24,466 research outputs found

    Five year retrospective study on Syphilis in the Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD) centre of the teaching hospital Umberto I in Rome

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    Objectives: A retrospective study describing syphilis epidemiological and clinical features in patients referring to an infectious diseases centre in Rome, Italy. Methods: Between January 2011 and December 2015 demographic, behavioral and clinical data were collected from all adult patients attending the Sexual Transmitted Disease Centre of the Teaching Hospital Umberto I in Rome. Results: Overall 723 patients, 495 males and 228 females, with syphilis infection diagnosis were included. Average age 39.6 ± 13.6 years (median 38) was higher in men than women (41.1 ± 13.6 vs. 36.3 ± 13.1; p<0.001). Patients were from Italy (486 or 67.2%), EU (90 or 12.4%), rest of Europe (38 or 5.3 %), Americas (46 or 6.4%), Africa (36 or 5.0%) and Asia (27 or 3.7%). One-hundred-twenty-three (17.0%) presented primary syphilis, 43 (5.9%) secondary syphilis, 8 (1.1%) tertiary syphilis, 246 (34.0%) serological syphilis, 80 (11.1%) preceding syphilis, 56 (7.7%) gravidic syphilis and 167 (23.1%) came to the STD to control a preceding syphilis treatment. Fifty-six (24.6%) women were diagnosed with syphilis during their pregnancies. Among Chinese female patients, those pregnant represented 87.5%. There were 100 subjects (13.8%) simultaneously HIV+ and 623 (86.2%) HIV- patients. HIV co-infection affected more frequently men (RR 5.30; CI 2.62 – 10.72; p<0.001). In males HIV co-infection affected more frequently homosexuals (RR 11.72; CI 6.72 – 20.45; p<0.001). Overall HIV co-infection affected more frequently foreign patients, specially from the Americas (26.1%), Africa (25.7%) and Asia (22.2%). Conclusions: A serious problem of “gravidic syphilis” suggests the need for Public Health preventive action. Also an early diagnosis of both syphilis and HIV infection should be reinforced

    A promising new ELISA diagnostic test for cattle babesiosis based on Babesia bigemina Apical Membrane Antigen-1.

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    Babesiosis due to Babesia bigemina is a relevant tick‑borne disease, affecting cattle worldwide. Many surface proteins of the pathogen including the Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA‑1) ‑ have been analysed for vaccine and diagnostic purposes. This study focused on B. bigemina AMA‑1 and on its use for the assessment of diagnostic tests. After bioinformatic analyses, AMA‑1 codifying region was amplified and cloned into an expression vector used to induce protein synthesis in Escherichia coli cells. AMA‑1 was purified by affinity chromatography and used to set up the best condition for an ELISA protocol. Bovine field sera positive to B. bigemina were used to evaluate the presence of anti‑AMA‑1 antibodies. In order to verify the assay specificity, sera positive to Babesia bovis or to the piroplasm Theileria annulata were also included. Significant differences were obtained between sera negative to both B. bigemina and B. bovis and samples positive to B. bigemina, to B. bovis or to both pathogens. No significant reaction was observed with T. annulata positive sera. The results showed that AMA‑1 protein is suitable to be used as antigen in diagnostic assays for babesiosis diagnosis in cattle, as it does not show any cross reaction with anti-T. annulata antibodies

    Old School Catalog 1912-13, Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery

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    Diagnosi infermieristiche e pianificazione dell’assistenza domiciliare nell’ASL di Brescia

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    Il presente articolo illustra i risultati di un progetto di formazione e ricerca realizzato a partire dal mese di ottobre 2007 presso l’ASL di Brescia. Tale progetto, rivolto a un gruppo di circa 90 infermieri operanti nell’ambito dell’assistenza domiciliare, perseguiva un duplice obiettivo: consolidare negli infermieri partecipanti la competenza metodologica relativa alla formulazione delle diagnosi infermieristiche, alla pianificazione e alla documentazione dell’assistenza infermieristica e indagare, attraverso il metodo attivo della consensus conference applicato a tali contenuti, le caratteristiche fondamentali del nursing in ambito domiciliare. Il progetto si è concretizzato in un corso di aggiornamento, durante il quale gli infermieri partecipanti hanno potuto esprimere la propria valutazione in merito alla natura dei problemi di salute prevalentemente incontrati durante la presa in carico domiciliare, alla loro possibile codifica attraverso il linguaggio proposto dalla classificazione delle diagnosi infermieristiche della North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA International), al grado di autonomia nell’identificazione e nel trattamento di tali diagnosi, alla tipologia degli interventi assistenziali prevalentemente pianificati e attuati, alla qualità della documentazione attualmente in uso. L’analisi dei dati raccolti configura il profilo di un infermiere domiciliare con competenza avanzata, chiamato ad affrontare problemi socio-sanitari complessi e che richiedono un approccio integrato e multidisciplinare. Nel contesto territoriale della provincia bresciana, secondo gli infermieri partecipanti, il grado di autonomia nell’identificazione delle diagnosi infermieristiche e l’impegno nella pianificazione degli interventi permangono maggiormente orientati verso gli ambiti che riguardano la sfera bio-fisiologica (modello di eliminazione, di alimentazione, cura del sé ecc.). Tuttavia, l’infermiere che fornisce assistenza in ambito domiciliare si confronta sempre più spesso con problematiche emergenti, come la gestione dell’aderenza al regime terapeutico, il supporto comunicativo e relazionale, lo stimolo motivazionale alla gestione del coping e la supervisione del ruolo del caregiver. Infine, il progetto di formazione e ricerca ha stimolato la riflessione sulla necessità di migliorare la struttura e le modalità di gestione della documentazione infermieristica domiciliare

    Diagnosi i pla de gestió ambiental del casal de joves de Haër (Senegal)

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    Per tal de fer front al deteriorament i la destrucció de l'única infraestructura comuna per a joves existent al barri de Haër (M'lomp), l'associació de joves "Les Criquets de Haër" ha dut a terme un projecte de construcció d'un Casal de Joves, el qual pretén fer front no només a la manca d'infraestructures sinó també a la falta de tallers en condicions, de llocs de treball i d'espai agrícola. Amb l'objectiu de construir un centre integrat en el medi i amb capacitat per atendre les necessitats tant dels joves de Haër com d'altres poblacions properes, s'ha optat per realitzar una diagnosi ambiental del terreny on es construirà el complex. La informació obtinguda en aquesta diagnosi ha permès determinar els possibles impactes que la construcció del casal pot suposar per al medi i, a partir d'aquí, elaborar un pla de gestió ambiental dissenyant les mesures correctores més adequades per a la mitigació dels impactes detectats. Les actuacions plantejades en el Pla de gestió ambiental s'han dissenyat tenint en compte el context social i econòmic en el qual es desenvolupen les obres, així com també la predisposició de la població per a dur-les a terme i garantir-ne la continuïtat.Con el fin de hacer frente al deterioro y la destrucción de la única infraestructura común para jóvenes existente al barrio de Haër (M'lomp), la asociación de jóvenes "Les Criquets de Haër" ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de construcción de un Casal de Jóvenes, que pretende hacer frente no sólo a la falta de infraestructuras sino también a la falta de talleres en condiciones, de puestos de trabajo y de espacio agrícola. Con el objetivo de construir un centro integrado en el medio y con capacidad para atender las necesidades tanto de los jóvenes de Haër como de otras poblaciones próximas, se ha optado por realizar una diagnosis ambiental del terreno donde se construirá el complejo. La información obtenida en esta diagnosis ha permitido determinar los posibles impactos que la construcción del casal puede suponer para el medio y, a partir de aquí, elaborar un plan de gestión ambiental diseñando las medidas correctoras más adecuadas para la mitigación de los impactos detectados. Las actuaciones planteadas en el Plan de gestión ambiental se han diseñado teniendo en cuenta el contexto social y económico en el cual se desarrollan las obras, así como también la predisposición de la población para llevarlas a cabo y garantizar su continuidad.In order to face the ruin and the destruction of the only common infrastructure for youngsters existing in the neighborhood of Haër (M'lomp), the association of youngsters "Les Criquets de Haër" has carried out a project of building a Mansion of Youngsters, which intends to face not only the lack of infrastructures but also the lack of workshops in reasonable conditions, jobs and agriculture spaces. With the goal to construct an integrated center in the environment and with capacity to pay attention to the needs so much of the youngsters of Haër as other nearby populations, it has been opted to carry out an environmental diagnosis of the terrain where the complex will be constructed. The information obtained from the diagnosis allows us to gauge the possible impacts that the construction of the mansion may suppose to the environment and elaborate an Environmental Management Plan designing the corrective measures more suitable to face the impacts. The performances brought up in the Environmental Management Plan have been designed taking into consideration the social and economical context in which the works are developed, as well as the predisposition of the population to guarantee its continuity.Afin de faire front à la détérioration et la destruction de la seule infrastructure commune pour des jeunes existante au quartier d'Haër (M'lomp), l'association de jeunes "Les Criquets de Haër" a mené à bien un projet de construction d'un Centre Culturel de Jeunes, lequel prétend combattre non seulement une basse présence d'infrastructures mais aussi au manque d'ateliers pour des jeunes, de postes de travail et d'espace agricole. Avec l'objectif de construire un centre intégré avec l'environnement qui fais attention aux nécessités des jeunes qui viennent de Haër et aussi des villages prochains, on a choisisse de réaliser un Diagnostique Environnemental du terrain où ce complexe va être construit. L'information obtenue dans cet étude a permis de déterminer les possibles impacts que ce Centre peut offrir sur l'environ et, ensuite, élaborer un plan de gestion environnemental en dessinant des mesures les plus adéquates qui peuvent aider à la correction où mitigation des impacts détectés pendant l'étude. Les procédures proposées dans ce Plan de Gestion Environnemental ont été dessinées sans oublier le contexte social et économique où les travaux sont développés, aussi bien qu'aussi la prédisposition de la population pour les mener à bien et en garantir la continuité