74 research outputs found

    Informacijski servisni sustav za poljoprivredni IoT

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    Internet of Things (IoT) was faced with some difficulties which contained mass data management, various standards of object identification, data fusion of multiple sources, business data management and information service providing. In China, some safety monitoring systems of agricultural product always adopt centralized system architecture in which the data is stored concentratively. These systems could not be connected with or accessed by each other. This paper proposed an information system of agriculture Internet of Things based on distributed architecture. A distributed information service system based on IoT-Information Service, Object Naming Service, Discovery Service is designed to provide public information service including of capturing, standardizing, managing and querying of massive business data of agriculture production. A coding scheme for agricultural product, business location and logistic unit is provided for data identification. A business event model of agriculture IoT is presented for business data management. The whole system realizes the tracking and tracing of agricultural products, and quality monitoring of agriculture production. The implementation of this information service system is introduced.Internet stvari suočen je s poteškoćama poput upravljanja s velikom količinom podataka, različitim standardnima identifikacije objekata, fuzije podataka iz više izvora, upravljanja poslovnim podatcima i pružanje informacijskih usluga. Sigurnosno nadgledanje poljoprivrednih proizvoda u Kini uvijek podliježe centraliziranoj arhitekturi gdje su podatci koncentrirani na jednom mjestu. Takvi sustavi ne mogu biti povezani jedni s drugim te jedan drugome ne mogu pristupati. U ovome radu predložen je informacijski sustav za poljoprivredni internet stvari temeljen na distribuiranoj arhitekturi. Distribuirani informacijski servisni sustav baziran na IoT (Internet stvari), sustav za imenovanje objekata i sustav za otkrivanje omogućuju javni informacijski servis uključujući prikupljanje, standardizaciju, upravljanje i ispitivanje velikih količina podataka o poljoprivrednim proizvodima. Prikazana je shema kodiranja za poljopoprivredne proizvode, poslovne lokacije i logističke jedinice za identifikaciju podataka. Poslovni model doga.aja za poljoprivredni IoT je prezentiran za upravljanje poslovnim podatcima. Cjelokupni sustav omogućuje praćenje poljoprivrednih proizvoda te nadgledanje njihove kvalitete. Rad tako.er daje uvid u implementaciju informacijskog servisnog sustava

    Ensuring the visibility and traceability of items through logistics chain of automotive industry based on AutoEPCNet Usage

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    Traceability in logistics is the capability of the participants to trace the products throughout the supply chain by means of either the product and/or container identifiers in a forward and/or backward direction. In today's competitive economic environment, traceability is a key concept related to all products and all types of supply chains. The goal of this paper is to describe development of application that enables to create and share information about the physical movement and status of products as they travel throughout the supply chain. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the development of RFID based track and trace system for ensuring the visibility and traceability of items in logistics chain especially in automotive industry. The proposed solution is based on EPCglobal Network Architecture

    Impact of RFID and EPCglobal on Critical Processes of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

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    The need to implement and guarantee effective item-level tracing systems is becoming more and more important for a wide range of business applications, such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and anti-counterfeiting. Among these, the pharmaceutical supply chain, with millions of medicines moving around the world and needing to be traced at item level, represents a very interesting reference scenario. Furthermore, the growing counterfeiting problem raises a significant threat within the supply chain system. Recently, several international institutions (e.g. Food and Drug Administration, European Medicines Agency, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, GS1) are encouraging the use of innovative solutions in healthcare and in the pharmaceutical supply chain, to improve patient safety and enhance the efficiency of the pharmaceutical supply chain, with better worldwide drug traceability

    Benefits through Utilising EPC Network Components in Service‐Oriented Environments – an Analysis Using the Example of the Food Industry

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    Improvements in the food sector imply enhancements of delivering food which is safe, affordable, readily available, and of the quality and diversity consumers expect. However, prevalent information systems (IS) of companies in the food industry are not ready to support further significant improvements. They especially lack the capability to exchange relevant information in an efficient manner. Since recently, two major developments can be observed from IS perspective: the spreading of service-oriented architectures (SOA) as well as an increase in mass serialization (due to public and private traceability requirements, e.g.). So far, though most important due to food safety, a growing need to become more efficient as well as an increasing information demand of consumers, the food sector has attracted little attention in literature concerning an analysis about the potential of both service-orientation and the Electronic Product Code (EPC) Network. This is why this paper will investigate to which extent these two developments can contribute to facilitate food companies’ IS helping them to maintain their competiveness. As a starting point, the research paper will depict the state of the art including SOA and the EPC Network. After describing the research approach, it will proceed with a characterisation of the food sector including an examination why there is need for action. Based on current research findings as well as experience gathered in recent projects, the paper will investigate the application of the EPC Network with its three major components, i. e. EPCIS (EPC Information Services), ONS (Object Name Service) and the EPC Discovery Services, as part of future IS architectures in this sector. The paper will close with a discussion whether the envisioned IS architecture is appropriate to accomplish the previously identified challenges and requirements in the food sector in a more agile, efficient and effective way. What is more, it will highlight the most pressing challenges and provide an outlook as to the following steps of the research

    Valuation of online social networks - An economic model and its application using the case of Xing.com

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    Ubiquitous information technologies like RFID allow for immediate, extensive and fine-grained capture of real world information. Scalable and efficient networks for exchange of this vast amount of information amongst companies are crucial for the economic exploitation of benefits of ubiquitous information technologies. Existing networks bear several limitations like risks of single-point-offailures or bottlenecks, unequally distributed power and burdens as well as inflexibility through stringent structures and formats. In particular there is a need for improving the scalability of solutions and ensuring autonomy of network participants. In this paper we introduce a Peer-to-Peer-based architecture for exchanging distributed information, which are shared among participants of a supply chain facilitated with ubiquitous information technologies. This architecture builds on the wellestablished EPCglobal standards, but can be implemented as an autonomous network. Unlike other architectures it does not need central coordination mechanisms, because it is based on self-organizing Peer-to-Peer protocols. We argue that our architecture supports business processes especially of small and medium-sized enterprises better than other architectures. We provide a discussion about requirements for solutions and a simulation-based analysis of the proposed architecture

    An RFID-Based Tracing and Tracking System for the Fresh Vegetables Supply Chain

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    The paper presents an innovative gapless traceability system able to improve the main business processes of the fresh vegetables supply chain. The performed analysis highlighted some critical aspects in the management of the whole supply chain, from the land to the table of the end consumer, and allowed us to reengineer the most important processes. In particular, the first steps of the supply chain, which include cultivation in greenhouses and manufacturing of packaged vegetables, were analyzed. The re-engineered model was designed by exploiting the potentialities derived from the combined use of innovative Radio Frequency technologies, such as RFID and NFC, and important international standards, such as EPCglobal. The proposed tracing and tracking system allows the end consumer to know the complete history of the purchased product. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the potential benefits of the reengineered processes in a real supply chain, a pilot project was implemented in an Italian food company, which produces ready-to-eat vegetables, known asIV gammaproducts. Finally, some important metrics have been chosen to carry out the analysis of the potential benefits derived from the use of the re-engineered model

    Globally unique product identifiers— requirements and solutions to product lifecycle management

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    Managing product information for product items during their whole lifetime is challenging, especially during their usage and end-of-life phases. A major challenge is how to keep a link between the product item and its associated information, which may be stored in backend systems of different organisations. In this paper, we analyse and compare three approaches for addressing this task, i.e. the EPC Network, DIALOG and WWAI