163,317 research outputs found


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    This research was conducted to find out how parents can be involved in developing reading interest in preschoolers. In this study, parental involvement is seen as parental participation in every child's activity to develop children's reading interest. The research method used is a systematic literature review by collecting articles related to the research theme through the EBSCOhost and ScienceDirect databases published between 2012-2021. After extraction, three articles (n=3) met the specified criteria. Data analysis was carried out by synthetic analysis in a narrative manner. The results of the study show that parental involvement in developing children's reading interests can be done through sharing books and reading with children, but not just reading together, there are strategies that can be applied such as dialogic reading techniques. Parents can be involved in developing children's reading interests after being given guidance on reading activities with children at home and resources in the form of reading books to be used with children. The limitations of the study and recommendations for further research are discussed in the last section.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana orang tua dapat terlibat dalam mengembangkan minat membaca anak usia prasekolah. Dalam penelitian ini, keterlibatan orang tua dilihat sebagai partisipasi orang tua dalam setiap kegiatan anak untuk memngembangkan minat membaca anak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah literatur sistematis (systematic review) dengan menjaring artikel-artikel terkait dengan tema penelitian melalui database EBSCOhost dan ScienceDirect yang diterbitkan antara tahun 2012-2021. Setelah dilakukan ekstrasi diperoleh tiga artikel (n=3) yang memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis sintetis secara naratif. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan orang tua dalam mengembangkan minat baca anak bisa dilakukan melalui kegiatan berbagi buku dan membaca bersama anak, namun tidak hanya sekedar membaca bersama, ada strategi yang dapat diterapkan seperti teknik membaca dialogic reading. Orang tua dapat dilibatkan dalam mengembangkan minat membaca anak setelah diberikan bimbingan mengenai kegiatan membaca bersama anak di rumah serta sumber daya berupa buku bacaan untuk digunakan bersama anak. Keterbatasan penelitian dan rekomendasi bagi penelitian selanjutnya dibahas di bagian terakhir

    Meningkatkan Minat Membaca Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar Melalui Program Tayangan Televisi Dalam Perspektif Sosiologi

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    The study aims to describe (1). The role of parents fostering interest in reading elementary school age children through television programs. (2). The positive impact of the TV program "Tau Gak Sih" on the development of reading interest in elementary school age children. The research is objecting to a comprehensive detailed study of the main content, the role of parents in assisting watching television programs to foster interest in reading. The scope of the study includes analysis-based analysis activities, focusing on the role of managing elementary school children's interest in reading by assisting learning. Analysis requires realistic critical thinking to apply conceptualization, so that it uses a historical approach characterized by realistic critical inquiry into the development of a thought. Primary information sources are used as primary data. The technique of collecting data utilizes library research, which is reading various kinds of literature. The analysis was conducted descriptively qualitative, sourced from theoretical reading material, research and not research. The validity of the research can be achieved by utilizing content analysis, in order to analyze the meaning, the role of parents, the function of the family in developing interest in reading elementary school-age children through TV programs. Observation is used as an element to support the construction of the theory. The results of the study include; (1) Parents play an important role in providing assistance in fostering elementary school-age children's interest in reading through television programs. (2) The positive impact of the TV program "Tau Gak Sih" on the development of reading interest in elementary school age children is as a medium of learning, expanding knowledge and motivating reading activitie

    Peran Perpustakaan Keluarga dalam Meningkatkan Minat dan Keterampilan Membaca Anak

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    The interest and reading skills of Indonesian society is still very low compared to other developing countries in the world. One of the factors causing low levels of interest and reading skills of children in Indonesia is the family environment that is not supportive yet. Therefore, it needs the support of the family in the form of family library facilities. By the existence of the family library, it will help to improve the children's interest and skills in reading. The family library has a veryimportant role as a means to increase the children's interest and reading skills. Some of these roles include as a motivator, educator, facilitator, instructor and recreational space

    Pendampingan Pengembangan Literasi Melalui Sudut Baca dan Eksta Teras Mimpi dalam Meningkatkan Pendidikan di Tegalrejo Kecamatan Pulung Ponorogo

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    The mentoring program for the development of human resource potential in improving elementary school education at SDN 2 Tegalrejo in Tegalrejo Pulung Ponorogo. The problems they face are related to improving education at SDN 2 Tegalrejo, namely a lack of interest in reading, a lack of students' understanding of learning material, so this mentoring program is intended to assist SDN 2 Tegalrejo students in developing their potential. The method used to overcome these problems is the provision of reading corners, dream terraces, and teaching KPM. The results of this service provide an understanding of the importance of reading for children and the importance of children's additional learning outside of school hours

    Peran Orang Tua dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Literasi Membaca Siswa Sekolah Alam

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    The problem that exists in Sekolah Alam Kebun Tumbuh is that the level of children's reading interest in reading books is lacking, so it is necessary to socialize reading literacy which is followed up by optimizing reading literacy activities and it is hoped that student literacy will appear in reading.The purpose of this service is to develop reading literacy in kindergarten children of Sekolah Alam Kebun Tumbuh. This method of devotion uses three activities, namely reading aloud, sticking pictures, and mixing colors. In addition, this activity also aims to establish learning collaboration between teachers and parents when teaching students.  The conclusion of this dedication is the activity of developing reading literacy into good stimulation for students in increasing learning motivation. Another good result that also emerged was the growth of courage in displaying creations to others

    Literacy Culture Assistance on Children Through Rumah Belajar Ilalang in Tahunan, Jepara

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    Reading is a culture that is almost degraded nowadays; even the culture of reading through books has become extinct, replaced by watching gadgets. The revitalization of literacy culture is certainly not easy in the midst of rapidly developing technology. TBM (Community Reading Park) Weed Learning House (RBI) bridges the literacy revitalization process for children in Tahunan, Jepara. The research was carried out through participatory service involving students of UIN Walisongo who were gathered in the Programmed Initiative KKN Mandiri program as a form of student anxiety about the decline in children's interest in reading. The mentoring activities resulted in the realization of reading culture assistance for children through the active RBI TBM by holding Mbelik Mili, Friday Familiar, and Sunday reading. In addition, efforts to improve literacy culture have resulted in the continuous development of RBI assistance because there is an interest in literacy in children by creating a reading culture, continuous development of mentoring in RBI through the government and stakeholders in Jepara, the need for the development of adequate facilities in TBM RBI, the need for stakeholder support holders in the community

    Literacy Culture Assistance on Children Through Rumah Belajar Ilalang in Tahunan, Jepara

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    Reading is a culture that is almost degraded nowadays; even the culture of reading through books has become extinct, replaced by watching gadgets. The revitalization of literacy culture is certainly not easy in the midst of rapidly developing technology. TBM (Community Reading Park) Weed Learning House (RBI) bridges the literacy revitalization process for children in Tahunan, Jepara. The research was carried out through participatory service involving students of UIN Walisongo who were gathered in the Programmed Initiative KKN Mandiri program as a form of student anxiety about the decline in children's interest in reading. The mentoring activities resulted in the realization of reading culture assistance for children through the active RBI TBM by holding Mbelik Mili, Friday Familiar, and Sunday reading. In addition, efforts to improve literacy culture have resulted in the continuous development of RBI assistance because there is an interest in literacy in children by creating a reading culture, continuous development of mentoring in RBI through the government and stakeholders in Jepara, the need for the development of adequate facilities in TBM RBI, the need for stakeholder support holders in the community

    A case study of general education teacher use of picture books to support inclusive practice in the primary grades of an inclusive elementary school

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    Scholars advocate the use of children's literature to help build awareness, understanding, and acceptance of disability in elementary school classrooms. Moreover, children's literature has been used as a component of disability awareness studies seeking to improve relationships between students with disabilities and their typically developing peers. Despite this interest in the potential for children's literature to positively impact connections between children with and without disabilities, there is a lack of empirical data describing general education teacher use of children's literature to support inclusive practice. This study was conducted to fill this gap in the professional literature. General education teachers in Pre-K through Grade 3 classrooms (n=10) in an inclusive elementary school were interviewed to understand their views about school culture and climate, strategies for reading aloud, and knowledge of inclusive picture books, the format of children's literature most often read aloud in the primary grades. The results of the study suggested that teachers are trained to use interactive read -aloud practices but have little knowledge about picture books that feature characters with disabilities. Implications for practice include professional preparation of pre-service teachers and in-service professional development for practicing teachers regarding guidelines for selecting inclusive pictures books and how these books can be integrated into routine classroom read alouds

    The role of alphabet book in improving preschool children’s letter recognition

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    Letter recognition is the first stage in developing children’s reading skills. It is hence important to optimize the stimulus for letter recognition, either in terms of methods or media. One of the media helpful for improving children’s letter recognition is the alphabet book. The present study aims to depict the role of the alphabet book in improving preschool children's letter recognition. This qualitative library research garnered articles and books using two keywords: alphabet book and letter recognition. The data were collected using documentation and analyzed using Miles and Huberman’s descriptive analysis. The result showed that Alphabet Book improved children’s letter recognition. Alphabet book could improve children’s ability to recognize letter shapes and sounds and write the letter. This improvement appears to be accounted for by the book’s various themes, attractive illustrations, and words representing each letter. The alphabet book is also interesting when used together with storytelling and play methods. Alphabet book also plays a role in improving children's learning interest and enriching their vocabulary
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