94 research outputs found

    Disfluency Detection using a Noisy Channel Model and a Deep Neural Language Model

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    This paper presents a model for disfluency detection in spontaneous speech transcripts called LSTM Noisy Channel Model. The model uses a Noisy Channel Model (NCM) to generate n-best candidate disfluency analyses and a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) language model to score the underlying fluent sentences of each analysis. The LSTM language model scores, along with other features, are used in a MaxEnt reranker to identify the most plausible analysis. We show that using an LSTM language model in the reranking process of noisy channel disfluency model improves the state-of-the-art in disfluency detection

    Disfluency Detection using Auto-Correlational Neural Networks

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    In recent years, the natural language processing community has moved away from task-specific feature engineering, i.e., researchers discovering ad-hoc feature representations for various tasks, in favor of general-purpose methods that learn the input representation by themselves. However, state-of-the-art approaches to disfluency detection in spontaneous speech transcripts currently still depend on an array of hand-crafted features, and other representations derived from the output of pre-existing systems such as language models or dependency parsers. As an alternative, this paper proposes a simple yet effective model for automatic disfluency detection, called an auto-correlational neural network (ACNN). The model uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) and augments it with a new auto-correlation operator at the lowest layer that can capture the kinds of "rough copy" dependencies that are characteristic of repair disfluencies in speech. In experiments, the ACNN model outperforms the baseline CNN on a disfluency detection task with a 5% increase in f-score, which is close to the previous best result on this task

    Increase Apparent Public Speaking Fluency By Speech Augmentation

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    Fluent and confident speech is desirable to every speaker. But professional speech delivering requires a great deal of experience and practice. In this paper, we propose a speech stream manipulation system which can help non-professional speakers to produce fluent, professional-like speech content, in turn contributing towards better listener engagement and comprehension. We propose to achieve this task by manipulating the disfluencies in human speech, like the sounds 'uh' and 'um', the filler words and awkward long silences. Given any unrehearsed speech we segment and silence the filled pauses and doctor the duration of imposed silence as well as other long pauses ('disfluent') by a predictive model learned using professional speech dataset. Finally, we output a audio stream in which speaker sounds more fluent, confident and practiced compared to the original speech he/she recorded. According to our quantitative evaluation, we significantly increase the fluency of speech by reducing rate of pauses and fillers

    Robust cross-domain disfluency detection with pattern match networks

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    In this paper we introduce a novel pattern match neural network architecture that uses neighbor similarity scores as features, eliminating the need for feature engineering in a disfluency detection task. We evaluate the approach in disfluency detection for four different speech genres, showing that the approach is as effective as hand-engineered pattern match features when used on in-domain data and achieves superior performance in cross-domain scenarios.Comment: This paper was submitted to EMNLP 2018 and was rejected. Our EMNLP submission is posted here to establish concurrency with "Disfluency Detection using Auto-Correlational Neural Networks" by P. Lou, P. Anderson, M. Johnson which was submitted to EMNLP at the same tim

    Improving Disfluency Detection by Self-Training a Self-Attentive Model

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    Self-attentive neural syntactic parsers using contextualized word embeddings (e.g. ELMo or BERT) currently produce state-of-the-art results in joint parsing and disfluency detection in speech transcripts. Since the contextualized word embeddings are pre-trained on a large amount of unlabeled data, using additional unlabeled data to train a neural model might seem redundant. However, we show that self-training - a semi-supervised technique for incorporating unlabeled data - sets a new state-of-the-art for the self-attentive parser on disfluency detection, demonstrating that self-training provides benefits orthogonal to the pre-trained contextualized word representations. We also show that ensembling self-trained parsers provides further gains for disfluency detection

    Neural Constituency Parsing of Speech Transcripts

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    This paper studies the performance of a neural self-attentive parser on transcribed speech. Speech presents parsing challenges that do not appear in written text, such as the lack of punctuation and the presence of speech disfluencies (including filled pauses, repetitions, corrections, etc.). Disfluencies are especially problematic for conventional syntactic parsers, which typically fail to find any EDITED disfluency nodes at all. This motivated the development of special disfluency detection systems, and special mechanisms added to parsers specifically to handle disfluencies. However, we show here that neural parsers can find EDITED disfluency nodes, and the best neural parsers find them with an accuracy surpassing that of specialized disfluency detection systems, thus making these specialized mechanisms unnecessary. This paper also investigates a modified loss function that puts more weight on EDITED nodes. It also describes tree-transformations that simplify the disfluency detection task by providing alternative encodings of disfluencies and syntactic information

    Dolphin: A Spoken Language Proficiency Assessment System for Elementary Education

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    Spoken language proficiency is critically important for children's growth and personal development. Due to the limited and imbalanced educational resources in China, elementary students barely have chances to improve their oral language skills in classes. Verbal fluency tasks (VFTs) were invented to let the students practice their spoken language proficiency after school. VFTs are simple but concrete math related questions that ask students to not only report answers but speak out the entire thinking process. In spite of the great success of VFTs, they bring a heavy grading burden to elementary teachers. To alleviate this problem, we develop Dolphin, a spoken language proficiency assessment system for Chinese elementary education. Dolphin is able to automatically evaluate both phonological fluency and semantic relevance of students' VFT answers. We conduct a wide range of offline and online experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of Dolphin. In our offline experiments, we show that Dolphin improves both phonological fluency and semantic relevance evaluation performance when compared to state-of-the-art baselines on real-world educational data sets. In our online A/B experiments, we test Dolphin with 183 teachers from 2 major cities (Hangzhou and Xi'an) in China for 10 weeks and the results show that VFT assignments grading coverage is improved by 22\%.Comment: Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 (WWW '20

    Controllable Time-Delay Transformer for Real-Time Punctuation Prediction and Disfluency Detection

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    With the increased applications of automatic speech recognition (ASR) in recent years, it is essential to automatically insert punctuation marks and remove disfluencies in transcripts, to improve the readability of the transcripts as well as the performance of subsequent applications, such as machine translation, dialogue systems, and so forth. In this paper, we propose a Controllable Time-delay Transformer (CT-Transformer) model that jointly completes the punctuation prediction and disfluency detection tasks in real time. The CT-Transformer model facilitates freezing partial outputs with controllable time delay to fulfill the real-time constraints in partial decoding required by subsequent applications. We further propose a fast decoding strategy to minimize latency while maintaining competitive performance. Experimental results on the IWSLT2011 benchmark dataset and an in-house Chinese annotated dataset demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the previous state-of-the-art models on F-scores and achieves a competitive inference speed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted by ICASSP 202

    Parsing Speech: A Neural Approach to Integrating Lexical and Acoustic-Prosodic Information

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    In conversational speech, the acoustic signal provides cues that help listeners disambiguate difficult parses. For automatically parsing spoken utterances, we introduce a model that integrates transcribed text and acoustic-prosodic features using a convolutional neural network over energy and pitch trajectories coupled with an attention-based recurrent neural network that accepts text and prosodic features. We find that different types of acoustic-prosodic features are individually helpful, and together give statistically significant improvements in parse and disfluency detection F1 scores over a strong text-only baseline. For this study with known sentence boundaries, error analyses show that the main benefit of acoustic-prosodic features is in sentences with disfluencies, attachment decisions are most improved, and transcription errors obscure gains from prosody.Comment: Accepted in NAACL HLT 201

    Disfl-QA: A Benchmark Dataset for Understanding Disfluencies in Question Answering

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    Disfluencies is an under-studied topic in NLP, even though it is ubiquitous in human conversation. This is largely due to the lack of datasets containing disfluencies. In this paper, we present a new challenge question answering dataset, Disfl-QA, a derivative of SQuAD, where humans introduce contextual disfluencies in previously fluent questions. Disfl-QA contains a variety of challenging disfluencies that require a more comprehensive understanding of the text than what was necessary in prior datasets. Experiments show that the performance of existing state-of-the-art question answering models degrades significantly when tested on Disfl-QA in a zero-shot setting.We show data augmentation methods partially recover the loss in performance and also demonstrate the efficacy of using gold data for fine-tuning. We argue that we need large-scale disfluency datasets in order for NLP models to be robust to them. The dataset is publicly available at: https://github.com/google-research-datasets/disfl-qa.Comment: Findings of ACL 202
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