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    Abstrak: Pandemi Covid-19 tidak hanya mengguncang sektor indutri dan pariwisata, namun juga sektor Pendidikan di Dunia. UNESCO memberikan solusi pembelajaran jarak jauh bagi sistem Pendidikan, kehadiran industry 4.0 membuat transformasi digital semakin cepat yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh berupa pemanfaatan aplikasi video conference. Zoom merupakan aplikasi yang dirasa efektif dalam membuat interaksi setiap peserta secara visual, tulisan dan lisan. Aplikasi video conference dapat memberikan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang interaktif dan real-time sehingga dapat menjadi media pengganti tatap muka. Maka dari itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan sosialisasi aplikasi video conference bagi Dosen dan Mahasiswa dengan menggunakan metode video edukasi yang disebarkan melalui platform youtube untuk menunjang pembelajaran daring/jarak jauh di masa pandemic Covid-19. Proses pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan secara daring disebarkan pada grup WhatsApp Dosen dan Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Unsika, Dosen Magang UGM-2018, Dosen TMI 2013 dan grup Facebook Ikatan Dosen Republik Indonesia (IDRI) dan Asosiasi Dosen Indonesia (ADI), dengan 234 responden yang mengisi kuesioner. Hasil menujukkan adanya peningkatan penggunaan aplikasi Zoom dari 53% menjadi 94,9% setelah dilakukannya sosialisasi, serta dapat diketahui 94% aplikasi yang banyak digunakan setelah sosialisasi dari video di youtube merupakan aplikasi zoom. Selain itu, pengabdian ini memberikan dampak pada minat perilaku pada penggunaan aplikasi, pemahaman aplikasi, menambah informasi fitur-fitur aplikasi, menimbulkan ketertarikan, rekomendasi dan efektivitas, sehingga video conference khususnya aplikasi zoom dapat diterapkan untuk menunjang pembelajaran jarak jauh.Abstract:  The Covid-19 pandemic has not only shaken the industry and tourism sector, but also the education sector in the world. UNESCO provides distance learning solutions for the education system, the presence of industry 4.0 makes digital transformation faster which can be used for distance learning in the form of using video conferencing applications. Zoom is an application that is considered effective in making the interaction of each participant visually, in writing and orally. Video conferencing applications can provide interactive and real-time distance learning so that it can become a face-to-face replacement medium. Therefore, this service aims to disseminate the video conference application for lecturers and students by using the educational video method distributed through the YouTube platform to support online / distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The process of implementing activities carried out online is distributed to the WhatsApp group for Lecturers and Students of the Unsika Faculty of Engineering, UGM Internship Lecturers-2018, 2013 TMI Lecturers and the Facebook group of the Indonesian Lecturer Association (IDRI) and the Indonesian Lecturer Association (ADI), with 234 respondents filling out questionnaires . The results show an increase in the use of the Zoom application from 53% to 94.9% after the socialization, and it can be seen that 94% of applications that are widely used after socializing from videos on YouTube are zoom applications. In addition, this service has an impact on behavioral interest in application use, understanding applications, adding information to application features, generating interest, recommendations and effectiveness, so that video conferencing, especially zoom applications, can be applied to support distance learning

    Video Conferencing Technology for Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia: Current Problems, Feasible Solutions and Developing an Innovative Interactive Communication System based on Internet and wifi Technology for Communication Enhancement

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    Context: In Saudi Arabia, distance-learning plays a vital role in the female higher education system. This system is considered unique among all the world’s countries because, for religious reasons, intermixing of the genders is not allowed within most educational settings in Saudi society. This system is currently facing a problem with an overflow of female students in higher educational institutions as these institutions suffer from a lack of female faculty members. To resolve this problem, all universities in Saudi Arabia utilise synchronous distance learning technologies such as video and audio conferences technologies for the delivery of subjects by male faculty members to female students, as this is the only authorised way for male faculty to teach female students. Although this method has been used in Saudi Arabia continuously since 1970, no study has addressed the perceptions of female students, regarding the problems they face whilst studying, through such technologies or proposed any solution for these problems. Aim: The purpose of this study is to identify the perceptions of female students at King Saud University regarding the difficulties and barriers they encounter in the distance learning classrooms that use video conferencing technology. This study also proposes feasible solutions for the most common problems. It has developed an innovative interactive communication system, CommEasy, based on the internet and Wi-Fi technologies for handheld devices and uses this system to enhance communication and participation in distance learning. Method: The research questions are answered by applying a mixture of quantitative and qualitative approaches that have been selected according to the nature of the research. A case study research design was chosen to address all the research questions related to KSU. Identifying the perceptions of female students about the problems they encounter in distance learning classrooms was gathered through a questionnaire with five main parts: classroom physical design, classroom physical features, technical support, communication and participation with male instructors and classroom management. Each part used a number of questions to measure the students' perceptions and the students were asked to respond to each question using a five-point Likert scale. Proposing feasible solutions for the problems reported by students required using a mixture of methods, such as observations, structured interviews and surveys. An incremental software development approach was used to develop the CommEasy tool that was used in this thesis and the quasi-experimental method was used to evaluate this tool in the actual learning environment. Results: The results of the thesis presented the perceptions of students towards the components of the distance-learning classrooms and showed all the satisfactory and unsatisfactory components. It produced a list of strategies for effective designing of the distance-learning classroom that uses video conference technology, produced a new physical design for the distance-learning classrooms that used video conference technologies, provided a set of feasible solutions for the problems identified and finally, showed that the CommEasy system has a positive impact, in supporting communication in the distance-learning classroom, leading to an increased level of student participation with instructors, as well as solving most of the problems students were faced with in this regard. Conclusions: in summary, the outcome of this thesis should provide both researchers and decision makers with an insight into the problems facing students in distance-learning, as well as providing them with feasible solutions for these problems. This thesis will serve as a basis for further research in this field to be conducted in Saudi Arabia

    Implementasi Distance-Learning Menggunakan Protokol H.323 pada Jaringan Wireless ADSL STT Telkom

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    ABSTRAKSI: Saat ini, pemanfaatan jaringan komunikasi data terus mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Tidak hanya dari sisi perangkat, tetapi juga dari sisi aplikasi dan sistem transmisi yang digunakan. IT Telkom sebagai salah satu kampus berbasis teknologi telekomunikasi berusaha memanfaatkan perangkat dan jaringan yang tersedia untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikannya dan memberikan kemudahan mahasiswa dalam mengakses informasi dan materi kuliah yang diajarkan.Salah satu cara untuk memberikan kemudahan mahasiswa dalam mengakses informasi dan materi kuliah yang diajarkan tersebut adalah melalui Distance-Learning. Distance-Learning merupakan aplikasi yang memungkinkan user, dalam hal ini pelajar atau mahasiswa, untuk mendapatkan materi-materi pelajaran secara jarak jauh. Tidak hanya itu, aplikasi Distance-Learning juga memungkinkan adanya kegiatan belajar mengajar jarak jauh melalui video conference yang ditanamkan dalam aplikasi.Dalam Penelitian ini akan diimplementasikan sebuah Distance-Learning menggunakan protokol H.323 pada jaringan wireless ADSL. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu proses belajar mengajar on-line, rapat online, dan kegiatan lain yang membutuhkan tatap muka secara on-line.Pada Proyek Akhir ini akan dilakukan pengkajian dan analisa terhadap performansi jaringan (delay, jitter, MOS, throughput, dan packet loss) sebagai bahan pertimbangan kelayakan implementasi.Kata Kunci : Distance-Learning, protokol H.323, dan wireless ADSLABSTRACT: Nowadays, the advantage of data communication network keeps on growing rapidly. Not only be seen from the device side, but also from the application and transmission system used. IT Telkom as one of telecommunication technology based campuses attempts to take benefits from available devices and network to improve its education quality and to make easier for the students in accessing information as well as given lecture materials.One way to make easier for the students in accessing that information is Distance-Learning. Distance-Learning is the application that allows user, in this case the students, to get the lesson materials by long distance. The application of Distance-Learning also allows user to make the activity of learning by teaching by long distance using video conference that is growth on the application.In this experiment there will be an implementation of Distance-Learning using H.323 protocol on wireless ADSL network. The existence of this application is expected to be able to support online lecture, online meeting, and other online activities.In this final project, this application needs network performance analysis and examination (delay, jitter, throughput, and packet loss) as a consideration for implementation feasibility.Keyword: Distance-Learning, H.323 protocol, and wireless ADS

    Towards the Design of a Synchronous Virtual Learning System

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    The field of education has undoubtedly been affected by the penetrating influence of information and communication technology, characterized by improved access to the internet, and the increasing use of computing devices. However, education in Africa generally and specifically in Nigeria and other developing countries still face a 21st Century challenge in making education available and accessible to all. To this end therefore, this paper presents a conceptual approach, as to how tailor made e-learning services could be realized and integrated with a real time video conference server and any existing learning management system in order to facilitate a synchronous virtual learning environment in making education accessible and available to both remote students (distance learning students) and onsite users in Universities and other related educational institutes. It proposes a functional framework to exemplify educational services such as file sharing to enhance collaboration, a digital resource center for retrieval of both free and paid relevant academic resource. A conference room for real time classroom participation which learning platform should provide in order to enhance both teaching and learning performance of course instructors and their students respectively is also proposed. It provides an operational design which describes how custom made e-learning portal integrated with an Open source Video Conference server could be realized, in facilitating a synchronous virtual learning service. Furthermore, it proposes a Virtual Learning Network architecture to show how both remote and onsite students could optimize quality network access in realizing these electronic learning services

    The Development Of Hybrid Learning System Model In Academic Training Program On Instructional Materials Research

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    research on instructional materials in Universitas Terbuka (UT). A research and development (R and D) method was used to develop the hybrid learning model. The R and D method consists of several systematic and holistic steps such as: (1) conducting needs analysis; (2) establishing instructional goal; (3) implementing instructional analysis; (4) analyzing trainees and setting; (5) establishing instructional objectives; (6) developing assessment instruments: (7) developing a syllabus and instructional strategy; (8) developing learning materials; (9) conducting a formative evaluation. This study was motivated by the expectation of the UT’s lectures ability in researching instructional materials. UT has Lecturers who are in 37 UT’s Regional Offices. UT have facilities adequate support for the implementation of distance learning. One of the facilities and infrastructure that can support distance learning in UT is its network, space, tools, and resources that enable humans to communicate using video conferencing. Video conference facilities were used to deliver the Academic Training Program of Instructional Materials Research to the lecturers who stay in UT Regional Offices. Research and Development to optimize the use of video conferencing for learning programs, and to find a model of learning systems. This model of learning system called Hybrid Learning, because learning is designed to implement the distance and face to face system. The materials presentation conducted in distance learning via video conferencing. Consultation, completion of tasks, and training outcomes assessment carried out face to face is guided by facilitators in the regional offices. At the step of the research and development, we conducted data collection, recording, documentation, record keeping, and surveys. Formative evaluation will be done through learning activities at 8 Regional Officies video conference participants, and the number of participants is 40 lectures. The result of the study reveals that the use of a hybrid model learning system was recommended conducting a training program for the participants who live in UT’s Regional Offices


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    ABSTRAKSI: Pada masa sekarang, tugas dosen bukan hanya sekedar mengajar, melainkan juga banyak terlibat dalam kerja sama penelitian, atau bahkan terlibat dalam pengerjaan proyek bersama industri yang biasanya berlokasi di luar kampus. Dengan kondisi ini, tidak jarang dosen dihadapkan dengan pilihan antara kewajiban untuk mengajar dan keharusan untuk menghadiri rapat/tugas keluar kota. E-Learning adalah salah satu aplikasi yang memanfaatkan TI (Teknologi Informasi). Video conference merupakan salah satu aplikasi E-Learning yang dapat didistribusikan secara on-line. Solusi yang diberikan oleh video conference diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi terhadap persoalan ketidakhadiran dosen di kelas.Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan implementasi dan analisis dari video conference untuk kegiatan kuliah jarak jauh dengan dua Skenario. Pada Skenario 1 digunakan ADSL Modem sebagai media akses client 1 ke server, dan USB Modem pada Skenario 2. Software yang digunakan adalah BigBlueButton yang merupakan web conferencing system server berbasis open source.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dan implementasi system terhadap dua Skenario, diperoleh bahwa pengujian melalui Skenario 1 memiliki QoS dengan delay terbesar pada client 1 sebesar 0.074149 s, untuk Jitter terbesar pada client 2 sebesar 0.010728433 s, untuk packet loss terbesar pada client 1 sebesar 0.020949407 %, untuk throughput tertinggi pada client 3 sebesar 307.2921909 kbps, untuk MOS subjektif dengan nilai 3.97 yang dapat digolongkan ‘Sangat Baik’. Sedangkan untuk Skenario 2 memiliki QoS dengan delay terbesar pada client 1 sebesar 0.0871133 s, untuk Jitter terbesar pada client 1 sebesar 5.6718031 s, untuk packet loss terbesar pada client 1 sebesar 0.016078201 %, untuk throughput terbesar pada client 3 sebesar 93.48957787 kbps, untuk MOS subjektif dengan nilai 1.63 yang dapat digolongkan ‘Buruk’.Kata Kunci : e-Learning, video conference, QoSABSTRACT: Nowadays, the duty of lecturer is not just teaching, but also many who are involved in collaborative research, or even involved in the execution of joint projects in industry which are usually located outside of the campus. With these conditions, is not uncommon lecturer faced with the choice between the duty to teach and the necessity to attend a meeting/assignment out of the town. E-Learning is one of the application that using IT (Information Technology). Video conferencing is one of the E-Learning application that can distributed on-line. The solution given by video conference is expected to be a solution to the lecture’s presence in the class.In this final task done the implementation and analysis of video conference for long distance college activity with two Scenarios. In Scenario 1 used the ADSL Modem as client media access to the server, and the USB Modem used in Scenario 2. The software that used is BigBlueButton which is a web conferencing system server based on open source.Based on the results of system testing and implementation of two scenarios, found that testing through Scenario 1 has QoS with biggest delay on client 1 at 0.074149 s, for biggest Jitter on client 2 at 0.010728433 s, for biggest packet loss on client 1 at 0.020949407 %, for highest throughput on client 3 for 307.2921909 kbps, for the subjective MOS value at 3.97 which can be classified as \u27Very Good\u27. While for Scenario 2 has QoS with biggest delay on client 1 at 0.0871133 s, for biggest Jitter on client 3 at 0.044680515 s, for biggest packet loss on client 1 at 0.016078201 %, for highest throughput on client 3 for 93.48957787 kbps, for the subjective MOS value at 1.63 which can be classified as \u27Poor\u27.Keyword: e-Learning, video conference, Qo


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    Directorate of Academic Advancement and Learning Resources Universitas Indonesia (DPASDP UI) established in 2020 and one of sub-directorate "Learning Resources" main role is to support learning activities in UI by managing learning facilities such as learning management system (EMAS), computer laboratory, video conference room, and production house. The covid-19 pandemic forced all learning to be held at a distance and fully online, which was only 20% of courses using LMS before the pandemic. Thousands of classes need to be opened in EMAS, so non-eLearning teachers face confusing situations. Several support-system efforts have been opened and revitalized, such as providing migrate-to-online learning guidelines, organizing more teacher training, upgrading the LMS, and establishing a fully online helpdesk. Moreover, the UI strategic plan year 2022 revision has mandated UI to be more implementing technology and increase the number of MOOCs opened, so more facilities development is certainly needed. This paper elaborates on UI strategies and lesson-learned in facing the situations and some effort to keep relevant


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    ABSTRAKSI: E-learning merupakan teknologi pembelajaran jarak jauh yang melibatkan peran serta Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) didalamnya. Dengan menggunakan e-learning proses belajar mengajar menjadi lebih efisien, dimana dosen dan mahasiswa tidak harus berada pada ruangan yang sama dan bahkan pada waktu yang sama. Terdapat dua jenis metode penyampaian e-learning yaitu metode synchronous dan metode asynchronous. Dalam metode synchronous dosen dan mahasiswa berada dalam waktu yang sama tetapi dalam tempat yang berbeda. Sedangkan pada metode asynchronous dosen dan mahasiswa berada dalam waktu dan tempat yang berbeda. Metode synchronous direpresentasikan dalam bentuk video conference dan metode asynchronous direpresentasikan dalam bentuk video streaming.Dalam tugas akhir ini dilakukan implementasi e-learning dengan mengintegrasikan metode synchronous dan asynchronous. Sistem yang dibuat diuji performansinya dengan membandingkan pada jumlah user yang mengakses. Pengukuran dilakukan sebanyak 30 kali. Selain diuji performansinya sistem diuji validitasnya dengan menyebar kuesioner kepada 30 responden.Dari hasil uji performansi didapatkan nilai throughput yang semakin kecil dengan pertambahan jumlah user dan kenaikan nilai background traffic yaitu sebesar 65703467 - 56.980364 kbps untuk video conference dan 62.52370133 - 60.180364 kbps untuk video streaming. Sedangkan nilai delay sebesar 205.2960317 - 385.1951969 ms untuk video conference dan 92.34398667 - 130.2897867 ms untuk video streaming, nilai jitter sebesar 4.2796 - 13.1207 ms untuk video conference dan 3.1561 - 9.758013333 ms untuk video streaming dan nilai packet loss sebesar 10.71133333 – 26.26366667 % untuk video conference dan 7.125333333 – 15.505 % untuk video streaming. Sedangkan dari hasil validitas sistem didapatkan bahwa 40% responden sangat setuju dengan metode asynchronous, sedangkan 57% responden sangat berminat dengan metode synchronous.Kata Kunci : : e-learning, asynchronous, synchronousABSTRACT: E-learning is distance learning technology that involves the participation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in it. By using e-learning, learning process becomes more efficient, where lecturers and students do not have to be in the same room and even at the same time. There are two types of delivery methods of e-learning, synchronous methods and asynchronous methods. In the synchronous method lecturers and students are in the same time but in different places. While the asynchronous methods lecturers and students in time and different place. Synchronous method is represented in the form of video conferencing and asynchronous methods are represented in the form of streaming video.In this final project the implementation of e-learning is by integrating synchronous and asynchronous methods. The system tested the performance by comparing the number of users who access. Measurements were taken 30 times. Besides tested of system performance. Its validity tested system by spreading the questionnaire to 30 respondents.From the performance test results obtained throughput values are smaller with the number of users and increase in value in the amount of background traffic 65703467 - 56.980364 kbps for video conferencing and 62.52370133 - 60.180364 kbps for streaming video. The value of delay of 205.2960317 - 385.1951969 ms for video conferencing and 92.34398667 - 130.2897867 ms for video streaming, jitter value of 4.2796 - 13.1207 ms for video conferencing and 3.1561 - 9.758013333 ms for video streaming and packet loss value of 10.71133333 – 26.26366667 % for video conferencing and 7.125333333 – 15.505 % for video streaming. While the validity of the results obtained system that 40% of respondents agreed with asynchronous methods, whereas 57% of respondents are interested in synchronous method.Keyword: e-learning, asynchronous, synchronou

    Development Of Website and Moodle Learning Management Systems at a YPPI-II High School

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    In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, school management continues to strive to maintain the quality of academic services so that Teaching and Learning Process (TLP) activities always run as they should. However, there are some barriers to TLP with the Distance Learning (DL) pattern, either from the preparative aspect of Human Resources (HR) or network technical aspects. Also, the partner schools do not yet have the official website facilities and significant DL media. Meanwhile, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is currently the main medium to reach students in DL. Teachers need to reconsider when, where, and how online learning occurs, and adapt their methodological approach. Therefore, through the Community Partnership Program (CPP), the implementation team offers the development of a school website and the use of a Moodle-based Learning Management System (LMS) in partner schools at SMA YPPI-II Surabaya. This community service activity is done to support the website as a medium of information and promotion and to maintain an efficient and effective existence. Likewise, the Moodle application is used as a support for online TLP in addition to direct learning through video conference with the digital platform, like Zoom or Google meets. The method of implementing CPP is by presenting, training, and mentoring the Moodle application and website for teachers and partner staff who will later act as users. The results of this activity made a positive contribution to the improvement of HR skills and access to school information with the related parties. Keywords: distance learning, community partnership program, learning management system, Moodl

    Evaluating intelligent interfaces for post-editing automatic transcriptions of online video lectures

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    Video lectures are fast becoming an everyday educational resource in higher education. They are being incorporated into existing university curricula around the world, while also emerging as a key component of the open education movement. In 2007, the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) implemented its poliMedia lecture capture system for the creation and publication of quality educational video content and now has a collection of over 10,000 video objects. In 2011, it embarked on the EU-subsidised transLectures project to add automatic subtitles to these videos in both Spanish and other languages. By doing so, it allows access to their educational content by non-native speakers and the deaf and hard-of-hearing, as well as enabling advanced repository management functions. In this paper, following a short introduction to poliMedia, transLectures and Docència en Xarxa (Teaching Online), the UPV s action plan to boost the use of digital resources at the university, we will discuss the three-stage evaluation process carried out with the collaboration of UPV lecturers to find the best interaction protocol for the task of post-editing automatic subtitles.Valor Miró, JD.; Spencer, RN.; Pérez González De Martos, AM.; Garcés Díaz-Munío, GV.; Turró Ribalta, C.; Civera Saiz, J.; Juan Císcar, A. (2014). Evaluating intelligent interfaces for post-editing automatic transcriptions of online video lectures. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning. 29(1):72-85. doi:10.1080/02680513.2014.909722S7285291Fujii, A., Itou, K., & Ishikawa, T. (2006). LODEM: A system for on-demand video lectures. Speech Communication, 48(5), 516-531. doi:10.1016/j.specom.2005.08.006Gilbert, M., Knight, K., & Young, S. (2008). Spoken Language Technology [From the Guest Editors]. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 25(3), 15-16. doi:10.1109/msp.2008.918412Leggetter, C. J., & Woodland, P. C. (1995). Maximum likelihood linear regression for speaker adaptation of continuous density hidden Markov models. Computer Speech & Language, 9(2), 171-185. doi:10.1006/csla.1995.0010Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCHI New Zealand Chapter’s International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Design Centered HCI - CHINZ ’08. (2008). doi:10.1145/1496976Martinez-Villaronga, A., del Agua, M. A., Andres-Ferrer, J., & Juan, A. (2013). Language model adaptation for video lectures transcription. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. doi:10.1109/icassp.2013.6639314Munteanu, C., Baecker, R., & Penn, G. (2008). Collaborative editing for improved usefulness and usability of transcript-enhanced webcasts. Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual CHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’08. doi:10.1145/1357054.1357117Repp, S., Gross, A., & Meinel, C. (2008). Browsing within Lecture Videos Based on the Chain Index of Speech Transcription. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 1(3), 145-156. doi:10.1109/tlt.2008.22Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI ’12. (2012). doi:10.1145/2166966Serrano, N., Giménez, A., Civera, J., Sanchis, A., & Juan, A. (2013). Interactive handwriting recognition with limited user effort. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), 17(1), 47-59. doi:10.1007/s10032-013-0204-5Torre Toledano, D., Ortega Giménez, A., Teixeira, A., González Rodríguez, J., Hernández Gómez, L., San Segundo Hernández, R., & Ramos Castro, D. (Eds.). (2012). Advances in Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages. Communications in Computer and Information Science. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35292-8Wald, M. (2006). Creating accessible educational multimedia through editing automatic speech recognition captioning in real time. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 3(2), 131-141. doi:10.1108/1741565068000005
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