153 research outputs found

    An MPSoC based Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    The Complete Reference (Volume 4)

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    This is the fourth volume of the successful series Robot Operating Systems: The Complete Reference, providing a comprehensive overview of robot operating systems (ROS), which is currently the main development framework for robotics applications, as well as the latest trends and contributed systems. The book is divided into four parts: Part 1 features two papers on navigation, discussing SLAM and path planning. Part 2 focuses on the integration of ROS into quadcopters and their control. Part 3 then discusses two emerging applications for robotics: cloud robotics, and video stabilization. Part 4 presents tools developed for ROS; the first is a practical alternative to the roslaunch system, and the second is related to penetration testing. This book is a valuable resource for ROS users and wanting to learn more about ROS capabilities and features.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evolutionary strategies in swarm robotics controllers

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    Nowadays, Unmanned Vehicles (UV) are widespread around the world. Most of these vehicles require a great level of human control, and mission success is reliant on this dependency. Therefore, it is important to use machine learning techniques that will train the robotic controllers to automate the control, making the process more efficient. Evolutionary strategies may be the key to having robust and adaptive learning in robotic systems. Many studies involving UV systems and evolutionary strategies have been conducted in the last years, however, there are still research gaps that need to be addressed, such as the reality gap. The reality gap occurs when controllers trained in simulated environments fail to be transferred to real robots. This work proposes an approach for solving robotic tasks using realistic simulation and using evolutionary strategies to train controllers. The chosen setup is easily scalable for multirobot systems or swarm robots. In this thesis, the simulation architecture and setup are presented, including the drone simulation model and software. The drone model chosen for the simulations is available in the real world and widely used, such as the software and flight control unit. This relevant factor makes the transition to reality smoother and easier. Controllers using behavior trees were evolved using a developed evolutionary algorithm, and several experiments were conducted. Results demonstrated that it is possible to evolve a robotic controller in realistic simulation environments, using a simulated drone model that exists in the real world, and also the same flight control unit and operating system that is generally used in real world experiments.Atualmente os Veículos Não Tripulados (VNT) encontram-se difundidos por todo o Mundo. A maioria destes veículos requerem um elevado controlo humano, e o sucesso das missões está diretamente dependente deste fator. Assim, é importante utilizar técnicas de aprendizagem automática que irão treinar os controladores dos VNT, de modo a automatizar o controlo, tornando o processo mais eficiente. As estratégias evolutivas podem ser a chave para uma aprendizagem robusta e adaptativa em sistemas robóticos. Vários estudos têm sido realizados nos últimos anos, contudo, existem lacunas que precisam de ser abordadas, tais como o reality gap. Este facto ocorre quando os controladores treinados em ambientes simulados falham ao serem transferidos para VNT reais. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem para a resolução de missões com VNT, utilizando um simulador realista e estratégias evolutivas para treinar controladores. A arquitetura escolhida é facilmente escalável para sistemas com múltiplos VNT. Nesta tese, é apresentada a arquitetura e configuração do ambiente de simulação, incluindo o modelo e software de simulação do VNT. O modelo de VNT escolhido para as simulações é um modelo real e amplamente utilizado, assim como o software e a unidade de controlo de voo. Este fator é relevante e torna a transição para a realidade mais suave. É desenvolvido um algoritmo evolucionário para treinar um controlador, que utiliza behavior trees, e realizados diversos testes. Os resultados demonstram que é possível evoluir um controlador em ambientes de simulação realistas, utilizando um VNT simulado mas real, assim como utilizando as mesmas unidades de controlo de voo e software que são amplamente utilizados em ambiente real

    ROS Based High Performance Control Architecture for an Aerial Robotic Testbed

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    The purpose of this thesis is to show the development of an aerial testbed based on the Robot Operating System (ROS). Such a testbed provides flexibility to control heterogenous vehicles, since the robots are able to simply communication with each other on the High Level (HL) control side. ROS runs on an embedded computer on-board each quadrotor. This eliminates the need of a Ground Base Station, since the complete HL control runs on-board the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The architecture of the system is explained throughout the thesis with detailed explanations of the specific hardware and software used for the system. The implementation on two different quadrotor models is documented and shows that even though they have different components, they can be controlled similarly by the framework. The user is able to control every unit of the testbed with position, velocity and/or acceleration data. To show this independency, control architectures are shown and implemented. Extensive tests verify their effectiveness. The flexibility of the proposed aerial testbed is demonstrated by implementing several applications that require high-performance control. Additionally, a framework for a flying inverted pendulum on a quadrotor using robust hybrid control is presented. The goal is to have a universal controller which is able to swing-up and balance an off-centered pendulum that is attached to the UAV linearly and rotationally. The complete dynamic model is derived and a control strategy is presented. The performance of the controller is demonstrated using realistic simulation studies. The realization in the testbed is documented with modifications that were made to the quadrotor to attach the pendulum. First flight tests are conducted and are presented. The possibilities of using a ROS based framework is shown at every step. It has many advantages for implementation purposes, especially in a heterogeneous robotic environment with many agents. Real-time data of the robot is provided by ROS topics and can be used at any point in the system. The control architecture has been validated and verified with different practical tests, which also allowed improving the system by tuning the specific control parameters

    Flight controller synthesis via deep reinforcement learning

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    Traditional control methods are inadequate in many deployment settings involving autonomous control of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). In such settings, CPS controllers must operate and respond to unpredictable interactions, conditions, or failure modes. Dealing with such unpredictability requires the use of executive and cognitive control functions that allow for planning and reasoning. Motivated by the sport of drone racing, this dissertation addresses these concerns for state-of-the-art flight control by investigating the use of deep artificial neural networks to bring essential elements of higher-level cognition to bear on the design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation of low level (attitude) flight controllers. First, this thesis presents a feasibility analyses and results which confirm that neural networks, trained via reinforcement learning, are more accurate than traditional control methods used by commercial uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) for attitude control. Second, armed with these results, this thesis reports on the development and release of an open source, full solution stack for building neuro-flight controllers. This stack consists of a tuning framework for implementing training environments (GymFC) and firmware for the world’s first neural network supported flight controller (Neuroflight). GymFC’s novel approach fuses together the digital twinning paradigm with flight control training to provide seamless transfer to hardware. Third, to transfer models synthesized by GymFC to hardware, this thesis reports on the toolchain that has been released for compiling neural networks into Neuroflight, which can be flashed to off-the-shelf microcontrollers. This toolchain includes detailed procedures for constructing a multicopter digital twin to allow the research and development community to synthesize flight controllers unique to their own aircraft. Finally, this thesis examines alternative reward system functions as well as changes to the software environment to bridge the gap between simulation and real world deployment environments. The design, evaluation, and experimental work summarized in this thesis demonstrates that deep reinforcement learning is able to be leveraged for the design and implementation of neural network controllers capable not only of maintaining stable flight, but also precision aerobatic maneuvers in real world settings. As such, this work provides a foundation for developing the next generation of flight control systems

    Symbiotic relationship between robots - a ROS ARDrone/YouBot library

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    A Symbiotic relationship between robots is theoretically developed. It is characterised by sharing sensory information and tightly coordinating operational logic by taking care of each other’s needs during missions. The system is characterised by an intertwined reasoning system while having separate conditioning and execution of plans to achieve subgoals to support each other. The results are illustrated on strong operational inter-dependence of a rover and a drone through shared logical inference. The drone uses the rover as a landing pad and the rover uses the drone to complements its sensor system by information gathering. There is a GitHub library provided in association with the demonstration for generic use of adding cameras and cooperation logic to a AR.Drone 2.0 and a KUKA youBot system. The benefits of symbiotic relationship are quantitatively evaluated on the demonstration example

    Collaboratively Navigating Autonomous Systems

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    The objective of this project is to focus on technologies for enabling heterogeneous networks of autonomous vehicles to cooperate together on a specific task. The prototyped test bed consists of a retrofitted electric golf cart and a quadrotor designed to perform distributed information gathering to guide decision making across the entire test bed. The system prototype demonstrates several aspects of this technology and lays the groundwork for future projects in this area