38 research outputs found

    Existential Definability over the Subword Ordering

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    We study first-order logic (FO) over the structure consisting of finite words over some alphabet A, together with the (non-contiguous) subword ordering. In terms of decidability of quantifier alternation fragments, this logic is well-understood: If every word is available as a constant, then even the ?? (i.e., existential) fragment is undecidable, already for binary alphabets A. However, up to now, little is known about the expressiveness of the quantifier alternation fragments: For example, the undecidability proof for the existential fragment relies on Diophantine equations and only shows that recursively enumerable languages over a singleton alphabet (and some auxiliary predicates) are definable. We show that if |A| ? 3, then a relation is definable in the existential fragment over A with constants if and only if it is recursively enumerable. This implies characterizations for all fragments ?_i: If |A| ? 3, then a relation is definable in ?_i if and only if it belongs to the i-th level of the arithmetical hierarchy. In addition, our result yields an analogous complete description of the ?_i-fragments for i ? 2 of the pure logic, where the words of A^* are not available as constants

    Ranking and Unranking k-subsequence universal words

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    A subsequence of a word ww is a word uu such that u=w[i1]w[i2],w[iu]u = w[i_1] w[i_2] , \dots w[i_{|u|}], for some set of indices 1i1<i2<<ikw1 \leq i_1 < i_2 < \dots < i_k \leq |w|. A word ww is kk-subsequence universal over an alphabet Σ\Sigma if every word in Σk\Sigma^k appears in ww as a subsequence. In this paper, we provide new algorithms for kk-subsequence universal words of fixed length nn over the alphabet Σ={1,2,,σ}\Sigma = \{1,2,\dots, \sigma\}. Letting U(n,k,σ)\mathcal{U}(n,k,\sigma) denote the set of nn-length kk-subsequence universal words over Σ\Sigma, we provide: * an O(nkσ)O(n k \sigma) time algorithm for counting the size of U(n,k,σ)\mathcal{U}(n,k,\sigma); * an O(nkσ)O(n k \sigma) time algorithm for ranking words in the set U(n,k,σ)\mathcal{U}(n,k,\sigma); * an O(nkσ)O(n k \sigma) time algorithm for unranking words from the set U(n,k,σ)\mathcal{U}(n,k,\sigma); * an algorithm for enumerating the set U(n,k,σ)\mathcal{U}(n,k,\sigma) with O(nσ)O(n \sigma) delay after O(nkσ)O(n k \sigma) preprocessing

    Ranking and Unranking k-Subsequence Universal Words

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    Absorbing Patterns in BST-Like Expression-Trees

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    In this article we study the effect of simple semantic reductions on random BST-like expression-trees. Such random unary-binary expression-trees are often used in benchmarks for model-checking tools. We consider the reduction induced by an absorbing pattern for some given operator ?, which we apply bottom-up, producing an equivalent (and smaller) tree-expression. Our main result concerns the expected size of a random tree, of given input size n ? ?, after reduction. We show that there are two different thresholds, leading to a total of five regimes, ranging from no significant reduction at all, to almost complete reduction. These regimes are completely characterized according to the probability of the absorbing operator. Our results prove that random BST-like trees have to be considered with care, and that they offer a richer range of behaviours than uniform random trees

    Subcubic certificates for CFL reachability

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    Many problems in interprocedural program analysis can be modeled as the context-free language (CFL) reachability problem on graphs and can be solved in cubic time. Despite years of efforts, there are no known truly sub-cubic algorithms for this problem. We study the related certification task: given an instance of CFL reachability, are there small and efficiently checkable certificates for the existence and for the non-existence of a path? We show that, in both scenarios, there exist succinct certificates (O(n^2) in the size of the problem) and these certificates can be checked in subcubic (matrix multiplication) time. The certificates are based on grammar-based compression of paths (for reachability) and on invariants represented as matrix inequalities (for non-reachability). Thus, CFL reachability lies in nondeterministic and co-nondeterministic subcubic time. A natural question is whether faster algorithms for CFL reachability will lead to faster algorithms for combinatorial problems such as Boolean satisfiability (SAT). As a consequence of our certification results, we show that there cannot be a fine-grained reduction from SAT to CFL reachability for a conditional lower bound stronger than n^ω, unless the nondeterministic strong exponential time hypothesis (NSETH) fails. In a nutshell, reductions from SAT are unlikely to explain the cubic bottleneck for CFL reachability. Our results extend to related subcubic equivalent problems: pushdown reachability and 2NPDA recognition; as well as to all-pairs CFL reachability. For example, we describe succinct certificates for pushdown non-reachability (inductive invariants) and observe that they can be checked in matrix multiplication time. We also extract a new hardest 2NPDA language, capturing the “hard core” of all these problems

    On Special k-Spectra, k-Locality, and Collapsing Prefix Normal Words

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    The domain of Combinatorics on Words, first introduced by Axel Thue in 1906, covers by now many subdomains. In this work we are investigating scattered factors as a representation of non-complete information and two measurements for words, namely the locality of a word and prefix normality, which have applications in pattern matching. In the first part of the thesis we investigate scattered factors: A word u is a scattered factor of w if u can be obtained from w by deleting some of its letters. That is, there exist the (potentially empty) words u1, u2, . . . , un, and v0,v1,...,vn such that u = u1u2 ̈ ̈ ̈un and w = v0u1v1u2v2 ̈ ̈ ̈unvn. First, we consider the set of length-k scattered factors of a given word w, called the k-spectrum of w and denoted by ScatFactk(w). We prove a series of properties of the sets ScatFactk(w) for binary weakly-0-balanced and, respectively, weakly-c-balanced words w, i.e., words over a two- letter alphabet where the number of occurrences of each letter is the same, or, respectively, one letter has c occurrences more than the other. In particular, we consider the question which cardinalities n = | ScatFactk (w)| are obtainable, for a positive integer k, when w is either a weakly-0- balanced binary word of length 2k, or a weakly-c-balanced binary word of length 2k ́ c. Second, we investigate k-spectra that contain all possible words of length k, i.e., k-spectra of so called k-universal words. We present an algorithm deciding whether the k-spectra for given k of two words are equal or not, running in optimal time. Moreover, we present several results regarding k-universal words and extend this notion to circular universality that helps in investigating how the universality of repetitions of a given word can be determined. We conclude the part about scattered factors with results on the reconstruction problem of words from scattered factors that asks for the minimal information, like multisets of scattered factors of a given length or the number of occurrences of scattered factors from a given set, necessary to uniquely determine a word. We show that a word w P {a, b} ̊ can be reconstructed from the number of occurrences of at most min(|w|a, |w|b) + 1 scattered factors of the form aib, where |w|a is the number of occurrences of the letter a in w. Moreover, we generalise the result to alphabets of the form {1, . . . , q} by showing that at most ∑q ́1 |w|i (q ́ i + 1) scattered factors suffices to reconstruct w. Both results i=1 improve on the upper bounds known so far. Complexity time bounds on reconstruction algorithms are also considered here. In the second part we consider patterns, i.e., words consisting of not only letters but also variables, and in particular their locality. A pattern is called k-local if on marking the pattern in a given order never more than k marked blocks occur. We start with the proof that determining the minimal k for a given pattern such that the pattern is k-local is NP- complete. Afterwards we present results on the behaviour of the locality of repetitions and palindromes. We end this part with the proof that the matching problem becomes also NP-hard if we do not consider a regular pattern - for which the matching problem is efficiently solvable - but repetitions of regular patterns. In the last part we investigate prefix normal words which are binary words in which each prefix has at least the same number of 1s as any factor of the same length. First introduced in 2011 by Fici and Lipták, the problem of determining the index (amount of equivalence classes for a given word length) of the prefix normal equivalence relation is still open. In this paper, we investigate two aspects of the problem, namely prefix normal palindromes and so-called collapsing words (extending the notion of critical words). We prove characterizations for both the palindromes and the collapsing words and show their connection. Based on this, we show that still open problems regarding prefix normal words can be split into certain subproblems

    Sublinear-Time Cellular Automata and Connections to Complexity Theory

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    Im Gebiet des verteilten Rechnens werden Modelle untersucht, in denen sich mehrere Berechnungseinheiten koordinieren, um zusammen ein gemeinsames Ziel zu erreichen, wobei sie aber nur über begrenzte Ressourcen verfügen — sei diese Zeit-, Platz- oder Kommunikationskapazitäten. Das Hauptuntersuchungsobjekt dieser Dissertation ist das wohl einfachste solche Modell überhaupt: (eindimensionale) Zellularautomaten. Unser Ziel ist es, einen besseren Überblick über die Fähigkeiten und Einschränkungen des Modells und ihrer Varianten zu erlangen in dem Fall, dass die gesamte Bearbeitungszeit deutlich kleiner als die Größe der Eingabe ist (d. h. Sublinear-Zeit). Wir führen unsere Analyse von dem Standpunkt der Komplexitätstheorie und stellen dabei auch Bezüge zwischen Zellularautomaten und anderen Gebieten wie verteiltes Rechnen und Streaming-Algorithmen her. Sublinear-Zeit Zellularautomaten. Ein Zellularautomat (ZA) besteht aus identischen Zellen, die entlang einer Linie aneinandergereiht sind. Jede Zelle ist im Wesentlichen eine sehr primitive Berechnungseinheit (nämlich ein deterministischer endlicher Automat), die mit deren beiden Nachbarn interagieren kann. Die Berechnung entsteht durch die Aktualisierung der Zustände der Zellen gemäß derselben Zustandsüberführungsfunktion, die gleichzeitig überall im Automaten angewendet wird. Die von uns betrachteten Varianten sind unter anderem schrumpfende ZAs, die (gewissermaßen) dynamisch rekonfigurierbar sind, sowie eine probabilistische Variante, in der jede Zelle mit Zugriff auf eine faire Münze ausgestattet ist. Trotz überragendem Interesse an Linear- und Real-Zeit-ZAs scheint der Fall von Sublinear-Zeit im Großen und Ganzen von der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft vernachlässigt worden zu sein. Wir arbeiten die überschaubare Anzahl an Vorarbeiten zu dem Thema auf, die vorhanden ist, und entwickeln die daraus stammenden Techniken weiter, sodass deren Spektrum an Anwendungsmöglichkeiten wesentlich breiter wird. Durch diese Bemühungen entsteht unter anderem ein Zeithierarchiesatz für das deterministische Modell. Außerdem übertragen wir Techniken zum Beweis unterer Schranken aus der Komplexitätstheorie auf das Modell der schrumpfenden ZAs und entwickeln neue Techniken, die auf probabilistische Sublinear-Zeit-ZAs zugeschnitten sind. Ein Bezug zu Härte-Magnifizierung. Ein Bezug zu Komplexitätstheorie, die wir im Laufe unserer Untersuchungen herstellen, ist ein Satz über Härte-Magnifizierung (engl. hardness magnification) für schrumpfende ZAs. Hier bezieht sich Härte-Magnifizierung auf eine Reihe neuerer Arbeiten, die bezeugen, dass selbst geringfügig nicht-triviale untere Schranken sehr beeindruckende Konsequenzen in der Komplexitätstheorie haben können. Unser Satz ist eine Abwandlung eines neuen Ergebnisses von McKay, Murray und Williams (STOC, 2019) für Streaming-Algorithmen. Wie wir zeigen kann die Aussage dabei genauso in Bezug auf schrumpfende ZAs formuliert werden, was sie auch beweisbar verstärkt. Eine Verbindung zu Sliding-Window Algorithmen. Wir verknüpfen das verteilte Zellularautomatenmodell mit dem sequenziellen Streaming-Algorithmen-Modell. Wie wir zeigen, können (gewisse Varianten von) ZAs von Streaming-Algorithmen simuliert werden, die bestimmten Lokalitätseinschränkungen unterliegen. Konkret ist der aktuelle Zustand des Algorithmus vollkommen bestimmt durch den Inhalt eines Fensters fester Größe, das wenige letzte Symbole enthält, die vom Algorithmus verarbeitet worden sind. Dementsprechend nennen wir diese eingeschränkte Form eines Streaming-Algorithmus einen Sliding-Window-Algorithmus. Wir zeigen, dass Sliding-Window-Algorithmen ZAs sehr effizient simulieren können und insbesondere in einer solchen Art und Weise, dass deren Platzkomplexität eng mit der Zeitkomplexität des simulierten ZA verbunden ist. Derandomisierungsergebnisse. Wir zeigen Derandomisierungsergebnisse für das Modell von Sliding-Window-Algorithmen, die Zufall aus einer binären Zufallsquelle beziehen. Dazu stützen wir uns auf die robuste Maschinerie von Branching-Programmen, die den gängigen Ansatz zur Derandomisierung von Platz-beschränkten Maschinen in der Komplexitätstheorie darstellen. Als eine Anwendung stellen sich Derandomisierungsergebnisse für probabilistische Sublinear-Zeit-ZAs heraus, die durch die oben genannten Verknüpfung erlangt werden. Vorhersageproblem für Pilz-Sandhaufen. Ein letztes Problem, das wir behandeln und das auch einen Bezug zu Sublinear-Zeitkomplexität im Rahmen von Zellularautomaten hat (obwohl nicht zu Sublinear-Zeit-Zellularautomaten selber), ist das Vorhersageproblem für Sandhaufen-Zellularautomaten. Diese Automaten sind basierend auf zweidimensionalen ZAs definiert und modellieren einen deterministischen Prozess, in dem sich Partikel (in der Regel denkt man an Sandkörnern) durch den Raum verbreiten. Das Vorhersageproblem fragt ob, gegeben eine Zellennummer yy und eine initiale Konfiguration für den Sandhaufen, die Zelle mit Nummer yy irgendwann vor einer gewissen Zeitschranke einen von Null verschiedenen Zustand erreichen wird. Die Komplexität dieses mindestens zwei Jahrzehnte alten Vorhersageproblems ist für zweidimensionelle Sandhaufen bemerkenswerterweise nach wie vor offen. Wir lösen diese Frage im Wesentlichen für eine neue Variante von Sandhaufen namens Pilz-Sandhaufen, die von Goles u. a. (Phys. Lett. A, 2020) vorgeschlagen worden ist. Unser Ergebnis ist besonders relevant, weil es innovative Erkenntnisse und neue Techniken liefert, die für die Lösung des offenen Problems im allgemeinen Fall von hoher Relevanz sein könnten

    Enabling the Development and Implementation of Digital Twins : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality

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    Welcome to the 20th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2020). This year we are meeting on-line due to the current Coronavirus pandemic. The overarching theme for CONVR2020 is "Enabling the development and implementation of Digital Twins". CONVR is one of the world-leading conferences in the areas of virtual reality, augmented reality and building information modelling. Each year, more than 100 participants from all around the globe meet to discuss and exchange the latest developments and applications of virtual technologies in the architectural, engineering, construction and operation industry (AECO). The conference is also known for having a unique blend of participants from both academia and industry. This year, with all the difficulties of replicating a real face to face meetings, we are carefully planning the conference to ensure that all participants have a perfect experience. We have a group of leading keynote speakers from industry and academia who are covering up to date hot topics and are enthusiastic and keen to share their knowledge with you. CONVR participants are very loyal to the conference and have attended most of the editions over the last eighteen editions. This year we are welcoming numerous first timers and we aim to help them make the most of the conference by introducing them to other participants