132 research outputs found

    Multimedia Forensics

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    This book is open access. Media forensics has never been more relevant to societal life. Not only media content represents an ever-increasing share of the data traveling on the net and the preferred communications means for most users, it has also become integral part of most innovative applications in the digital information ecosystem that serves various sectors of society, from the entertainment, to journalism, to politics. Undoubtedly, the advances in deep learning and computational imaging contributed significantly to this outcome. The underlying technologies that drive this trend, however, also pose a profound challenge in establishing trust in what we see, hear, and read, and make media content the preferred target of malicious attacks. In this new threat landscape powered by innovative imaging technologies and sophisticated tools, based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, this book fills an important gap. It presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art forensics capabilities that relate to media attribution, integrity and authenticity verification, and counter forensics. Its content is developed to provide practitioners, researchers, photo and video enthusiasts, and students a holistic view of the field

    An ensemble architecture for forgery detection and localization in digital images

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    Questa tesi presenta un approccio d'insieme unificato - "ensemble" - per il rilevamento e la localizzazione di contraffazioni in immagini digitali. Il focus della ricerca è su due delle più comuni ma efficaci tecniche di contraffazione: "copy-move" e "splicing". L'architettura proposta combina una serie di metodi di rilevamento e localizzazione di manipolazioni per ottenere prestazioni migliori rispetto a metodi utilizzati in modalità "standalone". I principali contributi di questo lavoro sono elencati di seguito. In primo luogo, nel Capitolo 1 e 2 viene presentata un'ampia rassegna dell'attuale stato dell'arte nel rilevamento di manipolazioni ("forgery"), con particolare attenzione agli approcci basati sul deep learning. Un'importante intuizione che ne deriva è la seguente: questi approcci, sebbene promettenti, non possono essere facilmente confrontati in termini di performance perché tipicamente vengono valutati su dataset personalizzati a causa della mancanza di dati annotati con precisione. Inoltre, spesso questi dati non sono resi disponibili pubblicamente. Abbiamo poi progettato un algoritmo di rilevamento di manipolazioni copy-move basato su "keypoint", descritto nel capitolo 3. Rispetto a esistenti approcci simili, abbiamo aggiunto una fase di clustering basato su densità spaziale per filtrare le corrispondenze rumorose dei keypoint. I risultati hanno dimostrato che questo metodo funziona bene su due dataset di riferimento e supera uno dei metodi più citati in letteratura. Nel Capitolo 4 viene proposta una nuova architettura per predire la direzione della luce 3D in una data immagine. Questo approccio sfrutta l'idea di combinare un metodo "data-driven" con un modello di illuminazione fisica, consentendo così di ottenere prestazioni migliori. Al fine di sopperire al problema della scarsità di dati per l'addestramento di architetture di deep learning altamente parametrizzate, in particolare per il compito di scomposizione intrinseca delle immagini, abbiamo sviluppato due algoritmi di generazione dei dati. Questi sono stati utilizzati per produrre due dataset - uno sintetico e uno di immagini reali - con lo scopo di addestrare e valutare il nostro approccio. Il modello di stima della direzione della luce proposto è stato sfruttato in un nuovo approccio di rilevamento di manipolazioni di tipo splicing, discusso nel Capitolo 5, in cui le incoerenze nella direzione della luce tra le diverse regioni dell'immagine vengono utilizzate per evidenziare potenziali attacchi splicing. L'approccio ensemble proposto è descritto nell'ultimo capitolo. Questo include un modulo "FusionForgery" che combina gli output dei metodi "base" proposti in precedenza e assegna un'etichetta binaria (forged vs. original). Nel caso l'immagine sia identificata come contraffatta, il nostro metodo cerca anche di specializzare ulteriormente la decisione tra attacchi splicing o copy-move. In questo secondo caso, viene eseguito anche un tentativo di ricostruire le regioni "sorgente" utilizzate nell'attacco copy-move. Le prestazioni dell'approccio proposto sono state valutate addestrandolo e testandolo su un dataset sintetico, generato da noi, comprendente sia attacchi copy-move che di tipo splicing. L'approccio ensemble supera tutti i singoli metodi "base" in termini di prestazioni, dimostrando la validità della strategia proposta.This thesis presents a unified ensemble approach for forgery detection and localization in digital images. The focus of the research is on two of the most common but effective forgery techniques: copy-move and splicing. The ensemble architecture combines a set of forgery detection and localization methods in order to achieve improved performance with respect to standalone approaches. The main contributions of this work are listed in the following. First, an extensive review of the current state of the art in forgery detection, with a focus on deep learning-based approaches is presented in Chapter 1 and 2. An important insight that is derived is the following: these approaches, although promising, cannot be easily compared in terms of performance because they are typically evaluated on custom datasets due to the lack of precisely annotated data. Also, they are often not publicly available. We then designed a keypoint-based copy-move detection algorithm, which is described in Chapter 3. Compared to previous existing keypoints-based approaches, we added a density-based clustering step to filter out noisy keypoints matches. This method has been demonstrated to perform well on two benchmark datasets and outperforms one of the most cited state-of-the-art methods. In Chapter 4 a novel architecture is proposed to predict the 3D light direction of the light in a given image. This approach leverages the idea of combining, in a data-driven method, a physical illumination model that allows for improved regression performance. In order to fill in the gap of data scarcity for training highly-parameterized deep learning architectures, especially for the task of intrinsic image decomposition, we developed two data generation algorithms that were used to produce two datasets - one synthetic and one of real images - to train and evaluate our approach. The proposed light direction estimation model has then been employed to design a novel splicing detection approach, discussed in Chapter 5, in which light direction inconsistencies between different regions in the image are used to highlight potential splicing attacks. The proposed ensemble scheme for forgery detection is described in the last chapter. It includes a "FusionForgery" module that combines the outputs of the different previously proposed "base" methods and assigns a binary label (forged vs. pristine) to the input image. In the case of forgery prediction, our method also tries to further specialize the decision between splicing and copy-move attacks. If the image is predicted as copy-moved, an attempt to reconstruct the source regions used in the copy-move attack is also done. The performance of the proposed approach has been assessed by training and testing it on a synthetic dataset, generated by us, comprising both copy-move and splicing attacks. The ensemble approach outperforms all of the individual "base" methods, demonstrating the validity of the proposed strategy

    Multimedia Forensics

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    This book is open access. Media forensics has never been more relevant to societal life. Not only media content represents an ever-increasing share of the data traveling on the net and the preferred communications means for most users, it has also become integral part of most innovative applications in the digital information ecosystem that serves various sectors of society, from the entertainment, to journalism, to politics. Undoubtedly, the advances in deep learning and computational imaging contributed significantly to this outcome. The underlying technologies that drive this trend, however, also pose a profound challenge in establishing trust in what we see, hear, and read, and make media content the preferred target of malicious attacks. In this new threat landscape powered by innovative imaging technologies and sophisticated tools, based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, this book fills an important gap. It presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art forensics capabilities that relate to media attribution, integrity and authenticity verification, and counter forensics. Its content is developed to provide practitioners, researchers, photo and video enthusiasts, and students a holistic view of the field

    Forensic Considerations for the High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF)

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    The High Efficiency File Format (HEIF) was adopted by Apple in 2017 as their favoured means of capturing images from their camera application, with Android devices such as the Galaxy S10 providing support more recently. The format is positioned to replace JPEG as the de facto image compression file type, touting many modern features and better compression ratios over the aging standard. However, while millions of devices across the world are already able to produce HEIF files, digital forensics research has not given the format much attention. As HEIF is a complex container format, much different from traditional still picture formats, this leaves forensics practitioners exposed to risks of potentially mishandling evidence. This paper describes the forensically relevant features of the HEIF format, including those which could be used to hide data, or cause issues in an investigation, while also providing commentary on the state of software support for the format. Finally, suggestions for current best-practice are provided, before discussing the requirements of a forensically robust HEIF analysis tool.Comment: 8 pages, conference paper pre-prin

    Photo response non-uniformity based image forensics in the presence of challenging factors

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    With the ever-increasing prevalence of digital imaging devices and the rapid development of networks, the sharing of digital images becomes ubiquitous in our daily life. However, the pervasiveness of powerful image-editing tools also makes the digital images an easy target for malicious manipulations. Thus, to prevent people from falling victims to fake information and trace the criminal activities, digital image forensics methods like source camera identification, source oriented image clustering and image forgery detections have been developed. Photo response non-uniformity (PRNU), which is an intrinsic sensor noise arises due to the pixels non-uniform response to the incident, has been used as a powerful tool for image device fingerprinting. The forensic community has developed a vast number of PRNU-based methods in different fields of digital image forensics. However, with the technology advancement in digital photography, the emergence of photo-sharing social networking sites, as well as the anti-forensics attacks targeting the PRNU, it brings new challenges to PRNU-based image forensics. For example, the performance of the existing forensic methods may deteriorate due to different camera exposure parameter settings and the efficacy of the PRNU-based methods can be directly challenged by image editing tools from social network sites or anti-forensics attacks. The objective of this thesis is to investigate and design effective methods to mitigate some of these challenges on PRNU-based image forensics. We found that the camera exposure parameter settings, especially the camera sensitivity, which is commonly known by the name of the ISO speed, can influence the PRNU-based image forgery detection. Hence, we first construct the Warwick Image Forensics Dataset, which contains images taken with diverse exposure parameter settings to facilitate further studies. To address the impact from ISO speed on PRNU-based image forgery detection, an ISO speed-specific correlation prediction process is proposed with a content-based ISO speed inference method to facilitate the process even if the ISO speed information is not available. We also propose a three-step framework to allow the PRNUbased source oriented clustering methods to perform successfully on Instagram images, despite some built-in image filters from Instagram may significantly distort PRNU. Additionally, for the binary classification of detecting whether an image's PRNU is attacked or not, we propose a generative adversarial network-based training strategy for a neural network-based classifier, which makes the classifier generalize better for images subject to unprecedented attacks. The proposed methods are evaluated on public benchmarking datasets and our Warwick Image Forensics Dataset, which is released to the public as well. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of the methods proposed in this thesis

    Colour coded

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    This 300 word publication to be published by the Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC) is a collection of the best papers from a 4-year European project that has considered colour from the perspective of both the arts and sciences.The notion of art and science and the crossovers between the two resulted in application and funding for cross disciplinary research to host a series of training events between 2006 and 2010 Marie Curie Conferences & Training Courses (SCF) Call Identifier: FP6-Mobility-4, Euros 532,363.80 CREATE – Colour Research for European Advanced Technology Employment. The research crossovers between the fields of art, science and technology was also a subject that was initiated through Bristol’s Festival if Ideas events in May 2009. The author coordinated and chaired an event during which the C.P Snow lecture “On Two Cultures’ (1959) was re-presented by Actor Simon Cook and then a lecture made by Raymond Tallis on the notion of the Polymath. The CREATE project has a worldwide impact for researchers, academics and scientists. Between January and October 2009, the site has received 221, 414 visits. The most popular route into the site is via the welcome page. The main groups of visitors originate in the UK (including Northern Ireland), Italy, France, Finland, Norway, Hungary, USA, Finland and Spain. A basic percentage breakdown of the traffic over ten months indicates: USA -15%; UK - 16%; Italy - 13%; France -12%; Hungary - 10%; Spain - 6%; Finland - 9%; Norway - 5%. The remaining approximate 14% of visitors are from other countries including Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany (approx 3%). A discussion group has been initiated by the author as part of the CREATE project to facilitate an ongoing dialogue between artists and scientists. http://createcolour.ning.com/group/artandscience www.create.uwe.ac.uk.Related papers to this research: A report on the CREATE Italian event: Colour in cultural heritage.C. Parraman, A. Rizzi, ‘Developing the CREATE network in Europe’, in Colour in Art, Design and Nature, Edinburgh, 24 October 2008.C. Parraman, “Mixing and describing colour”. CREATE (Training event 1), France, 2008

    Development of a New Approach to the Problem of Detecting the Integrity Violations of a Digital Image

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    The energy sector is an integral part of the critical infrastructure of any state and is particularly sensitive to the quality of information security systems. Due to the diversity of activities of vari-ous organizations in the energy industry, almost all threats to information security are relevant to them, in particular, unauthorized changes in information content. The aim of the work is to de-velop the new approach to the examination of the integrity of images, which will provide the possibility of building universal methods for detecting its violations, effective regardless of the strength and type of influences that change them. The aim was achieved by: introducing the concept of “frequency index” for the singular vector of the image matrix, and study of the properties of the dependence of the frequency index of a singular vector on its number. The most important result of the work is the almost constant rate of increase the trend of the studied function, which results in the linearity of the frequency index of singular vectors for digital im-ages, the integrity of which is not violated. This characteristic is sensitive to any changes in the image matrix. The significance of the obtained result lies in the fact that the use of the estab-lished properties for the function of the dependence of the frequency index of singular vectors on its number makes it possible to develop universal integrity examination methods that are ef-fective regardless of the strength and type of disturbances that violated the integrity of the im-age

    Quality of Experience in Immersive Video Technologies

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    Over the last decades, several technological revolutions have impacted the television industry, such as the shifts from black & white to color and from standard to high-definition. Nevertheless, further considerable improvements can still be achieved to provide a better multimedia experience, for example with ultra-high-definition, high dynamic range & wide color gamut, or 3D. These so-called immersive technologies aim at providing better, more realistic, and emotionally stronger experiences. To measure quality of experience (QoE), subjective evaluation is the ultimate means since it relies on a pool of human subjects. However, reliable and meaningful results can only be obtained if experiments are properly designed and conducted following a strict methodology. In this thesis, we build a rigorous framework for subjective evaluation of new types of image and video content. We propose different procedures and analysis tools for measuring QoE in immersive technologies. As immersive technologies capture more information than conventional technologies, they have the ability to provide more details, enhanced depth perception, as well as better color, contrast, and brightness. To measure the impact of immersive technologies on the viewersâ QoE, we apply the proposed framework for designing experiments and analyzing collected subjectsâ ratings. We also analyze eye movements to study human visual attention during immersive content playback. Since immersive content carries more information than conventional content, efficient compression algorithms are needed for storage and transmission using existing infrastructures. To determine the required bandwidth for high-quality transmission of immersive content, we use the proposed framework to conduct meticulous evaluations of recent image and video codecs in the context of immersive technologies. Subjective evaluation is time consuming, expensive, and is not always feasible. Consequently, researchers have developed objective metrics to automatically predict quality. To measure the performance of objective metrics in assessing immersive content quality, we perform several in-depth benchmarks of state-of-the-art and commonly used objective metrics. For this aim, we use ground truth quality scores, which are collected under our subjective evaluation framework. To improve QoE, we propose different systems for stereoscopic and autostereoscopic 3D displays in particular. The proposed systems can help reducing the artifacts generated at the visualization stage, which impact picture quality, depth quality, and visual comfort. To demonstrate the effectiveness of these systems, we use the proposed framework to measure viewersâ preference between these systems and standard 2D & 3D modes. In summary, this thesis tackles the problems of measuring, predicting, and improving QoE in immersive technologies. To address these problems, we build a rigorous framework and we apply it through several in-depth investigations. We put essential concepts of multimedia QoE under this framework. These concepts not only are of fundamental nature, but also have shown their impact in very practical applications. In particular, the JPEG, MPEG, and VCEG standardization bodies have adopted these concepts to select technologies that were proposed for standardization and to validate the resulting standards in terms of compression efficiency