5,224 research outputs found

    Development of INoSIT (Integration Nature of Science in Inquiry with Technology) Learning Models to Improve Science Literacy: A Preliminary studies

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    Has successfully created the INoSIT learning paradigm to increase students' science literacy competency. This design aims to integrate information and communication technology (ICT) with inquiry and nature of science (NoS) models to teach scientific literacy to junior high school students using a multi-representation method. The BSCS 5E model (Involvement of Biological Science Curriculum Study, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation) and the IBL model (Investigation-based learning) have many phases whose implementation requires many processes. So, the INoSIT model is designed to simplify multiple phases or sub-phases. As a result, IBL (inquiry-based learning) is ineffective and inefficient in terms of learning time. It is also challenging to teach scientific literacy of abstract concepts using this method. The study employs a descriptive analysis method in conjunction with a literature review pattern.  The INoSIT model with the syntax Eliciting, Hypothesis, Testing Hypothesis, Elucidation, and Reflection was created from the results of the investigation of the weaknesses of the BSCS 5E (Biological Science Curriculum Study Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation) and the IBL (Inquiry-based learning) models. To construct students' knowledge of literacy and the study is anticipated to contribute to creativity, originality, and the development of a proclivity for inquiry and researc

    Organizational Interaction Mechanisms Affecting Strategic Decision-Making During Cybercrime Investigations

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    Antud lõputöö eesmärk on mõista ja selgitada organisatsioonide vahelist suhtlust õiguskorra tagamisel otsuste langetamise valdkondades kui nähtust, mis hõlmab koostöö ja teabe jagamise kontseptsioone ning viise, mis mõjutavad küberkuritegevuse uurimise protsesse. Uurimisobjekti probleem tuleneb ebapiisavast interdistsiplinaarsest tööst ja teoreetilistest sotsiaalteaduste arengutest tehnika vallas ning täpsemalt kavandatud lahenduste puudumisest, mis võiks suunata küberkuritegevuse uurimisega seotud juhtimisfunktsioone. Selle tulemusena seisavad õiguskaitsebürood (ÕKBd) silmitsi üha kasvavate raskustega, mis puudutavad nii protsesse, kommunikatsiooni kui koostööd, mis tulenevad keerulise teabe jagamise vajadusest. Eelkõige tekitavad raskusi küsimusi õigeaegne teabevahetus ja usaldamatus. Lõputöös on liigitatud takistused, mis võivad pidurdada uurimisprotsesse ja mõju strateegiliste otsuste langetamisel. Samuti püüab lõputöö sõnastada tingimused, mis on vajalikud optimaalse ja koostööl põhineva teabevahetuskeskkonna loomiseks, et võidelda küberkuritegevuse vastu.\n\rMetoodiline lähenemine hõlmab kvalitatiivset sisuanalüüsi, uuringud, juhtumikirjeldust ja teiseste andmete kasutamist. Esiteks, määratleb töö terminid ja eristab mõisted tõlgenduste kaudu, et aidata luua täpne olukorra kaardistus küberkuritegevuse ökosüsteemis. Antud kaardistus hõlmab ökosüsteemi sidusrühmade vaatepunktist ja määratleb nende koostoime mehhanismid. Seejärel määratletakse lõputöös põhilised takistused ja vajadused, mille uuriv protsess paljastab, ja tehakse ettepanek uue optimeeritud küberkuritegevuse uurimise analüüsi mudeliks. See analüütiline tööriist saab teavitada ja raporteerida protsessi etappidest, mis vajaks suuremat uurimist. Viimasena uuritakse Kolumbia politsei küberkuritegevuskeskuse (KKT) juhtumit, et näitlikustada, kuidas uuritud perspektiive saaks rakendada. \n\rTöö tulemused soovitavad, et funktsionaalseid aspekte saaks parandada, kui lisada juhtimise elemente uurimisprotsessi ettevalmistavasse järku. Ühtlasi saab hõlbustada kriminaalmenetluse uurimisel ka suhtlust sidusrühmadega ja teabe varustamisega. Veelgi enam, läbi haldusmenetlusprotsesside saab parandada nii usaldussuhteid kui teabe liikumise mustreid ja lõpuks suurendada organisatsioonide tõhusust võitluses küberkuritegevusega.\n\rSee lõputöö panustab teoreetilise baasi arendamisse, selgitab põhimõisted, mis tulenevad interdistsiplinaarsest kontseptsioonide ja teooriate integratsioonist. Samuti esitleb lõputöö praktilisi vahendeid, mida saab kohaldada juhtimisorganisatsioonide koostoimemehhanismidele küberkuritegevuse uurimisel. Töös esitletakse vajaduste analüüsi tulemusi, parimate praktikate rakendamise suuniseid ning ettepanekut optimeeritud uurimismudeli ellurakendamiseks, mis lähtub organisatsiooni suhtluse vajadustest. Eelnimetatud moodustavad tööriistkasti praktilistest vahenditest, mida rakendada juhtimistehnikates, et suurendada tõhusust ja toetada otsuste tegemist võitluses küberkuritegevusega.The aim of this thesis is to understand and explain organizational interaction in law enforcement decision-making spheres, as a phenomenon that involves the concepts of collaboration, cooperation and information sharing, and the way that these affect cybercrime investigation processes. The problem research steams from the insufficient interdisciplinary work and theoretical developments of social sciences within technical fields and more specifically the lack of conceptualizations that could guide managerial functions related to cyber crime investigations. As a result, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) face increasing difficulties concerning processes, communication, and collaboration derived from complex information sharing needs, and in particular, issues of timely delivery and mistrust. The thesis is concerned with a classification of impediments that may obstruct investigation processes and impact strategic decision-making, and with the formulation of the necessary conditions to generate an optimal and collaborative information-sharing environment for fighting against cybercrime. \n\r\n\rThe methodological approach includes qualitative content analysis, surveys, a case study and the use of secondary data. First, the work defines terms and differentiates concepts via interpretation, to help to establish an accurate mapping of the current situation within a cybercrime ecosystem from the stakeholders’ point of view and determine their interaction mechanisms. Then, it progresses onto the identification of the main obstacles and needs that the investigative process reveals, and proposes a new optimized model of cybercrime investigations analysis. This analytical tool can inform and report on the stages of the process that would require greater intervention. Last, the case of the Police Cybercrime Center (CCP) of Colombia is studied; to illustrate how these perspectives may apply.\n\r\n\rThe results of this work suggest that by including management elements at the preparatory stage of the investigative process, functional aspects could be improved, and the interaction with stakeholders and the provision of information to support the criminal investigation can be facilitated. Furthermore, that via administrative procedures, trust relationships can be improved as well as information flow patterns and ultimately increase organizational efficiency in the fight against cybercrime. \n\r\n\rThis thesis contributes with theoretical development, clarification of key terms resulting from the interdisciplinary integration of concepts and theories, and practical instruments applicable to guide managerial organizational interaction mechanisms in cybercrime investigations. Other contributions of meaningful implications are the results of the analysis of needs, the guidelines for the implementation of best practices, and the proposal of implementation of an optimized model of investigation based on the need of organizational interaction. Those conform a toolbox of practical instruments for the implementation of managerial techniques to enhance effectiveness and support decision-making in combating cybercrime

    Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future. Proceedings of Norma 20, The ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education

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    Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action

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    Outlines a community education movement to implement Knight's 2009 recommendation to enhance digital and media literacy. Suggests local, regional, state, and national initiatives such as teacher education and parent outreach and discusses challenges

    Evolving data teams: Tensions between organisational structure and professional subculture

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    This study explores the integration of data journalism within three European legacy news organisations through the lens of organisational structure and professional culture. Interviews with data journalists and editors suggest that professional routines resonate with established data journalism epistemologies, values, and norms that appear to be constitutional for an inter-organisational data journalism subculture. At the same time, organisational structure either integrates the journalistic subculture by increasing levels of complexity, formalisation, and centralisation or rejects it by not accommodating it structurally or culturally. The three data teams work along epistemologies of computer-assisted reporting, investigative journalism, and data journalism but differentiate themselves through nuanced understandings of data journalism practice, driven by individual journalists. After a structureless episode, one team sets itself apart as it diverges from data-driven routines and orients itself towards technological and interdisciplinary interactive journalism. The findings show an interdependence of individual efforts, varying conceptualisations of data journalism practice, and interplay between organisational structure and professional culture

    Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future : Preceedings of Norma 20 : The ninth Nordic conference on mathematics education Oslo, 2021

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    Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future : Preceedings of Norma 20 : The ninth Nordic conference on mathematics education Oslo, 2021

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    This volume presents Nordic mathematics education research, which will be presented at the Ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, NORMA 20, in Oslo, Norway, in June 2021. The theme of NORMA 20 regards what it takes or means to bring Nordic mathematics education into the future, highlighting that mathematics education is continuous and represents stability just as much as change.publishedVersio

    Rethinking the practice of accountability journalism in the digital age. The inception and development of the first Portuguese university-based investigative journalism centre and whistleblowing platform

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    At a time of worrying change, when Western traditional media outlets appear to be engulfed by the collapse of the advertising-based business model and can hardly bear the strain brought about by new technologies, the present study identifies an increasing information deficit as regards quality accountability reporting. Taking up Duffield and Cokley’s challenge to change in response to the demands of the time, the present paper supports the development of VALQUIRIA, at https://valquiria.org, a transmedia, multiplatform investigative journalism project integrated in the Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon. Valquíria, adopting a new sustainable media model, represents the very first attempt in Portugal to create a completely independent space for the education of investigative journalists, the assistance to foreign and local reporters, the production and diffusion of accountability reporting, technological products and innovative practices which can aid the profession. Featuring a vibrant crowd-sourcing and collaborative policy, its ultimate aim is to reinvigorate and enhance the practice of accountability journalism in Portugal, proving its urgency for preserving and guarding a healthy democracy. To change even more the traditional paradigm of public interest journalism, the project features a whistleblowing platform called PTLeaks: built in cooperation with the HERMES Center for Transparency and Digital Human rights, it is the first Portuguese GlobaLeaks initiative applied to investigative journalism

    Understanding the key competencies of market-ready building surveying graduates from employers’ perspectives

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    Purpose: This study investigates the various competencies a graduate should hold to prepare them for graduate building surveying roles from employers’ perspective. Design/Methodology: The study employs a sequential exploratory mixed-method approach by informing a quantitative study with the finding from a qualitative study. Findings: Based on exploratory factor analysis, the study found that 13 essential competencies are valued by the employers when recruiting building surveying graduates, as they are requisites for effective job performance. Personal management skills, technical surveying knowledge, and knowledge of RICS standards are the essential competencies based on the level of variance extracted by the three components. Other competency categories include client management skills, being goal-driven and self-motivated, optimistic personality traits, strong mental resilience, building maintenance and management knowledge, and time management skills, among others that are explained in the paper. Originality/Value: The essential competencies were dependent on maintaining a balance between knowledge, skills and personality-based competencies. Measures and approaches for gaining the essential competencies, as well as their level of significance, are further discussed. The study will be of significant benefits to employers of graduate building surveyors, academic institutions that are seeking to improve their graduate employability, as well as students that are preparing for the world of work

    Twenty years of evolution in French secondary school science textbooks

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    Textbooks are highly structured objects, which are easily distinguished from other types of publications such as popular science books or academic works. This recognisable shape results from section-specific formatting, and layout standardisation. Yet these structures change over time and differ according to school disciplines.Our aim is to understand textbooks (specific resources) in themselves and grasp their evolution dynamics. Our approach here is to examine textbooks in both descriptive and analytical ways, using a comparative approach, and focusing on science high school textbooks, over a period of 20 years. The main questions steering our analysis are: What are the basic components of these textbooks? How to identify elements that are common to various school subjects or stable over time? What trends seem to be emerging? We have sought to highlight – via an analysis of school programme changes – some shared features that shed light on the directions that these school subjects and their supporting resources seem to take