17 research outputs found

    Are Code Examples on an Online Q&A Forum Reliable?

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    Programmers often consult an online Q&A forum such as Stack Overflow to learn new APIs. This paper presents an empirical study on the prevalence and severity of API misuse on Stack Overflow. To reduce manual assessment effort, we design ExampleCheck, an API usage mining framework that extracts patterns from over 380K Java repositories on GitHub and subsequently reports potential API usage violations in Stack Overflow posts. We analyze 217,818 Stack Overflow posts using ExampleCheck and find that 31% may have potential API usage violations that could produce unexpected behavior such as program crashes and resource leaks. Such API misuse is caused by three main reasons---missing control constructs, missing or incorrect order of API calls, and incorrect guard conditions. Even the posts that are accepted as correct answers or upvoted by other programmers are not necessarily more reliable than other posts in terms of API misuse. This study result calls for a new approach to augment Stack Overflow with alternative API usage details that are not typically shown in curated examples

    Changes and bugs mining and predicting development activities

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    Software development results in a huge amount of data: changes to source code are recorded in version archives, bugs are reported to issue tracking systems, and communications are archived in e-mails and newsgroups. In this thesis, we present techniques for mining version archives and bug databases to understand and support software development. First, we present techniques which mine version archives for fine-grained changes. We introduce the concept of co-addition of method calls, which we use to identify patterns that describe how methods should be called. We use dynamic analysis to validate these patterns and identify violations. The co-addition of method calls can also detect cross-cutting changes, which are an indicator for concerns that could have been realized as aspects in aspect-oriented programming. Second, we present techniques to build models that can successfully predict the most defectprone parts of large-scale industrial software, in our experiments Windows Server 2003. This helps managers to allocate resources for quality assurance to those parts of a system that are expected to have most defects. The proposed measures on dependency graphs outperformed traditional complexity metrics. In addition, we found empirical evidence for a domino effect: depending on defect-prone binaries increases the chances of having defects.Software-Entwicklung führt zu einer großen Menge an Daten: Änderungen des Quellcodes werden in Versionsarchiven, Fehler in Problemdatenbanken und Kommunikation in E-Mails und Newsgroups archiviert. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir Verfahren, die solche Datenbanken analysieren, um Software-Entwicklung zu verstehen und unterstützen. Zuerst präsentieren wir Techniken, die feinkörnige Änderungen in Versionsarchiven untersuchen. Wir konzentrieren uns dabei auf das gleichzeitige Hinzufügen von Methodenaufrufen und identifizieren Muster, die beschreiben wie Methoden aufgerufen werden sollen. Außerdem validieren wir diese Muster zur Laufzeit und erkennen Verletzungen. Das gleichzeitige Hinzufügen von Methodenaufrufen kann außerdem querschneidende Änderungen erkennen. Solche Änderungen sind typischerweise ein Indikator für querschneidende Funktionalitäten, die besser mit Aspekten und aspektorientierter Programmierung realisiert werden können. Zum Abschluss der Arbeit bauen wir Fehlervorhersagemodelle, die erfolgreich die Teile von Windows Server 2003 mit den meisten Fehlern vorhersagen können. Fehlervorhersagen helfen Managern, die Ressourcen für die Qualitätssicherung gezielt auf fehlerhafte Teile einer Software zu lenken. Die auf Abhängigkeitsgraphen basierenden Modelle erzielen dabei bessere Ergebnisse als Modelle, die auf traditionellen Komplexitätsmetriken basieren. Darüber hinaus haben wir einen Domino-Effekt beobachtet: Dateien, die von fehlerhaften Dateien abhängen, besitzen eine erhöhte Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit

    Structured parallelism discovery with hybrid static-dynamic analysis and evaluation technique

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    Parallel computer architectures have dominated the computing landscape for the past two decades; a trend that is only expected to continue and intensify, with increasing specialization and heterogeneity. This creates huge pressure across the software stack to produce programming languages, libraries, frameworks and tools which will efficiently exploit the capabilities of parallel computers, not only for new software, but also revitalizing existing sequential code. Automatic parallelization, despite decades of research, has had limited success in transforming sequential software to take advantage of efficient parallel execution. This thesis investigates three approaches that use commutativity analysis as the enabler for parallelization. This has the potential to overcome limitations of traditional techniques. We introduce the concept of liveness-based commutativity for sequential loops. We examine the use of a practical analysis utilizing liveness-based commutativity in a symbolic execution framework. Symbolic execution represents input values as groups of constraints, consequently deriving the output as a function of the input and enabling the identification of further program properties. We employ this feature to develop an analysis and discern commutativity properties between loop iterations. We study the application of this approach on loops taken from real-world programs in the OLDEN and NAS Parallel Benchmark (NPB) suites, and identify its limitations and related overheads. Informed by these findings, we develop Dynamic Commutativity Analysis (DCA), a new technique that leverages profiling information from program execution with specific input sets. Using profiling information, we track liveness information and detect loop commutativity by examining the code’s live-out values. We evaluate DCA against almost 1400 loops of the NPB suite, discovering 86% of them as parallelizable. Comparing our results against dependence-based methods, we match the detection efficacy of two dynamic and outperform three static approaches, respectively. Additionally, DCA is able to automatically detect parallelism in loops which iterate over Pointer-Linked Data Structures (PLDSs), taken from wide range of benchmarks used in the literature, where all other techniques we considered failed. Parallelizing the discovered loops, our methodology achieves an average speedup of 3.6× across NPB (and up to 55×) and up to 36.9× for the PLDS-based loops on a 72-core host. We also demonstrate that our methodology, despite relying on specific input values for profiling each program, is able to correctly identify parallelism that is valid for all potential input sets. Lastly, we develop a methodology to utilize liveness-based commutativity, as implemented in DCA, to detect latent loop parallelism in the shape of patterns. Our approach applies a series of transformations which subsequently enable multiple applications of DCA over the generated multi-loop code section and match its loop commutativity outcomes against the expected criteria for each pattern. Applying our methodology on sets of sequential loops, we are able to identify well-known parallel patterns (i.e., maps, reduction and scans). This extends the scope of parallelism detection to loops, such as those performing scan operations, which cannot be determined as parallelizable by simply evaluating liveness-based commutativity conditions on their original form

    Finding Differences in Privilege Protection and their Origin in Role-Based Access Control Implementations

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    Les applications Web sont très courantes, et ont des besoins de sécurité. L’un d’eux est le contrôle d’accès. Le contrôle d’accès s’assure que la politique de sécurité est respectée. Cette politique définit l’accès légitime aux données et aux opérations de l’application. Les applications Web utilisent régulièrement le contrôle d’accès à base de rôles (en anglais, « Role-Based Access Control » ou RBAC). Les politiques de sécurité RBAC permettent aux développeurs de définir des rôles et d’assigner des utilisateurs à ces rôles. De plus, l’assignation des privilèges d’accès se fait au niveau des rôles. Les applications Web évoluent durant leur maintenance et des changements du code source peuvent affecter leur sécurité de manière inattendue. Pour éviter que ces changements engendrent des régressions et des vulnérabilités, les développeurs doivent revalider l’implémentation RBAC de leur application. Ces revalidations peuvent exiger des ressources considérables. De plus, la tâche est compliquée par l’éloignement possible entre le changement et son impact sur la sécurité (e.g. dans des procédures ou fichiers différents). Pour s’attaquer à cette problématique, nous proposons des analyses statiques de programmes autour de la protection garantie des privilèges. Nous générons automatiquement des modèles de protection des privilèges. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons l’analyse de flux par traversement de patron (en anglais, « Pattern Traversal Flow Analysis » ou PTFA) à partir du code source de l’application. En comparant les modèles PTFA de différentes versions, nous déterminons les impacts des changements de code sur la protection des privilèges. Nous appelons ces impacts de sécurité des différences de protection garantie (en anglais, « Definite Protection Difference » ou DPD). En plus de trouver les DPD entre deux versions, nous établissons une classification des différences reposant sur la théorie des ensembles.----------ABSTRACT : Web applications are commonplace, and have security needs. One of these is access control. Access control enforces a security policy that allows and restricts access to information and operations. Web applications often use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to restrict operations and protect security-sensitive information and resources. RBAC allows developers to assign users to various roles, and assign privileges to the roles. Web applications undergo maintenance and evolution. Their security may be affected by source code changes between releases. Because these changes may impact security in unexpected ways, developers need to revalidate their RBAC implementation to prevent regressions and vulnerabilities. This may be resource-intensive. This task is complicated by the fact that the code change and its security impact may be distant (e.g. in different functions or files). To address this issue, we propose static program analyses of definite privilege protection. We automatically generate privilege protection models from the source code using Pattern Traversal Flow Analysis (PTFA). Using differences between versions and PTFA models, we determine privilege-level security impacts of code changes using definite protection differences (DPDs) and apply a set-theoretic classification to them. We also compute explanatory counter-examples for DPDs in PTFA models. In addition, we shorten them using graph transformations in order to facilitate their understanding. We define protection-impacting changes (PICs), changed code during evolution that impact privilege protection. We do so using graph reachability and differencing of two versions’ PTFA models. We also identify a superset of source code changes that contain root causes of DPDs by reverting these changes. We survey the distribution of DPDs and their classification over 147 release pairs of Word-Press, spanning from 2.0 to 4.5.1. We found that code changes caused no DPDs in 82 (56%) release pairs. The remaining 65 (44%) release pairs are security-affected. For these release pairs, only 0.30% of code is affected by DPDs on average. We also found that the most common change categories are complete gains (� 41%), complete losses (� 18%) and substitution (� 20%)

    Dynamically fighting bugs : prevention, detection and elimination

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-160).This dissertation presents three test-generation techniques that are used to improve software quality. Each of our techniques targets bugs that are found by different stake-holders: developers, testers, and maintainers. We implemented and evaluated our techniques on real code. We present the design of each tool and conduct experimental evaluation of the tools with available alternatives. Developers need to prevent regression errors when they create new functionality. This dissertation presents a technique that helps developers prevent regression errors in object-oriented programs by automatically generating unit-level regression tests. Our technique generates regressions tests by using models created dynamically from example executions. In our evaluation, our technique created effective regression tests, and achieved good coverage even for programs with constrained APIs. Testers need to detect bugs in programs. This dissertation presents a technique that helps testers detect and localize bugs in web applications. Our technique automatically creates tests that expose failures by combining dynamic test generation with explicit state model checking. In our evaluation, our technique discovered hundreds of faults in real applications. Maintainers have to reproduce failing executions in order to eliminate bugs found in deployed programs. This dissertation presents a technique that helps maintainers eliminate bugs by generating tests that reproduce failing executions. Our technique automatically generates tests that reproduce the failed executions by monitoring methods and storing optimized states of method arguments.(cont.) In our evaluation, our technique reproduced failures with low overhead in real programs Analyses need to avoid unnecessary computations in order to scale. This dissertation presents a technique that helps our other techniques to scale by inferring the mutability classification of arguments. Our technique classifies mutability by combining both static analyses and a novel dynamic mutability analysis. In our evaluation, our technique efficiently and correctly classified most of the arguments for programs with more than hundred thousand lines of code.by Shay Artzi.Ph.D

    Verification, slicing, and visualization of programs with contracts

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    Tese de doutoramento em Informática (área de especialização em Ciências da Computação)As a specification carries out relevant information concerning the behaviour of a program, why not explore this fact to slice a program in a semantic sense aiming at optimizing it or easing its verification? It was this idea that Comuzzi, in 1996, introduced with the notion of postcondition-based slicing | slice a program using the information contained in the postcondition (the condition Q that is guaranteed to hold at the exit of a program). After him, several advances were made and different extensions were proposed, bridging the two areas of Program Verification and Program Slicing: specifically precondition-based slicing and specification-based slicing. The work reported in this Ph.D. dissertation explores further relations between these two areas aiming at discovering mutual benefits. A deep study of specification-based slicing has shown that the original algorithm is not efficient and does not produce minimal slices. In this dissertation, traditional specification-based slicing algorithms are revisited and improved (their formalization is proposed under the name of assertion-based slicing), in a new framework that is appropriate for reasoning about imperative programs annotated with contracts and loop invariants. In the same theoretical framework, the semantic slicing algorithms are extended to work at the program level through a new concept called contract based slicing. Contract-based slicing, constituting another contribution of this work, allows for the study of a program at an interprocedural level, enabling optimizations in the context of code reuse. Motivated by the lack of tools to prove that the proposed algorithms work in practice, a tool (GamaSlicer) was also developed. It implements all the existing semantic slicing algorithms, in addition to the ones introduced in this dissertation. This third contribution is based on generic graph visualization and animation algorithms that were adapted to work with verification and slice graphs, two specific cases of labelled control low graphs.Tendo em conta que uma especificação contém informação relevante no que diz respeito ao comportamento de um programa, faz sentido explorar este facto para o cortar em fatias (slice) com o objectivo de o optimizar ou de facilitar a sua verificação. Foi precisamente esta ideia que Comuzzi introduziu, em 1996, apresentando o conceito de postcondition-based slicing que consiste em cortar um programa usando a informação contida na pos-condicão (a condição Q que se assegura ser verdadeira no final da execução do programa). Depois da introdução deste conceito, vários avanços foram feitos e diferentes extensões foram propostas, aproximando desta forma duas áreas que até então pareciam desligadas: Program Verification e Program Slicing. Entre estes conceitos interessa-nos destacar as noções de precondition-based slicing e specification-based slicing, que serão revisitadas neste trabalho. Um estudo aprofundado do conceito de specification-based slicing relevou que o algoritmo original não é eficiente e não produz slices mínimos. O trabalho reportado nesta dissertação de doutoramento explora a ideia de tornar mais próximas essas duas áreas visando obter benefícios mútuos. Assim, estabelecendo uma nova base teórica matemática, os algoritmos originais de specification-based slicing são revistos e aperfeiçoados | a sua formalizacão é proposta com o nome de assertion-based slicing. Ainda sobre a mesma base teórica, os algoritmos de slicing são extendidos, de forma a funcionarem ao nível do programa; alem disso introduz-se um novo conceito: contract-based slicing. Este conceito, contract-based slicing, sendo mais um dos contributos do trabalho aqui descrito, possibilita o estudo de um programa ao nível externo de um procedimento, permitindo, por um lado, otimizações no contexto do seu uso, e por outro, a sua reutilização segura. Devido à falta de ferramentas que provem que os algoritmos propostos de facto funcionam na prática, foi desenvolvida uma, com o nome GamaSlicer, que implementa todos os algoritmos existentes de slicing semântico e os novos propostos. Uma terceira contribuição é baseada nos algoritmos genéricos de visualização e animação de grafos que foram adaptados para funcionar com os grafos de controlo de fluxo etiquetados e os grafos de verificação e slicing.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) através da Bolsa de Doutoramento SFRH/BD/33231/2007Projecto RESCUE (contrato FCT sob a referência PTDC / EIA / 65862 /2006)Projecto CROSS (contrato FCT sob a referência PTDC / EIACCO / 108995 / 2008

    Compiler-managed memory system for software-exposed architectures

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-161).Microprocessors must exploit both instruction-level parallelism (ILP) and memory parallelism for high performance. Sophisticated techniques for ILP have boosted the ability of modern-day microprocessors to exploit ILP when available. Unfortunately, improvements in memory parallelism in microprocessors have lagged behind. This thesis explains why memory parallelism is hard to exploit in microprocessors and advocate bank-exposed architectures as an effective way to exploit more memory parallelism. Bank exposed architectures are a kind of software-exposed architecture: one in which the low level details of the hardware are visible to the software. In a bank-exposed architecture, the memory banks are visible to the software, enabling the compiler to exploit a high degree of memory parallelism in addition to ILP. Bank-exposed architectures can be employed by general-purpose processors, and by embedded chips, such as those used for digital-signal processing. This thesis presents Maps, an enabling compiler technology for bank-exposed architectures. Maps solves the problem of bank-disambiguation, i.e., how to distribute data in sequential programs among several banks to best exploit memory parallelism, while retaining the ability to disambiguate each data reference to a particular bank. Two methods for bank disambiguation are presented: equivalence-class unification and modulo unrolling. Taking a sequential program as input, a bank-disambiguation method produces two outputs: first, a distribution of each program object among the memory banks; and second, a bank number for every reference that can be proven to access a single, known bank for that data distribution. Finally, the thesis shows why non-disambiguated accesses are sometimes desirable. Dependences between disambiguated and non-disambiguated accesses are enforced through explicit synchronization and software serial ordering. The MIT Raw machine is an example of a software-exposed architecture. Raw exposes its ILP, memory and communication mechanisms. The Maps system has been implemented in the Raw compiler. Results on Raw using sequential codes demonstrate that using bank disambiguation in addition to ILP improves performance by a factor of 3 to 5 over using ILP alone.by Rajeev Barua.Ph.D

    Refinement Techniques in Mining Software Behavior

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    Security-Pattern Recognition and Validation

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    The increasing and diverse number of technologies that are connected to the Internet, such as distributed enterprise systems or small electronic devices like smartphones, brings the topic IT security to the foreground. We interact daily with these technologies and spend much trust on a well-established software development process. However, security vulnerabilities appear in software on all kinds of PC(-like) platforms, and more and more vulnerabilities are published, which compromise systems and their users. Thus, software has also to be modified due to changing requirements, bugs, and security flaws and software engineers must more and more face security issues during the software design; especially maintenance programmers must deal with such use cases after a software has been released. In the domain of software development, design patterns have been proposed as the best-known solutions for recurring problems in software design. Analogously, security patterns are best practices aiming at ensuring security. This thesis develops a deeper understanding of the nature of security patterns. It focuses on their validation and detection regarding the support of reviews and maintenance activities. The landscape of security patterns is diverse. Thus, published security patterns are collected and organized to identify software-related security patterns. The description of the selected software-security patterns is assessed, and they are compared against the common design patterns described by Gamma et al. to identify differences and issues that may influence the detection of security patterns. Based on these insights and a manual detection approach, we illustrate an automatic detection method for security patterns. The approach is implemented in a tool and evaluated in a case study with 25 real-world Android applications from Google Play

    High-level compiler analysis for OpenMP

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    Nowadays, applications from dissimilar domains, such as high-performance computing and high-integrity systems, require levels of performance that can only be achieved by means of sophisticated heterogeneous architectures. However, the complex nature of such architectures hinders the production of efficient code at acceptable levels of time and cost. Moreover, the need for exploiting parallelism adds complications of its own (e.g., deadlocks, race conditions,...). In this context, compiler analysis is fundamental for optimizing parallel programs. There is however a trade-off between complexity and profit: low complexity analyses (e.g., reaching definitions) provide information that may be insufficient for many relevant transformations, and complex analyses based on mathematical representations (e.g., polyhedral model) give accurate results at a high computational cost. A range of parallel programming models providing different levels of programmability, performance and portability enable the exploitation of current architectures. However, OpenMP has proved many advantages over its competitors: 1) it delivers levels of performance comparable to highly tunable models such as CUDA and MPI, and better robustness than low level libraries such as Pthreads; 2) the extensions included in the latest specification meet the characteristics of current heterogeneous architectures (i.e., the coupling of a host processor to one or more accelerators, and the capability of expressing fine-grained, both structured and unstructured, and highly-dynamic task parallelism); 3) OpenMP is widely implemented by several chip (e.g., Kalray MPPA, Intel) and compiler (e.g., GNU, Intel) vendors; and 4) although currently the model lacks resiliency and reliability mechanisms, many works, including this thesis, pursue their introduction in the specification. This thesis addresses the study of compiler analysis techniques for OpenMP with two main purposes: 1) enhance the programmability and reliability of OpenMP, and 2) prove OpenMP as a suitable model to exploit parallelism in safety-critical domains. Particularly, the thesis focuses on the tasking model because it offers the flexibility to tackle the parallelization of algorithms with load imbalance, recursiveness and uncountable loop based kernels. Additionally, current works have proved the time-predictability of this model, shortening the distance towards its introduction in safety-critical domains. To enable the analysis of applications using the OpenMP tasking model, the first contribution of this thesis is the extension of a set of classic compiler techniques with support for OpenMP. As a basis for including reliability mechanisms, the second contribution consists of the development of a series of algorithms to statically detect situations involving OpenMP tasks, which may lead to a loss of performance, non-deterministic results or run-time failures. A well-known problem of parallel processing related to compilers is the static scheduling of a program represented by a directed graph. Although the literature is extensive in static scheduling techniques, the work related to the generation of the task graph at compile-time is very scant. Compilers are limited by the knowledge they can extract, which depends on the application and the programming model. The third contribution of this thesis is the generation of a predicated task dependency graph for OpenMP that can be interpreted by the runtime in such a way that the cost of solving dependences is reduced to the minimum. With the previous contributions as a basis for determining the functional safety of OpenMP, the final contribution of this thesis is the adaptation of OpenMP to the safety-critical domain considering two directions: 1) indicating how OpenMP can be safely used in such a domain, and 2) integrating OpenMP into Ada, a language widely used in the safety-critical domain.Actualment, aplicacions de dominis diversos com la computació d'altes prestacions i els sistemes d'alta integritat, requereixen nivells de rendiment assolibles només mitjançant arquitectures heterogènies sofisticades. No obstant, la natura complexa d'aquestes dificulta la producció de codi eficient en un temps i cost acceptables. A més, la necessitat d’explotar paral·lelisme introdueix complicacions en sí mateixa (p. ex. bloqueig mutu, condicions de carrera,...). En aquest context, l'anàlisi de compiladors és fonamental per optimitzar programes paral·lels. Existeix però un equilibri entre complexitat i beneficis: la informació obtinguda amb anàlisis simples (p. ex. definicions abastables) pot ser insuficient per moltes transformacions rellevants, i anàlisis complexos basats en models matemàtics (p. ex. model polièdric) faciliten resultats acurats a un alt cost computacional. Existeixen molts models de programació paral·lela que proporcionen diferents nivells de programabilitat, rendiment i portabilitat per l'explotació de les arquitectures actuals. En aquest marc, OpenMP ha demostrat molts avantatges respecte dels seus competidors: 1) el seu nivell de rendiment és comparable a models molt ajustables com CUDA i MPI, i proporciona més robustesa que llibreries de baix nivell com Pthreads; 2) les extensions que inclou la darrera especificació satisfan les característiques de les actuals arquitectures heterogènies (és a dir, l’acoblament d’un processador principal i un o més acceleradors, i la capacitat d'expressar paral·lelisme de tasques de gra fi, ja sigui estructurat o sense estructura; 3) OpenMP és àmpliament implementat per venedors de xips (p. ex. Kalray MPPA, Intel) i compiladors (p. ex. GNU, Intel); i 4) tot i que el model actual manca de mecanismes de resiliència i fiabilitat, molts treballs, incloent aquesta tesi, busquen la seva introducció a l'especificació. Aquesta tesi adreça l'estudi de tècniques d’anàlisi de compiladors amb dos objectius: 1) millorar la programabilitat i la fiabilitat de OpenMP, i 2) provar que OpenMP és un model adequat per explotar paral·lelisme en sistemes crítics. En particular, la tesi es centra en el model de tasques per què aquest ofereix la flexibilitat per abordar aplicacions amb problemes de balanceig de càrrega, recursivitat i bucles incomptables. A més, treballs recents han provat la predictibilitat en qüestió de temps del model, escurçant la distància cap a la seva introducció en sistemes crítics. Per a poder analitzar aplicacions que utilitzen el model de tasques d’OpenMP, la primera contribució d’aquesta tesi consisteix en l’extensió d'un conjunt de tècniques clàssiques de compilació per suportar OpenMP. Com a base per incloure mecanismes de fiabilitat, la segona contribució consisteix en el desenvolupament duna sèrie d'algorismes per detectar de forma estàtica situacions que involucren tasques d’OpenMP, i que poden conduir a una pèrdua de rendiment, resultats no deterministes, o fallades en temps d’execució. Un problema ben conegut del processament paral·lel relacionat amb els compiladors és la planificació estàtica d’un programa representat mitjançant un graf dirigit. Tot i que la literatura sobre planificació estàtica és extensa, aquella relacionada amb la generació del graf en temps de compilació és molt escassa. Els compiladors estan limitats pel coneixement que poden extreure, que depèn de l’aplicació i del model de programació. La tercera contribució de la tesi és la generació d’un graf de dependències enriquit que pot ser interpretat pel sistema en temps d’execució de manera que el cost de resoldre les dependències sigui mínim. Amb les anteriors contribucions com a base per a determinar la seguretat funcional de OpenMP, la darrera contribució de la tesi consisteix en adaptar OpenMP a sistemes crítics, explorant dues direccions: 1) indicar com OpenMP es pot utilitzar de forma segura en un domini com, i 2) integrar OpenMP en Ada, un llenguatge molt utilitzat en el domini de seguretat.Postprint (published version