154 research outputs found

    A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Alcohol Consumption in Adolescents From Historical Text Messaging Data

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    Techniques based on artificial neural networks represent the current state-of-the-art in machine learning due to the availability of improved hardware and large data sets. Here we employ doc2vec, an unsupervised neural network, to capture the semantic content of text messages sent by adolescents during high school, and encode this semantic content as numeric vectors. These vectors effectively condense the text message data into highly leverageable inputs to a logistic regression classifier in a matter of hours, as compared to the tedious and often quite lengthy task of manually coding data. Using our machine learning approach, we are able to train a logistic regression model to predict adolescents\u27 engagement in substance abuse during distinct life phases with accuracy ranging from 76.5% to 88.1%. We show the effects of grade level and text message aggregation strategy on the efficacy of document embedding generation with doc2vec. Additional examination of the vectorizations for specific terms extracted from the text message data adds quantitative depth to this analysis. We demonstrate the ability of the method used herein to overcome traditional natural language processing concerns related to unconventional orthography. These results suggest that the approach described in this thesis is a competitive and efficient alternative to existing methodologies for predicting substance abuse behaviors. This work reveals the potential for the application of machine learning-based manipulation of text messaging data to development of automatic intervention strategies against substance abuse and other adolescent challenges

    Classification of tweets into policy agenda topics

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    Twitter is a novel online microblogging service launched in July 2006. This service has been rapidly gaining worldwide popularity. It has more than 500 million users, out of which there are more than 332 million active users in May 2015. Twitter website is one of the ten most visited websites and has been described as “the SMS of the Internet.” It is not only widely used in a person’s daily life, but also in politics, such as running election campaigns, mining or influencing public opinions. We study the problem of automated classification of tweets posted on official accounts by a state’s senate and a state’s House of Representatives as well as accounts by individual senators and house representatives, to one of the 21 policy agenda topics specified by Policy Agenda Project [2]. This problem is a multi-class classification problem for short text since each tweet has a limit of 140 characters. Compared with traditional text classification, short text classification has a special characteristic that the content is short and sparse. Therefore, it is very challenging to extract a useful feature for classification. To achieve a reasonable performance, we investigate three methods including Support Vector Machine (SVM) with Linear Kernel, SVM with Topics Grouping and Tweets Merging, and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Based on the experimental results, the CNN method achieved the best performance of 77.34% accuracy on an independent testing set of 1,388 tweets in the Iowa dataset. Furthermore, the CNN method is robust and stable without the need to manually tune the hyper-parameters, which are the attributes of the neural network such as the number of hidden layers, the number of units per layer, and the connections per unit

    Detection of Software Vulnerability Communication in Expert Social Media Channels: A Data-driven Approach

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    Conceptually, a vulnerability is: A flaw or weakness in a system’s design, implementation,or operation and management that could be exploited to violate the system’s security policy .Some of these flaws can go undetected and exploited for long periods of time after soft-ware release. Although some software providers are making efforts to avoid this situ-ation, inevitability, users are still exposed to vulnerabilities that allow criminal hackersto take advantage. These vulnerabilities are constantly discussed in specialised forumson social media. Therefore, from a cyber security standpoint, the information found inthese places can be used for countermeasures actions against malicious exploitation ofsoftware. However, manual inspection of the vast quantity of shared content in socialmedia is impractical. For this reason, in this thesis, we analyse the real applicability ofsupervised classification models to automatically detect software vulnerability com-munication in expert social media channels. We cover the following three principal aspects: Firstly, we investigate the applicability of classification models in a range of 5 differ-ent datasets collected from 3 Internet Domains: Dark Web, Deep Web and SurfaceWeb. Since supervised models require labelled data, we have provided a systematiclabelling process using multiple annotators to guarantee accurate labels to carry outexperiments. Using these datasets, we have investigated the classification models withdifferent combinations of learning-based algorithms and traditional features represen-tation. Also, by oversampling the positive instances, we have achieved an increaseof 5% in Positive Recall (on average) in these models. On top of that, we have appiiplied Feature Reduction, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection techniques, whichprovided a reduction on the dimensionality of these models without damaging the accuracy, thus, providing computationally efficient models. Furthermore, in addition to traditional features representation, we have investigated the performance of robust language models, such as Word Embedding (WEMB) andSentence Embedding (SEMB) on the accuracy of classification models. RegardingWEMB, our experiment has shown that this model trained with a small security-vocabulary dataset provides comparable results with WEMB trained in a very large general-vocabulary dataset. Regarding SEMB model, our experiment has shown thatits use overcomes WEMB model in detecting vulnerability communication, recording 8% of Avg. Class Accuracy and 74% of Positive Recall. In addition, we investigate twoDeep Learning algorithms as classifiers, text CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)and RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)-based algorithms, which have improved ourmodel, resulting in the best overall performance for our task

    Understanding, Analysis, and Handling of Software Architecture Erosion

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    Architecture erosion occurs when a software system's implemented architecture diverges from the intended architecture over time. Studies show erosion impacts development, maintenance, and evolution since it accumulates imperceptibly. Identifying early symptoms like architectural smells enables managing erosion through refactoring. However, research lacks comprehensive understanding of erosion, unclear which symptoms are most common, and lacks detection methods. This thesis establishes an erosion landscape, investigates symptoms, and proposes identification approaches. A mapping study covers erosion definitions, symptoms, causes, and consequences. Key findings: 1) "Architecture erosion" is the most used term, with four perspectives on definitions and respective symptom types. 2) Technical and non-technical reasons contribute to erosion, negatively impacting quality attributes. Practitioners can advocate addressing erosion to prevent failures. 3) Detection and correction approaches are categorized, with consistency and evolution-based approaches commonly mentioned.An empirical study explores practitioner perspectives through communities, surveys, and interviews. Findings reveal associated practices like code review and tools identify symptoms, while collected measures address erosion during implementation. Studying code review comments analyzes erosion in practice. One study reveals architectural violations, duplicate functionality, and cyclic dependencies are most frequent. Symptoms decreased over time, indicating increased stability. Most were addressed after review. A second study explores violation symptoms in four projects, identifying 10 categories. Refactoring and removing code address most violations, while some are disregarded.Machine learning classifiers using pre-trained word embeddings identify violation symptoms from code reviews. Key findings: 1) SVM with word2vec achieved highest performance. 2) fastText embeddings worked well. 3) 200-dimensional embeddings outperformed 100/300-dimensional. 4) Ensemble classifier improved performance. 5) Practitioners found results valuable, confirming potential.An automated recommendation system identifies qualified reviewers for violations using similarity detection on file paths and comments. Experiments show common methods perform well, outperforming a baseline approach. Sampling techniques impact recommendation performance

    Resilient and Scalable Android Malware Fingerprinting and Detection

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    Malicious software (Malware) proliferation reaches hundreds of thousands daily. The manual analysis of such a large volume of malware is daunting and time-consuming. The diversity of targeted systems in terms of architecture and platforms compounds the challenges of Android malware detection and malware in general. This highlights the need to design and implement new scalable and robust methods, techniques, and tools to detect Android malware. In this thesis, we develop a malware fingerprinting framework to cover accurate Android malware detection and family attribution. In this context, we emphasize the following: (i) the scalability over a large malware corpus; (ii) the resiliency to common obfuscation techniques; (iii) the portability over different platforms and architectures. In the context of bulk and offline detection on the laboratory/vendor level: First, we propose an approximate fingerprinting technique for Android packaging that captures the underlying static structure of the Android apps. We also propose a malware clustering framework on top of this fingerprinting technique to perform unsupervised malware detection and grouping by building and partitioning a similarity network of malicious apps. Second, we propose an approximate fingerprinting technique for Android malware's behavior reports generated using dynamic analyses leveraging natural language processing techniques. Based on this fingerprinting technique, we propose a portable malware detection and family threat attribution framework employing supervised machine learning techniques. Third, we design an automatic framework to produce intelligence about the underlying malicious cyber-infrastructures of Android malware. We leverage graph analysis techniques to generate relevant, actionable, and granular intelligence that can be used to identify the threat effects induced by malicious Internet activity associated to Android malicious apps. In the context of the single app and online detection on the mobile device level, we further propose the following: Fourth, we design a portable and effective Android malware detection system that is suitable for deployment on mobile and resource constrained devices, using machine learning classification on raw method call sequences. Fifth, we elaborate a framework for Android malware detection that is resilient to common code obfuscation techniques and adaptive to operating systems and malware change overtime, using natural language processing and deep learning techniques. We also evaluate the portability of the proposed techniques and methods beyond Android platform malware, as follows: Sixth, we leverage the previously elaborated techniques to build a framework for cross-platform ransomware fingerprinting relying on raw hybrid features in conjunction with advanced deep learning techniques
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