52 research outputs found

    Diseño y construcción de un robot tipo serpiente que implementa movimientos de marcha rectilínea y sidewinding

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    Bio-inspired robots offer locomotion versatility in a wide variety of terrains that conventional robots cannot access.  One such bio-inspired platform is snake-like robots, which are mechanisms designed to move like biological snakes. The aim of this paper was to implement and validate, through comparison in real and simulation tests on flat terrain, the design of a snake robot that allows movements in two perpendicular planes, by the application of three-dimensional locomotion modes. The prototype robot had a modular and sequential architecture composed of eight 3D printed segments. The necessary torques for each motor are found by means of a simulation in Matlab – Simulink and the SimScape tool. The Webots mobile robotics simulator was used to create a parameterized virtual model of the robot, where two types of gaits were programmed: sidewinding and rectilinear. Results showed that the robot undertakes lower than 1 second in execution time to reach the total distance in each of the proposed marches when comparted to the simulation. In addition, mean differences of 6 cm for the distances during the sidewinding mode experiment and 1.2 cm in the deviation in the rectilinear mode on flat terrain were obtained. In conclusion, there is a great similarity between the simulation tests and those performed with the actual robot, and it was also possible to verify that the behavior of the prototype robot is satisfactory over short distances.Los robots bioinspirados ofrecen versatilidad de locomoción en una amplia variedad de terrenos a los que los robots convencionales no pueden acceder. Una de esas plataformas bioinspiradas son los robots con forma de serpiente, que son mecanismos diseñados para moverse como serpientes biológicas. El objetivo de este artículo fue implementar y validar, mediante la comparación en pruebas reales y de simulación sobre un terreno llano, el diseño de un robot serpiente que permite movimientos en dos planos perpendiculares mediante la aplicación de modos tridimensionales de locomoción. El prototipo del robot contó con una arquitectura modular y secuencial compuesto por ocho segmentos impresos en 3D. Los pares necesarios para cada motor se encuentran mediante una simulación en Matlab – Simulink y la herramienta SimScape. El simulador de robótica móvil Webots se utilizó para crear un modelo virtual parametrizado del robot, donde se programaron dos tipos de marcha: sidewinding y rectilínea. Los resultados mostraron que el comportamiento del robot evidencia valores menores a 1 segundo en el tiempo de ejecución para alcanzar la distancia total en cada una de las marchas propuestas en comparación con la simulación. Además, se obtuvieron diferencias en promedio de 6 cm para las distancias durante el experimento del modo sidewinding y de 1.2 cm en el desvió rectilíneo sobre un terreno plano. En conclusión, existe una gran similitud entre las pruebas de simulación y las realizadas al robot real; igualmente se pudo verificar que el comportamiento del prototipo del robot es satisfactorio en recorridos cortos

    The kinematics of hyper-redundant robot locomotion

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    This paper considers the kinematics of hyper-redundant (or “serpentine”) robot locomotion over uneven solid terrain, and presents algorithms to implement a variety of “gaits”. The analysis and algorithms are based on a continuous backbone curve model which captures the robot's macroscopic geometry. Two classes of gaits, based on stationary waves and traveling waves of mechanism deformation, are introduced for hyper-redundant robots of both constant and variable length. We also illustrate how the locomotion algorithms can be used to plan the manipulation of objects which are grasped in a tentacle-like manner. Several of these gaits and the manipulation algorithm have been implemented on a 30 degree-of-freedom hyper-redundant robot. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate and validate these concepts and our modeling assumptions

    Mixed Integer Programming-Based Semiautonomous Step Climbing of a Snake Robot Considering Sensing Strategy

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    We propose a control method for semiautonomous step climbing by a snake robot. Our method is based on mixed integer quadratic programming to generate the reference trajectory of the head of the snake robot online. One of the features of the method is that it determines suitable positions and time duration in which to sense the surroundings before approaching the step. Furthermore, constraints on velocity and acceleration are taken into account, so that the snake robot can securely follow the generated trajectory. Our method was applied to a snake robot equipped with a laser range finder, which is used for step detection. Experiments were performed to verify the efficacy of the method

    Control of a Snake Robot for Ascending and Descending Steps

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    This paper proposes control method for a snake robot to ascend and descend steps. In a multiplane step environment, it is necessary for locomotion to transfer from one plane to another. When a snake robot moves, it touches several planes as its body is long and thin. In this paper, we propose a control method to track the trajectory of a snake robot in a step environment. We decomposed the 3-D motion of the robot into two simple models by introducing an assumption that simplifies the model and controller, and derive a model of the robot as a hybrid system with switching. The control method consists of a tracking controller, a method for shifting the robot\u27s part connecting the planes, and active lifting to control the shape of the robot. Ascent and descent experiments confirm the effectiveness of the proposed controller and the method for shifting the connecting part of the robot\u27s body

    Control of snake robots with switching constraints: trajectory tracking with moving obstacle

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    We propose control of a snake robot that can switch lifting parts dynamically according to kinematics. Snakes lift parts of their body and dynamically switch lifting parts during locomotion: e.g. sinus-lifting and sidewinding motions. These characteristic types of snake locomotion are used for rapid and efficient movement across a sandy surface. However, optimal motion of a robot would not necessarily be the same as that of a real snake as the features of a robot’s body are different from those of a real snake. We derived a mathematical model and designed a controller for the three-dimensional motion of a snake robot on a two-dimensional plane. Our aim was to accomplish effective locomotion by selecting parts of the body to be lifted and parts to remain in contact with the ground. We derived the kinematic model with switching constraints by introducing a discrete mode number. Next, we proposed a control strategy for trajectory tracking with switching constraints to decrease cost function, and to satisfy the conditions of static stability. In this paper, we introduced a cost function related to avoidance of the singularity and the moving obstacle. Simulations and experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed controller and switching constraints