1,968 research outputs found

    The LAB@FUTURE Project - Moving Towards the Future of E-Learning

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    This paper presents Lab@Future, an advanced e-learning platform that uses novel Information and Communication Technologies to support and expand laboratory teaching practices. For this purpose, Lab@Future uses real and computer-generated objects that are interfaced using mechatronic systems, augmented reality, mobile technologies and 3D multi user environments. The main aim is to develop and demonstrate technological support for practical experiments in the following focused subjects namely: Fluid Dynamics - Science subject in Germany, Geometry - Mathematics subject in Austria, History and Environmental Awareness – Arts and Humanities subjects in Greece and Slovenia. In order to pedagogically enhance the design and functional aspects of this e-learning technology, we are investigating the dialogical operationalisation of learning theories so as to leverage our understanding of teaching and learning practices in the targeted context of deployment

    Innovation and failure in mechatronics design education

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    Innovative engineering design always has associated with it the risk of failure, and it is the role of the design engineer to mitigate the possibilities of failure in the final system. Education should however provide a safe space for students to both innovate and to learn about and from failures. However, pressures on course designers and students can result in their adopting a conservative, and risk averse, approach to problem solving. The paper therefore considers the nature of both innovation and failure, and looks at how these might be effectively combined within mechatronics design education

    Implementation of Project Based Learning in Mechatronic Lab Course at Bandung State Polytechnic

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    Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary that includes a combination of mechanics, electronics, control systems, and computer science. The main objective of mechatronics learning is to establish a comprehensive mindset in the development of mechatronic systems. Project Based Learning (PBL) is an appropriate method for use in the learning process of mechatronic. The use of PBL by following the V model in  system development process is expected to encourage the achievement of the main goal of learning in mechatronics lab. Demonstration of knowledge during the practical work done by drafting product development procedures documents, presentations, and project demo. The test result of mechatronics lab course based on PBL in Electronics Engineering Bandung State Polytechnic led to the conclusion that the model is acceptable and desirable to be passed with a few improvements. In addition, learners also feel there is a new challenge in following the PBL-based practicum

    15 years of experience with mechatronics research and education

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    This paper describes the experiences with mechatronic research projects and several educational structures in the University of Twente since 1989. Education took place in a two-year Mechatronic Designer programme, in specialisations in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and in an (international) MSc programme. There are two-week mechatronic projects in the BSc curricula of EE and ME. Many of the PhD and MSc projects were done in projects sponsored by the industry or by application-oriented research programs. Research topics included modelling and simulation (learning) control, embedded systems and mechatronic design

    Application of Content and Language Integrated learning (CLIL) in Designing Moodle Learning Activities for Students of Mechatronics

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    Antud magistritöö eesmärgiks oli läbi viia uuring Tartu Kutsehariduskeskuse (Tartu KHK) mehhatroonika eriala õppijate ja kutseõpetajate seas, et välja selgitada õppijate sotsio-lingvistilised vajadused inglise keele omandamisel. Uurimuse tulemuste põhjal oli kavandatud koostada algupärane LAK (lõimitud aine- ja keeleõppe) ainekava mehhatroonika eriala jaoks. Lisaks ainekavale oli plaanis koostada näidisülesandeid Moodle keskkonnas B2- keeleoskustaseme õppijatele. Vajadus uute integreeritud ainekavade ja materjalide osas on suur, sest vastavalt uuele Kutseõppeseadusele (Riigikogu 2013) aastal 2018 peab toimuma lõplik üleminek uutele lõimitud õppekavadele, kuis suurem osa keeleõppest peaks toimuma erialast lähtuvalt. Seega esimese sammuna mehhatroonika eriala õppekava integreerimisel viidi Tartu Kutsehariduskeskuses vajaduste uuring ning koostati näidisainekava ja –õppeülesandeid. Edaspidi saaks neid kasutada abimaterjalina integratsiooni edaspidiste staadiumite läbiviimisel. Käesolev magistritöö koosneb sissejuhatusest, põhiosast ja kokkuvõttest. Põhiosa võib jagada kaheks osaks – teoreetiliseks ja praktiliseks. Teoreetiline osa on koondatud esimesse peatükki ning annab ülevaate LAK-õppe olemusest ja selle rakendamisest haridussüsteemis ja õppematerjalide koostamisel. Praktiline osa on kajastatud kahes peatükis. Peatükk 2 tutvustab vajadusi väljaselgitavat uuringut, mis oli läbi viidud Tartu KHK-s veebruarist aprillini 2013, uuringu metodoloogiast ja tulemustest. Uuring andis ülevaadet mehhatroonika erialaga seonduvatest lingivtilistest vajadustest, kuigi tuleb tõdeda, et tihtipeale õppijate ja kutseõpetajate arvamused ühe või teise aspekti kohta olid subjektiivsed, mõjutatud responentide isiklike hoiakute ja keeleoskuse poolt. Kolmas peatükk keskendub magistritöö jaoks loodud LAK näidisainekava ja – õppeülesannete tutvustamisele ning samuti hõlmab ülevaadet Moodle keskkonna iseärasuslikest joontest ja võimalustest. Lõimitud ainekava keele ja mehhatroonika ainete õpetamiseks koosneb sissejuhatusest ja kuuest moodulist, mis lisaks töökeskkonnaohutusele ja tööga seotud dokumentatsioonile hõlmavad ka mehhatroonika põhivaldkondi (elektroonika, mehhanika, elekter, arvutiteadused) Antud magistritöö oli koostatud kooskõlas Tartu KHK Tööstustehnoloogia osakonna vajadusega läbi viia mehhatroonika õppekava lõiming ning töö kirjutamisel on lähtetud konkreetse kutsekooli võimalustest ja inim- ning õppevara ressursidest. Töö võib olla abiks edaspidise koostöö arendamiseks kutse- ja keeleõpetajate vahel ainete lõimimisel. Magistritöö toetub 46-le allikale ning sellel on 9 lisa

    Process improvement and automation in construction: Opposing or complementing approaches?

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    It is widely recognized that there must be wide-ranging changes in construction before automation can be implemented in practice. On the other hand, the innovation rate of construction is rather low, and thus it is unclear, how the steps necessary for automation could be realized. It is argued, that an insufficient attention to process improvement is a major barrier to automation and other technological progress of construction

    Implementing Mechatronics Design Methodology in Mechanical Engineering Technology Senior Design Projects at the Old Dominion University

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    In recent years, the nature of engineering design has changed due to advances in embedded system design and computer technologies. It is rare to engineer a purely mechanical design that does not incorporate electrical and electronic components. Mechanical engineers and mechanical engineering technologists must possess a multi-disciplinary knowledge with the understanding of both mechanical and electrical systems. For this purpose, undergraduate programs in engineering technology have added mechatronics courses to their curriculum. Mechatronics is a design process that is multi-disciplinary in nature and integrates principles of many engineering disciplines including, but not limited to, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and controls engineering. These courses typically incorporate problem-based learning and project-based pedagogy to effectively build the student’s knowledge and understanding. Old Dominion University’s Mechanical Engineering Technology (ODU MET) program offers undergraduate courses related to Advanced Manufacturing including Robotics; Automation; Lean Manufacturing; Computer Integrated Manufacturing; and Advanced Manufacturing Processes. Recently, two new courses related to mechatronics were added to the same focus area. In addition, ODU MET program has placed an increased emphasis on mechatronics for students’ senior design projects. This paper highlights the benefits of including mechatronics in the ODU MET curriculum and presents several recent senior design projects that showcase how the student has incorporated multi-disciplinary principles into the design and build of a functional mechatronic device. By embedding these experience into their senior design project, students are exposed to other engineering technology areas, learn the terminology of other professions, and feel more confident to join the workforce with the cross-disciplinary skills needed to be successful

    Tiv-Model : an empirically validated design methodology for complex space systems

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    In response to emergent space systems engineering industry challenges, this thesis explored work on the following; 1. The development of engineering design methodologies, following a design process and proposing a baseline of requirements for new methodologies called the “Methodology Requirements Document”. 2. A new design engineering methodology called the “Tiv-Model”, which combines novel academic research into a space systems engineering life cycle model that addresses the emergent challenges. 3. A procedure for verifying and validating design models, based on an existing technique called the “Validation Square”, incorporated to boost the waning confidence industry drivers have of academic models. Through literature research, the Methodology Requirements Document is formed, and the TivModel is created with the aim of optimising the development of space systems. Its novel aspects include a model-based verification technique (called multi-perspective modelling), a focus on teachability for novice engineers and incorporation of other new academic findings, to utilise useful research. The verification and validation of the Tiv-Model is used as an example to create a procedure for academics to validate their own models. A combination of comparative benchmark studies and a focus group was used to continuously improve the model and drive it through the design process. The Tiv-Model rated better in student projects than its benchmark (V-Model) in 13 out of 24 survey categories in a t-test study, and underwent changes requested by industry veterans to finalise the model.In response to emergent space systems engineering industry challenges, this thesis explored work on the following; 1. The development of engineering design methodologies, following a design process and proposing a baseline of requirements for new methodologies called the “Methodology Requirements Document”. 2. A new design engineering methodology called the “Tiv-Model”, which combines novel academic research into a space systems engineering life cycle model that addresses the emergent challenges. 3. A procedure for verifying and validating design models, based on an existing technique called the “Validation Square”, incorporated to boost the waning confidence industry drivers have of academic models. Through literature research, the Methodology Requirements Document is formed, and the TivModel is created with the aim of optimising the development of space systems. Its novel aspects include a model-based verification technique (called multi-perspective modelling), a focus on teachability for novice engineers and incorporation of other new academic findings, to utilise useful research. The verification and validation of the Tiv-Model is used as an example to create a procedure for academics to validate their own models. A combination of comparative benchmark studies and a focus group was used to continuously improve the model and drive it through the design process. The Tiv-Model rated better in student projects than its benchmark (V-Model) in 13 out of 24 survey categories in a t-test study, and underwent changes requested by industry veterans to finalise the model

    Cloud e-learning for mechatronics: CLEM

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    his paper describes results of the CLEM project, Cloud E-learning for Mechatronics. CLEM is an example of a domain-specific cloud that is especially tuned to the needs of VET (Vocational, Education and Training) teachers. An interesting development has been the creation of remote laboratories in the cloud. Learners can access such laboratories to support their practical learning of mechatronics without the need to set up laboratories at their own institutions. The cloud infrastructure enables multiple laboratories to come together virtually to create an ecosystem for educators and learners. From such a system, educators can pick and mix materials to create suitable courses for their students and the learners can experience different types of devices and laboratories through the cloud. The paper provides an overview of this new cloud-based e-learning approach and presents the results. The paper explains how the use of cloud computing has enabled the development of a new method, showing how a holistic e-learning experience can be obtained through use of static, dynamic and interactive material together with facilities for collaboration and innovation

    Engineering: good for technology education?

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    Recent curriculum changes in the educational system of Australia have resulted in study options being available in Engineering for senior secondary students to use for university entrance. In other educational systems, Engineering is playing an increasingly important role, either as a stand-alone subject or as part of an integrated approach to Science, Mathematics and Technology. These developments raise questions about the relationship between Engineering and Technology education, some of which are explored in this paper