur Dimensionsreduzierung. Feature Selection (die Auswahl eines Subsets von Originalattributen) und Dimensionality Reduction (Transformation von Originalattribute in (Linear)-Kombinationen der Originalattribute) sind zwei wichtige Methoden um die Dimension von Daten zu reduzieren. Obwohl sich in den letzten Jahren vielen Studien mit diesen Methoden beschĂ€ftigt haben, gibt es immer noch viele offene Fragestellungen in diesem Forschungsgebiet. DarĂŒber hinaus ergeben sich in vielen Anwendungsbereichen durch die immer weiter steigende Anzahl an verfĂŒgbaren und verwendeten Attributen und Features laufend neue Probleme. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, verschiedene Fragenstellungen in diesem Bereich genau zu analysieren und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten zu entwickeln. GrundsĂ€tzlich, werden folgende AnsprĂŒche an Methoden zur Feature Selection und Dimensionality Reduction gestellt: Die Methoden sollten effizient (bezĂŒglich ihres Rechenaufwandes) sein und die resultierenden Feature-Sets sollten die Originaldaten möglichst kompakt reprĂ€sentieren können. DarĂŒber hinaus ist es in vielen Anwendungsgebieten wichtig, die Interpretierbarkeit der Originaldaten beizubehalten. Letztendlich sollte der Prozess der Dimensionsreduzierung keinen negativen Effekt auf die Klassifikationsgenauigkeit haben - sondern idealerweise, diese noch verbessern. Offene Problemstellungen in diesem Bereich betreffen unter anderem den Zusammenhang zwischen Methoden zur Dimensionsreduzierung und der resultierenden Klassifikationsgenauigkeit, wobei sowohl eine möglichst kompakte ReprĂ€sentation der Daten, als auch eine hohe Klassifikationsgenauigkeit erzielt werden sollen. Wie bereits erwĂ€hnt, ergibt sich durch die große Anzahl an Daten auch ein erhöhter Rechenaufwand, weshalb schnelle und effektive Methoden zur Dimensionsreduzierung entwickelt werden mĂŒssen, bzw. existierende Methoden verbessert werden mĂŒssen. DarĂŒber hinaus sollte natĂŒrlich auch der Rechenaufwand der verwendeten Klassifikationsmethoden möglichst gering sein. Des Weiteren ist die Interpretierbarkeit von Feature Sets zwar möglich, wenn Feature Selection Methoden fĂŒr die Dimensionsreduzierung verwendet werden, im Fall von Dimensionality Reduction sind die resultierenden Feature Sets jedoch meist Linearkombinationen der Originalfeatures. Daher ist es schwierig zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, wie viel Information einzelne Originalfeatures beitragen. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation konnten wichtige BeitrĂ€ge zu den oben genannten Problemstellungen prĂ€sentiert werden: Es wurden neue, effiziente Initialisierungsvarianten fĂŒr die Dimensionality Reduction Methode Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) entwickelt, welche im Vergleich zu randomisierter Initialisierung und im Vergleich zu State-of-the-Art Initialisierungsmethoden zu einer schnelleren Reduktion des Approximationsfehlers fĂŒhren. Diese Initialisierungsvarianten können darĂŒber hinaus mit neu entwickelten und sehr effektiven Klassifikationsalgorithmen basierend auf NMF kombiniert werden. Um die Laufzeit von NMF weiter zu steigern wurden unterschiedliche Varianten von NMF Algorithmen auf Multi-Prozessor Systemen vorgestellt, welche sowohl Task- als auch Datenparallelismus unterstĂŒtzen und zu einer erheblichen Reduktion der Laufzeit fĂŒr NMF fĂŒhren. Außerdem wurde eine effektive Verbesserung der Matlab Implementierung des ALS Algorithmus vorgestellt. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde eine Technik aus dem Bereich des Information Retrieval -- Latent Semantic Indexing -- erfolgreich als Klassifikationsalgorithmus fĂŒr Email Daten angewendet. Schließlich wurde eine ausfĂŒhrliche empirische Studie ĂŒber den Zusammenhang verschiedener Feature Reduction Methoden (Feature Selection und Dimensionality Reduction) und der resultierenden Klassifikationsgenauigkeit unterschiedlicher Lernalgorithmen prĂ€sentiert. Der starke Einfluss unterschiedlicher Methoden zur Dimensionsreduzierung auf die resultierende Klassifikationsgenauigkeit unterstreicht dass noch weitere Untersuchungen notwendig sind um das komplexe Zusammenspiel von Dimensionsreduzierung und Klassifikation genau analysieren zu können.The sheer volume of data today and its expected growth over the next years are some of the key challenges in data mining and knowledge discovery applications. Besides the huge number of data samples that are collected and processed, the high dimensional nature of data arising in many applications causes the need to develop effective and efficient techniques that are able to deal with this massive amount of data. In addition to the significant increase in the demand of computational resources, those large datasets might also influence the quality of several data mining applications (especially if the number of features is very high compared to the number of samples). As the dimensionality of data increases, many types of data analysis and classification problems become significantly harder. This can lead to problems for both supervised and unsupervised learning. Dimensionality reduction and feature (subset) selection methods are two types of techniques for reducing the attribute space. While in feature selection a subset of the original attributes is extracted, dimensionality reduction in general produces linear combinations of the original attribute set. In both approaches, the goal is to select a low dimensional subset of the attribute space that covers most of the information of the original data. During the last years, feature selection and dimensionality reduction techniques have become a real prerequisite for data mining applications. There are several open questions in this research field, and due to the often increasing number of candidate features for various application areas (e.\,g., email filtering or drug classification/molecular modeling) new questions arise. In this thesis, we focus on some open research questions in this context, such as the relationship between feature reduction techniques and the resulting classification accuracy and the relationship between the variability captured in the linear combinations of dimensionality reduction techniques (e.\,g., PCA, SVD) and the accuracy of machine learning algorithms operating on them. Another important goal is to better understand new techniques for dimensionality reduction, such as nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), which can be applied for finding parts-based, linear representations of nonnegative data. This ``sum-of-parts'' representation is especially useful if the interpretability of the original data should be retained. Moreover, performance aspects of feature reduction algorithms are investigated. As data grow, implementations of feature selection and dimensionality reduction techniques for high-performance parallel and distributed computing environments become more and more important. In this thesis, we focus on two types of open research questions: methodological advances without any specific application context, and application-driven advances for a specific application context. Summarizing, new methodological contributions are the following: The utilization of nonnegative matrix factorization in the context of classification methods is investigated. In particular, it is of interest how the improved interpretability of NMF factors due to the non-negativity constraints (which is of central importance in various problem settings) can be exploited. Motivated by this problem context two new fast initialization techniques for NMF based on feature selection are introduced. It is shown how approximation accuracy can be increased and/or how computational effort can be reduced compared to standard randomized seeding of the NMF and to state-of-the-art initialization strategies suggested earlier. For example, for a given number of iterations and a required approximation error a speedup of 3.6 compared to standard initialization, and a speedup of 3.4 compared to state-of-the-art initialization strategies could be achieved. Beyond that, novel classification methods based on the NMF are proposed and investigated. We can show that they are not only competitive in terms of classification accuracy with state-of-the-art classifiers, but also provide important advantages in terms of computational effort (especially for low-rank approximations). Moreover, parallelization and distributed execution of NMF is investigated. Several algorithmic variants for efficiently computing NMF on multi-core systems are studied and compared to each other. In particular, several approaches for exploiting task and/or data-parallelism in NMF are studied. We show that for some scenarios new algorithmic variants clearly outperform existing implementations. Last, but not least, a computationally very efficient adaptation of the implementation of the ALS algorithm in Matlab 2009a is investigated. This variant reduces the runtime significantly (in some settings by a factor of 8) and also provides several possibilities to be executed concurrently. In addition to purely methodological questions, we also address questions arising in the adaptation of feature selection and classification methods to two specific application problems: email classification and in silico screening for drug discovery. Different research challenges arise in the contexts of these different application areas, such as the dynamic nature of data for email classification problems, or the imbalance in the number of available samples of different classes for drug discovery problems. Application-driven advances of this thesis comprise the adaptation and application of latent semantic indexing (LSI) to the task of email filtering. Experimental results show that LSI achieves significantly better classification results than the widespread de-facto standard method for this special application context. In the context of drug discovery problems, several groups of well discriminating descriptors could be identified by utilizing the ``sum-of-parts`` representation of NMF. The number of important descriptors could be further increased when applying sparseness constraints on the NMF factors
