2,775 research outputs found

    On Recursive Edit Distance Kernels with Application to Time Series Classification

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    This paper proposes some extensions to the work on kernels dedicated to string or time series global alignment based on the aggregation of scores obtained by local alignments. The extensions we propose allow to construct, from classical recursive definition of elastic distances, recursive edit distance (or time-warp) kernels that are positive definite if some sufficient conditions are satisfied. The sufficient conditions we end-up with are original and weaker than those proposed in earlier works, although a recursive regularizing term is required to get the proof of the positive definiteness as a direct consequence of the Haussler's convolution theorem. The classification experiment we conducted on three classical time warp distances (two of which being metrics), using Support Vector Machine classifier, leads to conclude that, when the pairwise distance matrix obtained from the training data is \textit{far} from definiteness, the positive definite recursive elastic kernels outperform in general the distance substituting kernels for the classical elastic distances we have tested.Comment: 14 page

    Contributions to Time Series Classification: Meta-Learning and Explainability

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    141 p.La presente tesis incluye 3 contribuciones de diferentes tipos al área de la clasificación supervisada de series temporales, un campo en auge por la cantidad de series temporales recolectadas día a día en una gran variedad en ámbitos. En este contexto, la cantidad de métodos disponibles para clasificar series temporales es cada vez más grande, siendo los clasificadores cada vez más competitivos y variados. De esta manera, la primera contribución de la tesis consiste en proponer una taxonomía de los clasificadores de series temporales basados en distancias, donde se hace una revisión exhaustiva de los métodos existentes y sus costes computacionales. Además, desde el punto de vista de un/a usuario/a no experto/a (incluso desde la de un/a experto/a), elegir un clasificador adecuado para un problema concreto es una tarea difícil. En la segunda contribución, por tanto, se aborda la recomendación de clasificadores de series temporales, para lo que usaremos un enfoque basado en el meta-aprendizaje. Por último, la tercera contribución consiste en proponer un método para explicar la predicción de los clasificadores de series temporales, en el que calculamos la relevancia de cada región de una serie en la predicción. Este método de explicación está basado en perturbaciones, para lo que consideraremos transformaciones específicas y realistas para las series temporales

    Contributions to Time Series Classification: Meta-Learning and Explainability

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    This thesis includes 3 contributions of different types to the area of supervised time series classification, a growing field of research due to the amount of time series collected daily in a wide variety of domains. In this context, the number of methods available for classifying time series is increasing, and the classifiers are becoming more and more competitive and varied. Thus, the first contribution of the thesis consists of proposing a taxonomy of distance-based time series classifiers, where an exhaustive review of the existing methods and their computational costs is made. Moreover, from the point of view of a non-expert user (even from that of an expert), choosing a suitable classifier for a given problem is a difficult task. The second contribution, therefore, deals with the recommendation of time series classifiers, for which we will use a meta-learning approach. Finally, the third contribution consists of proposing a method to explain the prediction of time series classifiers, in which we calculate the relevance of each region of a series in the prediction. This method of explanation is based on perturbations, for which we will consider specific and realistic transformations for the time series.BES-2016-07689

    Underwater simulation and mapping using imaging sonar through ray theory and Hilbert maps

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    Mapping, sometimes as part of a SLAM system, is an active topic of research and has remarkable solutions using laser scanners, but most of the underwater mapping is focused on 2D maps, treating the environment as a floor plant, or on 2.5D maps of the seafloor. The reason for the problematic of underwater mapping originates in its sensor, i.e. sonars. In contrast to lasers (LIDARs), sonars are unprecise high-noise sensors. Besides its noise, imaging sonars have a wide sound beam effectuating a volumetric measurement. The first part of this dissertation develops an underwater simulator for highfrequency single-beam imaging sonars capable of replicating multipath, directional gain and typical noise effects on arbitrary environments. The simulation relies on a ray theory based method and explanations of how this theory follows from first principles under short-wavelegnth assumption are provided. In the second part of this dissertation, the simulator is combined to a continous map algorithm based on Hilbert Maps. Hilbert maps arise as a machine learning technique over Hilbert spaces, using features maps, applied to the mapping context. The embedding of a sonar response in such a map is a contribution. A qualitative comparison between the simulator ground truth and the reconstucted map reveal Hilbert maps as a promising technique to noisy sensor mapping and, also, indicates some hard to distinguish characteristics of the surroundings, e.g. corners and non smooth features.O mapeamento, às vezes como parte de um sistema SLAM, é um tema de pesquisa ativo e tem soluções notáveis usando scanners a laser, mas a maioria do mapeamento subaquático é focada em mapas 2D, que tratam o ambiente como uma planta, ou mapas 2.5D do fundo do mar. A razão para a dificuldade do mapeamento subaquático origina-se no seu sensor, i.e. sonares. Em contraste com lasers (LIDARs), os sonares são sensores imprecisos e com alto nível de ruído. Além do seu ruído, os sonares do tipo imaging têm um feixe sonoro muito amplo e, com isso, efetuam uma medição volumétrica, ou seja, sobre todo um volume. Na primeira parte dessa dissertação se desenvolve um simulador para sonares do tipo imaging de feixo único de alta frequência capaz de replicar os efeitos típicos de multicaminho, ganho direcional e ruído de fundo em ambientes arbitrários. O simulador implementa um método baseado na teoria geométrica de raios, com todo seu desenvolvimento partindo da acústica subaquática. Na segunda parte dessa dissertação, o simulador é incorporado em um algoritmo de reconstrução de mapas contínuos baseado em Hilbert Maps. Hilbert Maps surge como uma técnica de aprendizado de máquina sobre espaços de Hilbert, usando mapas de características, aplicadas ao contexto de mapeamento. A incorporação de uma resposta de sonar em um tal mapa é uma contribuição desse trabalho. Uma comparação qualitativa entre o ambiente de referência fornecido ao simulador e o mapa reconstruído pela técnica proposta, revela Hilbert Maps como uma técnica promissora para mapeamento atráves de sensores ruidosos e, também, aponta para algumas características do ambiente difíceis de se distinguir, e.g. cantos e regiões não suaves
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