2,928 research outputs found

    Enabling Multi-level Trust in Privacy Preserving Data Mining

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    Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) addresses the problem of developing accurate models about aggregated data without access to precise information in individual data record. A widely studied \emph{perturbation-based PPDM} approach introduces random perturbation to individual values to preserve privacy before data is published. Previous solutions of this approach are limited in their tacit assumption of single-level trust on data miners. In this work, we relax this assumption and expand the scope of perturbation-based PPDM to Multi-Level Trust (MLT-PPDM). In our setting, the more trusted a data miner is, the less perturbed copy of the data it can access. Under this setting, a malicious data miner may have access to differently perturbed copies of the same data through various means, and may combine these diverse copies to jointly infer additional information about the original data that the data owner does not intend to release. Preventing such \emph{diversity attacks} is the key challenge of providing MLT-PPDM services. We address this challenge by properly correlating perturbation across copies at different trust levels. We prove that our solution is robust against diversity attacks with respect to our privacy goal. That is, for data miners who have access to an arbitrary collection of the perturbed copies, our solution prevent them from jointly reconstructing the original data more accurately than the best effort using any individual copy in the collection. Our solution allows a data owner to generate perturbed copies of its data for arbitrary trust levels on-demand. This feature offers data owners maximum flexibility.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineerin

    Privacy-preserving distributed data mining

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    This thesis is concerned with privacy-preserving distributed data mining algorithms. The main challenges in this setting are inference attacks and the formation of collusion groups. The inference problem is the reconstruction of sensitive data by attackers from non-sensitive sources, such as intermediate results, exchanged messages, or public information. Moreover, in a distributed scenario, malicious insiders can organize collusion groups to deploy more effective inference attacks. This thesis shows that existing privacy measures do not adequately protect privacy against inference and collusion. Therefore, in this thesis, new measures based on information theory are developed to overcome the identiffied limitations. Furthermore, a new distributed data clustering algorithm is presented. The clustering approach is based on a kernel density estimates approximation that generates a controlled amount of ambiguity in the density estimates and provides privacy to original data. Besides, this thesis also introduces the first privacy-preserving algorithms for frequent pattern discovery in a distributed time series. Time series are transformed into a set of n-dimensional data points and finding frequent patterns reduced to finding local maxima in the n-dimensional density space. The proposed algorithms are linear in the size of the dataset with low communication costs, validated by experimental evaluation using different datasets.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit vertraulichkeitsbewahrendem Data Mining in verteilten Umgebungen mit Schwerpunkt auf ausgewählten N-Agenten-Angriffsszenarien für das Inferenzproblem im Data-Clustering und der Zeitreihenanalyse. Dabei handelt es sich um Angriffe von einzelnen oder Teilgruppen von Agenten innerhalb einer verteilten Data Mining-Gruppe oder von einem einzelnen Agenten außerhalb dieser Gruppe. Zunächst werden in dieser Arbeit zwei neue Privacy-Maße vorgestellt, die im Gegensatz zu bislang existierenden, die im verteilten Data Mining allgemein geforderte Eigenschaften zur Vertraulichkeitsbewahrung erfüllen und bei denen sich der gemessene Grad der Vertraulichkeit auf die verwendete Datenanalysemethode und die Anzahl von Angreifern bezieht. Für den Zweck eines vertraulichkeitsbewahrenden, verteilten Data-Clustering wird ein neues Kernel-Dichteabschätzungsbasiertes Verfahren namens KDECS vorgestellt. KDECS verwendet eine Approximation der originalen, lokalen Kernel-Dichteschätzung, so dass die ursprünglichen Daten anderer Agenten in der Data Mining-Gruppe mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit als einem hierfür vorgegebenen Wert nicht mehr zu rekonstruieren sind. Das Verfahren ist nachweislich sicherer als Data-Clustering mit generativen Mixture Modellen und SMC-basiert sicherem k-means Data-Clustering. Zusätzlich stellen wir neue Verfahren, namens DPD-TS, DPD-HE und DPDFS, für eine vertraulichkeitsbewahrende, verteilte Mustererkennung in Zeitreihen vor, deren Komplexität und Sicherheitsgrad wir mit den zuvor erwähnten neuen Privacy-Maßen analysieren. Dabei hängt ein von einzelnen Agenten einer Data Mining-Gruppe jeweils vorgegebener, minimaler Sicherheitsgrad von DPD-TS und DPD-FS nur von der Dimensionsreduktion der Zeitreihenwerte und ihrer Diskretisierung ab und kann leicht überprüft werden. Einen noch besseren Schutz von sensiblen Daten bietet das Verfahren DPD HE mit Hilfe von homomorpher Verschlüsselung. Neben der theoretischen Analyse wurden die experimentellen Leistungsbewertungen der entwickelten Verfahren mit verschiedenen, öffentlich verfügbaren Datensätzen durchgeführt


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    Location-based services (LBS) have become increasingly popular, with millions of people using mobile devices to access information about nearby points of interest (POIs). Personalized POI recommender systems have been developed to assist users in discovering and navigating these POIs. However, these systems typically require large amounts of user data, including location history and preferences, to provide personalized recommendations. The collection and use of such data can pose significant privacy concerns. This dissertation proposes a privacy-preserving approach to POI recommendations that address these privacy concerns. The proposed approach uses clustering, tabular generative adversarial networks, and differential privacy to generate synthetic user data, allowing for personalized recommendations without revealing individual user data. Specifically, the approach clusters users based on their fuzzy locations, generates synthetic user data using a tabular generative adversarial network and perturbs user data with differential privacy before it is used for recommendation. The proposed approaches achieve well-balanced trade-offs between accuracy and privacy preservation and can be applied to different recommender systems. The approach is evaluated through extensive experiments on real-world POI datasets, demonstrating that it is effective in providing personalized recommendations while preserving user privacy. The results show that the proposed approach achieves comparable accuracy to traditional POI recommender systems that do not consider privacy while providing significant privacy guarantees for users. The research\u27s contribution is twofold: it compares different methods for synthesizing user data specifically for POI recommender systems and offers a general privacy-preserving framework for different recommender systems. The proposed approach provides a novel solution to the privacy concerns of POI recommender systems, contributes to the development of more trustworthy and user-friendly LBS applications, and can enhance the trust of users in these systems

    Privacy via the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform

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    Suppose that party A collects private information about its users, where each user's data is represented as a bit vector. Suppose that party B has a proprietary data mining algorithm that requires estimating the distance between users, such as clustering or nearest neighbors. We ask if it is possible for party A to publish some information about each user so that B can estimate the distance between users without being able to infer any private bit of a user. Our method involves projecting each user's representation into a random, lower-dimensional space via a sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform and then adding Gaussian noise to each entry of the lower-dimensional representation. We show that the method preserves differential privacy---where the more privacy is desired, the larger the variance of the Gaussian noise. Further, we show how to approximate the true distances between users via only the lower-dimensional, perturbed data. Finally, we consider other perturbation methods such as randomized response and draw comparisons to sketch-based methods. While the goal of releasing user-specific data to third parties is more broad than preserving distances, this work shows that distance computations with privacy is an achievable goal.Comment: 24 page

    A Study on Privacy Preserving Data Publishing With Differential Privacy

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    In the era of digitization it is important to preserve privacy of various sensitive information available around us, e.g., personal information, different social communication and video streaming sites' and services' own users' private information, salary information and structure of an organization, census and statistical data of a country and so on. These data can be represented in different formats such as Numerical and Categorical data, Graph Data, Tree-Structured data and so on. For preventing these data from being illegally exploited and protect it from privacy threats, it is required to apply an efficient privacy model over sensitive data. There have been a great number of studies on privacy-preserving data publishing over the last decades. Differential Privacy (DP) is one of the state of the art methods for preserving privacy to a database. However, applying DP to high dimensional tabular data (Numerical and Categorical) is challenging in terms of required time, memory, and high frequency computational unit. A well-known solution is to reduce the dimension of the given database, keeping its originality and preserving relations among all of its entities. In this thesis, we propose PrivFuzzy, a simple and flexible differentially private method that can publish differentially private data after reducing their original dimension with the help of Fuzzy logic. Exploiting Fuzzy mapping, PrivFuzzy can (1) reduce database columns and create a new low dimensional correlated database, (2) inject noise to each attribute to ensure differential privacy on newly created low dimensional database, and (3) sample each entry in the database and release synthesized database. Existing literatures show the difficulty of applying differential privacy over a high dimensional dataset, which we overcame by proposing a novel fuzzy based approach (PrivFuzzy). By applying our novel fuzzy mapping technique, PrivFuzzy transforms a high dimensional dataset to an equivalent low dimensional one, without losing any relationship within the dataset. Our experiments with real data and comparison with the existing privacy preserving models, PrivBayes and PrivGene, show that our proposed approach PrivFuzzy outperforms existing solutions in terms of the strength of privacy preservation, simplicity and improving utility. Preserving privacy of Graph structured data, at the time of making some of its part available, is still one of the major problems in preserving data privacy. Most of the present models had tried to solve this issue by coming up with complex solution, as well as mixed up with signal and noise, which make these solutions ineffective in real time use and practice. One of the state of the art solution is to apply differential privacy over the queries on graph data and its statistics. But the challenge to meet here is to reduce the error at the time of publishing the data as mechanism of Differential privacy adds a large amount of noise and introduces erroneous results which reduces the utility of data. In this thesis, we proposed an Expectation Maximization (EM) based novel differentially private model for graph dataset. By applying EM method iteratively in conjunction with Laplace mechanism our proposed private model applies differentially private noise over the result of several subgraph queries on a graph dataset. Besides, to ensure expected utility, by selecting a maximal noise level θ\theta, our proposed system can generate noisy result with expected utility. Comparing with existing models for several subgraph counting queries, we claim that our proposed model can generate much less noise than the existing models to achieve expected utility and can still preserve privacy

    Modeling, Predicting and Capturing Human Mobility

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    Realistic models of human mobility are critical for modern day applications, specifically for recommendation systems, resource planning and process optimization domains. Given the rapid proliferation of mobile devices equipped with Internet connectivity and GPS functionality today, aggregating large sums of individual geolocation data is feasible. The thesis focuses on methodologies to facilitate data-driven mobility modeling by drawing parallels between the inherent nature of mobility trajectories, statistical physics and information theory. On the applied side, the thesis contributions lie in leveraging the formulated mobility models to construct prediction workflows by adopting a privacy-by-design perspective. This enables end users to derive utility from location-based services while preserving their location privacy. Finally, the thesis presents several approaches to generate large-scale synthetic mobility datasets by applying machine learning approaches to facilitate experimental reproducibility

    Location Privacy for Mobile Crowd Sensing through Population Mapping

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    Opportunistic sensing allows applications to “task” mobile devices to measure context in a target region. For example, one could leverage sensor-equipped vehicles to measure traffic or pollution levels on a particular street or users\u27 mobile phones to locate (Bluetooth-enabled) objects in their vicinity. In most proposed applications, context reports include the time and location of the event, putting the privacy of users at increased risk: even if identifying information has been removed from a report, the accompanying time and location can reveal sufficient information to de-anonymize the user whose device sent the report. We propose and evaluate a novel spatiotemporal blurring mechanism based on tessellation and clustering to protect users\u27 privacy against the system while reporting context. Our technique employs a notion of probabilistic k-anonymity; it allows users to perform local blurring of reports efficiently without an online anonymization server before the data are sent to the system. The proposed scheme can control the degree of certainty in location privacy and the quality of reports through a system parameter. We outline the architecture and security properties of our approach and evaluate our tessellation and clustering algorithm against real mobility traces