2,249 research outputs found

    Discovering Shifts to Suicidal Ideation from Mental Health Content in Social Media

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    ABSTRACT History of mental illness is a major factor behind suicide risk and ideation. However research efforts toward characterizing and forecasting this risk is limited due to the paucity of information regarding suicide ideation, exacerbated by the stigma of mental illness. This paper fills gaps in the literature by developing a statistical methodology to infer which individuals could undergo transitions from mental health discourse to suicidal ideation. We utilize semi-anonymous support communities on Reddit as unobtrusive data sources to infer the likelihood of these shifts. We develop language and interactional measures for this purpose, as well as a propensity score matching based statistical approach. Our approach allows us to derive distinct markers of shifts to suicidal ideation. These markers can be modeled in a prediction framework to identify individuals likely to engage in suicidal ideation in the future. We discuss societal and ethical implications of this research

    Suicidal Ideation and Mental Disorder Detection with Attentive Relation Networks

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    Mental health is a critical issue in modern society, and mental disorders could sometimes turn to suicidal ideation without effective treatment. Early detection of mental disorders and suicidal ideation from social content provides a potential way for effective social intervention. However, classifying suicidal ideation and other mental disorders is challenging as they share similar patterns in language usage and sentimental polarity. This paper enhances text representation with lexicon-based sentiment scores and latent topics and proposes using relation networks to detect suicidal ideation and mental disorders with related risk indicators. The relation module is further equipped with the attention mechanism to prioritize more critical relational features. Through experiments on three real-world datasets, our model outperforms most of its counterparts

    Supervised learning for suicidal ideation detection in online user content

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    Copyright © 2018 Shaoxiong Ji et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Early detection and treatment are regarded as the most effective ways to prevent suicidal ideation and potential suicide attempts-two critical risk factors resulting in successful suicides. Online communication channels are becoming a new way for people to express their suicidal tendencies. This paper presents an approach to understand suicidal ideation through online user-generated content with the goal of early detection via supervised learning. Analysing users' language preferences and topic descriptions reveals rich knowledge that can be used as an early warning system for detecting suicidal tendencies. Suicidal individuals express strong negative feelings, anxiety, and hopelessness. Suicidal thoughts may involve family and friends. And topics they discuss cover both personal and social issues. To detect suicidal ideation, we extract several informative sets of features, including statistical, syntactic, linguistic, word embedding, and topic features, and we compare six classifiers, including four traditional supervised classifiers and two neural network models. An experimental study demonstrates the feasibility and practicability of the approach and provides benchmarks for the suicidal ideation detection on the active online platforms: Reddit SuicideWatch and Twitter

    Detection of Suicidal Ideation on Twitter using Machine Learning & Ensemble Approaches

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    يعد التفكير في الانتحار من أخطر مشكلات الصحة العقلية التي يواجهها الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم. هناك عوامل خطر مختلفة يمكن أن تؤدي إلى الانتحار. من أكثر عوامل الخطر شيوعًا وأكثرها خطورة الاكتئاب والقلق والعزلة الاجتماعية واليأس. يمكن أن يساعد الاكتشاف المبكر لعوامل الخطر هذه في منع أو تقليل عدد حالات الانتحار. أصبحت منصات الشبكات الاجتماعية عبر الإنترنت مثل تويتر وريدت وفيس بوك طريقة جديدة للناس للتعبير عن أنفسهم بحرية دون القلق بشأن الوصمة الاجتماعية. تقدم هذه الورقة منهجية وتجربة باستخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي كأداة لتحليل الأفكار الانتحارية بطريقة أفضل ، وبالتالي المساعدة في منع فرص الوقوع ضحية لهذا الاضطراب العقلي المؤسف. نجمع البيانات ذات الصلة عبر توترأحد مواقع الشبكات الاجتماعية الشهيرة (SNS) . ومن ثم تتم معالجة التغريدات يدويًا وإضافة تعليقات توضيحية لها يدويًا. وأخيرًا ، يتم استخدام أساليب التعلم الآلي المختلفة والمجموعات لتمييز التغريدات الانتحارية وغير الانتحارية تلقائيًا. ستساعد هذه الدراسة التجريبية الباحثين على معرفة وفهم كيفية استخدام الأشخاص للتعبير عن النفس في التعبير عن مشاعرهم وعواطفهم. وأكدت الدراسة أيضًا أنه من الممكن تحليل وتمييز هذه التغريدات باستخدام التشفير البشري ثم تكرار الدقة حسب تصنيف الماكينة. ومع ذلك ، فإن قوة التنبؤ للكشف عن الانتحار الحقيقي لم يتم تأكيدها بعد ، وهذه الدراسة لا تتواصل بشكل مباشر وتتدخل مع الأشخاص الذين لديهم سلوك انتحاري..Suicidal ideation is one of the most severe mental health issues faced by people all over the world. There are various risk factors involved that can lead to suicide. The most common & critical risk factors among them are depression, anxiety, social isolation and hopelessness. Early detection of these risk factors can help in preventing or reducing the number of suicides. Online social networking platforms like Twitter, Redditt and Facebook are becoming a new way for the people to express themselves freely without worrying about social stigma. This paper presents a methodology and experimentation using social media as a tool to analyse the suicidal ideation in a better way, thus helping in preventing the chances of being the victim of this unfortunate mental disorder. The data is collected from Twitter, one of the popular Social Networking Sites (SNS). The Tweets are then pre-processed and annotated manually. Finally, various machine learning and ensemble methods are used to automatically distinguish Suicidal and Non-Suicidal tweets. This experimental study will help the researchers to know and understand how SNS are used by the people to express their distress related feelings and emotions. The study further confirmed that it is possible to analyse and differentiate these tweets using human coding and then replicate the accuracy by machine classification. However, the power of prediction for detecting genuine suicidality is not confirmed yet, and this study does not directly communicate and intervene the people having suicidal behaviour

    Psycholinguistic changes in the communication of adolescent users in a suicidal ideation online community during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, increases in suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in adolescents have been registered. Many adolescents experiencing suicidal ideation turn to online communities for social support. In this retrospective observational study, we investigated the communication—language style, contents and user activity—in 7975 unique posts and 51,119 comments by N = 2862 active adolescent users in a large suicidal ideation support community (SISC) on the social media website reddit.com in the onset period of the COVID-19 pandemic. We found significant relative changes in language style markers for hopelessness such as negative emotion words (+ 10.00%) and positive emotion words (− 3.45%) as well as for social disengagement such as social references (− 8.63%) and 2nd person pronouns (− 33.97%) since the outbreak of the pandemic. Using topic modeling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), we identified significant changes in content for the topics Hopelessness (+ 23.98%), Suicide Methods (+ 17.11%), Social Support (− 14.91%), and Reaching Out to users (− 28.97%). Changes in user activity point to an increased expression of mental health issues and decreased engagement with other users. The results indicate a potential shift in communication patterns with more adolescent users expressing their suicidal ideation rather than relating with or supporting other users during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Automatic extraction of informal topics from online suicidal ideation

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    Abstract Background Suicide is an alarming public health problem accounting for a considerable number of deaths each year worldwide. Many more individuals contemplate suicide. Understanding the attributes, characteristics, and exposures correlated with suicide remains an urgent and significant problem. As social networking sites have become more common, users have adopted these sites to talk about intensely personal topics, among them their thoughts about suicide. Such data has previously been evaluated by analyzing the language features of social media posts and using factors derived by domain experts to identify at-risk users. Results In this work, we automatically extract informal latent recurring topics of suicidal ideation found in social media posts. Our evaluation demonstrates that we are able to automatically reproduce many of the expertly determined risk factors for suicide. Moreover, we identify many informal latent topics related to suicide ideation such as concerns over health, work, self-image, and financial issues. Conclusions These informal topics topics can be more specific or more general. Some of our topics express meaningful ideas not contained in the risk factors and some risk factors do not have complimentary latent topics. In short, our analysis of the latent topics extracted from social media containing suicidal ideations suggests that users of these systems express ideas that are complementary to the topics defined by experts but differ in their scope, focus, and precision of language.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144214/1/12859_2018_Article_2197.pd

    Exploring the Risk of Suicide in Real Time on Spanish Twitter: Observational Study

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    Background:Social media is now a common context wherein people express their feelings in real time. These platforms are increasingly showing their potential to detect the mental health status of the population. Suicide prevention is a global health priority and efforts toward early detection are starting to develop, although there is a need for more robust research. Objective:We aimed to explore the emotional content of Twitter posts in Spanish and their relationships with severity of the risk of suicide at the time of writing the tweet. Methods:Tweets containing a specific lexicon relating to suicide were filtered through Twitter's public application programming interface. Expert psychologists were trained to independently evaluate these tweets. Each tweet was evaluated by 3 experts. Tweets were filtered by experts according to their relevance to the risk of suicide. In the tweets, the experts evaluated: (1) the severity of the general risk of suicide and the risk of suicide at the time of writing the tweet (2) the emotional valence and intensity of 5 basic emotions; (3) relevant personality traits; and (4) other relevant risk variables such as helplessness, desire to escape, perceived social support, and intensity of suicidal ideation. Correlation and multivariate analyses were performed. Results:Of 2509 tweets, 8.61% (n=216) were considered to indicate suicidality by most experts. Severity of the risk of suicide at the time was correlated with sadness (ρ=0.266; P<.001), joy (ρ=–0.234; P=.001), general risk (ρ=0.908; P<.001), and intensity of suicidal ideation (ρ=0.766; P<.001). The severity of risk at the time of the tweet was significantly higher in people who expressed feelings of defeat and rejection (P=.003), a desire to escape (P<.001), a lack of social support (P=.03), helplessness (P=.001), and daily recurrent thoughts (P=.007). In the multivariate analysis, the intensity of suicide ideation was a predictor for the severity of suicidal risk at the time (β=0.311; P=.001), as well as being a predictor for fear (β=–0.009; P=.01) and emotional valence (β=0.007; P=.009). The model explained 75% of the variance. Conclusions:These findings suggest that it is possible to identify emotional content and other risk factors in suicidal tweets with a Spanish sample. Emotional analysis and, in particular, the detection of emotional variations may be key for real-time suicide prevention through social media