28 research outputs found

    그래프 최적화 문제를 위한 점진적 유전 알고리즘

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2016. 8. 문병로.A combinatorial optimization problem is an optimization problem having a discrete solution space. Lots of the graph problems belong to this category as graphs are discrete objects. Graphs are widely used in the various field and there are lots of real world combinatorial optimization problems which take the graphs as their input. For some of these problems, the magnitude of the solution space is exponential to the size of the problem, and thereby efficient space search algorithms are required to deal with them. Genetic algorithms are widely used to solve combinatorial optimization problems, and incremental genetic algorithms could be used to efficiently solve graph optimization problems.We define subproblems and solve them step by step instead of tackling the problems directly. A subproblem solved by an incremental genetic algorithm deals with a restriction of the original graph structure. The subproblems are solved in the intermediate steps and the size of the subproblem is gradually increased. We apply the same genetic algorithm to each subproblem, and it is initialized with the evolved population of the previous step. We propose incremental genetic algorithms for two different combinatorial optimization problemsthe subgraph isomorphism problem and graph cut optimization problem. We devise an optimal substructure on the subproblem sequence and explain how it is related to the optimality of the process, along with other related factors. We present graph expansion methodologies and vertex reordering schemes to define an appropriate sequence of subproblems. We combine the proposed incremental approach with a hybrid genetic algorithm for the subgraph isomorphism problem, and the algorithm was further developed for nearly perfect results. Based on our analysis, we also propose an incremental genetic algorithm to solve graph cut optimization problems. We tested the implementation of the algorithm on benchmark graph instances for the graph partitioning problem and the maximum cut problem. Through experiments, we investigate and analyze how the sequence of subproblems affects the search space landscape. The performance of a genetic algorithm makes an improvement when the incremental approach is applied with respect to an appropriate sequence of subproblems.Chapter I. Introduction 1 Chapter II. Incremental Genetic Algorithm 6 2.1 Overview and Traditional Applications 6 2.2 Application on Graph Optimization Problems 9 2.2.1 Formalization of the Incremental Process 9 2.2.2 Theoretical Background 12 2.2.3 Sequence of Subproblems 15 Chapter III. Subgraph Isomorphism Problem 19 3.1 Introduction 19 3.2 The Proposed Algorithm 21 3.2.1 The Structure of the Incremental Genetic Algorithm 21 3.2.2 Design Issues 25 3.2.3 Genetic Framework 28 3.3 Experimental Results 31 3.3.1 Dataset and Evaluation 31 3.3.2 Results and Discussions 33 3.3.3 Overall Results 39 3.4 Further Improvement 42 3.4.1 New Operators 43 3.4.2 Improvements by New Operators 45 3.4.3 Overall Result 46 Chapter IV. Graph Cut Optimization Problems 50 4.1 Introduction 50 4.2 The Proposed Algorithm 51 4.2.1 Subproblem Structure 51 4.2.2 Reordering Schemes 54 4.2.3 Genetic Framework 55 4.3 Experimental Results 57 4.3.1 Dataset and Evaluation 57 4.3.2 Results on Graph Partitioning Problem 58 4.3.3 Results on Maximum Cut Problem 66 4.3.4 Results on Problem Variants 70 Chapter V. Related Applications 75 5.1 Measuring Source Code Similarity with an Incremental Genetic Algorithm 75 5.1.1 Introduction 75 5.1.2 The Proposed System 76 5.1.3 Experimental Results 80 5.1.4 Discussion 88 5.2 Linear Ordering Problem and an Approximate Fitness Evaluation 88 5.2.1 Introduction 88 5.2.2 The Proposed Method 89 5.2.3 Experimental Results 91 Chapter VI. Conclusions 94 Bibliography 96 국문 초록 106Docto

    Phishing detection and traceback mechanism

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     Isredza Rahmi A Hamid’s thesis entitled Phishing Detection and Trackback Mechanism. The thesis investigates detection of phishing attacks through email, novel method to profile the attacker and tracking the attack back to the origin

    Counter intrusion software : Malware detection using structural and behavioural features and machine learning

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    Over the past twenty-five years malicious software has evolved from a minor annoyance to a major security threat. Authors of malicious software are now more likely to be organised criminals than bored teenagers, and modern malicious software is more likely to be aimed at stealing data (and hence money) than trashing data. The arms race between malware authors and manufacturers of anti-malware software continues apace, but despite this, the majority of anti-malware solutions still rely on relatively old technology such as signature scanning, which works well enough in the majority of cases but which has long been known to be ineffective if signatures are not updated regularly. The need for regular updating means there is often a critical window---between the publication of a flaw exploitable by malware and the distribution of the appropriate counter measures or signature. At this point a user system is open to attack by hitherto unseen malware. The object of this thesis is to determine if it is practical to use machine learning techniques to abstract generic structural or behavioural features of malware which can then be used to recognise hitherto unseen examples. Although a sizeable amount of research has been done on various ways in which malware detection might be automated, most of the proposed methods are burdened by excessive complexity. This thesis looks specifically at the possibility of using learning systems to classify software as malicious or nonmalicious based on easily-collectable structural or behavioural data. On the basis of the experimental results presented herein it may be concluded that classification based on such structural data is certainly possible, and on behavioural data is at least feasible

    Modeling Deception for Cyber Security

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    In the era of software-intensive, smart and connected systems, the growing power and so- phistication of cyber attacks poses increasing challenges to software security. The reactive posture of traditional security mechanisms, such as anti-virus and intrusion detection systems, has not been sufficient to combat a wide range of advanced persistent threats that currently jeopardize systems operation. To mitigate these extant threats, more ac- tive defensive approaches are necessary. Such approaches rely on the concept of actively hindering and deceiving attackers. Deceptive techniques allow for additional defense by thwarting attackers’ advances through the manipulation of their perceptions. Manipu- lation is achieved through the use of deceitful responses, feints, misdirection, and other falsehoods in a system. Of course, such deception mechanisms may result in side-effects that must be handled. Current methods for planning deception chiefly portray attempts to bridge military deception to cyber deception, providing only high-level instructions that largely ignore deception as part of the software security development life cycle. Con- sequently, little practical guidance is provided on how to engineering deception-based techniques for defense. This PhD thesis contributes with a systematic approach to specify and design cyber deception requirements, tactics, and strategies. This deception approach consists of (i) a multi-paradigm modeling for representing deception requirements, tac- tics, and strategies, (ii) a reference architecture to support the integration of deception strategies into system operation, and (iii) a method to guide engineers in deception mod- eling. A tool prototype, a case study, and an experimental evaluation show encouraging results for the application of the approach in practice. Finally, a conceptual coverage map- ping was developed to assess the expressivity of the deception modeling language created.Na era digital o crescente poder e sofisticação dos ataques cibernéticos apresenta constan- tes desafios para a segurança do software. A postura reativa dos mecanismos tradicionais de segurança, como os sistemas antivírus e de detecção de intrusão, não têm sido suficien- tes para combater a ampla gama de ameaças que comprometem a operação dos sistemas de software actuais. Para mitigar estas ameaças são necessárias abordagens ativas de defesa. Tais abordagens baseiam-se na ideia de adicionar mecanismos para enganar os adversários (do inglês deception). As técnicas de enganação (em português, "ato ou efeito de enganar, de induzir em erro; artimanha usada para iludir") contribuem para a defesa frustrando o avanço dos atacantes por manipulação das suas perceções. A manipula- ção é conseguida através de respostas enganadoras, de "fintas", ou indicações erróneas e outras falsidades adicionadas intencionalmente num sistema. É claro que esses meca- nismos de enganação podem resultar em efeitos colaterais que devem ser tratados. Os métodos atuais usados para enganar um atacante inspiram-se fundamentalmente nas técnicas da área militar, fornecendo apenas instruções de alto nível que ignoram, em grande parte, a enganação como parte do ciclo de vida do desenvolvimento de software seguro. Consequentemente, há poucas referências práticas em como gerar técnicas de defesa baseadas em enganação. Esta tese de doutoramento contribui com uma aborda- gem sistemática para especificar e desenhar requisitos, táticas e estratégias de enganação cibernéticas. Esta abordagem é composta por (i) uma modelação multi-paradigma para re- presentar requisitos, táticas e estratégias de enganação, (ii) uma arquitetura de referência para apoiar a integração de estratégias de enganação na operação dum sistema, e (iii) um método para orientar os engenheiros na modelação de enganação. Uma ferramenta protó- tipo, um estudo de caso e uma avaliação experimental mostram resultados encorajadores para a aplicação da abordagem na prática. Finalmente, a expressividade da linguagem de modelação de enganação é avaliada por um mapeamento de cobertura de conceitos