12,120 research outputs found

    Development of a precision machine to perform and study orthogonal micro-cutting

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    This article presents a laboratory machine designed to perform orthogonal micro-cutting experiments. The machine allows an accurate control of the various cutting parameters and a direct comparison of micro- and macrocutting tool-material data bases. Research with the machine will focus on validating the application of macrocutting data to at least a range of microcutting applications and to define the limits beyond which such applications are no longer possible. The paper describes the machine and its design specifications and provides the validation of the performances claimed. The machine can cut in a reproducible manner with depths of cut as low as 1 micronm, at speeds in the range 50 to 1000 mm/s while measuring the cutting and thrust forces. The variability in nominal depth of cut is equal or better than 1 micronm. Application examples illustrate the influence of lubrication and lead additions on the cutting process and demonstrate that the machine is indeed suitable for the application for which it was designed

    Design of a five-axis ultra-precision micro-milling machine—UltraMill. Part 1: Holistic design approach, design considerations and specifications

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    High-accuracy three-dimensional miniature components and microstructures are increasingly in demand in the sector of electro-optics, automotive, biotechnology, aerospace and information-technology industries. A rational approach to mechanical micro machining is to develop ultra-precision machines with small footprints. In part 1 of this two-part paper, the-state-of-the-art of ultra-precision machines with micro-machining capability is critically reviewed. The design considerations and specifications of a five-axis ultra-precision micro-milling machine—UltraMill—are discussed. Three prioritised design issues: motion accuracy, dynamic stiffness and thermal stability, formulate the holistic design approach for UltraMill. This approach has been applied to the development of key machine components and their integration so as to achieve high accuracy and nanometer surface finish

    An investigation on the mechanics of nanometric cutting and the development of its test-bed

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    The mechanics of machining at a very small depth of cut (100 nm or less) is not well understood. The chip formation physics, cutting forces generation, resulting temperatures and the size effects significantly affect the efficiency of the process and the surface quality of the workpiece. In this paper, the cutting mechanics at nanometric scale are investigated in comparison with conventional cutting principles. Molecular Dynamics (MD) is used to model and simulate the nanometric cutting processes. The models and simulated results are evaluated and validated by the cutting trials on an atomic force microscope (AFM). Furthermore, the conceptual design of a bench-type ultraprecision machine tool is presented and the machine aims to be a facility for nanometric cutting of threedimensional MEMS devices. The paper concludes with a discussion on the potential and applications of nanometric cutting techniques/equipment for the predictabilty, producibility and productivity of manufacturing at the nanoscale

    Smooth particle hydrodynamics study of surface defect machining for diamond turning of silicon

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    Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank EPSRC (EP/K018345/1) and Royal Society-NSFC International Exchange Scheme for providing financial support to this research.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Multi-scale simulation of the nano-metric cutting process

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and the finite element (FE) method are two popular numerical techniques for the simulation of machining processes. The two methods have their own strengths and limitations. MD simulation can cover the phenomena occurring at nano-metric scale but is limited by the computational cost and capacity, whilst the FE method is suitable for modelling meso- to macro-scale machining and for simulating macro-parameters, such as the temperature in a cutting zone, the stress/strain distribution and cutting forces, etc. With the successful application of multi-scale simulations in many research fields, the application of simulation to the machining processes is emerging, particularly in relation to machined surface generation and integrity formation, i.e. the machined surface roughness, residual stress, micro-hardness, microstructure and fatigue. Based on the quasi-continuum (QC) method, the multi-scale simulation of nano-metric cutting has been proposed. Cutting simulations are performed on single-crystal aluminium to investigate the chip formation, generation and propagation of the material dislocation during the cutting process. In addition, the effect of the tool rake angle on the cutting force and internal stress under the workpiece surface is investigated: The cutting force and internal stress in the workpiece material decrease with the increase of the rake angle. Finally, to ease multi-scale modelling and its simulation steps and to increase their speed, a computationally efficient MATLAB-based programme has been developed, which facilitates the geometrical modelling of cutting, the simulation conditions, the implementation of simulation and the analysis of results within a unified integrated virtual-simulation environment

    Interdependence Between Tool Misalignment and Cutting Forces in Ultraprecise Single Point Inverted Cutting

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    Abstract Ultraprecise single point inverted cutting (USPIC) is a microfabrication technique that has been recently developed for the generation of micro-optical microstructures with sharp concave geometries. Among the multiple challenges encountered during the micromachining process, tool alignment represents one of the critical factors affecting the overall accuracy of the microstructure that in turn affects its optical functionality. Since none of the presently available tool alignment techniques was found to perform well in the particular context of the diamond insert used in USPIC, an in-depth analysis of its mechanics was used in this study to provide insight on the interdependence between cutting tool misalignment and cutting forces. For this purpose, an experimental setup was devised to record the 3D cutting forces generated during the fabrication of two representative concave geometries delimited by planar facets. The first test geometry represents an instance of an isolated right triangular prism (RTP) whose quality and optical functionality will be significantly affected by diamond insert misalignment, particularly due to the undesirable contact to occur between the secondary/lateral cutting edges of the tool and the optically nonfunctional RTP facets. By contrast, the second test geometry had both lateral facets removed, such that the cutting conditions obtained in this case could be regarded as similar with that of the classical orthogonal cutting setup. Direct comparisons of the cutting force profiles obtained for the two cutting scenarios enable unequivocal identifications of tool misalignment direction and magnitude, such that targeted corrective actions could be performed to address the issue

    Analysis, optimization, FE simulation of micro-cutting processes and integration between Machining and Additive Manufacturing.

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    La seguente Tesi di Dottorato riguarda i processi di Micro-Machining (MM) applicati su materiali ottenuti per fabbricazione additiva. I processi MM sono un insieme di tecnologie di produzione utilizzate per fabbricare componenti o realizzare features di piccole dimensioni. In generale, i processi di taglio sono caratterizzati da un'interazione meccanica tra un pezzo e un utensile che avviene lungo una determinata traiettoria. Il contatto determina una rottura del materiale lungo un percorso definito, ottenendo diverse forme del pezzo. Più precisamente, la denominazione di microlavorazione indica solo le lavorazioni di taglio eseguite utilizzando un utensile di diametro inferiore a 1 mm. La riduzione della scala dimensionale del processo introduce alcune criticità non presenti negli analoghi processi su scala convenzionale, come l'effetto dimensionale, la formazione di bave, la rapida usura dell'utensile, le forze di taglio superiori alle attese e l'eccentricità del moto dell'utensile. Negli ultimi decenni, diversi ricercatori hanno affrontato problemi relativi alla microlavorazione, ma pochi di loro si sono concentrati sulla lavorabilità dei materiali prodotti per Additive Manufacturing (AM). L’AM è un insieme di processi di fabbricazione strato per strato che possono essere impiegati con successo utilizzando polimeri, ceramica e metalli. L'AM dei metalli si sta rapidamente diffondendo nella produzione industriale trovando applicazioni in diversi rami, come l'industria aerospaziale e biomedica. D’altro canto, la qualità del prodotto finale non è comparabile con gli standard ottenibili mediante i metodi convenzionali di rimozione del materiale. Lo svantaggio principale dei componenti realizzati mediante AM è la bassa qualità della finitura superficiale e l'elevata rugosità; pertanto, sono solitamente necessari ulteriori trattamenti superficiali post-processo per adeguare le superfici del prodotto ai requisiti di integrità superficiale. L'integrazione tra le due tecnologie manifatturiere offre opportunità rilevanti, ma la necessità di ulteriori studi e indagini è evidenziata dalla mancanza di pubblicazioni su questo argomento. Questa ricerca mira ad esplorare diversi problemi connessi alla microlavorazione di leghe metalliche prodotte mediante AM. Le prove sperimentali sono state eseguite utilizzando il centro di lavoro ultrapreciso a 5 assi “KERN Pyramid Nano”, mentre i campioni AM sono stati forniti da aziende e gruppi di ricerca. L'attrezzatura sperimentale è stata predisposta per eseguire la micro-fresatura e per monitorare il processo in linea misurando la forza di taglio. Il comportamento di rimozione del materiale è stato studiato e descritto per mezzo di modelli analitici e simulazioni FEM. I metodi FE sono stati utilizzati anche per eseguire un confronto tra le forze di taglio previste e i carichi sperimentali, con lo scopo finale di affinare la legge di flusso dei materiali lavorati. La ricerca futura sarà focalizzata sulla simulazione FE dell'usura dell'utensile e dell'integrità della superficie del pezzo.This thesis is focused on Micro-Machining (MM) processes applied on Additively Manufactured parts. MM processes are a class of manufacturing technology designed to produce small size components. In general, cutting processes are characterized by a mechanical interaction between a workpiece and a tool. The contact determines a material breakage along a defined path, obtaining different workpiece shapes. More specifically, the micro-machining designation indicates only the cutting processes performed by using a tool with a diameter lower than 1 mm. The reduction of the process scale introduces some critical issues, such as size effect, burr formation, rapid tool wear, higher than expected cutting forces and tool run-out. In the last decades, several researchers have tackled micro-machining related issues, but few of them focused on workability of Additive Manufactured materials. Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a collection of layer-by-layer building processes which can be successfully employed using polymers, ceramics and metals. AM of metals is rapidly spreading throughout the industrial manufacturing finding applications in several branches, such as aerospace and biomedical industries. Moreover, the final product quality is not comparable with the standards achievable through the conventional subtractive material removal methods. The main drawback of additively manufactured components in metals is the low quality of the surface finish and the high surface roughness, therefore further post-process surface treatments are usually required to finish and to refine the surfaces of the build product. The embedding between the two technologies offers relevant opportunities, but the necessity of further studies and investigation is highlighted by the lack of publication about this topic. This research aimed to explore several micro-machining issues with regards to Additive Manufactured metals. Experimental tests were performed by using the ultraprecision 5-axes machining center “KERN Pyramid Nano”, while the AM samples were provided by companies and research groups. The experimental equipment was set-up to perform micro-milling and to monitor the process online by measuring the cutting force. The material removal behavior was investigated and described by means of analytical models and FEM simulations. FE methods were employed also to perform a comparison between the predicted cutting forces and the experimental loads, with the final purpose of refining the flow stress law of the machined materials. The future research will be focused on the FE simulation of the tool wear and the workpiece surface integrity by means of specific subroutines

    Investigation of cutting mechanics in single point diamond turning of silicon

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    As a kind of brittle material, silicon will undergo brittle fracture at atmospheric pressure in conventional scale machining. Studies in the last two decades on hard and brittle materials including silicon, germanium, silicon nitride and silicon carbide have demonstrated ductile regime machining using single point diamond turning (SPDT) process. The mirror-like surface finish can be achieved in SPDT provided appropriate tool geometry and cutting parameters including feed rate, depth of cut and cutting speed are adopted.The research work in this thesis is based on combined experimental and numerical smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) studies to provide an inclusive understanding of SPDT of silicon. A global perspective of tool and workpiece condition using experimental studies along with localized chip formation and stress distribution analysis using distinctive SPH approach offer a comprehensive insight of cutting mechanics of silicon and diamond tool wear. In SPH modelling of SPDT of silicon, the distribution of von Mises and hydrostatic stress at incipient and steady-state was found to provide the conditions pertinent to material failure, phase transformation, and ductile mode machining. The pressure-sensitive Drucker Prager (DP) material constitutive model was adopted to predict the machining response behaviour of silicon during SPDT. Inverse parametric analysis based on indentation test was carried out to determine the unknown DP parameters of silicon by analysing the loading-unloading curve for different DP parameters. A very first experimental study was conducted to determine Johnson-Cook (J-C) model constants for silicon. High strain rate compression tests using split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) test as well as quasi-static tests using Instron fatigue testing machine were conducted to determine J-C model constants.The capability of diamond tools to maintain expedient conditions for high-pressure phase transformation (HPPT) as a function of rake angle and tool wear were investigated experimentally as well as using SPH approach. The proportional relationship of cutting forces magnitude and tool wear was found to differ owing to wear contour with different rake angles that influence the distribution of stresses and uniform hydrostatic pressure under the tool cutting edge. A new quantitative evaluation parameter for the tool wear resistance performance based on the cutting distance was also proposed. It was also found that the machinability of silicon could be improved by adopting novel surface defect machining (SDM) method.The ductile to brittle transition (DBT) with the progressive tool wear was found to initiate with the formation of lateral cracks at low tool wear volume which transform into brittle pitting damage at higher tool edge degradation. A significant variation in resistance to shear deformation as well as position shift of the maximum stress values was observed with the progressive tool wear. The magnitude and distribution of hydrostatic stress were also found to change significantly along the cutting edge of the new and worn diamond tools.As a kind of brittle material, silicon will undergo brittle fracture at atmospheric pressure in conventional scale machining. Studies in the last two decades on hard and brittle materials including silicon, germanium, silicon nitride and silicon carbide have demonstrated ductile regime machining using single point diamond turning (SPDT) process. The mirror-like surface finish can be achieved in SPDT provided appropriate tool geometry and cutting parameters including feed rate, depth of cut and cutting speed are adopted.The research work in this thesis is based on combined experimental and numerical smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) studies to provide an inclusive understanding of SPDT of silicon. A global perspective of tool and workpiece condition using experimental studies along with localized chip formation and stress distribution analysis using distinctive SPH approach offer a comprehensive insight of cutting mechanics of silicon and diamond tool wear. In SPH modelling of SPDT of silicon, the distribution of von Mises and hydrostatic stress at incipient and steady-state was found to provide the conditions pertinent to material failure, phase transformation, and ductile mode machining. The pressure-sensitive Drucker Prager (DP) material constitutive model was adopted to predict the machining response behaviour of silicon during SPDT. Inverse parametric analysis based on indentation test was carried out to determine the unknown DP parameters of silicon by analysing the loading-unloading curve for different DP parameters. A very first experimental study was conducted to determine Johnson-Cook (J-C) model constants for silicon. High strain rate compression tests using split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) test as well as quasi-static tests using Instron fatigue testing machine were conducted to determine J-C model constants.The capability of diamond tools to maintain expedient conditions for high-pressure phase transformation (HPPT) as a function of rake angle and tool wear were investigated experimentally as well as using SPH approach. The proportional relationship of cutting forces magnitude and tool wear was found to differ owing to wear contour with different rake angles that influence the distribution of stresses and uniform hydrostatic pressure under the tool cutting edge. A new quantitative evaluation parameter for the tool wear resistance performance based on the cutting distance was also proposed. It was also found that the machinability of silicon could be improved by adopting novel surface defect machining (SDM) method.The ductile to brittle transition (DBT) with the progressive tool wear was found to initiate with the formation of lateral cracks at low tool wear volume which transform into brittle pitting damage at higher tool edge degradation. A significant variation in resistance to shear deformation as well as position shift of the maximum stress values was observed with the progressive tool wear. The magnitude and distribution of hydrostatic stress were also found to change significantly along the cutting edge of the new and worn diamond tools

    A Micro-milling cutting force and chip formation modeling approach for optimal process parameters selection

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    Las últimas décadas evidencian una demanda creciente por componentes miniaturizados con dimensiones reducidas y tolerancias estrechas, lo cual ha conllevado al desarrollo de la micro y nanotecnología. El micro-fresado, dentro de los procesos de micro-mecanizado, tiene el potencial de ser uno de los procesos de remoción de material más costo-efectivos y eficientes debido a su facilidad de aplicación, variedad de materiales de trabajo y flexibilidad geométrica. Se enfrenta a unos retos complejos debido al efecto de tamaño, vibraciones y otros factores incontrolables. Este estudio analiza dicho proceso orientado hacia desarrollar una mejor comprensión de la mecánica del micro-corte para ser aplicada en la optimización de parámetros de proceso. Se propone un acercamiento al modelado híbrido en forma novedosa, que permite una evaluación numérica a priori para evaluación de fuerzas y esfuerzos, combinado con experimentación para evaluar parámetros relevantes a la industria (formación de rebabas, desgaste de herramientas, entre otros).DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería Mecánic