630 research outputs found

    Components of Soft Computing for Epileptic Seizure Prediction and Detection

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    Components of soft computing include machine learning, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computation, and probabilistic theory. These components have the cognitive ability to learn effectively. They deal with imprecision and good tolerance of uncertainty. Components of soft computing are needed for developing automated expert systems. These systems reduce human interventions so as to complete a task essentially. Automated expert systems are developed in order to perform difficult jobs. The systems have been trained and tested using soft computing techniques. These systems are required in all kinds of fields and are especially very useful in medical diagnosis. This chapter describes the components of soft computing and review of some analyses regarding EEG signal classification. From those analyses, this chapter concludes that a number of features extracted are very important and relevant features for classifier can give better accuracy of classification. The classifier with a suitable learning method can perform well for automated epileptic seizure detection systems. Further, the decomposition of EEG signal at level 4 is sufficient for seizure detection

    A review of intelligent methods for condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of stator and rotor faults of induction machines

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    Nowadays, induction motor (IM) is extensively used in industry, including mechanical and electrical applications. However, three main types of IM faults have been discussed in the literature, bearing, stator, and rotor. Importantly, stator and rotor faults represent approximately 50%. Traditional condition monitoring (CM) and fault diagnosis (FD) methods require a high processing cost and much experience knowledge. To tackle this challenge, artificial intelligent (AI) based CM and FD techniques are extensively developed. However, there have been many review research papers for intelligent CM and FD machine learning methods of rolling elements bearings of IM in the literature. Whereas there is a lack in the literature, and there are not many review papers for both stator and rotor intelligent CM and FD. Thus, the proposed study's main contribution is in reviewing the CM and FD of IM, especially for the stator and the rotor, based on AI methods. The paper also provides discussions on the main challenges and possible future works

    A voting-based machine learning approach for classifying biological and clinical datasets.

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    BACKGROUND: Different machine learning techniques have been proposed to classify a wide range of biological/clinical data. Given the practicability of these approaches accordingly, various software packages have been also designed and developed. However, the existing methods suffer from several limitations such as overfitting on a specific dataset, ignoring the feature selection concept in the preprocessing step, and losing their performance on large-size datasets. To tackle the mentioned restrictions, in this study, we introduced a machine learning framework consisting of two main steps. First, our previously suggested optimization algorithm (Trader) was extended to select a near-optimal subset of features/genes. Second, a voting-based framework was proposed to classify the biological/clinical data with high accuracy. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method, it was applied to 13 biological/clinical datasets, and the outcomes were comprehensively compared with the prior methods. RESULTS: The results demonstrated that the Trader algorithm could select a near-optimal subset of features with a significant level of p-value \u3c 0.01 relative to the compared algorithms. Additionally, on the large-sie datasets, the proposed machine learning framework improved prior studies by ~ 10% in terms of the mean values associated with fivefold cross-validation of accuracy, precision, recall, specificity, and F-measure. CONCLUSION: Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that a proper configuration of efficient algorithms and methods can increase the prediction power of machine learning approaches and help researchers in designing practical diagnosis health care systems and offering effective treatment plans

    Breast cancer diagnosis: a survey of pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification

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    Machine learning methods have been an interesting method in the field of medical for many years, and they have achieved successful results in various fields of medical science. This paper examines the effects of using machine learning algorithms in the diagnosis and classification of breast cancer from mammography imaging data. Cancer diagnosis is the identification of images as cancer or non-cancer, and this involves image preprocessing, feature extraction, classification, and performance analysis. This article studied 93 different references mentioned in the previous years in the field of processing and tries to find an effective way to diagnose and classify breast cancer. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that most of today’s successful methods focus on the use of deep learning methods. Finding a new method requires an overview of existing methods in the field of deep learning methods in order to make a comparison and case study

    Peran Penggunaan IoT dengan Machine Learning dalam Penanganan Pandemi COVID-19: Systematic Literatur Review

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    Banyak penelitian yang dilakukan untuk membahas peyebaran, dampak serta akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh COVID-19 terhadap masyarakat pada pandemic terjadi. Pada saat dunia sedang terdampak penyakit COVID-19, penggunaan perangkat IoT terus meningkat setiap harinya. Ada beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengurangi kontak antarmanusia, termasuk pembatasan sosial. Machine Learning merupakan teknologi yang dapat digunakan dengan perangkat IoT. Pendekatan Machine Learning digunakan untuk memprediksi risiko yang terkait dengan COVID-19, untuk membuat prediksi dari data yang dikumpulkan oleh sensor hasil dai perangkat IoT. Artikel ini membahas terkait teknologi IoT yang memanfaat pendekatan machine learning untuk membantu penyebaran dan penangangan pendemi yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti sebelumnya. Dari hasil banyak penelitian yang telah dilakukan tersebut, algoritma machine learning yang banyak digunakan pada perangkat IoT dengan perbandingan beberapa algoritma yang digunakan untuk data berskala menengah hingga kompleks, dengan tingkat akurasi tertinggi oleh RF (Random Forest) dengan akurasi mendekati 99%. daripada algoritma machine learning lainnya

    Detection of Different Levels of Multiple Sclerosis by Assessing Nonlinear Characteristics of Posture

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system that affects various parts of the brain and the spinal cord, leading to interruptions of the nervous, defense and movement systems, which usually affect balance and gait. Considering that the diagnosis of MS and its classification is a function of the expertise of the physician, the use of creative methods can help physicians to diagnose and classify different levels of the disease.Methods: The primary objective of the present study was to detect different levels of MS disease based on the nonlinear evaluation of body features. To do so, we studied eight MS patients and posture information of these patients such as the center of pressure (COP) were recorded at different levels with various degrees of Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) by a motion analyzer device, while subjects were standing on the force plate in the eyes-opened and eyes-closed modes. After extracting and validating features that are used to assess posture disorders and explain the balancing behavior, the support vector machine (SVM) was employed to classify different levels of disease. Using the Spearman correlation test, each feature evaluated by the EDSS test.Results: The features obtained from Higuchi’s fractal dimensional algorithm in both anterior-posterior and mediolateral directions of the COP, which were significant (P < 0.05) were selected and provided to SVM and neural network for classification of different levels. It found that SVM outperformed neural network and was able to carry out the classification with the accuracy of 90.7%.Conclusion: As an intelligent method, the non-linear evaluation of body features such as dimensional fractal analysis of the COP can help physicians diagnose different levels of MS with greater precision

    Automated epileptic seizure detection by analyzing wearable EEG signals using extended correlation-based feature selection

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) that measures the electrical activity of the brain has been widely employed for diagnosing epilepsy which is one kind of brain abnormalities. With the advancement of low-cost wearable brain-computer interface devices, it is possible to monitor EEG for epileptic seizure detection in daily use. However, it is still challenging to develop seizure classification algorithms with a considerable higher accuracy and lower complexity. In this study, we propose a lightweight method which can reduce the number of features for a multiclass classification to identify three different seizure statuses (i.e., Healthy, Interictal and Epileptic seizure) through EEG signals with a wearable EEG sensors using Extended Correlation-Based Feature Selection (ECFS). More specifically, there are three steps in our proposed approach. Firstly, the EEG signals were segmented into five frequency bands and secondly, we extract the features while the unnecessary feature space was eliminated by developing the ECFS method. Finally, the features were fed into five different classification algorithms, including Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Model Trees, RBF Network and Multilayer Perceptron. Experimental results have shown that Logistic Model Trees provides the highest accuracy of 97.6% comparing to other classifiers
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