206 research outputs found

    Acute Physiological Responses and Psychological Perceptions of Various Resistance Training Regimens

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    The purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of four different resistance training protocols associated with periodization of resistance training on the biological signals that are associated with exercise regimens to increase muscle hypertrophy. A secondary purpose was to compare the ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) in the four weight training regimens. A total of eight male resistance trainers within the ages of 23-35 served as subjects for this study. On the first visit all had a baseline blood assay drawn to measure human growth hormone (hGH) and testosterone (T) and their 5 repetition maximum (RM) strength assessed using the squat, bench press, and lat pull-down machine. On subsequent visits subjects completed four workouts, each of which incorporated a warm up set followed by three sets of each of the above lifts. Each workout also integrated a 5 or 10 RM and/or a 1 or 3 min interset rest period. For each workout pre, middle, and post blood lactate content (BLC) was assessed along with a post workout blood assay to measure levels ofhGH and testosterone T. Middle and post RPE was also measured both locally (in the muscle group just worked) and globally (the entire body). A 2x2 repeated measures factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) incorporating load and duration of the interset rest period was used for every measure of each dependent variable. The results demonstrated that workouts which incorporated 10 RM per set produced significantly greater levels of BLC, hGH, T, and RPE values than 5 RM workouts (P .05). Significant interaction did not occur with the exception of hGH and mid workout local RPE where the 10 RM / 1 min interset rest period regimen produced significantly higher values than both 5 RM workouts (P .05) but not the 10 RM / 3 min interset rest period workout. In conclusion, based on the results of this study it appears that 10 RM with one minute interset rest periods may provide a more effective stimulus for muscle hypertrophy than 5 RM with 3 min rest periods

    Mixed labeling: Integration of internal and external labeling

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá automatickým rozmístěním popisků. Popisky mohou být umístěny přes daný objekt (angl. Internal Labelig) či vedle daného objektu (angl. External Labeling), přičemž jsou s ním spojeny čárou. V této práci se pokouším zkombinovat tyto dva přístupy a popisky umísťovat smíšeně. Zároveň se snažím popisky umístěné vně objektu umístit tak, aby k jejich asociaci s ním nebyla čára potřebná. V textu práce nejprve uvádím existující přístupy k této problematice. Následně analyzuji problémy spojené se smíšeným umísťováním popisků a na základně analýzy provádím implementaci. Funkčnost algoritmu je otestována na šesti modelech. Se třemi z nich je provedena uživatelská studie.This master thesis focuses on automatic label placement. Labels can be positioned over a given object (Internal Labeling) or next to it and connected by a line (External Labeling). I attempt to combine the two methods and position the labels in a mixed fashion. When I place the label next to the object, I try to pick such a position, that the line to connect it is not necessary. First, I present existing methods in the text. Subsequently, I analyze the problems related to mixed label placement. I carry out the implementation based on the analysis and test it with six models of various complexity. I evaluate with users in the end

    Concept Based Document Clustering using a Simplicial Complex, a Hypergraph

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    This thesis evaluates the effectiveness of using a combinatorial topology structure (a simplicial complex) for document clustering. It is believed that a simplicial complex better identifies the latent concept space defined by a collection of documents than the use of hypergraphs or human categorization. The complex is constructed using groups of co-occurring words (term associations) identified using traditional data mining methods. Disjoint subsections of the complex (connect components) represent general concepts within the documents’ concept space. Documents clustered to these connect components will produce meaningful groupings. Instead, the most specific concepts (maximal simplices) are used as representative connect components to demonstrate this technique’s effectiveness. Each document in a cluster is compared against its human assigned category to determine the cluster’s precision. It is shown that this technique is better able to cluster documents than human classifiers

    The relative importance of local and landscape scale factors to chalk grassland butterflies

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    The relative importance of habitat and landscape for chalk grassland butterflies was investigated among a network of chalk grassland habitat patches. Local scale habitat selection models were derived from analyses on a single large chalk grassland site (Porton Down). Landscape scale models were . then derived from species-specific local scale variables added to variables measured in the patch network, which included Porton Down as a major source site. An investigation was also carried out as to whether landscapes cale processes were acting within Porton Down. Models showed that landscapes cale processes may be acting within the single, large site for some species. However, lack of patch definition and natural variations in local population densities may give rise to apparent landscapes cale processes within this site which fundamentally differ from true landscape scale processes. At the true landscape scale across the patch network, patch area was the most commonly included landscape scale variable in models, although only for five species. For one species, dark green fritillary Argynnis aglaja, distance from the major source site and average distance from other sites were of over-riding importance. For most species, local scale habitat and environment variables were sufficient to describe their presence or density among the patch network. Incidence Function Models were used to estimate metapopulation dynamic parameters for seven species, Both sensitivity to environmental stochasticity and colonisation ability were correlated with species' scores on canonical community analysis axes (related to local habitat, patch area, distance from source site and inter-patch'distance measures). This suggests that species conforming to conventional metapopulation models form an ecological continuum with those responding to local scale habitat and landscape scale processes in a less prescriptive fashion. Species groups with either restricted or widespread distributions appear to conform to a landscape connectivity model. Five ecologically similar species appear to be moving from the former to latter group across a 'connectivity threshold', possibly due to recent increases in larval food-plant availability in the wider landscape