12 research outputs found

    Towards a Universal Multiresolution-Based Perceptual Model

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    Following a recently introduced perceptual model for balanced multiwavelets, we outline, in this paper, an extension of our previous work and propose a new perceptual model for scalar wavelets. The proposed model is derived using multiresolution domain extensions of our previous scheme. Unlike existing models, the proposed one depends only on the image activity and not the filter sets used by the transform. The perceptual redundancy, present in the image, is efficiently quantified through a just-noticeable distortion (JND) profile. In this model, a visibility threshold of distortion is assigned to each wavelet subband coefficient. Therefore, perceptually insignificant subband components can be clearly discriminated from perceptually significant ones. For instance, this discrimination can be constructively used to achieve the imperceptibility requirement often encountered in watermarking and data hiding applications. Furthermore, we illustrate, through simulation, the ability of the proposed model to efficiently capture the salient features of the underlying image regardless of the wavelet filters being used

    A Robust Perceptual Audio Hashing Using Balanced Multiwavelets

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    Digital multimedia content (especially audio) is becoming a major part of the average computer user experience. Large digital audio collections of music, audio and sound effects are also used by the entertainment, music, movie and animation industries. Therefore, the need for identification and management of audio content grows proportionally to the increasing widespread availability of such media virtually ”any time and any where” over the Internet. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for robust perceptual hashing of audio content using balanced multiwavelets (BMW). The framework for generating robust perceptual hash values (or fingerprints) is described. The generated hash values are used for identifying, searching, and retrieving audio content from large audio databases. Furthermore, we illustrate, through extensive computer simulation, the robustness of the proposed framework to efficiently represent audio content and withstand several signal processing attacks and manipulations

    SVD Audio Watermarking: A Tool to Enhance the Security of Image Transmission over ZigBee Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 4

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    The security is important issue in wireless networks. This paper discusses audio watermarking as a tool to improve the security of image communication over the IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee network. The adopted watermarking method implements the Singular-Value Decomposition (SVD) mathematical technique. This method is based on embedding a chaotic encrypted image in the Singular Values (SVs) of the audio signal after transforming it into a 2-D format. The objective of chaotic encryption is to enhance the level of security and resist different attacks. Experimental results show that the SVD audio watermarking method maintains the high quality of the audio signals and that the watermark extraction and decryption are possible even in the presence of attacks over the ZigBee network