19 research outputs found

    Dynamic routing of reliability-differentiated connections in WDM optical networks

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    Lightpath routing with survivability requirements in WDM optical mesh networks

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    Availability-driven optimal design of shared path protection in WDM networks

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    The success of the Internet has led many activities to be highly dependent on the good quality of the service that the network can provide. Failures can be very disruptive if systems without enough backup resources are in place. In this paper we propose a new way of determining how many backup resources must be provided to guarantee a given level of availability to critical services in the core of the network. The biggest impact of this work lies in how network providers design and deploy their infrastructure

    Multi-layer survivability in IP-over-WDM networks

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    Elastic service availability: utility framework and optimal provisioning

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    Particle swarm optimization for routing and wavelength assignment in next generation WDM networks.

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    PhDAll-optical Wave Division Multiplexed (WDM) networking is a promising technology for long-haul backbone and large metropolitan optical networks in order to meet the non-diminishing bandwidth demands of future applications and services. Examples could include archival and recovery of data to/from Storage Area Networks (i.e. for banks), High bandwidth medical imaging (for remote operations), High Definition (HD) digital broadcast and streaming over the Internet, distributed orchestrated computing, and peak-demand short-term connectivity for Access Network providers and wireless network operators for backhaul surges. One desirable feature is fast and automatic provisioning. Connection (lightpath) provisioning in optically switched networks requires both route computation and a single wavelength to be assigned for the lightpath. This is called Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA). RWA can be classified as static RWA and dynamic RWA. Static RWA is an NP-hard (non-polynomial time hard) optimisation task. Dynamic RWA is even more challenging as connection requests arrive dynamically, on-the-fly and have random connection holding times. Traditionally, global-optimum mathematical search schemes like integer linear programming and graph colouring are used to find an optimal solution for NP-hard problems. However such schemes become unusable for connection provisioning in a dynamic environment, due to the computational complexity and time required to undertake the search. To perform dynamic provisioning, different heuristic and stochastic techniques are used. Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) is a population-based global optimisation scheme that belongs to the class of evolutionary search algorithms and has successfully been used to solve many NP-hard optimisation problems in both static and dynamic environments. In this thesis, a novel PSO based scheme is proposed to solve the static RWA case, which can achieve optimal/near-optimal solution. In order to reduce the risk of premature convergence of the swarm and to avoid selecting local optima, a search scheme is proposed to solve the static RWA, based on the position of swarm‘s global best particle and personal best position of each particle. To solve dynamic RWA problem, a PSO based scheme is proposed which can provision a connection within a fraction of a second. This feature is crucial to provisioning services like bandwidth on demand connectivity. To improve the convergence speed of the swarm towards an optimal/near-optimal solution, a novel chaotic factor is introduced into the PSO algorithm, i.e. CPSO, which helps the swarm reach a relatively good solution in fewer iterations. Experimental results for PSO/CPSO based dynamic RWA algorithms show that the proposed schemes perform better compared to other evolutionary techniques like genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization. This is both in terms of quality of solution and computation time. The proposed schemes also show significant improvements in blocking probability performance compared to traditional dynamic RWA schemes like SP-FF and SP-MU algorithms

    Pour un mécanisme de protection différenciée unique contre la gestion ainsi que les pannes : DiffServ*

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    L'avĂšnement de l'Internet multiservice met fin Ă  l'Ăšre du rĂ©seautage de nature meilleur effort. Cette nouvelle caractĂ©ristique est trĂšs souhaitable et prometteuse sur plusieurs plans mais elle reste sujette Ă  la capacitĂ© du rĂ©seau de protĂ©ger chaque catĂ©gorie de trafic selon sa prioritĂ© et ses exigences en qualitĂ© de service. Quand le rĂ©seau est dĂ©ployĂ© sur une infrastructure optique, une des prĂ©occupations des plus importantes est sa capacitĂ© de survie et le maintien d'un service adĂ©quat Ă  toutes les applications suite Ă  une panne physique. Nous savons qu'une simple coupure de fibre provoque des pertes Ă©normes en capacitĂ© de transmission et si laissĂ©e sans surveillance, elle peut causer des dĂ©gradations majeures dans la qualitĂ© de service perçue par les usagers du rĂ©seau. Bien qu'il existe dĂ©jĂ  des mĂ©canismes de protection physique qui sont conçus spĂ©cifiquement pour remĂ©dier Ă  de telles situations, ces options sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement trĂšs coĂ»teuses et difficilement adaptable aux besoins variĂ©s de chaque classe de trafic d'un rĂ©seau multiserviceNous proposons alors un modĂšle innovateur de protection diffĂ©renciĂ©e du trafic, DiffServ*, qui permet de rĂ©pondre aux exigences particuliĂšres en qualitĂ© de service et de protection de chacune des classes de trafic et qui introduit une robustesse accrue et des Ă©conomies importantes en matiĂšre d'utilisation de ressources d'un rĂ©seau IP/WDM. DiffServ* se distingue par l'utilisation combinĂ©e de l'architecture des services diffĂ©renciĂ©es Ă  la couche logique d'un rĂ©seau et de la technique d'agrĂ©gation de liens ou canaux disjoints Ă  sa couche physiqueNotre modĂšle de protection diffĂ©renciĂ©e du trafic en cas de pannes a Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  l'Ă©preuve, nous avons utilisĂ© la simulation pour Ă©tudier sa performance et nous l'avons comparĂ© Ă  un modĂšle de protection physique homologue, DiffProtect. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que DiffServ* permet en moyenne de garantir une meilleure protection que DiffProtect en cas de pannes simples et multiples. DiffProtect n'est plus performant que dans certaines situations de pannes et de trafic trĂšs particuliĂšres. Une Ă©valuation subsĂ©quente de la fiabilitĂ© d'un rĂ©seau qui utilise DiffServ*, une Ă©tude de coĂ»t de son dĂ©ploiement et une Ă©tude de cas qui cible les rĂ©seaux MPLS-DiffServ TE confirment davantage la supĂ©rioritĂ© de DiffServ* par rapport Ă  tout autre option de protection diffĂ©renciĂ©e envisageableNous rappelons que DiffServ* se base sur les techniques de diffĂ©renciation de service de la couche logique pour protĂ©ger le trafic en cas de pannes de composantes optiques. Ceci est inĂ©dit puisque ces mĂȘmes techniques sont originalement conçues que pour protĂ©ger le trafic en cas de congestion dans la couche logique. Alors pour dĂ©montrer dĂ©finitivement que DiffServ* est rĂ©alisable et fonctionnel nous rĂ©alisons une expĂ©rience de dĂ©ploiement pratique de DiffServ* en laboratoire Ă  l'aide d'Ă©quipements de communication rĂ©el. MalgrĂ© les divergences techniques entre la modĂ©lisation thĂ©orique de DiffServ* et de son implĂ©mentation, DiffServ* est dĂ©montrĂ© performant, fiable, Ă©conomique et rĂ©alisable en pratiqueNous clĂŽturons ce projet par une planification de dĂ©ploiement ; cette derniĂšre permet de gĂ©nĂ©raliser le dĂ©ploiement de DiffServ* Ă  toute topologie IP/WDM et d'en dimensionner la couche logique. Notre procĂ©dure approche les situations qui requiĂšrent la fiabilitĂ© spĂ©cifique de DiffProtect en offrant un modĂšle d'optimisation complet sur le dĂ©ploiement de la protection MixProtect multicouche qui utilise DiffServ* et DiffProtect dans le mĂȘme rĂ©sea

    High-speed optical data transmission for detector instrumentation in particle physics

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    This work discusses the advantage of optical transmission utilizing wavelength-division multiplexing for the read-out of experimental data in detector instrumentation in high-energy physics, astroparticle physics or photon science. A multi-channel optical transmitter is developed as the core component on a silicon-on-insulator platform. It implements Mach-Zehnder modulators with a depletion-type pn-phase shifter in each arm, while the (de )multiplexers rely on planar concave gratings. The modulator design is expected to support a symbol rate in the range 40 GBd even with a phase shifter length of 3 mm. The development of an efficient simulation method is presented, which allows for the reliable prediction of the steady-state modulator characteristics. Furthermore, this work addresses the packaging technology for grating-coupled silicon photonic components. In particular, a fabrication and assembly process for a planar fiber-to-chip coupling using angle-polished single-mode fibers is developed. A long-term-stable coupling with a small footprint is achieved, of which the coupling efficiency is only weakly dependent on ambient conditions