441 research outputs found

    Persuasive by design: a model and toolkit for designing evidence-based interventions

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    Immersive safe oceans technology: Developing virtual onboard training episodes for maritime safety

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    © 2020 by the authors. This paper introduces four safety training episodes and virtual training technology called Immersive Safe Oceans which can be used in further education of professionals in immersive training scenarios. These episodes were developed for maritime safety and are under testing. Immersive Safe Oceans Technology is a cost-effective, portable technology that can be used on board just in time or in maritime training centers. Four introduced episodes, namely, (1) command bridge, (2) machine room, (3) crane, and (4) fire safety, illustrate how Immersive Safe Oceans technology can be used in various professional training scenarios. These episodes also emphasize the growing need for virtual reality training in the shipping industry. As a result, next generation learning will happen onboard in sophisticated virtual training centers

    Towards Lean Service sustainability: an action research approach

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    This thesis argues that the sustainability of Lean philosophy adoption depends on following a systemic and holistic thinking, combining Lean technical and social dimensions. Based on the constructivism research paradigm, the study was supported on the Action Research methodology (AR), particularly the Canonical Action Research method (CAR). Acknowledging on lessons learned from two research cycles, the evolving approach to applying and sustaining Lean in a financial services provider was performed. The result was positive and the innovative approach followed was coined as Lean Service System Approach (LSSA). It combines the standard roadmap in Lean Leap model with Lean Service Critical Success Factors, covering the four perspectives of organisation, people, process and customer, within continuous improvement cycles. This approach was able to anchor Lean in the organisation over time and answered the research question of how to sustain Lean thinking in service organisations. Future research perspectives were also identified to foster further contributions to the Lean community, practitioners and academia.Esta tese argumenta que a sustentabilidade da filosofia Lean nas organizações depende da adoção de um pensamento sistémico e holístico e da combinação das suas dimensões: técnica e social. A investigação foi baseada no paradigma científico do construtivismo, suportada na metodologia de Action Research (AR), particularmente no método de Canonical Action Research (CAR). Após os dois primeiros ciclos de CAR, com a incorporação das lições aprendidas e com o propósito de manter o Lean na organização, foi efetuada uma abordagem evolutiva aplicada na implementação do Lean em um fornecedor de serviços financeiros. O resultado foi positivo, tendo sido criada uma abordagem inovadora nomeada de Lean Service System Approach (LSSA). Esta combina o modelo Lean leap com os fatores críticos de sucesso do Lean Service abarcando quatro perspetivas: organização, pessoas, processos e clientes, em ciclos de melhoria contínua. Esta abordagem foi capaz de ancorar o Lean na organização e respondeu à questão de investigação de como manter o pensamento Lean em organizações de serviços. Foram igualmente identificadas perspetivas futuras de investigação para fomentar novas contribuições para a comunidade Lean, para a indústria e para a academia

    Studying Serious Games for the Therapy of Children with Disabilities following a Co-Design Process

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    Therapy can be a long and tedious process where progress is usually not immediately visible. This slow process can discourage younger patients, especially children who do not understand exactly what they are doing. Serious Games can help in these situations since they are games designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment. These games can be helpful as therapy tools because they promote engagement on the side of the patients, which in turn will make them feel more motivated to follow the therapeutic programme. In order to develop a game with a meaningful experience for users, beyond the fun of playing it, which helps them in their therapy, experts in the area need to be involved through close collaboration throughout the whole research process. Therefore, we de- veloped a game suite for the therapy of children with disabilities following a co-design process that included Cresce com Amor as the partner clinic. Cresce com Amor provided therapy expertise to the research team, collaborating in several phases of the process. Furthermore, by developing a classification system for serious games, based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), which matches each game with body functions and therapy areas, we intend to support the classification of serious games in order to make them more suitable for their ultimate purpose. An in-house developed platform, called PLAY, supports the games by acting as a repository for the data collected and giving the therapists an interface to interact with and adjust the game parameters. The games use different interaction methods, other than the usual keyboard and mouse, to allow patients to seamlessly perform exercises that simulate the ones done in current traditional therapy sessions. By using off-the-shelf controllers, such as the balance board and dance mat, we can translate real-life movements more naturally into character movements in the virtual space.A terapia pode ser um processo longo e tedioso onde o progresso geralmente não é imedi- atamente visível. Este processo lento pode desencorajar os pacientes mais jovens, especi- almente as crianças que não entendem exatamente o que estão a fazer. Jogos Sérios podem ajudar nestas situações, uma vez que são jogos concebidos com um propósito principal que não seja apenas entretenimento. Estes jogos podem ser úteis como ferramentas te- rapêuticas porque promovem o envolvimento do lado dos pacientes, o que, por sua vez, fará com que se sintam mais motivados para seguir o programa terapêutico. Para desenvolver um jogo com uma experiência significativa para os utilizadores, para além da diversão de jogar, que os ajude na sua terapia, os especialistas na área precisam de estar envolvidos através de uma estreita colaboração ao longo de todo o processo de investigação. Assim, desenvolvemos uma suite de jogos para a terapia de crianças com incapacidades seguindo um processo de co-criação que incluiu a Cresce com Amor como clínica parceira. A Cresce com Amor adicionou conhecimentos terapêuticos à equipa de investigação, colaborando em várias fases do processo. Além disso, ao desenvolver um sistema de classificação para jogos sérios, baseado na Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF), que combina cada jogo com funções corporais e áreas de terapia, pretendemos apoiar a classificação de jogos sérios, a fim de torná-los mais adequados ao seu propósito final. Uma plataforma desenvolvida internamente, chamada PLAY, suporta os jogos, agindo como um repositório para os dados coletados e dando aos terapeutas uma interface para interagir e ajustar os parâmetros do jogo. Os jogos utilizam diferentes métodos de interação, além do habitual teclado e rato, para permitir que os pacientes realizem exercícios que simulam os que são feitos nas sessões de terapia tradicional atuais. Usando controladores comerciais, "prontos para uso", como a balance board e o dance mat, podemos traduzir de forma mais natural movimentos da vida real em movimentos de personagens no espaço virtual

    Ariel - Volume 8 Number 1

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    Executive Editor James W. Lockard, Jr. Issue Editor Michael J. Grimes Business Manager Neeraj K. Kanwal Managing Editor Edward H. Jasper University News Richard J. Perry World News William D.B. Hiller Opinions Elizabeth A. McGuire Features Patrick P. Sokas Sports Desk Shahab S. Minassian Managing Associate Brenda Peterson Photography Robert D. Lehman, Jr. Graphics Christine M. Kuhnl

    Applying scrum methodologies in the development of e-directory system for ASWARA

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of the scrum methodology in the development of the E-Directory system for ASWARA. Currently, at ASWARA they do not have a suitable system that can help the HR department find detailed information about the staff such as personal and family information, security or any achievement records in their career. Therefore, the development of E-Directory system is hoped to resolve the problem. Since there are lots of private and confidential information that needs to be protected from external threat the system can only be accessed using intranet. The Intranet E-Directory is a system that combines three (3) systems which are E-Directory System, E-Store System, and Perkembangan Kemahiran Artistik (PeKA) Management System. Each of the system will use the same user data from the E-Directory system. The selection of the scrum methodology as a Software Development Methodology (SDM) is supported by a few studies that has implement scrum methodology in the development of software system. The result of survey that has conducted it shows that Scrum Methodology, Extreme programming (XP) and Custom Hybrid is the mostly used in the development of software product. The implementation of scrum methodology in development of E-Directory system has divided the module into three (3) sprint cycle which is first sprint ; login and logout, import data, second sprint ; directory module and profile module, third sprint ; HR module, security module and admin module. As a result from development E-Directory system using scrum methodology it will produce Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and Software Design Description (SDD) documentation as a deliverables together with E-Directory system. In both of documentation has the details of system requirement and design of the system

    Computer Games for Motor Speech Rehabilitation

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    This research investigates the problem of creating a system for interactive digital visual feedback of articulator kinematics measures for speech rehabilitation. Recent technology provides precise non-line-of-sight positional tracking of small sensors which affords exploration into the motion of articulators such as the tongue. By utilizing recent game development technology, articulation kinematics can be visualized in realtime. Using these technologies the basis for an interactive rehabilitation system is formed. The system is posed as both a research apparatus and a potential clinical rehabilitation delivery system. As such, this system provides an extensible software and design architecture for the creation of interactive feedback visualizations and kinematic speech metrics as well as a clinical research front end for the creation and delivery of speech motor rehabilitation protocols

    Children's Early Educational Game under the Background of Chinese Three Kingdoms Culture - To Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats

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    Recent research has shown that children's strategic ability can be improved with game. To improve strategic ability, motor coordination ability and the understanding of historical knowledge, we design an ability training game - to borrow arrows with thatched boats. In order to improve children's learning efficiency, we use deep motion perception technology as a human-computer interaction tool. Our system can allow children to control the movement of boats and interact with virtual objects in the virtual environment through hand-gesture. We can provide some strategic options, such as weather, equipment, etc. Under this new mode of educational game, children's strategic and motor coordination abilities are improved, and their understanding of historical knowledge can be also enhanced

    Engaging Teachers in Agile School Improvement

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    This Organizational Improvement Plan addresses a K-6 principal’s leadership challenge of engaging teachers in implementing the strategies from the annual school improvement plan in a changing school context. The inquiry questions focus on increasing teacher voice, enabling collaborative professional learning, and facilitating dynamic organizational change. Drawing from complexity theory, School X is conceived as a complex adaptive system that exists within a broader eco-system, with organizational transformation occurring through complex responsive processes where human interactions and diversity are essential for shifting current thinking and behaviors. The principal proposes an authentic/adaptive leadership approach that integrates two change models to develop the Dynamic Innovative Generative change framework to lead teachers in a system-oriented and locally adapted process where teachers participate as leaders and co-creators of school improvement. A collaborative, short-term action planning protocol enables teachers to engage in student-centered, collaborative, and impactful school and practice improvement. This proposed solution addresses the current low level of readiness for teachers to engage in creative and collaborative professional learning. Supporting the principal in implementing the changes in this OIP is a detailed communication plan and strategies for adapting decisions and leading an agile school improvement process

    EIRA Project: advancing in the management of personal healthcare

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    This project arises with the purpose of shedding some light on a subject that is the order of the day in the world of medicine: the unification of the medical history. The motivation of the project comes from getting to know the lack of coordination in the organization of the health system that currently exists. First, the health centers in different regions follow different systems, end even public and private health centers in the same region operate independently, so they can not share data between them. Second, in different centers they use different and incompatible applications to perform tasks that are similar or complementary. This means that, ultimately, patients are those who are harmed, since the problem of medical data accessibility implies a risk for them. Moreover, unifying or making compatible the various existing applications could improve clinical decision making helping tools, optimizing the efficiency, effectiveness and the use of resources. (Chapter 1) The development of this project draws from a comprehensive analysis that allows finding out which is the current situation of our country on this issue, as well as the measures that have been developed to improve it, their advantages and disadvantages and the main problems that our society faces. It also includes the points of view of both patients and health professionals. For this purpose, it has been necessary to do interviews with professionals, to visit hospitals, to attend to forums and to try personally most of the systems currently in use. Also, both regulatory and socioeconomic framework have been studied, including business opportunities in the field. In parallel to this analysis, advances in new technologies and their possible applications in the implementation of our system have been studied, specially tools for the development of online mobile applications and its back-end structure. Learning how to use them has also been necessary. (Chapter 2, 4 and 7) Based on the findings from the first phase of analysis and learning, objectives and functional and nonfunctional requirements to be met by the application are defined, as well as the platform on which it would be implemented, a mobile device with an Android Operating System. Then, the architecture of the system is structured, and it is modularized according to functional requirements. Finally, the graphic design and the implementation of a semi functional demo are performed, and a project development planning is developed step by step. (Chapters 3, 5 and 7) The original idea of the design was intended to assume greater innovation in technology advances, even incorporating artificial intelligence and massive data processing applied to the healthcare field. However, from the analysis it was concluded that, before incorporating such technologies, a solid groundwork should be laid, a system able to collect all the relevant data to work on them later. Thus, the design was finally oriented to a simplified, unified, bilateral, multifunctional accessible and secure system. The application of advanced technologies becomes part of the future lines of the project. (Chapter 8) To conclude, this project was initiated with the aim of getting to know better the healthcare system and its tools, learning about new technologies already used or that could be applied in the field and designing an innovative system with business potential. Despite the difficulties encountered and the changes made in the project with respect to the original idea, the main objectives have been successfully met. (Chapter 9)Este proyecto surge con el propósito de arrojar algo de luz sobre un tema que está al orden del día en el mundo de la medicina: la unificación de la historia clínica. La motivación del proyecto surge de conocer la gran descoordinación en la organización del sistema sanitario que existe actualmente. Primero, los centros sanitarios en comunidades autónomas distintas siguen sistemas diferentes, e incluso los centros públicos y privados de una misma región funcionan de forma independiente, por lo que no comparten datos entre ellos. Segundo, en los diferentes centros se emplean aplicaciones diversas e incompatibles entre sí para la realización de tareas o bien similares o que podrían ser complementarias. Esto hace que, en última instancia, sea el paciente el que sale perjudicado, ya que el problema de accesibilidad a los datos médicos supone un riesgo. Además, unificando o compatibilizando las diversas aplicaciones existentes podrían mejorarse las herramientas de ayuda en la toma de decisiones clínicas optimizando la eficiencia, la efectividad y los recursos del sistema (Capítulo 1). El desarrollo de este proyecto parte de un amplio análisis que permite conocer la situación actual de nuestro país en este tema, así como las diferentes medidas que se han desarrollado para mejorarla, sus ventajas y desventajas y los principales problemas a los que se enfrenta nuestra sociedad. También incluye las opiniones tanto de pacientes como de profesionales sanitarios. Para ello se han realizado entrevistas a profesionales, se han visitado hospitales, se ha asistido a foros y se han probado personalmente muchos de los sistemas que están actualmente en uso. También se han estudiado tanto el marco regulador como el socioeconómico, incluyendo las oportunidades de negocio del sector. En paralelo a dicho análisis se estudian los avances en las nuevas tecnologías que podrían aplicarse en la implementación del sistema, entre las que se incluyen principalmente herramientas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles online y su back-end, además de aprender a utilizarlas (Capítulos 2, 4 y 7). En base a las conclusiones obtenidas de la primera fase de análisis y aprendizaje, se definen los objetivos y requisitos funcionales y no funcionales que deberá cumplir la aplicación, y se elige la plataforma sobre la que será implementada, un dispositivo móvil con sistema operativo Android. Posteriormente, se estructura el la arquitectura del sistema y se modulariza en función de su funcionalidad. Finalmente se trabaja en el diseño gráfico de la misma, se crea una demo semifuncional y se elabora una planificación de su desarrollo paso por paso. (Capítulos 3, 5 y 6). La idea original del diseño pretendía suponer una mayor innovación en el ámbito tecnológico incorporando incluso avances de inteligencia artificial y tratamiento masivo de datos aplicados al campo sanitario. Sin embargo, a partir del análisis realizado se concluyó que, antes de incorporar dichas tecnologías, debía construirse una base sólida, un sistema capaz de recopilar todos los datos para, posteriormente, trabajar sobre ellos. Por eso, el diseño finalmente se orientó a un sistema simplificado, bilateral, unificado, multifuncional, accesible y seguro. La aplicación de tecnologías más avanzadas pasa a contarse entre las líneas futuras del proyecto. (Capítulo 8) En conclusión, este proyecto se inició con el objetivo de conocer mejor el sistema sanitario actual y sus herramientas, aprender acerca de las nuevas tecnologías que se están utilizando o podrían aplicarse en el sector y diseñar un sistema innovador con posibilidades de comercialización. A pesar de las dificultades encontradas y los cambios hechos en el proyecto con respecto a la idea original, los objetivos principales han sido cumplidos. (Capítulo 9)Ingeniería Biomédic