159 research outputs found

    Sensory perception relies on fitness-maximizing codes

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    Sensory information encoded by humans and other organisms is generally presumed to be as accurate as their biological limitations allow. However, perhaps counterintuitively, accurate sensory representations may not necessarily maximize the organism’s chances of survival. To test this hypothesis, we developed a unified normative framework for fitness-maximizing encoding by combining theoretical insights from neuroscience, computer science, and economics. Behavioural experiments in humans revealed that sensory encoding strategies are flexibly adapted to promote fitness maximization, a result confirmed by deep neural networks with information capacity constraints trained to solve the same task as humans. Moreover, human functional MRI data revealed that novel behavioural goals that rely on object perception induce efficient stimulus representations in early sensory structures. These results suggest that fitness-maximizing rules imposed by the environment are applied at early stages of sensory processing in humans and machines

    Optimal Neural Codes for Natural Stimuli

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    The efficient coding hypothesis assumes that biological sensory systems use neural codes that are optimized to best possibly represent the stimuli that occur in their environment. When formulating such optimization problem of neural codes, two key components must be considered. The first is what types of constraints the neural codes must satisfy? The second is the objective function itself -- what is the goal of the neural codes? We seek to provide a systematic framework to address these types of problem. Previous work often assume one specific set of constraint and analytically or numerically solve the optimization problem. Here we want to put everything in a unified framework and show that these results can be understood from a much more generalized perspective. In particular, we provide analytical solutions for a variety of neural noise models and two types of constraint: a range constraint which specifies the max/min neural activity and a metabolic constraint which upper bounds the mean neural activity. In terms of objective functions, most common models rely on information theoretic measures, whereas alternative formulations propose incorporating downstream decoding performance. We systematically evaluate different optimality criteria based upon the LpL_p reconstruction error of the maximum likelihood decoder. This parametric family of optimal criteria includes special cases such as the information maximization criterion and the mean squared loss minimization of decoding error. We analytically derive the optimal tuning curve of a single neuron in terms of the reconstruction error norm pp to encode natural stimuli with an arbitrary input distribution. Under our framework, we can try to answer questions such as what is the objective function the neural code is actually using? Under what constraints can the predicted results provide a better fit for the actual data? Using different combination of objective function and constraints, we tested our analytical predictions against previously measured characteristics of some early visual systems found in biology. We find solutions under the metabolic constraint and low values of pp provides a better fit for physiology data on early visual perception systems

    Locality and compositionality in representation learning for complex visual tasks

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    L'utilisation d'architectures neuronales profondes associée à des innovations spécifiques telles que les méthodes adversarielles, l’entraînement préalable sur de grands ensembles de données et l'estimation de l'information mutuelle a permis, ces dernières années, de progresser rapidement dans de nombreuses tâches de vision par ordinateur complexes telles que la classification d'images de catégories préalablement inconnues (apprentissage zéro-coups), la génération de scènes ou la classification multimodale. Malgré ces progrès, il n’est pas certain que les méthodes actuelles d’apprentissage de représentations suffiront à atteindre une performance équivalente au niveau humain sur des tâches visuelles arbitraires et, de fait, cela pose des questions quant à la direction de la recherche future. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrerons sur deux aspects des représentations qui semblent nécessaires pour atteindre de bonnes performances en aval pour l'apprentissage des représentations : la localité et la compositionalité. La localité peut être comprise comme la capacité d'une représentation à retenir des informations locales. Ceci sera pertinent dans de nombreux cas, et bénéficiera particulièrement à la vision informatique, domaine dans lequel les images naturelles comportent intrinsèquement des informations locales, par exemple des parties pertinentes d’une image, des objets multiples présents dans une scène... D'autre part, une représentation compositionnelle peut être comprise comme une représentation qui résulte d'une combinaison de parties plus simples. Les réseaux neuronaux convolutionnels sont intrinsèquement compositionnels, et de nombreuses images complexes peuvent être considérées comme la composition de sous-composantes pertinentes : les objets et attributs individuels dans une scène, les attributs sémantiques dans l'apprentissage zéro-coups en sont deux exemples. Nous pensons que ces deux propriétés détiennent la clé pour concevoir de meilleures méthodes d'apprentissage de représentations. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons trois articles traitant de la localité et/ou de la compositionnalité, et de leur application à l'apprentissage de représentations pour des tâches visuelles complexes. Dans le premier article, nous introduisons des méthodes de mesure de la localité et de la compositionnalité pour les représentations d'images, et nous démontrons que les représentations locales et compositionnelles sont plus performantes dans l'apprentissage zéro-coups. Nous utilisons également ces deux notions comme base pour concevoir un nouvel algorithme d'apprentissage des représentations qui atteint des performances de pointe dans notre cadre expérimental, une variante de l'apprentissage "zéro-coups" plus difficile où les informations externes, par exemple un pré-entraînement sur d'autres ensembles de données d'images, ne sont pas autorisées. Dans le deuxième article, nous montrons qu'en encourageant un générateur à conserver des informations locales au niveau de l'objet, à l'aide d'un module dit de similarité de graphes de scène, nous pouvons améliorer les performances de génération de scènes. Ce modèle met également en évidence l'importance de la composition, car de nombreux composants fonctionnent individuellement sur chaque objet présent. Pour démontrer pleinement la portée de notre approche, nous effectuons une analyse détaillée et proposons un nouveau cadre pour évaluer les modèles de génération de scènes. Enfin, dans le troisième article, nous montrons qu'en encourageant une forte information mutuelle entre les représentations multimodales locales et globales des images médicales en 2D et 3D, nous pouvons améliorer la classification et la segmentation des images. Ce cadre général peut être appliqué à une grande variété de contextes et démontre les avantages non seulement de la localité, mais aussi de la compositionnalité, car les représentations multimodales sont combinées pour obtenir une représentation plus générale.The use of deep neural architectures coupled with specific innovations such as adversarial methods, pre-training on large datasets and mutual information estimation has in recent years allowed rapid progress in many complex vision tasks such as zero-shot learning, scene generation, or multi-modal classification. Despite such progress, it is still not clear if current representation learning methods will be enough to attain human-level performance on arbitrary visual tasks, and if not, what direction should future research take. In this thesis, we will focus on two aspects of representations that seem necessary to achieve good downstream performance for representation learning: locality and compositionality. Locality can be understood as a representation's ability to retain local information. This will be relevant in many cases, and will specifically benefit computer vision where natural images inherently feature local information, i.e. relevant patches of an image, multiple objects present in a scene... On the other hand, a compositional representation can be understood as one that arises from a combination of simpler parts. Convolutional neural networks are inherently compositional, and many complex images can be seen as composition of relevant sub-components: individual objects and attributes in a scene, semantic attributes in zero-shot learning are two examples. We believe both properties hold the key to designing better representation learning methods. In this thesis, we present 3 articles dealing with locality and/or compositionality, and their application to representation learning for complex visual tasks. In the first article, we introduce ways of measuring locality and compositionality for image representations, and demonstrate that local and compositional representations perform better at zero-shot learning. We also use these two notions as the basis for designing class-matching deep info-max, a novel representation learning algorithm that achieves state-of-the-art performance on our proposed "Zero-shot from scratch" setting, a harder zero-shot setting where external information, e.g. pre-training on other image datasets is not allowed. In the second article, we show that by encouraging a generator to retain local object-level information, using a scene-graph similarity module, we can improve scene generation performance. This model also showcases the importance of compositionality as many components operate individually on each object present. To fully demonstrate the reach of our approach, we perform detailed analysis, and propose a new framework to evaluate scene generation models. Finally, in the third article, we show that encouraging high mutual information between local and global multi-modal representations of 2D and 3D medical images can lead to improvements in image classification and segmentation. This general framework can be applied to a wide variety of settings, and demonstrates the benefits of not only locality, but also of compositionality as multi-modal representations are combined to obtain a more general one

    딥 뉴럴 네트워크를 활용한 의학 개념 및 환자 표현 학습과 의료 문제에의 응용

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2022. 8. 정교민.본 학위 논문은 전국민 의료 보험데이터인 표본코호트DB를 활용하여 딥 뉴럴 네트워크 기반의 의학 개념 및 환자 표현 학습 방법과 의료 문제 해결 방법을 제안한다. 먼저 순차적인 환자 의료 기록과 개인 프로파일 정보를 기반으로 환자 표현을 학습하고 향후 질병 진단 가능성을 예측하는 재귀신경망 모델을 제안하였다. 우리는 다양한 성격의 환자 정보를 효율적으로 혼합하는 구조를 도입하여 큰 성능 향상을 얻었다. 또한 환자의 의료 기록을 이루는 의료 코드들을 분산 표현으로 나타내 추가 성능 개선을 이루었다. 이를 통해 의료 코드의 분산 표현이 중요한 시간적 정보를 담고 있음을 확인하였고, 이어지는 연구에서는 이러한 시간적 정보가 강화될 수 있도록 그래프 구조를 도입하였다. 우리는 의료 코드의 분산 표현 간의 유사도와 통계적 정보를 가지고 그래프를 구축하였고 그래프 뉴럴 네트워크를 활용, 시간/통계적 정보가 강화된 의료 코드의 표현 벡터를 얻었다. 획득한 의료 코드 벡터를 통해 시판 약물의 잠재적인 부작용 신호를 탐지하는 모델을 제안한 결과, 기존의 부작용 데이터베이스에 존재하지 않는 사례까지도 예측할 수 있음을 보였다. 마지막으로 분량에 비해 주요 정보가 희소하다는 의료 기록의 한계를 극복하기 위해 지식그래프를 활용하여 사전 의학 지식을 보강하였다. 이때 환자의 의료 기록을 구성하는 지식그래프의 부분만을 추출하여 개인화된 지식그래프를 만들고 그래프 뉴럴 네트워크를 통해 그래프의 표현 벡터를 획득하였다. 최종적으로 순차적인 의료 기록을 함축한 환자 표현과 더불어 개인화된 의학 지식을 함축한 표현을 함께 사용하여 향후 질병 및 진단 예측 문제에 활용하였다.This dissertation proposes a deep neural network-based medical concept and patient representation learning methods using medical claims data to solve two healthcare tasks, i.e., clinical outcome prediction and post-marketing adverse drug reaction (ADR) signal detection. First, we propose SAF-RNN, a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)-based model that learns a deep patient representation based on the clinical sequences and patient characteristics. Our proposed model fuses different types of patient records using feature-based gating and self-attention. We demonstrate that high-level associations between two heterogeneous records are effectively extracted by our model, thus achieving state-of-the-art performances for predicting the risk probability of cardiovascular disease. Secondly, based on the observation that the distributed medical code embeddings represent temporal proximity between the medical codes, we introduce a graph structure to enhance the code embeddings with such temporal information. We construct a graph using the distributed code embeddings and the statistical information from the claims data. We then propose the Graph Neural Network(GNN)-based representation learning for post-marketing ADR detection. Our model shows competitive performances and provides valid ADR candidates. Finally, rather than using patient records alone, we utilize a knowledge graph to augment the patient representation with prior medical knowledge. Using SAF-RNN and GNN, the deep patient representation is learned from the clinical sequences and the personalized medical knowledge. It is then used to predict clinical outcomes, i.e., next diagnosis prediction and CVD risk prediction, resulting in state-of-the-art performances.1 Introduction 1 2 Background 8 2.1 Medical Concept Embedding 8 2.2 Encoding Sequential Information in Clinical Records 11 3 Deep Patient Representation with Heterogeneous Information 14 3.1 Related Work 16 3.2 Problem Statement 19 3.3 Method 20 3.3.1 RNN-based Disease Prediction Model 20 3.3.2 Self-Attentive Fusion (SAF) Encoder 23 3.4 Dataset and Experimental Setup 24 3.4.1 Dataset 24 3.4.2 Experimental Design 26 ii 3.4.3 Implementation Details 27 3.5 Experimental Results 28 3.5.1 Evaluation of CVD Prediction 28 3.5.2 Sensitivity Analysis 28 3.5.3 Ablation Studies 31 3.6 Further Investigation 32 3.6.1 Case Study: Patient-Centered Analysis 32 3.6.2 Data-Driven CVD Risk Factors 32 3.7 Conclusion 33 4 Graph-Enhanced Medical Concept Embedding 40 4.1 Related Work 42 4.2 Problem Statement 43 4.3 Method 44 4.3.1 Code Embedding Learning with Skip-gram Model 44 4.3.2 Drug-disease Graph Construction 45 4.3.3 A GNN-based Method for Learning Graph Structure 47 4.4 Dataset and Experimental Setup 49 4.4.1 Dataset 49 4.4.2 Experimental Design 50 4.4.3 Implementation Details 52 4.5 Experimental Results 53 4.5.1 Evaluation of ADR Detection 53 4.5.2 Newly-Described ADR Candidates 54 4.6 Conclusion 55 5 Knowledge-Augmented Deep Patient Representation 57 5.1 Related Work 60 5.1.1 Incorporating Prior Medical Knowledge for Clinical Outcome Prediction 60 5.1.2 Inductive KGC based on Subgraph Learning 61 5.2 Method 61 5.2.1 Extracting Personalized KG 61 5.2.2 KA-SAF: Knowledge-Augmented Self-Attentive Fusion Encoder 64 5.2.3 KGC as a Pre-training Task 68 5.2.4 Subgraph Infomax: SGI 69 5.3 Dataset and Experimental Setup 72 5.3.1 Clinical Outcome Prediction 72 5.3.2 Next Diagnosis Prediction 72 5.4 Experimental Results 73 5.4.1 Cardiovascular Disease Prediction 73 5.4.2 Next Diagnosis Prediction 73 5.4.3 KGC on SemMed KG 73 5.5 Conclusion 74 6 Conclusion 77 Abstract (In Korean) 90 Acknowlegement 92박

    Dimensionality reduction and unsupervised learning techniques applied to clinical psychiatric and neuroimaging phenotypes

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    Unsupervised learning and other multivariate analysis techniques are increasingly recognized in neuropsychiatric research. Here, finite mixture models and random forests were applied to clinical observations of patients with major depression to detect and validate treatment response subgroups. Further, independent component analysis and agglomerative hierarchical clustering were combined to build a brain parcellation solely on structural covariance information of magnetic resonance brain images. Übersetzte Kurzfassung: Unüberwachtes Lernen und andere multivariate Analyseverfahren werden zunehmend auf neuropsychiatrische Fragestellungen angewendet. Finite mixture Modelle wurden auf klinische Skalen von Patienten mit schwerer Depression appliziert, um Therapieantwortklassen zu bilden und mit Random Forests zu validieren. Unabhängigkeitsanalysen und agglomeratives hierarchisches Clustering wurden kombiniert, um die strukturelle Kovarianz von Magnetresonanz­tomographie-Bildern für eine Hirnparzellierung zu nutzen

    Backwards is the way forward: feedback in the cortical hierarchy predicts the expected future

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    Clark offers a powerful description of the brain as a prediction machine, which offers progress on two distinct levels. First, on an abstract conceptual level, it provides a unifying framework for perception, action, and cognition (including subdivisions such as attention, expectation, and imagination). Second, hierarchical prediction offers progress on a concrete descriptive level for testing and constraining conceptual elements and mechanisms of predictive coding models (estimation of predictions, prediction errors, and internal models)

    Multi-scale Discriminant Saliency with Wavelet-based Hidden Markov Tree Modelling

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    The bottom-up saliency, an early stage of humans' visual attention, can be considered as a binary classification problem between centre and surround classes. Discriminant power of features for the classification is measured as mutual information between distributions of image features and corresponding classes . As the estimated discrepancy very much depends on considered scale level, multi-scale structure and discriminant power are integrated by employing discrete wavelet features and Hidden Markov Tree (HMT). With wavelet coefficients and Hidden Markov Tree parameters, quad-tree like label structures are constructed and utilized in maximum a posterior probability (MAP) of hidden class variables at corresponding dyadic sub-squares. Then, a saliency value for each square block at each scale level is computed with discriminant power principle. Finally, across multiple scales is integrated the final saliency map by an information maximization rule. Both standard quantitative tools such as NSS, LCC, AUC and qualitative assessments are used for evaluating the proposed multi-scale discriminant saliency (MDIS) method against the well-know information based approach AIM on its released image collection with eye-tracking data. Simulation results are presented and analysed to verify the validity of MDIS as well as point out its limitation for further research direction.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1301.396