1,042 research outputs found

    Analiza slovenske terminologije glazbenih oblika

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the use of basic Slovenian music terms used in writing about musical structure. Since this terminology includes a large number of terms, we have decided to limit the analysis of basic terms to the following ones: tone, note, motif, figure, melody and musical form. For the purposes of research, we have created a one-language corpus on www.sketchengine.co.uk, which contains graduate, masters‘ and doctoral theses dealing with music analysis and several textbooks dealing with musical forms. Such a modern corpus approach makes it easier to search terms and their meanings, which ultimately leads to interesting results on how to use certain terms.Članak predstavlja rezultate analize upotrebe slovenske glazbene terminologije koja se koristi u pisanju o glazbenim oblicima. Budući da ova terminologija obuhvaća popriličan broj termina, odlučili smo se ograničiti na analizu sljedećih termina: melodija, ton, nota, oblik, figura i motiv. Za potrebe istraživanja na stranicama www.sketchengine. co.uk stvorili smo jednojezični korpus koji sadržava diplomske, magistarske i doktorske radove koji se bave glazbenom analizom te nekoliko udžbenika koji se bave glazbenim oblicima. Takav, suvremeni korpusni pristup, omogućio je lakše pretraživanje izraza i njihovih značenja, što nas je u konačnici dovelo do zanimljivih rezultata o načinu upotrebe pojedinih termina

    The aspect of culture in the social inclusion of ethnic minorities: evaluation of the impact of inclusion policies under the open method of co-ordination in the European Union ; assessing the cultural policies of six member states ; final report Slovenia

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    'The main purpose of this report is to evaluate the cultural policies introduced in the Slovenian National Action Plan (NAP) on Social Inclusion (2004-2006) in terms of their impact on promoting social inclusion of ethnic minorities. Cultural policies are here understood in a broad sense of the word - encompassing all policies that pay regard to any aspect of culture, be it culture in the sense of creative artistic activities (theatres, music, etc.) or in the sense of specific cultural/ ethnic identity of the target groups. In the report we focused on policies which are aimed at promoting the social inclusion of the Roma and the 'new ethnic minorities'. These are the only ethnic minorities that the Slovenian NAP/ inclusion 2004-2006 pays attention to - Roma are considered as one of the groups most at risk of social exclusion in Slovenia. On the other hand the NAP 2004-2006 does not deal with the new ethnic minorities as with vulnerable groups (groups with highest risk of poverty and social exclusion); they are, however, included in the part of NAP 2004-2006, which deals with access to culture. We chose to evaluate three policies: education policy for the Roma, employment policy for the Roma, and the policy to promote access to culture for minority ethnic groups (among them we focused on the Roma and the 'new ethnic minorities'). The first chapters of the report bring some general information on the ethnic structure of the Republic of Slovenia, on the legal protection of ethnic minorities in Slovenia, and on socioeconomic development of the country. Some aspects of the social exclusion of the Roma and the new ethnic minorities in Slovenia are presented in the fourth chapter, focusing especially on the attitudes of the majority population towards these ethnic groups. In the fifth chapter we briefly presented how the key challenges to social inclusion are defined in the Slovenian NAP/ inclusion (2004-2006), what are the NAP's main objectives and which are the groups targeted by its policies. Following the description of the NAP some demographic data on the Roma and the new ethnic minorities are presented as well as relevant information on their legal status in Slovenia. All this should provide the reader with background information to better understand the policies that are evaluated in Chapter VII.' (excerpt

    The Growing Dictionary of the Slovenian Language (2014-) and Slovenian Neologisms: Study on Types of Data and Their Use

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    The article aims at presenting the methods of detection of Slovenian neologisms, used in the making of the Growing Dictionary of the Slovenian Language, accessible at the Fran portal , which integrates various dictionaries into a single whole, form 2014 onwards. In the first year of compiling and for the following few years, the main source of the candidates was corpus Gigafida 1.0, built in 2013. Due to the corpus not being updated regularly (and unavailability of other appropriate sources), users’ suggestions have taken over the main role. Users submit suggestions directly on the Fran portal. The corpus Gigafida and other (Janes, SlWaC) are still used for checking users’ suggestions. Due to a high number of such suggestions and a growing demand for new lexical descriptions, their importance cannot be overlooked. The neologisms collected in the dictionary exhibit a number of characteristics, a brief overview of which is provided at the end of the study

    Internetna leksika v slovenščini: analiza novejših slovarskih virov

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    This article analyzes the characteristics of internet lexis covered in recent Slovenian dictionaries. Much internet lexis was created by using already existing words from general language that have taken on new meanings in the internet environment. This process resembles the long­known process of terminologization, and so it is dubbed “internatization.” The increasing use of these words also results in the reverse process, or “deinternetization,” in which words that designate internet concepts pass over into general language.V prispevku smo analizirali internetno leksiko, ki so jo zajeli novejši slovenski slovarski viri. Veliko internetne leksike je nastalo z uporabo že znanih leksemov iz splošnega jezika, ki pa so v internetnem okolju dobili nove pomene. Ta proces spominja na že dolgo znani proces terminologizacije, zato smo ga poimenovali internetizacija. Z naraščanjem rabe internetne leksike pa zasledimo tudi obratni proces, t. i. proces deinternetizacije, pri katerem leksemi, ki poimenujejo internetne pojme, prehajajo v splošni jezik

    The Balkans - A Mosaic

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    Ideal ekosustava i lokalni neoliberalizam mladog poduzetnika. Poduzetničko okruženje milenijalaca u Sloveniji

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    This paper is about the young entrepreneur as an emerging social agent in contemporary Slovenia. Young entrepreneurs are affected by both an ideal sociality of entrepreneurial ecosystems and the small scale of their environment. This paper argues that while the former is promoted as a tool for strengthening local communities and a means of moving toward a prosperous future, the later prevents its actualization but provides security for young people. Family and other established social relationships are of considerable importance for maintaining young entrepreneurs’ careers.Članak se bavi mladim poduzetnikom kao novim društvenim akterom u suvremenoj Sloveniji. Na mlade poduzetnike utječu i idealna društvenost poduzetničkih ekosustava i malenost njihova okruženja. Autor pokazuje da dok se ovo prvo promiče kao sredstvo za jačanje lokalnih zajednica i put prema prosperitetnoj budućnosti, drugo sprečava njegovo ostvarivanje, ali mladima pruža sigurnost. Obitelj i drugi uspostavljeni društveni odnosi značajno utječu na održavanje karijera mladih poduzetnika

    English/Arabic/English Machine Translation: A Historical Perspective

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    This paper examines the history and development of Machine Translation (MT) applications for the Arabic language in the context of the history and machine translation in general. It starts with a discussion of the beginnings of MT in the US and then, depending on the work of MT historians, surveys the decline of the work on MT and drying up of funding; then the revival with globalization, development of information technology and the rising needs for breaking the language barriers in the world; and last on the dramatic developments that came with the advances in computer technology. The paper also examined some of the major approaches for MT within a historical perspective. The case of Arabic is treated along the same lines focusing on the work that was done on Arabic by Western research institutes and Western profit motivated companies. Special attention is given to the work of the one Arab company, Sakr of Al-Alamiyya Group, which was established in 1982 and has seriously since then worked on developing software applications for Arabic under the umbrella of natural language processing for the Arabic language. Major available software applications for Arabic/English Arabic MT as well as MT related software were surveyed within a historical framework.Cet article examine l’histoire et l’évolution des applications de la traduction automatique (TA) en langue arabe, dans le contexte de l’histoire de la TA en général. Il commence par décrire les débuts de la TA aux États-Unis et son déclin dû à l’épuisement du financement ; ensuite, son renouveau suscité par la mondialisation, le développement des technologies de l’information et les besoins croissants de lever les barrières linguistiques. Finalement, il aborde les progrès vertigineux réalisés grâce à l’informatique. L’article étudie aussi les principales approches de la TA dans une perspective historique. Le cas de l’arabe est traité dans cette perspective, compte tenu des travaux effectués par les instituts de recherche occidentaux et quelques sociétés privées occidentales. Un accent particulier est mis sur les recherches de la société arabe Sakr, fondée dès 1982, qui a mis au point plusieurs logiciels de traitement de langues naturelles pour l’arabe. Ces divers logiciels de TA arabe-anglais-arabe ainsi que des applications associées sont présentés dans un cadre historique

    The Future of Information Sciences : INFuture2009 : Digital Resources and Knowledge Sharing

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