205 research outputs found

    Mining Meaning from Wikipedia

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    Wikipedia is a goldmine of information; not just for its many readers, but also for the growing community of researchers who recognize it as a resource of exceptional scale and utility. It represents a vast investment of manual effort and judgment: a huge, constantly evolving tapestry of concepts and relations that is being applied to a host of tasks. This article provides a comprehensive description of this work. It focuses on research that extracts and makes use of the concepts, relations, facts and descriptions found in Wikipedia, and organizes the work into four broad categories: applying Wikipedia to natural language processing; using it to facilitate information retrieval and information extraction; and as a resource for ontology building. The article addresses how Wikipedia is being used as is, how it is being improved and adapted, and how it is being combined with other structures to create entirely new resources. We identify the research groups and individuals involved, and how their work has developed in the last few years. We provide a comprehensive list of the open-source software they have produced.Comment: An extensive survey of re-using information in Wikipedia in natural language processing, information retrieval and extraction and ontology building. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Human-Computer Studie

    The application of process mining to care pathway analysis in the NHS

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    Background: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK and the sixth-fastest increasing cancer in males. Within England survival rates are improving, however, these are comparatively poorer than other countries. Currently, information available on outcomes of care is scant and there is an urgent need for techniques to improve healthcare systems and processes. Aims: To provide prostate cancer pathway analysis, by applying concepts of process mining and visualisation and comparing the performance metrics against the standard pathway laid out by national guidelines. Methods: A systematic review was conducted to see how process mining has been used in healthcare. Appropriate datasets for prostate cancer were identified within Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust London. A process model was constructed by linking and transforming cohort data from six distinct database sources. The cohort dataset was filtered to include patients who had a PSA from 2010-2015, and validated by comparing the medical patient records against a Case-note audit. Process mining techniques were applied to the data to analyse performance and conformance of the prostate cancer pathway metrics to national guideline metrics. These techniques were evaluated with stakeholders to ascertain its impact on user experience. Results: Case note audit revealed 90% match against patients found in medical records. Application of process mining techniques showed massive heterogeneity as compared to the homogenous path laid out by national guidelines. This also gave insight into bottlenecks and deviations in the pathway. Evaluation with stakeholders showed that the visualisation and technology was well accepted, high quality and recommended to be used in healthcare decision making. Conclusion: Process mining is a promising technique used to give insight into complex and flexible healthcare processes. It can map the patient journey at a local level and audit it against explicit standards of good clinical practice, which will enable us to intervene at the individual and system level to improve care.Open Acces

    Context based bioinformatics

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    The goal of bioinformatics is to develop innovative and practical methods and algorithms for bio- logical questions. In many cases, these questions are driven by new biotechnological techniques, especially by genome and cell wide high throughput experiment studies. In principle there are two approaches: 1. Reduction and abstraction of the question to a clearly defined optimization problem, which can be solved with appropriate and efficient algorithms. 2. Development of context based methods, incorporating as much contextual knowledge as possible in the algorithms, and derivation of practical solutions for relevant biological ques- tions on the high-throughput data. These methods can be often supported by appropriate software tools and visualizations, allowing for interactive evaluation of the results by ex- perts. Context based methods are often much more complex and require more involved algorithmic techniques to get practical relevant and efficient solutions for real world problems, as in many cases already the simplified abstraction of problems result in NP-hard problem instances. In many cases, to solve these complex problems, one needs to employ efficient data structures and heuristic search methods to solve clearly defined sub-problems using efficient (polynomial) op- timization (such as dynamic programming, greedy, path- or tree-algorithms). In this thesis, we present new methods and analyses addressing open questions of bioinformatics from different contexts by incorporating the corresponding contextual knowledge. The two main contexts in this thesis are the protein structure similarity context (Part I) and net- work based interpretation of high-throughput data (Part II). For the protein structure similarity context Part I we analyze the consistency of gold standard structure classification systems and derive a consistent benchmark set usable for different ap- plications. We introduce two methods (Vorolign, PPM) for the protein structure similarity recog- nition problem, based on different features of the structures. Derived from the idea and results of Vorolign, we introduce the concept of contact neighbor- hood potential, aiming to improve the results of protein fold recognition and threading. For the re-scoring problem of predicted structure models we introduce the method Vorescore, clearly improving the fold-recognition performance, and enabling the evaluation of the contact neighborhood potential for structure prediction methods in general. We introduce a contact consistent Vorolign variant ccVorolign further improving the structure based fold recognition performance, and enabling direct optimization of the neighborhood po- tential in the future. Due to the enforcement of contact-consistence, the ccVorolign method has much higher computational complexity than the polynomial Vorolign method - the cost of com- puting interpretable and consistent alignments. Finally, we introduce a novel structural alignment method (PPM) enabling the explicit modeling and handling of phenotypic plasticity in protein structures. We employ PPM for the analysis of effects of alternative splicing on protein structures. With the help of PPM we test the hypothesis, whether splice isoforms of the same protein can lead to protein structures with different folds (fold transitions). In Part II of the thesis we present methods generating and using context information for the interpretation of high-throughput experiments. For the generation of context information of molecular regulations we introduce novel textmin- ing approaches extracting relations automatically from scientific publications. In addition to the fast NER (named entity recognition) method (syngrep) we also present a novel, fully ontology-based context-sensitive method (SynTree) allowing for the context-specific dis- ambiguation of ambiguous synonyms and resulting in much better identification performance. This context information is important for the interpretation of high-throughput data, but often missing in current databases. Despite all improvements, the results of automated text-mining methods are error prone. The RelAnn application presented in this thesis helps to curate the automatically extracted regula- tions enabling manual and ontology based curation and annotation. For the usage of high-throughput data one needs additional methods for data processing, for example methods to map the hundreds of millions short DNA/RNA fragments (so called reads) on a reference genome or transcriptome. Such data (RNA-seq reads) are the output of next generation sequencing methods measured by sequencing machines, which are becoming more and more efficient and affordable. Other than current state-of-the-art methods, our novel read-mapping method ContextMap re- solves the occurring ambiguities at the final step of the mapping process, employing thereby the knowledge of the complete set of possible ambiguous mappings. This approach allows for higher precision, even if more nucleotide errors are tolerated in the read mappings in the first step. The consistence between context information of molecular regulations stored in databases and extracted from textmining against measured data can be used to identify and score consistent reg- ulations (GGEA). This method substantially extends the commonly used gene-set based methods such over-representation (ORA) and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). Finally we introduce the novel method RelExplain, which uses the extracted contextual knowl- edge and generates network-based and testable hypotheses for the interpretation of high-throughput data.Bioinformatik befasst sich mit der Entwicklung innovativer und praktisch einsetzbarer Verfahren und Algorithmen für biologische Fragestellungen. Oft ergeben sich diese Fragestellungen aus neuen Beobachtungs- und Messverfahren, insbesondere neuen Hochdurchsatzverfahren und genom- und zellweiten Studien. Im Prinzip gibt es zwei Vorgehensweisen: Reduktion und Abstraktion der Fragestellung auf ein klar definiertes Optimierungsproblem, das dann mit geeigneten möglichst effizienten Algorithmen gelöst wird. Die Entwicklung von kontext-basierten Verfahren, die möglichst viel Kontextwissen und möglichst viele Randbedingungen in den Algorithmen nutzen, um praktisch relevante Lösungen für relvante biologische Fragestellungen und Hochdurchsatzdaten zu erhalten. Die Verfahren können oft durch geeignete Softwaretools und Visualisierungen unterstützt werden, um eine interaktive Auswertung der Ergebnisse durch Fachwissenschaftler zu ermöglichen. Kontext-basierte Verfahren sind oft wesentlich aufwändiger und erfordern involviertere algorithmische Techniken um für reale Probleme, deren simplifizierende Abstraktionen schon NP-hart sind, noch praktisch relevante und effiziente Lösungen zu ermöglichen. Oft werden effiziente Datenstrukturen und heuristische Suchverfahren benötigt, die für klar umrissene Teilprobleme auf effiziente (polynomielle) Optimierungsverfahren (z.B. dynamische Programmierung, Greedy, Wege- und Baumverfahren) zurückgreifen und sie entsprechend für das Gesamtverfahren einsetzen. In dieser Arbeit werden eine Reihe von neuen Methoden und Analysen vorgestellt um offene Fragen der Bioinformatik aus verschiedenen Kontexten durch Verwendung von entsprechendem Kontext-Wissen zu adressieren. Die zwei Hauptkontexte in dieser Arbeit sind (Teil 1) die Ähnlichkeiten von 3D Protein Strukturen und (Teil 2) auf die netzwerkbasierte Interpretation von Hochdurchsatzdaten. Im Proteinstrukturkontext Teil 1 analysieren wir die Konsistenz der heute verfügbaren Goldstandards für Proteinstruktur-Klassifikationen, und leiten ein vielseitig einsetzbares konsistentes Benchmark-Set ab. Für eine genauere Bestimmung der Ähnlichkeit von Proteinstrukturen beschreiben wir zwei Methoden (Vorolign, PPM), die unterschiedliche Strukturmerkmale nutzen. Ausgehend von den für Vorolign erzielten Ergebnissen, führen wir Kontakt-Umgebungs-Potentiale mit dem Ziel ein, Fold-Erkennung (auf Basis der vorhandenen Strukturen) und Threading (zur Proteinstrukturvorhersage) zu verbessern. Für das Problem des Re-scorings von vorhergesagten Strukturmodellen beschreiben wir das Vorescore Verfahren ein, mit dem die Fold-Erkennung deutlich verbessert, aber auch die Anwendbarkeit von Potentialen im Allgemeinen getested werden kann. Zur weiteren Verbesserung führen wir eine Kontakt-konsistente Vorolign Variante (ccVorolign) ein, die wegen der neuen Konsistenz-Randbedingung erheblich aufwändiger als das polynomielle Vorolignverfahren ist, aber eben auch interpretierbare konsistente Alignments liefert. Das neue Strukturalignment Verfahren (PPM) erlaubt es phänotypische Plastizität, explizit zu modellieren und zu berücksichtigen. PPM wird eingesetzt, um die Effekte von alternativem Splicing auf die Proteinstruktur zu untersuchen, insbesondere die Hypothese, ob Splice-Isoformen unterschiedliche Folds annehmen können (Fold-Transitionen). Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Verfahren zur Generierung von Kontextinformationen und zu ihrer Verwendung für die Interpretation von Hochdurchsatz-Daten vorgestellt. Neue Textmining Verfahren extrahieren aus wissenschaftlichen Publikationen automatisch molekulare regulatorische Beziehungen und entsprechende Kontextinformation. Neben schnellen NER (named entity recognition) Verfahren (wie syngrep) wird auch ein vollständig Ontologie-basiertes kontext-sensitives Verfahren (SynTree) eingeführt, das es erlaubt, mehrdeutige Synonyme kontext-spezifisch und damit wesentlich genauer aufzulösen. Diese für die Interpretation von Hochdurchsatzdaten wichtige Kontextinformation fehlt häufig in heutigen Datenbanken. Automatische Verfahren produzieren aber trotz aller Verbesserungen noch viele Fehler. Mithilfe unserer Applikation RelAnn können aus Texten extrahierte regulatorische Beziehungen ontologiebasiert manuell annotiert und kuriert werden. Die Verwendung aktueller Hochdurchsatzdaten benötigt zusätzliche Ansätze für die Datenprozessierung, zum Beispiel für das Mapping von hunderten von Millionen kurzer DNA/RNA Fragmente (sog. reads) auf Genom oder Transkriptom. Diese Daten (RNA-seq) ergeben sich durch next generation sequencing Methoden, die derzeit mit immer leistungsfähigeren Geräten immer kostengünstiger gemessen werden können. In der ContextMap Methode werden im Gegensatz zu state-of-the-art Verfahren die auftretenden Mehrdeutigkeiten erst am Ende des Mappingprozesses aufgelöst, wenn die Gesamtheit der Mappinginformationen zur Verfügung steht. Dadurch könenn mehr Fehler beim Mapping zugelassen und trotzdem höhere Genauigkeit erreicht werden. Die Konsistenz zwischen der Kontextinformation aus Textmining und Datenbanken sowie den gemessenen Daten kann dann für das Auffinden und Bewerten von konsistente Regulationen (GGEA) genutzt werden. Dieses Verfahren stellt eine wesentliche Erweiterung der häufig verwendeten Mengen-orientierten Verfahren wie overrepresentation (ORA) und gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) dar. Zuletzt stellen wir die Methode RelExplain vor, die aus dem extrahierten Kontextwissen netzwerk-basierte, testbare Hypothesen für die Erklärung von Hochdurchsatzdaten generiert

    Geometric, Feature-based and Graph-based Approaches for the Structural Analysis of Protein Binding Sites : Novel Methods and Computational Analysis

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    In this thesis, protein binding sites are considered. To enable the extraction of information from the space of protein binding sites, these binding sites must be mapped onto a mathematical space. This can be done by mapping binding sites onto vectors, graphs or point clouds. To finally enable a structure on the mathematical space, a distance measure is required, which is introduced in this thesis. This distance measure eventually can be used to extract information by means of data mining techniques

    Cross-language Ontology Learning: Incorporating and Exploiting Cross-language Data in the Ontology Learning Process

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    Hans Hjelm. Cross-language Ontology Learning: Incorporating and Exploiting Cross-language Data in the Ontology Learning Process. NEALT Monograph Series, Vol. 1 (2009), 159 pages. © 2009 Hans Hjelm. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/10126

    Program Similarity Analysis for Malware Classification and its Pitfalls

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    Malware classification, specifically the task of grouping malware samples into families according to their behaviour, is vital in order to understand the threat they pose and how to protect against them. Recognizing whether one program shares behaviors with another is a task that requires semantic reasoning, meaning that it needs to consider what a program actually does. This is a famously uncomputable problem, due to Rice\u2019s theorem. As there is no one-size-fits-all solution, determining program similarity in the context of malware classification requires different tools and methods depending on what is available to the malware defender. When the malware source code is readily available (or at least, easy to retrieve), most approaches employ semantic \u201cabstractions\u201d, which are computable approximations of the semantics of the program. We consider this the first scenario for this thesis: malware classification using semantic abstractions extracted from the source code in an open system. Structural features, such as the control flow graphs of programs, can be used to classify malware reasonably well. To demonstrate this, we build a tool for malware analysis, R.E.H.A. which targets the Android system and leverages its openness to extract a structural feature from the source code of malware samples. This tool is first successfully evaluated against a state of the art malware dataset and then on a newly collected dataset. We show that R.E.H.A. is able to classify the new samples into their respective families, often outperforming commercial antivirus software. However, abstractions have limitations by virtue of being approximations. We show that by increasing the granularity of the abstractions used to produce more fine-grained features, we can improve the accuracy of the results as in our second tool, StranDroid, which generates fewer false positives on the same datasets. The source code of malware samples is not often available or easily retrievable. For this reason, we introduce a second scenario in which the classification must be carried out with only the compiled binaries of malware samples on hand. Program similarity in this context cannot be done using semantic abstractions as before, since it is difficult to create meaningful abstractions from zeros and ones. Instead, by treating the compiled programs as raw data, we transform them into images and build upon common image classification algorithms using machine learning. This led us to develop novel deep learning models, a convolutional neural network and a long short-term memory, to classify the samples into their respective families. To overcome the usual obstacle of deep learning of lacking sufficiently large and balanced datasets, we utilize obfuscations as a data augmentation tool to generate semantically equivalent variants of existing samples and expand the dataset as needed. Finally, to lower the computational cost of the training process, we use transfer learning and show that a model trained on one dataset can be used to successfully classify samples in different malware datasets. The third scenario explored in this thesis assumes that even the binary itself cannot be accessed for analysis, but it can be executed, and the execution traces can then be used to extract semantic properties. However, dynamic analysis lacks the formal tools and frameworks that exist in static analysis to allow proving the effectiveness of obfuscations. For this reason, the focus shifts to building a novel formal framework that is able to assess the potency of obfuscations against dynamic analysis. We validate the new framework by using it to encode known analyses and obfuscations, and show how these obfuscations actually hinder the dynamic analysis process

    Unsupervised Abstraction for Reducing the Complexity of Healthcare Process Models

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    Healthcare processes are complex and may vary considerably among the same cohort of patients. Process mining techniques play a significant role in automating the construction of healthcare models using a system's event log. An event log is a data type that records any event that occurs within the process. It is a basic element of any information system and has three main components: process instance id, event and time when an event has occurred. Using ordinary techniques of process mining in healthcare produces `spaghetti-like' models which are difficult to understand and thus have little value. Previously published studies have highlighted the importance of event abstraction which is considered as a central tool for reducing complexity and improving efficiency. Although studies have successfully improved the understandability of process models, they have generally relied on involvement from a domain expert. Untangling these `spaghetti-like' models with the help of domain experts can be expensive and time-consuming. Machine learning techniques such as Hidden Markov Model (HMM) has been used for modelling sequential data for a long time. State transition modelling has also been explored by process mining research and is advocated for sequence clustering purposes where a model is trained over a group of sequences and then used to evaluate if a process instance is more likely to be generated from this model or not. However, state transition models can also be utilised for detecting hidden processes which can be used subsequently for process abstraction. In this thesis, we aim to address healthcare process complexity using unsupervised abstraction. We adopt an unsupervised method for detecting hidden processes using HMM and the Viterbi algorithm. The method in this research includes eight stages; event logs extraction, preprocessing, learning, decoding, optimisation, selection, visualisation and lastly model evaluation. One of the main contributions of this research is the design of two different types of process model optimisation which are strict and soft optimisations. Models that are selected by the proposed optimisation address the limitations of other standard metrics that can be used for model selection in HMM such as Bayesian Information criteria (BIC). Two different real healthcare data sources are used in this research namely the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC-III) from Boston, USA and the Patients Pathway Manager (PPM) from Leeds, UK. Models are trained using the MIMIC-III medical event log and then tested using the PPM dataset to be evaluated later by a domain expert. Three breast cancer case studies that range in complexity are extracted. The results of our method have significantly improved model complexity and provided a conceptually valid abstraction for several care patterns. Promising results are demonstrated in the improvement of the precision and fitness of the abstracted models. The abstracted models can then be used as a middle step for bringing structure to unstructured processes which helps in finding cohorts of patients based on similar healthcare processes. The healthcare processes of a cohort of patients can then be modelled using any process mining tool where their process similarity could not be captured in the complex models