451 research outputs found

    Human Preference-Based Learning for High-dimensional Optimization of Exoskeleton Walking Gaits

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    Optimizing lower-body exoskeleton walking gaits for user comfort requires understanding users’ preferences over a high-dimensional gait parameter space. However, existing preference-based learning methods have only explored low-dimensional domains due to computational limitations. To learn user preferences in high dimensions, this work presents LINECOSPAR, a human-in-the-loop preference-based framework that enables optimization over many parameters by iteratively exploring one-dimensional subspaces. Additionally, this work identifies gait attributes that characterize broader preferences across users. In simulations and human trials, we empirically verify that LINECOSPAR is a sample-efficient approach for high-dimensional preference optimization. Our analysis of the experimental data reveals a correspondence between human preferences and objective measures of dynamicity, while also highlighting differences in the utility functions underlying individual users’ gait preferences. This result has implications for exoskeleton gait synthesis, an active field with applications to clinical use and patient rehabilitation

    Deep Haptic Model Predictive Control for Robot-Assisted Dressing

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    Robot-assisted dressing offers an opportunity to benefit the lives of many people with disabilities, such as some older adults. However, robots currently lack common sense about the physical implications of their actions on people. The physical implications of dressing are complicated by non-rigid garments, which can result in a robot indirectly applying high forces to a person's body. We present a deep recurrent model that, when given a proposed action by the robot, predicts the forces a garment will apply to a person's body. We also show that a robot can provide better dressing assistance by using this model with model predictive control. The predictions made by our model only use haptic and kinematic observations from the robot's end effector, which are readily attainable. Collecting training data from real world physical human-robot interaction can be time consuming, costly, and put people at risk. Instead, we train our predictive model using data collected in an entirely self-supervised fashion from a physics-based simulation. We evaluated our approach with a PR2 robot that attempted to pull a hospital gown onto the arms of 10 human participants. With a 0.2s prediction horizon, our controller succeeded at high rates and lowered applied force while navigating the garment around a persons fist and elbow without getting caught. Shorter prediction horizons resulted in significantly reduced performance with the sleeve catching on the participants' fists and elbows, demonstrating the value of our model's predictions. These behaviors of mitigating catches emerged from our deep predictive model and the controller objective function, which primarily penalizes high forces.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Data-efficient Learning of Robotic Clothing Assistance using Bayesian Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models

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    Motor-skill learning for complex robotic tasks is a challenging problem due to the high task variability. Robotic clothing assistance is one such challenging problem that can greatly improve the quality-of-life for the elderly and disabled. In this study, we propose a data-efficient representation to encode task-specific motor-skills of the robot using Bayesian nonparametric latent variable models. The effectivity of the proposed motor-skill representation is demonstrated in two ways: (1) through a real-time controller that can be used as a tool for learning from demonstration to impart novel skills to the robot and (2) by demonstrating that policy search reinforcement learning in such a task-specific latent space outperforms learning in the high-dimensional joint configuration space of the robot. We implement our proposed framework in a practical setting with a dual-arm robot performing clothing assistance tasks

    Human Preference-Based Learning for High-dimensional Optimization of Exoskeleton Walking Gaits

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    Understanding users' gait preferences of a lower-body exoskeleton requires optimizing over the high-dimensional gait parameter space. However, existing preference-based learning methods have only explored low-dimensional domains due to computational limitations. To learn user preferences in high dimensions, this work presents LineCoSpar, a human-in-the-loop preference-based framework that enables optimization over many parameters by iteratively exploring one-dimensional subspaces. Additionally, this work identifies gait attributes that characterize broader preferences across users. In simulations and human trials, we empirically verify that LineCoSpar is a sample-efficient approach for high-dimensional preference optimization. Our analysis of the experimental data reveals a correspondence between human preferences and objective measures of dynamic stability, while also highlighting inconsistencies in the utility functions underlying different users' gait preferences. This has implications for exoskeleton gait synthesis, an active field with applications to clinical use and patient rehabilitation

    Ambient Assisted Living: Scoping Review of Artificial Intelligence Models, Domains, Technology, and Concerns

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    Background: Ambient assisted living (AAL) is a common name for various artificial intelligence (AI)—infused applications and platforms that support their users in need in multiple activities, from health to daily living. These systems use different approaches to learn about their users and make automated decisions, known as AI models, for personalizing their services and increasing outcomes. Given the numerous systems developed and deployed for people with different needs, health conditions, and dispositions toward the technology, it is critical to obtain clear and comprehensive insights concerning AI models used, along with their domains, technology, and concerns, to identify promising directions for future work. Objective: This study aimed to provide a scoping review of the literature on AI models in AAL. In particular, we analyzed specific AI models used in AАL systems, the target domains of the models, the technology using the models, and the major concerns from the end-user perspective. Our goal was to consolidate research on this topic and inform end users, health care professionals and providers, researchers, and practitioners in developing, deploying, and evaluating future intelligent AAL systems. Methods: This study was conducted as a scoping review to identify, analyze, and extract the relevant literature. It used a natural language processing toolkit to retrieve the article corpus for an efficient and comprehensive automated literature search. Relevant articles were then extracted from the corpus and analyzed manually. This review included 5 digital libraries: IEEE, PubMed, Springer, Elsevier, and MDPI. Results: We included a total of 108 articles. The annual distribution of relevant articles showed a growing trend for all categories from January 2010 to July 2022. The AI models mainly used unsupervised and semisupervised approaches. The leading models are deep learning, natural language processing, instance-based learning, and clustering. Activity assistance and recognition were the most common target domains of the models. Ambient sensing, mobile technology, and robotic devices mainly implemented the models. Older adults were the primary beneficiaries, followed by patients and frail persons of various ages. Availability was a top beneficiary concern. Conclusions: This study presents the analytical evidence of AI models in AAL and their domains, technologies, beneficiaries, and concerns. Future research on intelligent AAL should involve health care professionals and caregivers as designers and users, comply with health-related regulations, improve transparency and privacy, integrate with health care technological infrastructure, explain their decisions to the users, and establish evaluation metrics and design guidelines. Trial Registration: PROSPERO (International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews) CRD42022347590; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42022347590This work was part of and supported by GoodBrother, COST Action 19121—Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living

    Learning Depth Vision-Based Personalized Robot Navigation From Dynamic Demonstrations in Virtual Reality

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    For the best human-robot interaction experience, the robot's navigation policy should take into account personal preferences of the user. In this paper, we present a learning framework complemented by a perception pipeline to train a depth vision-based, personalized navigation controller from user demonstrations. Our refined virtual reality interface enables the demonstration of robot navigation trajectories under motion of the user for dynamic interaction scenarios. In a detailed analysis, we evaluate different configurations of the perception pipeline. As the experiments demonstrate, our new pipeline compresses the perceived depth images to a latent state representation and, thus, enables efficient reasoning about the robot's dynamic environment to the learning. We discuss the robot's navigation performance in various virtual scenes by enrolling a variational autoencoder in combination with a motion predictor and demonstrate the first personalized robot navigation controller that solely relies on depth images

    Data-driven robotic manipulation of cloth-like deformable objects : the present, challenges and future prospects

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    Manipulating cloth-like deformable objects (CDOs) is a long-standing problem in the robotics community. CDOs are flexible (non-rigid) objects that do not show a detectable level of compression strength while two points on the article are pushed towards each other and include objects such as ropes (1D), fabrics (2D) and bags (3D). In general, CDOs’ many degrees of freedom (DoF) introduce severe self-occlusion and complex state–action dynamics as significant obstacles to perception and manipulation systems. These challenges exacerbate existing issues of modern robotic control methods such as imitation learning (IL) and reinforcement learning (RL). This review focuses on the application details of data-driven control methods on four major task families in this domain: cloth shaping, knot tying/untying, dressing and bag manipulation. Furthermore, we identify specific inductive biases in these four domains that present challenges for more general IL and RL algorithms.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe