636 research outputs found

    Deterministic Monotone Algorithms for Scheduling on Related Machines

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    We consider the problem of designing monotone deterministic algorithms for scheduling tasks on related machines in order to minimize the makespan. Several recent papers showed that monotonicity is a fundamental property to design truthful mechanisms for this scheduling problem. We give both theoretical and experimental results. First of all we consider the case of two machines when speeds of the machines are restricted to be powers of a given constant c>0. We prove that algorithm Largest Processing Time (LPT) is monotone for any c≥2 while it is not monotone for c≤1.78; algorithm List Scheduling (LS), instead, is monotone only for c>2. In the case of m>2 machines we restrict our attention to the class of “greedy-like” monotone algorithms defined in [Vincenzo Auletta, Roberto De Prisco, Paolo Penna, Giuseppe Persiano, Deterministic truthful approximation mechanisms for scheduling related machines, in: Proceedings of 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. STACS ’04, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2996, Springer, 2004, pp. 608–619]. It has been shown that greedy-like monotone algorithms can be used to design a family of 2+ε-approximate truthful mechanisms. In particular, in [Vincenzo Auletta, Roberto De Prisco, Paolo Penna, Giuseppe Persiano, Deterministic truthful approximation mechanisms for scheduling related machines, in: Proceedings of 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. STACS ’04, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2996, Springer, 2004, pp. 608–619], the greedy-like algorithm Uniform is proposed and it is proved that it is monotone when machine speeds are powers of a given integer constant c>0. In this paper we propose a new algorithm, called Uniform_RR, that is still monotone when speeds are powers of a given integer constant c>0 and we prove that its approximation factor is not worse than that of Uniform. We also experimentally compare the performance of Uniform, Uniform_RR, LPT, and several other monotone and greedy-like heuristics

    A deterministic truthful PTAS for scheduling related machines

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    Scheduling on related machines (QCmaxQ||C_{\max}) is one of the most important problems in the field of Algorithmic Mechanism Design. Each machine is controlled by a selfish agent and her valuation can be expressed via a single parameter, her {\em speed}. In contrast to other similar problems, Archer and Tardos \cite{AT01} showed that an algorithm that minimizes the makespan can be truthfully implemented, although in exponential time. On the other hand, if we leave out the game-theoretic issues, the complexity of the problem has been completely settled -- the problem is strongly NP-hard, while there exists a PTAS \cite{HS88,ES04}. This problem is the most well studied in single-parameter algorithmic mechanism design. It gives an excellent ground to explore the boundary between truthfulness and efficient computation. Since the work of Archer and Tardos, quite a lot of deterministic and randomized mechanisms have been suggested. Recently, a breakthrough result \cite{DDDR08} showed that a randomized truthful PTAS exists. On the other hand, for the deterministic case, the best known approximation factor is 2.8 \cite{Kov05,Kov07}. It has been a major open question whether there exists a deterministic truthful PTAS, or whether truthfulness has an essential, negative impact on the computational complexity of the problem. In this paper we give a definitive answer to this important question by providing a truthful {\em deterministic} PTAS

    Welfare Maximization and Truthfulness in Mechanism Design with Ordinal Preferences

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    We study mechanism design problems in the {\em ordinal setting} wherein the preferences of agents are described by orderings over outcomes, as opposed to specific numerical values associated with them. This setting is relevant when agents can compare outcomes, but aren't able to evaluate precise utilities for them. Such a situation arises in diverse contexts including voting and matching markets. Our paper addresses two issues that arise in ordinal mechanism design. To design social welfare maximizing mechanisms, one needs to be able to quantitatively measure the welfare of an outcome which is not clear in the ordinal setting. Second, since the impossibility results of Gibbard and Satterthwaite~\cite{Gibbard73,Satterthwaite75} force one to move to randomized mechanisms, one needs a more nuanced notion of truthfulness. We propose {\em rank approximation} as a metric for measuring the quality of an outcome, which allows us to evaluate mechanisms based on worst-case performance, and {\em lex-truthfulness} as a notion of truthfulness for randomized ordinal mechanisms. Lex-truthfulness is stronger than notions studied in the literature, and yet flexible enough to admit a rich class of mechanisms {\em circumventing classical impossibility results}. We demonstrate the usefulness of the above notions by devising lex-truthful mechanisms achieving good rank-approximation factors, both in the general ordinal setting, as well as structured settings such as {\em (one-sided) matching markets}, and its generalizations, {\em matroid} and {\em scheduling} markets.Comment: Some typos correcte

    Mechanism Design without Money via Stable Matching

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    Mechanism design without money has a rich history in social choice literature. Due to the strong impossibility theorem by Gibbard and Satterthwaite, exploring domains in which there exist dominant strategy mechanisms is one of the central questions in the field. We propose a general framework, called the generalized packing problem (\gpp), to study the mechanism design questions without payment. The \gpp\ possesses a rich structure and comprises a number of well-studied models as special cases, including, e.g., matroid, matching, knapsack, independent set, and the generalized assignment problem. We adopt the agenda of approximate mechanism design where the objective is to design a truthful (or strategyproof) mechanism without money that can be implemented in polynomial time and yields a good approximation to the socially optimal solution. We study several special cases of \gpp, and give constant approximation mechanisms for matroid, matching, knapsack, and the generalized assignment problem. Our result for generalized assignment problem solves an open problem proposed in \cite{DG10}. Our main technical contribution is in exploitation of the approaches from stable matching, which is a fundamental solution concept in the context of matching marketplaces, in application to mechanism design. Stable matching, while conceptually simple, provides a set of powerful tools to manage and analyze self-interested behaviors of participating agents. Our mechanism uses a stable matching algorithm as a critical component and adopts other approaches like random sampling and online mechanisms. Our work also enriches the stable matching theory with a new knapsack constrained matching model