9,253 research outputs found


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    Growing interest in meta-language, in linguistics and other disciplines, has highlighted a gap in metalanguage corpora and analytical resources, which remain among the scarcest in corpus-linguistic developments so far. This paper is aimed at making a step towards filling this gap, both by presenting our own metalanguage corpus resource and using it in a short sample analysis to discuss the applications of such resources in linguistics and social sciences. Specifically, the paper presents for the first time MetaLangCORP, a multielement corpus of contemporary media metalanguage in languages of three post-Yugoslav states, linguistically annotated and made available open-access at the CLARIN repository of linguistic resources. To put the corpus in context, the meaning and relevance of metalanguage research is outlined, the existing efforts at compiling corpora of metalanguage are reviewed, and a sample preliminary analysis of MetaLangCORP keywords is presented to open a broader discussion on the potential applicability of metalanguage corpora. More broadly, it is hoped that making this kind of data available will prompt more nuanced analyses of metalanguage, as well as more corpus-building efforts along similar lines in Slavic and other linguistic scholarship.Sve veći interes za metajezik, kako u lingvistici, tako i u drugim disciplinama, naglasio je prazninu koja postoji u metajezičnim korpusima i analitičkim izvorima koji spadaju među neke od najrjeđih u sklopu suvremenih dosega korpusne linvistike. Ovaj je rad usmjeren ka popunjavanju te praznine na način da u njemu predstavljamo naš metajezični korpus te ga potom koristimo u kratkoj analizi koja služi kao primjer na temelju kojega raspravljamo o mogućnostima primjene takvih izvora u lingvistici i društvenim znanostima. U radu se prvi put predstavlja MetaLangCorp, višeelmentni korpus suvremenoga medijskog metajezika prisutnoga u jezicima triju država nastalih raspadom Jugoslavije, koji je lingvistički anotiran i dostupan u slobodnome pristupu u sklopu repozitorija lingvističkih resursa CLARIN. Kako bismo korpus smjestili u kontekst, dajemo kratki prikaz značenja i značaja metajezika, kratki osvrt na postojeće napore u sastavljanju metajezičnih korpusa te predstavljamo preliminarnu analizu ključnih riječi iz MetaLangCORP-a s ciljem otvaranja šire rasprave o mogućim primjenama metajezičnih korpusa. Nadamo se da će dostupnost ovih podataka potaknuti iznijansiranije analize metajezika kao i daljnje slične napore usmjerene na stvaranje korpusa kako za slavenske, tako i za jezike koji pripadaju drugim jezičnim porodicama

    Crossing Boundaries: Investigating ‘Fair’ in British Parliamentary Debates on Im/migration

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    The paper is a by-product of a recent, cross-disciplinary research project, aiming at exploring linguistic and discursive patterns broadly construing ‘justice’ in a highly influential institutional setting of political discourse, i.e. the British House of Commons, as regards one of the most complex issues facing today's society: im/migration. Parliamentary language may, in fact, provide a privileged terrain for analysing the relationship between social practices and discourse, especially as regards the discussion of key, highly contested issues such as immigration. Moving from the assumption that justice' is a “human construction” (Walzer 1986; Eriksen 2016) embedded in specific systems of value and beliefs, and that immigration is “indeed a matter of justice” (Miller 2013: 5), the research investigates select patterns of ‘orientational meanings’ (Lemke 1992; Miller 1999), or evaluative and intersubjective stance (Martin and White 2005; Thompson and Hunston 2006) being typically construed within this particular register of political discourse. In particular, the paper focuses on 'fair' a a case study in a specialised corpus of UK parliamentary debates on the broad topic of im/migration, thus including issues of asylum and refugee

    Corpora and Representativeness Corpora and Representativeness: Where to go from now?

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    International audienc

    Opening up to big data: computer-assisted analysis of textual data in social sciences

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    "Two developments in computational text analysis may change the way qualitative data analysis in social sciences is performed: 1. the availability of digital text worth to investigate is growing rapidly, and 2. the improvement of algorithmic information extraction approaches, also called text mining, allows for further bridging the gap between qualitative and quantitative text analysis. The key factor hereby is the inclusion of context into computational linguistic models which extends conventional computational content analysis towards the extraction of meaning. To clarify methodological differences of various computer-assisted text analysis approaches the article suggests a typology from the perspective of a qualitative researcher. This typology shows compatibilities between manual qualitative data analysis methods and computational, rather quantitative approaches for large scale mixed method text analysis designs." (author's abstract