82 research outputs found

    Design of a robot for TMS during treadmill walking

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    On the design of multi-platform parallel mechanisms

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    Parallel mechanisms have been examined in more and more detail over the past two decades. Parallel mechanisms are essentially the same design layout, a base, multiple legs/limbs, and a moving platform with a single end-effector to allow the mechanism to complete its desired function. Recently, several research groups have begun looking into multiple-platform parallel mechanisms and/or multiple end-effectors for parallel mechanisms. The reason for the research in this new form of parallel mechanism stems from multiple sources, such as applications that would require multiple handling points being accessed simultaneously, a more controlled gripper motion by having the jaws of the gripper being attached at different platforms, or to increasing the workload of the mechanism. The aim of the thesis is to modify the design process of parallel mechanisms so that it will support the development of a new parallel mechanism with multiple platforms capable of moving relative to each other in at least 1-DOF and to analyse the improvements made on the traditional single platform mechanism through a comparison of the power requirements for each mechanism. Throughout the thesis, a modified approach to the type synthesis of a parallel mechanism with multiple moving platforms is proposed and used to create several case study mechanisms. Additionally, this thesis presents a new series of methods for determining the workspace, inverse kinematic and dynamic models, and the integration of these systems into the design of a control system. All methods are vetted through case studies where they are judged based on the results gained from existing published data. Lastly, the concepts in this thesis are combined to produce a physical multi-platform parallel mechanism case study with the process being developed at each stage. Finally, a series of proposed topics of future research are listed along with the limitations and contributions of this work

    Vision-Based Hybrid Controller to Release a 4-DOF Parallel Robot from a Type II Singularity

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    [EN] The high accuracy and dynamic performance of parallel robots (PRs) make them suitable to ensure safe operation in human¿robot interaction. However, these advantages come at the expense of a reduced workspace and the possible appearance of type II singularities. The latter is due to the loss of control of the PR and requires further analysis to keep the stiffness of the PR even after a singular configuration is reached. All or a subset of the limbs could be responsible for a type II singularity, and they can be detected by using the angle between two output twist screws (OTSs). However, this angle has not been applied in control because it requires an accurate measure of the pose of the PR. This paper proposes a new hybrid controller to release a 4-DOF PR from a type II singularity based on a real time vision system. The vision system data are used to automatically readapt the configuration of the PR by moving the limbs identified by the angle between two OTSs. This controller is intended for a knee rehabilitation PR, and the results show how this release is accomplished with smooth controlled movements where the patient¿s safety is not compromised.This research was funded by the FEDER-CICYT project with reference PID2020-119522RBI00 (ROBOTS PARALELOS DE REHABILITACION: DETECCION Y CONTROL DE SINGULARIDADES EN PRESENCIA DE ERRORES DE MANUFACTURA), Spain.Pulloquinga-Zapata, J.; Escarabajal-Sánchez, RJ.; Ferrándiz, J.; Vallés Miquel, M.; Mata Amela, V.; Urízar, M. (2021). Vision-Based Hybrid Controller to Release a 4-DOF Parallel Robot from a Type II Singularity. Sensors. 21(12):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21124080121211

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    Locomotion Control of Hexapod Walking Robot with Four Degrees of Freedom per Leg

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    V této práci představujeme nového šestinohého robota jménem HAntR, kterého jsme vytvořili dle potřeb Laboratoře výpočetní robotiky Centra umělé inteligence fakulty Elektrotechnické Českého vysokého učení technického v Praze. Jeho hlavním účelem jest vylepšit schopnosti pohybu v těžkém terénu původního robotu přidáním čtvrtého stupně volnosti každé noze. Na základě nově navržené nohy jsme také přepracovali celé tělo robotu tak, aby splnilo i další požadavky, jako například menší rozměry, či možnost osazení alespoň šesti Lithium-Iontovými monočlánky. V práci pečlivě popisujeme motivace a úvahy, které nás k výslednému návrhu vedly. Uvádíme řešení přímé i inverzní kinematické úlohy řešené pomocí podmínky na ideální orientaci konce nohy a uvažující i důležité kinematické singularity. Navržený robot byl vyzkoušen v několika experimentech, při kterých byl použit námi navržený řídicí systém napsaný v jazyce C++. Ukázalo se, že HAntR vydrží díky zvýšené energetické hustotě a lepšímu rozkladu sil v končetinách autonomně fungovat přes hodinu. Robot je také schopen jít rychlostí až 0.42m/s, což předčí mnohé srovnatelné roboty. Při experimentu, kdy robot stál na nakloněné rovině, bylo prokázáno zlepšení oproti předchozímu robotu. A také jsme dle pokynů této práce potvrdili, že i HAntR je schopen adaptivní chůze spoléhající pouze na poziční zpětnou vazbu.In this thesis a novel six-legged robot called HAntR is presented. The robot was developed according to needs of the Robotics Laboratory, at the Artificial Intelligent Center, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. Its main purpose is enhancing rough-terrain movement capabilities by upgrading a former design by adding fourth degree of freedom to each leg. We also revised robot torso to fit new leg design and incorporate other requirements such as smaller dimensions with space for at least six Lithium-Ion cells. We thoroughly describe motivations and considerations that led us to the presented particular solution. Further, the solutions of forward and inverse kinematic tasks with partial orientation constraint and important singularities avoidance are presented. The proposed design has been evaluated in several experimental deployments, which utilised developed software controller written in C++. Endurance tests showed, that HAntR is able to remotely operate for over an hour thanks to increased energy density. Maximal speed test resulted to 0.42m/s during tripod gait, which outpaces most of the comparable robotic platforms. Experiment where HAntR stood on platform with varying inclination showed qualitative improvement against former robot. Finally, in accord with the thesis assignment, we proved that HAntR is able to perform walking with adaptive gait using positional feedback only

    Reconfigurable kinematics of General Stewart Platform and simulation interface.

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    Analytical Workspace, Kinematics, and Foot Force Based Stability of Hexapod Walking Robots

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    Many environments are inaccessible or hazardous for humans. Remaining debris after earthquake and fire, ship hulls, bridge installations, and oil rigs are some examples. For these environments, major effort is being placed into replacing humans with robots for manipulation purposes such as search and rescue, inspection, repair, and maintenance. Mobility, manipulability, and stability are the basic needs for a robot to traverse, maneuver, and manipulate in such irregular and highly obstructed terrain. Hexapod walking robots are as a salient solution because of their extra degrees of mobility, compared to mobile wheeled robots. However, it is essential for any multi-legged walking robot to maintain its stability over the terrain or under external stimuli. For manipulation purposes, the robot must also have a sufficient workspace to satisfy the required manipulability. Therefore, analysis of both workspace and stability becomes very important. An accurate and concise inverse kinematic solution for multi-legged robots is developed and validated. The closed-form solution of lateral and spatial reachable workspace of axially symmetric hexapod walking robots are derived and validated through simulation which aid in the design and optimization of the robot parameters and workspace. To control the stability of the robot, a novel stability margin based on the normal contact forces of the robot is developed and then modified to account for the geometrical and physical attributes of the robot. The margin and its modified version are validated by comparison with a widely known stability criterion through simulated and physical experiments. A control scheme is developed to integrate the workspace and stability of multi-legged walking robots resulting in a bio-inspired reactive control strategy which is validated experimentally