3,105 research outputs found

    Multi crteria decision making and its applications : a literature review

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    This paper presents current techniques used in Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and their applications. Two basic approaches for MCDM, namely Artificial Intelligence MCDM (AIMCDM) and Classical MCDM (CMCDM) are discussed and investigated. Recent articles from international journals related to MCDM are collected and analyzed to find which approach is more common than the other in MCDM. Also, which area these techniques are applied to. Those articles are appearing in journals for the year 2008 only. This paper provides evidence that currently, both AIMCDM and CMCDM are equally common in MCDM

    Three Decades of Fuzzy AHP: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    [EN] For decades, Fuzzy Sets Theory (FST) has been consistently developed, and its use has spread across multiple disciplines. In this process of knowledge transfer, fuzzy applications have experienced great diffusion. Among them, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (fuzzy AHP) is one of the most widely used methodologies today. This study performs a systematic review following the PRISMA statement and addresses a bibliometric analysis of all articles published on fuzzy AHP in journals indexed in Web of Science, specifically in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). The analyzed database includes 2086 articles published between 1994 and 2022. The results show the thematic clusters, the evolution of the academic conversation and the main collaboration networks. The main contribution of this article is to clarify the research agenda on fuzzy AHP. The results of the study allow academics to detect publication opportunities. In addition, the evidence found allows researchers and academics setting the fieldÂżs agenda to advise the editors of high-impact journals on gaps and new research trends.Castello-Sirvent, F.; Meneses-Eraso, C.; Alonso-GĂłmez, J.; Peris-Ortiz, M. (2022). Three Decades of Fuzzy AHP: A Bibliometric Analysis. Axioms. 11(10):1-34. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11100525134111

    Is it time to withdraw from china?

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    This research cross-employs the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) and three major labor theories comprised of Maslow’s theory, Alderfer’s theory and Herzberg’s theory with Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) consisting of Factor Analysis (FA), Analytical Network Process (“ANP”), Fuzzy Analytical Network Process (FANP) and Grey Relation Analysis (GRA) to evaluate the four types of innovative investment strategies in China after the Domino Effect of the China’s Labor Revolution. The most contributed conclusion is that the “change of original business at the raising compensation policy” (CBRCP) is the best choice for Taiwanese manufacturers operating in China because it is the highest scores of three assessed measurements in the CBRCP. This conclusion further indicates that manufacturing enterprises have little leverage, in the interim, but to increase employment compensation and benefits to satisfy the demands from the ongoing Chinese labor revolution even though it brings about an incremental expenditure in their manufacturing costs. Therefore, the next step beyond this research is to collect additional empirical macroeconomic data to develop a more comprehensive evaluation model that takes into consideration a more in-depth vertical measurement and horizontal assessment methodologies for developing added comprehensive and effective managerial strategies for surviving in this momentous, dynamically-changing and lower-profit Chinese manufacturing market.China labor revolution; Maslow theory; Alderfer theory and Herzberg theory; Multiple criteria decision making

    A Review on Fuzzy - AHP technique in Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects, India

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    There are several countries today using procedures for Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is based on a series of mathematical techniques which attempt to localize, describe and assess the positive and negative effects that any human activity has on our environment, generally causing it to deteriorate. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) of projects requires the evaluation of the effects of very diverse actions on a number of different environmental factors, the uncertainty and inaccuracy being inherent in the process of allocating values to environmental impacts carried out by a panel of experts, stakeholders and affected population. The application of the fuzzy Logic and AHP technique can be helpful in identification of the risk associated with construction or developing project and improves the study of EIA. Fuzzy is one of the characteristics of human thoughts for which fuzzy sets theory is an effective tool for fuzziness. A fuzzy logic knowledge-based approach can be used for the environmental impact assessment study of the different construction projects. The review article highlights the role of Fuzzy AHP logic method in EIA of different construction projects, fuzzy logic modeling - software for fuzzy EIA, fuzzy numbers and steps of fuzzy methods as well as reveals that how fuzziness can be determined by applying fuzzy logic method in construction projects

    Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Utilization in Government Projects : A Systematic Review of Implementation Processes

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    Uncertain assessments challenge the aggregation of expert knowledge in the field of decision-making. Valuable, yet sometimes hesitant, insight of expert decision makers needs to be converted into numerically comparative form in the age of information management. . Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) enables the comparison of decision elements through expert judgements, even when the information at hand is uncertain. The present study explores Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) implementation in government projects in a systematic literature review. Theoretical framework for Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Fuzzy Set Theory (FST) and their combination, namely Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is provided. The systematic literature review categorizes research results under three categories and examines each paper by utilizing review questions. Three main application purposes rise from the literature review; policy planning and assessment, project selection and project and performance evaluation. Overall implementation processes of the three application areas are discussed. The conclusion provides comprehensive evaluation of the approach and considerations for practitioners.AsiantuntijanÀkemysten epÀvarmuus vaikeuttaa tiedon kerÀÀmistÀ pÀÀtöksenteossa. PÀÀtöksentekoprosessin kannalta arvokkaat, vaikkakin joskus epÀvarmat, asiantuntijanÀkemykset tulee voida muuttaa numerollisesti vertailtavaan muotoon tietojohtamisen aikakautena. Sumea Analyyttinen Hierarkiaprosessi mahdollistaa pÀÀtöksenteossa kÀytettÀvien elementtien vertailun asiantuntija-arviointien avulla, jopa silloin kun kÀytettÀvissÀ oleva tieto on epÀvarmaa. OpinnÀytetyössÀ tutkitaan systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin, eng. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), implementointia julkishallinnon hankkeissa. Tutkimus sisÀltÀÀ teoreettisen viitekehyksen Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin, Sumean joukko-opin, eng. Fuzzy Set Theory (FST) ja niiden yhdistelmÀn, Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin, eng. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), ymmÀrtÀmisen tueksi. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen myötÀ valittu aineisto luokitellaan kolmeen kategoriaan ja jokaista tutkimusta tarkastellaan ennalta mÀÀrÀttyjen kysymysten avulla. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsaukseen myötÀ valittujen tutkimusten kolme olennaisinta kÀyttötarkoitusta ovat; kÀytÀnnön suunnittelu ja arviointi, hankevalinta sekÀ hankkeiden ja suoritusten arviointi. Aineiston luokittelun jÀlkeen tutkimus etenee tarkastelemaan erilaisiin kÀyttötarkoituksiin suunnattujen Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessi -metodin implementointiprosesseja. JohtopÀÀtös -osio tarjoaa pohdintaa ja huomioita siitÀ, miten pÀÀtöksentekijÀt voivat suhtautua Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin hyödyntÀmiseen julkishankkeiden yhteydessÀ

    Mengenal pasti tahap motivasi dan kecenderungan keusahawanan di kalangan pelajar semester akhir Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal : satu tinjauan di KUiTTHO

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    Keusahawanan merupakan bidang yang mencabar dan tidak ramai yang mahu menceburi bidang ini tenitaraa lulusan bidang kejnriiteraan. Mereka ini mempunyai elemen keusahawanan nntuk menjadi usahawan yang beijaya. Oleh itu, timbul persoalan mengapakah pelajar-pelajar ini kurang berminat dengan bidang keusahawanan?. Bersesuaian dengan pennasalahan tersebut, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untnk meninjau tahap motivasi bagi memberikan pendedalian dan menarik kecenderungan pelajar kejuruteraan terliadap bidang keusahawanan. Objektif kajian ini berdasarkan kepada beberapa aspek iaitn taliap pengetahuan keusahawanan, motivasi, kecenderungan terhadap bidang keusahawanan dan keperluan subjek atau elemen keusahawanan dalam jumsan kejuruteraan. Kajian yang telah dijalankan adalah kajian deskriptif berbentuk tinjauan yang menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen untuk mendapatkan data. Dengan menggimakan persampelan rawak mudah, seramai 99 orang pelajar semester akhir ijazah Saijana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Instrumen kajian adalah soal selidik dan data-data yang diperolehi telah dianalisis menggimakan perisian Statistical Package For Social Science versi 11.0 untuk mendapatkan nilai min dan peratus. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa pelajar-pelajai' ini mempunyai kecenderungan terhadap bidang keusahawanan dengan skor min keseluruhan 3.573 dan taliap motivasi keusahawanan yang tinggi dengan skor min keseluaihan 3.965 tetapi kekurangan pengetahuan dalam bidang keusahawanan dengan skor min 3.16. Oleh itu. adalah perlu elemen-elemen keusahawanan diterapkan ke dalam kuriknlum kursus kejuaiteraan

    Prioritization of patients' access to health care services

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    L'accĂšs aux services de santĂ© et les longs dĂ©lais d'attente sont l’un des principaux problĂšmes dans la plupart des pays du monde, dont le Canada et les États-Unis. Les organismes de soins de santĂ© ne peuvent pas augmenter leurs ressources limitĂ©es, ni traiter tous les patients simultanĂ©ment. C'est pourquoi une attention particuliĂšre doit ĂȘtre portĂ©e Ă  la priorisation d'accĂšs des patients aux services, afin d’optimiser l’utilisation de ces ressources limitĂ©es et d’assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© des patients. En fait, la priorisation des patients est une pratique essentielle, mais oubliĂ©e dans les systĂšmes de soins de santĂ© Ă  l'Ă©chelle internationale. Les principales problĂ©matiques que l’on retrouve dans la priorisation des patients sont: la prise en considĂ©ration de plusieurs critĂšres conflictuels, les donnĂ©es incomplĂštes et imprĂ©cises, les risques associĂ©s qui peuvent menacer la vie des patients durant leur mise sur les listes d'attente, les incertitudes prĂ©sentes dans les dĂ©cisions des cliniciens et patients, impliquant l'opinion des groupes de dĂ©cideurs, et le comportement dynamique du systĂšme. La priorisation inappropriĂ©e des patients en attente de traitement a une incidence directe sur l’inefficacitĂ© des prestations de soins de santĂ©, la qualitĂ© des soins, et surtout sur la sĂ©curitĂ© des patients et leur satisfaction. InspirĂ©s par ces faits, dans cette thĂšse, nous proposons de nouveaux cadres hybrides pour prioriser les patients en abordant un certain nombre de principales lacunes aux mĂ©thodes proposĂ©es et utilisĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature et dans la pratique. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, nous considĂ©rons tout d'abord la prise de dĂ©cision collective incluant les multiples critĂšres de prioritĂ©, le degrĂ© d'importance de chacun de ces critĂšres et de leurs interdĂ©pendances dans la procĂ©dure d'Ă©tablissement des prioritĂ©s pour la priorisation des patients. Puis, nous travaillons sur l'implication des risques associĂ©s et des incertitudes prĂ©sentes dans la procĂ©dure de priorisation, dans le but d'amĂ©liorer la sĂ©curitĂ© des patients. Enfin, nous prĂ©sentons un cadre global en se concentrant sur tous les aspects mentionnĂ©s prĂ©cĂ©demment, ainsi que l'implication des patients dans la priorisation, et la considĂ©ration des aspects dynamiques du systĂšme dans la priorisation. À travers l'application du cadre global proposĂ© dans le service de chirurgie orthopĂ©dique Ă  l'hĂŽpital universitaire de Shohada, et dans un programme clinique de communication augmentative et alternative appelĂ© PACEC Ă  l'Institut de rĂ©adaptation en dĂ©ficience physique de QuĂ©bec (IRDPQ), nous montrons l'efficacitĂ© de nos approches en les comparant avec celles actuellement utilisĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats prouvent que ce cadre peut ĂȘtre adoptĂ© facilement et efficacement dans diffĂ©rents organismes de santĂ©. Notamment, les cliniciens qui ont participĂ© Ă  l'Ă©tude ont conclu que le cadre produit une priorisation prĂ©cise et fiable qui est plus efficace que la mĂ©thode de priorisation actuellement utilisĂ©e. En rĂ©sumĂ©, les rĂ©sultats de cette thĂšse pourraient ĂȘtre bĂ©nĂ©fiques pour les professionnels de la santĂ© afin de les aider Ă : i) Ă©valuer la prioritĂ© des patients plus facilement et prĂ©cisĂ©ment, ii) dĂ©terminer les politiques et les lignes directrices pour la priorisation et planification des patients, iii) gĂ©rer les listes d'attente plus adĂ©quatement, vi) diminuer le temps nĂ©cessaire pour la priorisation des patients, v) accroĂźtre l'Ă©quitĂ© et la justice entre les patients, vi) diminuer les risques associĂ©s Ă  l’attente sur les listes pour les patients, vii) envisager l'opinion de groupe de dĂ©cideurs dans la procĂ©dure de priorisation pour Ă©viter les biais possibles dans la prise de dĂ©cision, viii) impliquer les patients et leurs familles dans la procĂ©dure de priorisation, ix) gĂ©rer les incertitudes prĂ©sentes dans la procĂ©dure de prise de dĂ©cision, et finalement x) amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des soins.Access to health care services and long waiting times are one of the main issues in most of the countries including Canada and the United States. Health care organizations cannot increase their limited resources nor treat all patients simultaneously. Then, patients’ access to these services should be prioritized in a way that best uses the scarce resources, and to ensure patients’ safety. In fact, patients’ prioritization is an essential but forgotten practice in health care systems internationally. Some challenging aspects in patients’ prioritization problem are: considering multiple conflicting criteria, incomplete and imprecise data, associated risks that threaten patients on waiting lists, uncertainties in clinicians’ decisions, involving a group of decision makers’ opinions, and health system’s dynamic behavior. Inappropriate prioritization of patients waiting for treatment, affects directly on inefficiencies in health care delivery, quality of care, and most importantly on patients’ safety and their satisfaction. Inspired by these facts, in this thesis, we propose novel hybrid frameworks to prioritize patients by addressing a number of main shortcomings of current prioritization methods in the literature and in practice. Specifically, we first consider group decision-making, multiple prioritization criteria, these criteria’s importance weights and their interdependencies in the patients’ prioritization procedure. Then, we work on involving associated risks that threaten patients on waiting lists and handling existing uncertainties in the prioritization procedure with the aim of improving patients’ safety. Finally, we introduce a comprehensive framework focusing on all previously mentioned aspects plus involving patients in the prioritization, and considering dynamic aspects of the system in the patients’ prioritization. Through the application of the proposed comprehensive framework in the orthopedic surgery ward at Shohada University Hospital, and in an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) clinical program called PACEC at the Institute for Disability Rehabilitation in Physics of QuĂ©bec (IRDPQ), we show the effectiveness of our approaches comparing the currently used ones. The implementation results prove that this framework could be adopted easily and effectively in different health care organizations. Notably, clinicians that participated in the study concluded that the framework produces a precise and reliable prioritization that is more effective than the currently in use prioritization methods. In brief, the results of this thesis could be beneficial for health care professionals to: i) evaluate patients’ priority more accurately and easily, ii) determine policies and guidelines for patients’ prioritization and scheduling, iii) manage waiting lists properly, vi) decrease the time required for patients’ prioritization, v) increase equity and justice among patients, vi) diminish risks that could threaten patients during waiting time, vii) consider all of the decision makers’ opinions in the prioritization procedure to prevent possible biases in the decision-making procedure, viii) involve patients and their families in the prioritization procedure, ix) handle available uncertainties in the decision-making procedure, and x) increase quality of care

    Penentuan Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Dalam Faulty Behavior Risk Melalui Pendekatan Metode Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    S Safety management is defined as organization, human resources, policies and interactive procedure aims to reduce the possibility of damage and loss in the workplace. Therefore, one of way to improve safety management in company's workshop is by doing research to determine factors affecting the faulty behavior risk. Generally, the factors affecting work system safety have non-physical structures. Therefore, the real problem can be represented in a better way by using fuzzy numbers instead of numbers to evaluate these factors. In this study, a fuzzy AHP approach is proposed to determine the level of faulty behavior risk in work systems. The process of determining factors which affect Faulty Behavior Risk (FBR) starts on decision of respondent, creation of questionnaire, test on validation and realibility. The result concluded from questionnaire is used as input to process the data using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Method (FAHP). The questionnaire is created based on the concept of safety management system, consists of 4 factors: organizational factor, personal factor, work factor, and environmental factor. This research conducted at Bay 2.1 that produces panel and Bay 7.1 that produces finning. The calculation of FBR on bay 2.1 shows that the result (0.4972) is lies on range of lower bound 0.25 and upper bound 0.50. Meanwhile, the calculation of FBR on bay 7.1 shows that the result (0.5317) is outside of upper bound, which means the risk of FBR is high. From the calculation result of FBR on bay 2.1, the highest sub-factor which contribute on FBR is insufficent preparation. Meanwhile, from the calculation of FBR on bay 7.1, the highest sub-factor which contribute on FBR is work fatigue (0,0970). This research shows that the factors which contribute on work faulty can be decided. Furthermore,a recommendation can be given in order to reduce the work faulty giving more attention to those 2 factors

    AHP Model for Selection of Sustainable Energy: A Focus on Power Generation and Supplying for End-users

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    AHP is one of important technology management tools for decision making that is used during technology selection process, and applied prior to acquisition of a new technology. In the last decade, AHP was discussed by numerous studies, covering wide-variety of areas, focusing on many criteria and sub-criteria, for the purposes of selecting, allocating, evaluating, or benchmarking different alternatives of technology. The use of AHP for selecting the source of renewable energy as the alternative for the non-renewable source of energy is important, especially to the environmental conscious’ end-users, or those who are living in the rural area. However, in the field of sustainable energy, AHP application for power generation focusing on the end-users is still limited. As a result, this study aims to develop an AHP model, by investigating the suitable group of criteria, sub-criteria, and alternatives that will suit the needs of the end-users. This model will helps the relevant parties to identify the most suitable sources of technology for power generation to solve the end-users’ needs. To do this, secondary data were collected from the relevant empirical studies. Based on the descriptive analysis, it was found that the previous studies have ranked and prioritized each of these criteria, sub-criteria, and alternatives differently, which implies a specific AHP model for the end-users should be developed. With the findings, this study has developed an AHP model comprising of four major criteria, each with three sub-criteria, and five alternatives. This model is being verified by an ongoing research in Malaysia

    A New Integrated FQFD Approach for Improving Quality and Reliability of Solar Drying Systems

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    Saffron is the most expensive spice and is significantly valuable in non-oil export. Drying process of saffron is considered as a critical control point with major effects on quality and safety parameters. A suitable drying method covering standards and market requirements while it is costlty benefitial and saves energy is desirable. Solar drying could be introduced as an appropriate procedure in rural and collecting sites of saffron since major micorobial and chemical factors of saffron can be preserved and achieved by using a renewable energy source. So, a precise system taking advantage of management, engineering and food technology sciences could be developed. Since there was no published record of integrated methods of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment (FQFD) applied to solar energy drying systems, in this paper, Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment as a quality management tool by emphasizing technical and customer requirements has been implemented in order to improve quality parameters, optimizing technological expenses and market expansion strategy. Subsequently, Analytical Hierarchy Process based on survey from customers and logical pair-wise comparison are employed to decrease costs and increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of economic indicators. Using the integrated approach of AHP and FQFD in solar drying systems in saffron industry will result in cost benefit, quality improvement, the customer satisfaction enhancement, and the increase in saffron exports
