81,471 research outputs found

    Dimensional behaviour of entropy and information

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    We develop an information-theoretic perspective on some questions in convex geometry, providing for instance a new equipartition property for log-concave probability measures, some Gaussian comparison results for log-concave measures, an entropic formulation of the hyperplane conjecture, and a new reverse entropy power inequality for log-concave measures analogous to V. Milman's reverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality.Comment: 6 page

    Measurements and Information in Spin Foam Models

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    We present a problem relating measurements and information theory in spin foam models. In the three dimensional case of quantum gravity we can compute probabilities of spin network graphs and study the behaviour of the Shannon entropy associated to the corresponding information. We present a general definition, compute the Shannon entropy of some examples, and find some interesting inequalities.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. Improved versio

    Phase Information and the Evolution of Cosmological Density Perturbations

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    The Fourier transform of cosmological density perturbations can be represented in terms of amplitudes and phases for each Fourier mode. We investigate the phase evolution of these modes using a mixture of analytical and numerical techniques. Using a toy model of one-dimensional perturbations evolving under the Zel'dovich approximation as an initial motivation, we develop a statistic that quantifies the information content of the distribution of phases. Using numerical simulations beginning with more realistic Gaussian random-phase initial conditions, we show that the information content of the phases grows from zero in the initial conditions, first slowly and then rapidly when structures become non-linear. This growth of phase information can be expressed in terms of an effective entropy: Gaussian initial conditions are a maximum entropy realisation of the initial power spectrum, gravitational evolution decreases the phase entropy. We show that our definition of phase entropy results in a statistic that explicitly quantifies the information stored in the phases of density perturbations (rather than their amplitudes) and that this statistic displays interesting scaling behaviour for self-similar initial conditions.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS with added comments on future work. For high-resolution Figure 1, or postscript file, please see http://www-star.qmw.ac.uk/~lyc

    Time evolution of entanglement for holographic steady state formation

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    Within gauge/gravity duality, we consider the local quench-like time evolution obtained by joining two 1+1-dimensional heat baths at different temperatures at time t=0. A steady state forms and expands in space. For the 2+1-dimensional gravity dual, we find that the shockwaves expanding the steady-state region are of spacelike nature in the bulk despite being null at the boundary. However, they do not transport information. Moreover, by adapting the time-dependent Hubeny-Rangamani-Takayanagi prescription, we holographically calculate the entanglement entropy and also the mutual information for different entangling regions. For general temperatures, we find that the entanglement entropy increase rate satisfies the same bound as in the "entanglement tsunami" setups. For small temperatures of the two baths, we derive an analytical formula for the time dependence of the entanglement entropy. This replaces the entanglement tsunami-like behaviour seen for high temperatures. Finally, we check that strong subadditivity holds in this time-dependent system, as well as further more general entanglement inequalities for five or more regions recently derived for the static case.Comment: 57 pages, 25 figures. v2: Minor revisions and references added. v3: Referee's comments included. The numerical codes described in this paper are available in the ancillary files directory (anc/) of this submissio

    Information Geometry, One, Two, Three (and Four)

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    Although the notion of entropy lies at the core of statistical mechanics, it is not often used in statistical mechanical models to characterize phase transitions, a role more usually played by quantities such as various order parameters, specific heats or suscept ibilities. The relative entropy induces a metric, the so-called information or Fisher-Rao m etric, on the space of parameters and the geometrical invariants of this metric carry information about the phase structure of the model. In various models the scalar curvature, R{\cal R}, of the information metric has been found to diverge at the phase transition point and a plausible scaling relation postulated. For spin models the necessity of calculating in non-zero field has limited analytic consideration to one-dimensional, mean-field and Bethe lattice Ising models. We report on previous papers in which we extended the list somewhat in the current note by considering the {\it one}-dime nsional Potts model, the {\it two}-dimensional Ising model coupled to two-dimensional quantum gravity and the {\it three}-dimensional spherical model. We note that similar ideas have been ap plied to elucidate possible critical behaviour in families of black hole solutions in {\it four} space-time dimensions

    Entanglement dynamics after quantum quenches in generic integrable systems

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    The time evolution of the entanglement entropy in non-equilibrium quantum systems provides crucial information about the structure of the time-dependent state. For quantum quench protocols, by combining a quasiparticle picture for the entanglement spreading with the exact knowledge of the stationary state provided by Bethe ansatz, it is possible to obtain an exact and analytic description of the evolution of the entanglement entropy. Here we discuss the application of these ideas to several integrable models. First we show that for non-interacting systems, both bosonic and fermionic, the exact time-dependence of the entanglement entropy can be derived by elementary techniques and without solving the dynamics. We then provide exact results for interacting spin chains that are carefully tested against numerical simulations. Finally, we apply this method to integrable one-dimensional Bose gases (Lieb-Liniger model) both in the attractive and repulsive regimes. We highlight a peculiar behaviour of the entanglement entropy due to the absence of a maximum velocity of excitations

    A duality principle for the multi-block entanglement entropy of free fermion systems

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    The analysis of the entanglement entropy of a subsystem of a one-dimensional quantum system is a powerful tool for unravelling its critical nature. For instance, the scaling behaviour of the entanglement entropy determines the central charge of the associated Virasoro algebra. For a free fermion system, the entanglement entropy depends essentially on two sets, namely the set A of sites of the subsystem considered and the set K of excited momentum modes. In this work we make use of a general duality principle establishing the invariance of the entanglement entropy under exchange of the sets A and K to tackle complex problems by studying their dual counterparts. The duality principle is also a key ingredient in the formulation of a novel conjecture for the asymptotic behavior of the entanglement entropy of a free fermion system in the general case in which both sets A and K consist of an arbitrary number of blocks. We have verified that this conjecture reproduces the numerical results with excellent precision for all the configurations analyzed. We have also applied the conjecture to deduce several asymptotic formulas for the mutual and r-partite information generalizing the known ones for the single block case

    Vacuum Boundary Effects

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    The effect of boundary conditions on the vacuum structure of quantum field theories is analysed from a quantum information viewpoint. In particular, we analyse the role of boundary conditions on boundary entropy and entanglement entropy. The analysis of boundary effects on massless free field theories points out the relevance of boundary conditions as a new rich source of information about the vacuum structure. In all cases the entropy does not increase along the flow from the ultraviolet to the infrared.Comment: 10 page