239 research outputs found

    SPADE: SPKI/SDSI for Attribute Release Policies in a Distributed Environment

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    Shibboleth is a federated administrated system that supports inter-institutional authentication and authorization for sharing of resources. SPKI/SDSI is a public key infrastructure whose creation was motivated by the perception that X.509 is too complex and flawed. This thesis addresses the problem of how users that are part of a Public Key Infrastructure in a distributed computing system can effectively specify, create, and disseminate their Attribute Release Policies for Shibboleth using SPKI/SDSI. This thesis explores existing privacy mechanims, as well as distributed trust management and policy based systems. My work describes the prototype for a Trust Management Framework called SPADE (SPKI/SDSI for Attribute Release Policies in a Distributed Environment) that I have designed, developed and implemented. The principal result of this research has been the demonstration that SPKI/SDSI is a viable approach for trust management and privacy policy specification, especially for minimalistic policies in a distributed environment

    "Like wildfire" The east German rising of June 1953

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    Before the archives of the East German state were opened in the early 1990s the rising of June 1953 had already been well documented, largely on the basis of eyewitness reports and the East German press. It was thought that up to 372,000 workers took strike action, and that many of these participated, along with several hundred thousand others, in marches, rallies, occupations and other forms of direct action. Much was known about the sequence of events, the demands voiced, and about some of the individuals involved. As the first of several mass uprisings against Stalinist regimes, but doubtless also due to the breathtaking speed with which a strike at a Berlin building site spread to other workplaces and thence to streets and public squares nationwide, it attracted a good deal of attention from historians. An abundance of books, articles and pamphlets followed

    Strategies for sustainable socio-economic development and mechanisms their implementation in the global dimension

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches to developing and implementation strategies of sustainable socio-economic development in order to increase efficiency and competitiveness of economic entities. Basic research focuses on economic diagnostics of socio-economic potential and financial results of economic entities, transition period in the economy of individual countries and ensuring their competitiveness, assessment of educational processes and knowledge management. The research results have been implemented in the different models and strategies of supply and logistics management, development of non-profit organizations, competitiveness of tourism and transport, financing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises, cross-border cooperation. The results of the study can be used in decision-making at the level the economic entities in different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms of ownership, ministries and departments that promote of development the economic entities on the basis of models and strategies for sustainable socio-economic development. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in modern concepts and mechanisms for management of sustainable socio-economic development of economic entities in the condition of global economic transformations and challenges

    From Dreams Of 'A Second Switzerland' To Capitalism Without A Human Face

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    Tri desetletja samostojne države so vsekakor doba, ko lahko podamo mnenje o tranzicijskem procesu, ki se je na formalni ravni končal z vstopom v EU, tudi z zgodovinskega gledišča. Če se je vse do formalnega zaključka slovensko gospodarsko tranzicijo označevalo zlasti kot zgodbo o uspehu, so po letu 2004 v ospredje vse bolj stopala vse prej kot pozitivna mnenja in ocene. Knjiga obravnava osrednje procese gospodarske tranzicije, ki so spremenili gospodarsko sestavo, jo učvrstili in posodobili do te mere, da je slovensko gospodarstvo lahko hitreje dohitevalo razviti svet. Cilji avtorjevega zgodovinskega iskanja in spraševanja so pot v tranzicijo, vstopanje Slovenije v različne mednarodne integracije, makroekonomska stabilizacija, privatizacija in prestrukturiranje gospodarstva. Osvetli tudi problematiko regionalnega razvoja in razloge, zaradi katerih v obravnavanem obdobju ni prišlo do zmanjševanja medregionalnih razlik. Posebno pozornost namenja tudi gospodarski kriminaliteti, ki je tako posameznikom, kot podjetjem in državi povzročala veliko škode. Avtor v argumentirani pripovedi predstavi tudi značilnosti in dosežke procesa gospodarske preobrazbe v Srbiji ter na Hrvaškem, Češkem, Madžarskem in Poljskem.;Three decades of an independent state are certainly a long enough period to give an opinion on the transition process, which formally ended with the country’s accession to the EU, even from a historical point of view. Until its formal conclusion, the Slovenian economic transition was described primarily as a story of success, but the period after 2004 was marked by everything but positive opinions and assessments. The book discusses the central processes of economic transition, which changed Slovenia’s economic structure, strengthening and modernizing it to such an extent that the country was able to catch up with the developed world much more quickly. The aims of the author’s historical search and inquiry are the path to transition, Slovenia’s entry into various international integrations, macroeconomic stabilization, privatization, and economic restructuring. He also sheds light on the issue of regional development and identifies the reasons why the intended reduction of interregional disparities did not take place in the period under examination. Special attention is paid to economic crime, which caused enormous financial damage to citizens, companies, and the state as a whole. In a substantiated narrative, the author also presents the characteristics and achievements of the process of economic transformation in Croatia, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland.Three decades of an independent state are certainly a long enough period to give an opinion on the transition process, which formally ended with the country’s accession to the EU, even from a historical point of view. Until its formal conclusion, the Slovenian economic transition was described primarily as a story of success, but the period after 2004 was marked by everything but positive opinions and assessments. The book discusses the central processes of economic transition, which changed Slovenia’s economic structure, strengthening and modernizing it to such an extent that the country was able to catch up with the developed world much more quickly. The aims of the author’s historical search and inquiry are the path to transition, Slovenia’s entry into various international integrations, macroeconomic stabilization, privatization, and economic restructuring. He also sheds light on the issue of regional development and identifies the reasons why the intended reduction of interregional disparities did not take place in the period under examination. Special attention is paid to economic crime, which caused enormous financial damage to citizens, companies, and the state as a whole. In a substantiated narrative, the author also presents the characteristics and achievements of the process of economic transformation in Croatia, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland.Tri desetletja samostojne države so vsekakor doba, ko lahko podamo mnenje o tranzicijskem procesu, ki se je na formalni ravni končal z vstopom v EU, tudi z zgodovinskega gledišča. Če se je vse do formalnega zaključka slovensko gospodarsko tranzicijo označevalo zlasti kot zgodbo o uspehu, so po letu 2004 v ospredje vse bolj stopala vse prej kot pozitivna mnenja in ocene. Knjiga obravnava osrednje procese gospodarske tranzicije, ki so spremenili gospodarsko sestavo, jo učvrstili in posodobili do te mere, da je slovensko gospodarstvo lahko hitreje dohitevalo razviti svet. Cilji avtorjevega zgodovinskega iskanja in spraševanja so pot v tranzicijo, vstopanje Slovenije v različne mednarodne integracije, makroekonomska stabilizacija, privatizacija in prestrukturiranje gospodarstva. Osvetli tudi problematiko regionalnega razvoja in razloge, zaradi katerih v obravnavanem obdobju ni prišlo do zmanjševanja medregionalnih razlik. Posebno pozornost namenja tudi gospodarski kriminaliteti, ki je tako posameznikom, kot podjetjem in državi povzročala veliko škode. Avtor v argumentirani pripovedi predstavi tudi značilnosti in dosežke procesa gospodarske preobrazbe v Srbiji ter na Hrvaškem, Češkem, Madžarskem in Poljskem