383 research outputs found

    A Geometric Processing Workflow for Transforming Reality-Based 3D Models in Volumetric Meshes Suitable for FEA

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    Conservation of Cultural Heritage is a key issue and structural changes and damages can influence the mechanical behaviour of artefacts and buildings. The use of Finite Elements Methods (FEM) for mechanical analysis is largely used in modelling stress behaviour. The typical workflow involves the use of CAD 3D models made by Non-Uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS) surfaces, representing the ideal shape of the object to be simulated. Nowadays, 3D documentation of CH has been widely developed through reality-based approaches, but the models are not suitable for a direct use in FEA: the mesh has in fact to be converted to volumetric, and the density has to be reduced since the computational complexity of a FEA grows exponentially with the number of nodes

    3D photogrammetric data modeling and optimization for multipurpose analysis and representation of Cultural Heritage assets

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    This research deals with the issues concerning the processing, managing, representation for further dissemination of the big amount of 3D data today achievable and storable with the modern geomatic techniques of 3D metric survey. In particular, this thesis is focused on the optimization process applied to 3D photogrammetric data of Cultural Heritage assets. Modern Geomatic techniques enable the acquisition and storage of a big amount of data, with high metric and radiometric accuracy and precision, also in the very close range field, and to process very detailed 3D textured models. Nowadays, the photogrammetric pipeline has well-established potentialities and it is considered one of the principal technique to produce, at low cost, detailed 3D textured models. The potentialities offered by high resolution and textured 3D models is today well-known and such representations are a powerful tool for many multidisciplinary purposes, at different scales and resolutions, from documentation, conservation and restoration to visualization and education. For example, their sub-millimetric precision makes them suitable for scientific studies applied to the geometry and materials (i.e. for structural and static tests, for planning restoration activities or for historical sources); their high fidelity to the real object and their navigability makes them optimal for web-based visualization and dissemination applications. Thanks to the improvement made in new visualization standard, they can be easily used as visualization interface linking different kinds of information in a highly intuitive way. Furthermore, many museums look today for more interactive exhibitions that may increase the visitors’ emotions and many recent applications make use of 3D contents (i.e. in virtual or augmented reality applications and through virtual museums). What all of these applications have to deal with concerns the issue deriving from the difficult of managing the big amount of data that have to be represented and navigated. Indeed, reality based models have very heavy file sizes (also tens of GB) that makes them difficult to be handled by common and portable devices, published on the internet or managed in real time applications. Even though recent advances produce more and more sophisticated and capable hardware and internet standards, empowering the ability to easily handle, visualize and share such contents, other researches aim at define a common pipeline for the generation and optimization of 3D models with a reduced number of polygons, however able to satisfy detailed radiometric and geometric requests. iii This thesis is inserted in this scenario and focuses on the 3D modeling process of photogrammetric data aimed at their easy sharing and visualization. In particular, this research tested a 3D models optimization, a process which aims at the generation of Low Polygons models, with very low byte file size, processed starting from the data of High Poly ones, that nevertheless offer a level of detail comparable to the original models. To do this, several tools borrowed from the game industry and game engine have been used. For this test, three case studies have been chosen, a modern sculpture of a contemporary Italian artist, a roman marble statue, preserved in the Civic Archaeological Museum of Torino, and the frieze of the Augustus arch preserved in the city of Susa (Piedmont- Italy). All the test cases have been surveyed by means of a close range photogrammetric acquisition and three high detailed 3D models have been generated by means of a Structure from Motion and image matching pipeline. On the final High Poly models generated, different optimization and decimation tools have been tested with the final aim to evaluate the quality of the information that can be extracted by the final optimized models, in comparison to those of the original High Polygon one. This study showed how tools borrowed from the Computer Graphic offer great potentialities also in the Cultural Heritage field. This application, in fact, may meet the needs of multipurpose and multiscale studies, using different levels of optimization, and this procedure could be applied to different kind of objects, with a variety of different sizes and shapes, also on multiscale and multisensor data, such as buildings, architectural complexes, data from UAV surveys and so on

    3D Reality-Based Survey and Retopology for Structural Analysis of Cultural Heritage

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    Cultural heritage’s structural changes and damages can influence the mechanical behaviour of artefacts and buildings. The use of finite element methods (FEM) for mechanical analysis is largely used in modelling stress behaviour. The workflow involves the use of CAD 3D models and the use of non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) surfaces. For cultural heritage objects, altered by the time elapsed since their creation, the representation created with the CAD model may introduce an extreme level of approximation, leading to wrong simulation results. The focus of this work is to present an alternative method intending to generate the most accurate 3D representation of a real artefact from highly accurate 3D reality-based models, simplifying the original models to make them suitable for finite element analysis (FEA) software. The approach proposed, and tested on three different case studies, was based on the intelligent use of retopology procedures to create a simplified model to be converted to a mathematical one made by NURBS surfaces, which is also suitable for being processed by volumetric meshes typically embedded in standard FEM packages. This allowed us to obtain FEA results that were closer to the actual mechanical behaviour of the analysed heritage asset

    4D Reconstruction and Visualization of Cultural Heritage: Analysing our Legacy Through Time

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    Temporal analyses and multi-temporal 3D reconstruction are fundamental for the preservation and maintenance of all forms of Cultural Heritage (CH) and are the basis for decisions related to interventions and promotion. Introducing the fourth dimension of time into three-dimensional geometric modelling of real data allows the creation of a multi-temporal representation of a site. In this way, scholars from various disciplines (surveyors, geologists, archaeologists, architects, philologists, etc.) are provided with a new set of tools and working methods to support the study of the evolution of heritage sites, both to develop hypotheses about the past and to model likely future developments. The capacity to “see” the dynamic evolution of CH assets across different spatial scales (e.g. building, site, city or territory) compressed in diachronic model, affords the possibility to better understand the present status of CH according to its history. However, there are numerous challenges in order to carry out 4D modelling and the requisite multi-data source integration. It is necessary to identify the specifications, needs and requirements of the CH community to understand the required levels of 4D model information. In this way, it is possible to determine the optimum material and technologies to be utilised at different CH scales, as well as the data management and visualization requirements. This manuscript aims to provide a comprehensive approach for CH time-varying representations, analysis and visualization across different working scales and environments: rural landscape, urban landscape and architectural scales. Within this aim, the different available metric data sources are systemized and evaluated in terms of their suitability

    Courbure discrète : théorie et applications

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    International audienceThe present volume contains the proceedings of the 2013 Meeting on discrete curvature, held at CIRM, Luminy, France. The aim of this meeting was to bring together researchers from various backgrounds, ranging from mathematics to computer science, with a focus on both theory and applications. With 27 invited talks and 8 posters, the conference attracted 70 researchers from all over the world. The challenge of finding a common ground on the topic of discrete curvature was met with success, and these proceedings are a testimony of this wor

    On the popularization of digital close-range photogrammetry: a handbook for new users.

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Γεωπληροφορική

    Digital workflows for the management of existing structures in the pre- and post-earthquake phases: BIM, CDE, drones, laser-scanning and AI

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    La metodologia BIM, sviluppata in America negli anni '70, ha rivoluzionato l'industria delle costruzioni introducendo i principi di innovazione e digitalizzazione per la gestione dei progetti, in un settore settore produttivo troppo legato a logiche tradizionali. I numerosi processi digitali che sono stati sviluppati da allora hanno riguardato in gran parte la progettazione di nuovi edifici, e sono principalmente legati alla disciplina del construction management. Alcune prime sperimentazioni condotte nel tempo hanno mostrato come l'estensione di questa metodologia agli edifici esistenti comporti molte difficoltà. In questo panorama, il lavoro di tesi si concentra sulla gestione delle strutture nella fase pre e post-sisma con l'obiettivo di sviluppare processi digitali basati sull'uso di tecnologie innovative applicate sia agli edifici ordinari che a quelli storici. Il primo workflow sviluppato, relativo alla fase pre-sisma, è stato denominato scan-to-FEM, ed è finalizzato a particolarizzare il classico processo scan-to-BIM nel campo dell'ingegneria strutturale, analizzando così tutti i passaggi dal rilievo dell'edificio con le tecniche digitali di fotogrammetria e laser-scanning fino all'analisi strutturale e alla valutazione della sicurezza nei confronti delle azioni sismiche. I processi di gestione delle strutture post-sisma sono invece incentrati sulla stima della sicurezza della struttura e sulla definizione delle strategie di intervento, e si basano sull'analisi delle caratteristiche intrinseche della struttura e dei danni indotti dagli eventi sismici. L'intero processo di valutazione del livello operativo di un edificio è stato quindi rivisto alla luce delle moderne tecnologie digitali. Nel dettaglio, sono state sviluppate Reti Neurali Convoluzionali (CNN) per la crack detection, e l'estrazione delle informazioni numeriche associate alle lesioni, gestite poi grazie ai modelli BIM. I quadri fessurativi sono stati digitalizzati grazie allìintroduzione un nuovo oggetto BIM "lesione" (attualmente non codificato nello standard IFC), al quale è stato aggiunto un set di parametri in parte valutati con le CNN ed in parte qualitativi. Durante lo sviluppo di questi processi, sono stati sviluppati nuovi strumenti adhoc per la gestione degli edifici esistenti. In particolare, sono state definite specifiche per lo sviluppo di schede tecniche digitali dei danni, e per la creazione del nuovo oggetto BIM "lesione". I processi di gestione degli edifici danneggiati, grazie agli sviluppi tecnologici realizzati, sono stati applicati per la digitalizzazione dell'edificio storico della chiesa di San Pietro in Vinculis danneggiato a seguito di eventi sismici, grazie ai quali sono stati sperimentati i massimi benefici in termini di riduzione di tempo e risparmio di risorse

    EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering

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    The 28th EG-ICE International Workshop 2021 brings together international experts working at the interface between advanced computing and modern engineering challenges. Many engineering tasks require open-world resolutions to support multi-actor collaboration, coping with approximate models, providing effective engineer-computer interaction, search in multi-dimensional solution spaces, accommodating uncertainty, including specialist domain knowledge, performing sensor-data interpretation and dealing with incomplete knowledge. While results from computer science provide much initial support for resolution, adaptation is unavoidable and most importantly, feedback from addressing engineering challenges drives fundamental computer-science research. Competence and knowledge transfer goes both ways

    3D structural characterization of outcrops by means of close-range multi-view stereo-photogrammetry

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    Image-based 3D modelling is increasingly used as a fast and cheap alternative to laser-scanning for the 3D digital representation of geological outcrops. This rapidly improving technique is progressively opening the way to the widespread use of virtual outcrop models in geology, as the technique allows nearly everybody to construct a detailed digital model of geological exposures simply using a few handy and cheap devices. In this dissertation, the photogrammetry method has been used to demonstrate and evaluate the potential of virtual outcrops in structural geology. In particular, through the analysis of different outcrops at different scales, I showed that virtual outcrop models enable a switch from a mere descriptive/qualitative analysis of the outcrops to a quantitative one. In fact, by mean of virtual reality it is possible to overcome almost all technical limitations that are generally encountered during field work at different scales including prospective distortion, inaccessibility and the lack of instruments for quantitative acquisition of data, among others