370 research outputs found

    Vagueness Markers in Italian

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    Moving from a broad socio-pragmatic perspective, this study analyses how speakers of different ages use a class of items and constructions that codify intentional vagueness in Italian. Items as un po’ ‘a bit’, tipo ‘kind’, diciamo ‘let us say’, così ‘so’, e cose del genere ‘and things like that’, or cosa ‘thing’ constitute a class of linguistically heterogeneous means that often function in conversation as vagueness markers, i.e. elements by which speakers signal that their knowledge or communication are somehow only tentative, approximate and vague. Their use does not depend on language systemic factors, but is the result of a, more or less conscious, choice of speakers to enhance conversation for different reasons, which include facilitating the flow of conversation, signifying a vague categorization, and, eventually, being polite. Operating at the pragmatic level, vagueness markers represent elements that are readily available to speakers’ choices and contribute to characterize individual and generational discourse styles. Through a corpus-based analysis of listeners’ phone-ins to a Milan radio station, this study investigates how vagueness markers are used by speakers of different ages in 1976 and in 2010, and how Italian discourse styles have evolved in the last forty years

    Vagueness Markers in Italian

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    Moving from a broad socio-pragmatic perspective, this study analyses how speakers of different ages use a class of items and constructions that codify intentional vagueness in Italian. Items as un po’ ‘a bit’, tipo ‘kind’, diciamo ‘let us say’, così ‘so’, e cose del genere ‘and things like that’, or cosa ‘thing’ constitute a class of linguistically heterogeneous means that often function in conversation as vagueness markers, i.e. elements by which speakers signal that their knowledge or communication are somehow only tentative, approximate and vague. Their use does not depend on language systemic factors, but is the result of a, more or less conscious, choice of speakers to enhance conversation for different reasons, which include facilitating the flow of conversation, signifying a vague categorization, and, eventually, being polite. Operating at the pragmatic level, vagueness markers represent elements that are readily available to speakers’ choices and contribute to characterize individual and generational discourse styles. Through a corpus-based analysis of listeners’ phone-ins to a Milan radio station, this study investigates how vagueness markers are used by speakers of different ages in 1976 and in 2010, and how Italian discourse styles have evolved in the last forty years

    “Russians are very sweet and nice”:a corpus-assisted multimodal discourse analysis of the representation of people in online travel reviews about Moscow

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    The paper explores how guests and hosts are represented in online travel reviews about Moscow. Tourism provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the sociocultural background of other nations and potentially to improve international relations. Moscow, the capital of Russia, is sometimes viewed as an unfriendly or unsafe destination and the Russian Government aims to increase the popularity of the city. However, there are concerns that modern tourism discourse contributes to the maintenance of asymmetrical guest-host power relations. Guests are often accused of consumerism while hosts are frequently backgrounded or represented as servants or cultural markers. Such representation can lead to client-servant attitude and even cause discrimination against hosts. While online travel reviews are considered an important genre of tourism discourse, most studies analyse the representation of people in promotional or media discourse. Considering that multimodality is an integral feature of tourism discourse and that the analysis of discourse patterns allows exploring the meanings widely shared by the society, the study utilizes a corpus-assisted multimodal approach by analysing the representation of people in headlines, texts, images and image captions of a corpus of online travel reviews. The analysis corroborates previous conclusions that guests tend to be represented as consumers enjoying themselves while hosts are perceived as friendly servants. However, the study provides evidence that tourists can background not only hosts but also themselves or other tourists. Moreover, the results reveal that in contrast to promotional and media discourse, guests can also portray themselves as active, solving problems while sometimes representing guests as rude or unwelcoming. The results also show that the representation of people can vary across the modes of the same document. The study concludes that user-generated tourism discourse reveals a complex picture and can express resistance to the dominant institutional imagery

    Lahktarindid suulises eesti keeles: uurimus infostruktuuri raamistikus

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    KĂ€esolev doktorivĂ€itekiri „Initial and final detachments in spoken Estonian: a study in the framework of Information Structuring“ kĂ€sitleb lahktarindeid eesti suulises keeles infostruktuuri raamistikus. Lahktarinditena (inglise keeles detachments, dislocations) vaadeldakse siin konstruktsioone, milles leksikaalne element esineb kas enne pealauset vĂ”i pĂ€rast seda, kusjuures pealauses esineb leksikaalse elemendiga samaviiteline asesĂ”na. Neid konstruktsioone peetakse spontaanses keelekasutuses universaalseteks, kuid nende esinemus ja funktsioonid on keeleti mĂ”nevĂ”rra erinevad. Lahktarindeid ei ole eesti keeles varem uuritud; ĂŒldiselt on neid keeleuurimustes seotud infostruktuuri mĂ”istetega nagu teema ja postreema, st nad tĂ”stavad esile infostruktuuri tasandil leksikaalses ĂŒksuses ĂŒhelt poolt teema, mille kohta pealauses (reema) midagi öeldakse ning teiselt poolt esinevad nad struktuurides, kus pealause ehk reema on lausungis esimesel kohal, millele jĂ€rgneb leksikaalse ĂŒksusena postreema. Et infostruktuuri tasandist lĂ€htuvaid uurimusi eesti keele kohta tehtud pole, antakse vĂ€itekirja esimestes peatĂŒkkides ĂŒlevaade valdkonna problemaatikast ning kĂ€esolevas töös olulistest lĂ€henemistest. VĂ€itekiri sisaldab ka ĂŒlevaadet enamikust (sĂŒntaksit kĂ€sitlevatest) uurimustest eesti keele kohta, milles kasutatakse infostruktuuri mĂ”isteid. KorpuseanalĂŒĂŒsis vaadeldakse lĂ€hemalt ĂŒlalmainitud kaht tĂŒĂŒpi lahktarindeid, keskendudes peamiselt referendi informatsioonilisele staatusele, tarindite erinevatele funktsioonidele ja toimimisele diskursuse tasandil. VĂ€itekirja tulemusena vĂ”ib lahktarindite kohta vĂ€ita jĂ€rgmist: tegemist on suulises kĂ”nes levinud struktuuridega, mis toetavad suulisele kĂ”nele iseloomulikku info edastamist lĂŒhemate ĂŒksuste kaupa. Tarindites viidatavad referendid on enamasti kas vestluses juba esinenud vĂ”i on tuletatavad vestluse ĂŒldisest raamistikust. Postreemat sisaldavates tarindites, kus leksikaalne referent tuleb alles lausungi lĂ”pus, esineb rohkem ka eelneva sisuga seostamata referente. Lisaks vormilistele erinevustele ning nendest tulenevalt on nende kahe struktuuri puhul selgelt nĂ€ha erinevaid strateegiaid referendi sissetoomise puhul ning selle kĂ€sitlemisel edaspidises diskursuses.The present thesis “Initial and final detachments in spoken Estonian: a study in the framework of Information Structuring” analyses detachment constructions (initial and final detachments) in spoken Estonian, in the framework of Information Structuring. Initial detachments are defined as structures where a detached lexical element precedes the main clause, which contains a coreferential pronoun; in final detachments, the referent is at first referred to by a pronoun in the main clause, followed by the lexical element in a detached element at the end of the utterance. These structures have been considered universals in spontaneous oral language, but their functions and degree of grammaticalization differ in various languages. Detached constructions have not been investigated before in Estonian. They have been associated to the notions of Theme and Post-rheme at the level of Information Structuring, i.e. initial detachment introduces an element that is considered as Theme at the informational level and final detachment serves to introduce the Post-rheme. Given that there are no studies dedicated to the level of Information Structuring as independent object of investigation, an overview about the main problems of this domain is provided in first chapters of the thesis, followed by a summary of studies (in syntax) about Estonian where the notions of Information Structuring framework have been used. The analysis of the corpus concentrates mainly on the informational status of the referent, different functions of these constructions and their functioning at the discourse level. The analysis revealed that detached constructions allow the information to be staged during the discourse building work; as concerns the informational status of the referents, it could be shown that they have mostly been mentioned before during the conversation or are present in the thematic frame of the discourse. Final detachments are also used in order to introduce unmentioned and new referents. Besides the formal differences, and stemming from them, the two constructions are clearly different as concerns the mechanisms of introduction of the referent and its treatment in the discourse

    Subtitling the films of Volker Schlöndorff in English

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    Volker Schlöndorff is one of Germany’s foremost directors, and a prominent member of the group who formed the New German Cinema in the 1960s, a movement which rejected the ‘old film-making’ in Germany and embraced a new way of working whose main thrust was artistic, rather than commercial. This thesis seeks to use the Descriptive Translation Studies framework to examine the English subtitles for two of Schlöndorff’s best known films: Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum [The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum], directed in 1975, and Die Blechtrommel [The Tin Drum], from 1979. Using the concept of translational norms as one of its main heuristic tools, this research examines an audiovisual corpus consisting of five different sets of DVD subtitles from the two films: three from Die Blechtrommel, dating from 1995, 2002 and 2010, and two from Katharina Blum, dated 2003 and 2009, thus spanning the era from the advent of digitisation and the beginning of DVD to the rise of TV and film streaming services. The data is analysed to investigate the translation strategies that have been activated by the subtitlers when encountering culture-specific references, and then to pinpoint any diachronic trends that come to the fore, with a view to testing the earliest concept of the retranslation hypothesis (Bensimon, 1990; Berman, 1990)

    A Diachronic Study of Subtitling for the Deaf and the Hard-of-Hearing in Poland

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    This research project provides a thorough and detailed picture of the developments that have taken, and are taking, place in Poland in terms of Subtitling for the Deaf and the Hard-of-Hearing (SDH), with a special focus on SDH for television but including other media like DVD, theatre, cinema and the internet. Aspects such as the medical, cultural and linguistic nature of deafness, the history of SDH and its principal characteristics are explored in detail, followed by a diachronic study of SDH on Polish television. The theoretical framework of the study draws mainly on descriptive translation studies and is based on concepts such as norms and patronage. The investigation elucidates SDH norms frequent in Poland from the inception of the service by public service television in 1994 and up until 2010. It later focuses on the analysis of some key SDH features and their evolution in the period from 2011 until 2017. 2011 was a symbolic year in media history, when the obligation to provide a minimum of 10% of accessible programming on Polish television became legally binding. The characteristics of SDH, which are explored in detail, include subtitle speed and editing, as well as extra- and paralinguistic elements. The explanations and examples presented in the thesis are backed up by semi-structured interviews with subtitlers as well as by the analysis of numerous subtitling files generously provided by the Polish public service television and by subtitlers working for private stations and non-governmental organisations. The study aims to chart the historical development of SDH in Poland, whilst unravelling the SDH norms that were in operation in the two specified periods – 1994-2010 and 2011-2017 – and led to the current standards

    Digital tools in media studies: analysis and research. An overview

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    Digital tools are increasingly used in media studies, opening up new perspectives for research and analysis, while creating new problems at the same time. In this volume, international media scholars and computer scientists present their projects, varying from powerful film-historical databases to automatic video analysis software, discussing their application of digital tools and reporting on their results. This book is the first publication of its kind and a helpful guide to both media scholars and computer scientists who intend to use digital tools in their research, providing information on applications, standards, and problems

    Digital Tools in Media Studies

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    Digital tools are increasingly used in media studies, opening up new perspectives for research and analysis, while creating new problems at the same time. In this volume, international media scholars and computer scientists present their projects, varying from powerful film-historical databases to automatic video analysis software, discussing their application of digital tools and reporting on their results. This book is the first publication of its kind and a helpful guide to both media scholars and computer scientists who intend to use digital tools in their research, providing information on applications, standards, and problems

    CLARIN. The infrastructure for language resources

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    CLARIN, the "Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure", has established itself as a major player in the field of research infrastructures for the humanities. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the organization, its members, its goals and its functioning, as well as of the tools and resources hosted by the infrastructure. The many contributors representing various fields, from computer science to law to psychology, analyse a wide range of topics, such as the technology behind the CLARIN infrastructure, the use of CLARIN resources in diverse research projects, the achievements of selected national CLARIN consortia, and the challenges that CLARIN has faced and will face in the future. The book will be published in 2022, 10 years after the establishment of CLARIN as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium by the European Commission (Decision 2012/136/EU)
