149 research outputs found

    Exploring sexual dimorphism in dendritic morphology and connectivity: implications for neuronal optimality

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Sinais e Imagens Médicas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020O cérebro é um órgão diferenciado sexualmente desde o período perinatal, caracterizado pelo seu dimorfismo sexual. Apesar de existir uma extensa documentação deste dimorfismo tanto a nível estrutural como a nível funcional, existe um certo enviesamento em investigação na área da neurociência. Estudos com apenas o sexo masculino são favorecidos, sendo que os resultados são depois extrapolados sem grande justificação, quando estes podem não se verificar para o sexo feminino. Esta prática é cada vez menos comum, sendo que a percentagem de estudos que incluem ambos os sexos subiu de 29% em 2009 para 63% em 2019. No entanto, apenas 20% destes realizaram uma análise com o sexo em consideração, e portanto diferenças sexuais são negligenciadas. Isto pode causar erros conceptuais e enviesamento não intencional em prática clínica. O hipocampo é uma área do cérebro considerada como sexualmente dimórfica, e está associado à consolidação de memórias de longo e curto prazo, e memória espacial. Tanto em humanos como em modelos animais, o sexo masculino supera o feminino no que toca à navegação espacial, enquanto que o contrário acontece com informação semântica. No entanto, a nível macroscópico, não se encontram diferenças sexuais na sua anatomia, visto que estas são eliminadas quando corrigidas pelo volume cerebral. Já a nível celular, foram encontradas diferenças entre ratos machos e fêmeas no que toca ao número de células na circunvolução dentada, assim como nos padrões de ramificação das dendrites, tanto das células da circunvolução dentada como das células piramidais. Porém, a maior parte dos estudos são focados na morfologia neuronal das células do CA3 e da circunvolução dentada, enquanto que poucos estudaram diferenças sexuais nos neurónios do CA1. Na primeira parte desta dissertação explorámos diferenças sexuais na morfologia dos neurónios piramidais do CA1. Para tal, utilizámos reconstruções neuronais disponíveis na base de dados Neuro Morpho.Org, analisando um total de 66 dendrites basais (33 de cada sexo) de ratos C57BL/6J (controlo). Realizámos uma análise de aglomeração de dados (clustering), onde encontrámos dois clusters, que separavam os neurónios de acordo com a sua dimensão. O cluster 1 contém os neurónios de maiores dimensões, enquanto que o cluster 2 contém os de menores. Para averiguar a existência de diferenças na morfologia escolhemos 9 variáveis que descrevem as propriedades principais de um neurónio: comprimento total das dendrites, comprimento máximo das dendrites, comprimento médio dos ramos dendríticos, raio do soma, raio da arborização dendrítica, volume da arborização dendrítica, número de pontos de ramificação dendrítica (bifurcação), ordem média dos ramos dendríticos, e retidão das dendrites. Os neurónios do sexo masculino do cluster 1 tinham significativamente maior comprimento total e comprimento máximo, maior volume e raio da arborização, e mais bifurcações que os neurónios do sexo feminino. Já no cluster 2, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre sexos. Já na segunda parte desta dissertação, quisemos fazer a ponte entre as diferenças neuromorfológicas que identificámos, e possíveis diferenças sexuais nas capacidades funcionais dos neurónios e na sua otimalidade. Desde a década de 1970 que existe o consenso de que as propriedades morfológicas do neurónio determinam a sua função, assim como influenciam a forma como este integra os sinais que recebe. Pequenas alterações são suficientes para perturbar os circuitos neuronais, como é o caso nas doenças neurológicas. No entanto, ainda não se sabe como a morfologia de cada célula afeta a rede neuronal. No fim do século XIX, Ramón y Cajal fez a primeira proposta sobre otimalidade neuronal, dizendo que as dendrites vão otimizar a sua conectividade ao minimizar o tempo de condução num compromisso com o custo material associado ao seu comprimento. Atualmente este conceito evoluiu, sendo proposto que a arborização dendrítica cresce de forma a preencher um espaço alvo, enquanto minimiza o tempo de condução e o custo. É portanto possível classificar um neurónio como ótimo ou subótimo, em que o ótimo é aquele que consegue chegar a todos os axónios que passam pelo seu espaço alvo, com o mínimo comprimento total. Utilizando este conceito de otimalidade, é possível fazer o salto entre morfologia e implicações na rede neuronal. Para aferir a otimalidade neuronal, utilizámos duas abordagens diferentes. Primeiramente, calculei duas leis de potência que relacionam propriedades morfológicas, e cujo expoente tem um valor otimal. Se um neurónio seguir a lei de potência, então é considerado como ótimo, caso contrário é subótimo. No entanto, com estas leis obtivemos resultados contraditórios, e elas mostraram-se como um método não confiável de aferir a otimalidade dos neurónios. A outra abordagem passou por definirmos uma otimização com múltiplos objetivos. Para tal calculámos três medidas de capacidades funcionais de um neurónio: o repertório de possíveis conexões, a eficiência na integração dos sinais, e o custo material. Estas três medidas comportam-se como uma configuração de Pareto, ou seja, é necessário atingir um balanço entre as três. Um neurónio ótimo é aquele que maximiza as primeiras duas medidas, enquanto minimiza o custo (multiobjetivos). Começámos por comparar cada uma destas capacidades funcionais individualmente, e no cluster 1 encontrámos diferenças significativas entre os sexos: os neurónios do sexo masculino tinham maior eficiência e repertório de conexões, mas também tinham um maior custo. Devido a terem um custo superior ao dos neurónios femininos, não é possível dizer diretamente que estes são mais ótimos ou não. Também comparámos o repertório e a eficiência após normalizá-los pelo custo, sendo que os neurónios do sexo feminino passaram a ser significativamente mais eficientes que os do masculino. Isto indica que os neurónios femininos são na verdade mais ótimos que os masculinos. Já nos neurónios do cluster 2, não encontrámos quaisquer diferenças significativas. Para poder determinar efetivamente a otimalidade de cada neurónio com esta abordagem, é preciso ter em consideração o balanço entre as três capacidades funcionais. Para tal, é necessário resolver este problema de otimização com múltiplos objetivos, e assim obter a fronteira de Pareto. A distância euclidiana entre cada neurónio e esta fronteira determina o quão próximo eles estão de ser ótimos. Uma vez que a eficiência na integração dos sinais foi obtida através modelos computacionais, foi necessário encontrar uma alternativa para obter a fronteira de Pareto. Neste caso, não obtivemos a verdadeira fronteira, mas sim escolhemos uma superfície que se adaptava aos dados. De acordo com a superfície que escolhemos como fronteira de Pareto, em ambos os clusters não encontrámos diferenças significativas entre os sexos. Comparando cada cluster, os neurónios do cluster 2 são significativamente mais ótimos que os do cluster 1. É de referir que se escolhêssemos outra superfície, os resultados seriam diferentes ao comparar os sexos no cluster 1, com os neurónios do sexo feminino significativamente mais ótimos, como era de esperar pelos resultados anteriores. Portanto, os resultados de otimalidade com esta abordagem também não são confiáveis, sendo que é necessário obter a verdadeira fronteira de Pareto. Para além destas análises, também realizámos análise de Sholl e calculámos a dimensão fractal e o enviesamento centrípeto. A análise de Sholl revelou uma maior complexidade nos neurónios do sexo masculino do cluster 1, mas não no cluster 2. A dimensão fractal, que é uma medida de quanto as dendrites ocupam o espaço, não revelou diferenças em nenhum dos clusters. O mesmo sucedeu para o enviesamento centrípeto, no entanto este revelou que existe um certo enviesamento. Isto significa que os neurónios favorecem uma diminuição no tempo de condução sobre um menor comprimento total. Em conclusão, encontrámos diferenças sexuais na neuromorfologia das dendrites basais do hipocampo CA1 de ratos C57BL/6J. Estas diferenças só se verificam nos neurónios de maiores dimensões, e influenciam as capacidades funcionais dos mesmos. Já os resultados sobre a otimalidade não eram confiáveis em nenhuma das abordagens, e portanto ainda não é possível fazer conclusões sobre a influência do sexo. No entanto, a nossa proposta de otimização de multiobjetivos é um primeiro passo na direção correta, e pode ainda ser melhorada.A remarkable feature of the human brain is its sexual dimorphism. While it is well-documented that the sexual dimorphism in brain structure and function exists, there is a sex bias in neuroscience research. Either single-sex male studies are favoured, or the works do not provide a sex-based analysis when both sexes are included. Experimental results obtained from research using only one sex are sometimes extrapolated to both sexes without thorough justification, which might cause conceptual errors and unintended biased practices. It has been suggested that the hippocampus is sexually dimorphic, although not at the macroscopic anatomical level, as sex difference was eliminated in meta-analyses of studies that correct for overall brain volume. Instead, at the cellular level, differences between male and female rats have been detected with respect to the number of dentate granule cells and branching patterns of dentate granule and hippocampal pyramidal cell dendrites. However, most studies focus on CA3 and dentate gyrus neuronal morphology, and few have studied sex-dependent differences in CA1 neurons. We explored sex-dependent differences in the dendritic morphology, functional capabilities and optimality of CA1 pyramidal neurons using digitally reconstructed neurons from the Neuromorpho.Org database. We analysed a total of 66 basal dendritic trees (33 of each sex) from control mice. Using cluster analysis, we identified two clusters, separated by size: neurons with larger (cluster 1) and smaller (cluster 2) average size. To assess sex differences in the morphology we chose 9 metrics describing the main features of a neuron. In cluster 1, male neurons present significantly larger total length, maximum path length, tree radius, volume and number of branch points. Sholl analysis also revealed increased complexity in male cluster 1 neurons. Instead, no sex-dependent differences in morphology nor Sholl analysis were identified in cluster 2. Fractal analysis assessed how much the dendrites filled their space, and there were no differences between sexes in either clusters. The same was true for centripetal bias, but it revealed that neurons favour faster conduction time over a smaller cable length. To assess neuronal optimality, we took two different approaches. We first applied known power laws and compared the exponents to their optimal value, but they proved to be unreliable to determine optimality. The second approach was a multi-objective optimization. We calculated 3 measures of functional capabilities which depend on neuromorphological properties: connectivity repertoire, signal integration efficiency and cable cost. An optimal neuron will maximize the first two, while minimizing the cost. Male neurons of cluster 1 had significantly higher connectivity repertoire and signal integration efficiency, but at a higher cost than females. After normalizing by cost, signal integration was significantly more efficient in female neurons of cluster 1. In cluster 2, no significant differences were found. To determine optimality, we defined a Pareto front using synthetic neurons and calculated the euclidean distance between this surface and each of the neurons from the dataset. In both clusters there were no significant differences, but neurons of cluster 2 were significantly more optimal than those of cluster 1. In conclusion, we found novel sex-dependent differences in the morphology of CA1 basal pyramidal neurons. Results on optimality varied according to the chosen Pareto front, and so no clear conclusions can be drawn. Nevertheless, our multi-objective approach is a first step in understanding sex differences

    Investigation of visual pathways in honeybees (Apis mellifera) and desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria): anatomical, ultrastructural, and physiological approaches

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    Many insect species demonstrate sophisticated abilities regarding spatial orientation and navigation, despite their small brain size. The behaviors that are based on spatial orientation differ dramatically between individual insect species according to their lifestyle and habitat. Central place foragers like bees and ants, for example, orient themselves in their surrounding and navigate back to the nest after foraging for food or water. Insects like some locust and butterfly species, on the other hand, use spatial orientation during migratory phases to keep a stable heading into a certain direction over a long period of time. In both scenarios, homing and long-distance migration, vision is the primary source for orientation cues even though additional features like wind direction, the earth’s magnetic field, and olfactory cues can be taken into account as well. Visual cues that are used for orientational purposes range from landmarks and the panorama to celestial cues. The latter consists in diurnal insects of the position of the sun itself, the sun-based polarization pattern and intensity and spectral gradient, and is summarized as sky-compass system. For a reliable sky-compass orientation, the animal needs, in addition to the perception of celestial cues, to compensate for the daily movement of the sun across the sky. It is likely that a connection from the circadian pacemaker system to the sky-compass network could provide the necessary circuitry for this time compensation. The present thesis focuses on the sky-compass system of honeybees and locusts. There is a large body of work on the navigational abilities of honeybees from a behavioral perspective but the underlying neuronal anatomy and physiology has received less attention so far. Therefore, the first two chapters of this thesis reveals a large part of the anatomy of the anterior sky-compass pathway in the bee brain. To this end, dye injections, immunohistochemical stainings, and ultrastructural examinations were conducted. The third chapter describes a novel methodical protocol for physiological investigations of neurons involved in the sky-compass system using calcium imaging in behaving animals. The fourth chapter of this thesis deals with the anatomical basis of time compensation in the sky-compass system of locusts. Therefore, the ultrastructure of synaptic connections in a brain region of the desert locust where the contact of both systems could be feasible has been investigated

    Quantification of hepatic vascular regeneration after 70% partial hepatectomy in mice: tools and application

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    Liver regeneration consists of parenchymal regeneration and vascular growth. Due to technical limitation in quantifying vascular regeneration, more efforts were spent on studying parenchymal regeneration rather than vascular regeneration. However, vascular is crucial in liver regeneration. Thus, this study aims for improving techniques for quantifying hepatic vascular regeneration in mice. First, we established a delicate monitoring procedure suitable for mice for acquiring hepatic hemodynamic parameters. Portal blood flow and portal venous pressure were measured in normal and resected mice. Second, we adapted the silicone injection method for visualizing and quantifying the changes of vascular regenerative parameters after resection in mice. Maximal vessel length and in/outflow radius of right inferior portal vein were measured. Cumulative vascular regenerative parameters were calculated based on the vascular geometry. Moreover, the underlying growth pattern was explored. Forth, we applied the established work flow to visualize and quantify the vascular growth after modulating the CXCR4 signaling pathway by blocking CXCR4 and/or activating CXCR7. Despite the seemingly homogeneous 3D-growth, the observed vascular parameters were not compatible with the hypothesis of isotropic expansion of liver parenchyma and vascular structures. Liver regeneration was not affected by only blocking CXCR4 but was impaired after blocking CXCR4 in the meanwhile activating CXCR7, pointing to the relevance of this pathway for liver regeneration. In conclusion, we explored vascular liver regeneration in a meso- and macroscopic scale. Altogether, this study provides technical tools to further and deeper explore and understand hepatic vascular regeneration after liver resection

    Modelling the Human Cardiac Fluid Mechanics. 4th ed

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    With the Karlsruhe Heart Model (KaHMo) we aim to share our vision of integrated computational simulation across multiple disciplines of cardiovascular research, and emphasis yet again the importance of Modelling the Human Cardiac Fluid Mechanics within the framework of the international STICH study. The focus of this work is on integrated cardiovascular fluid mechanics, and the potential benefits to future cardiovascular research and the wider bio-medical community

    6th International Meshing Roundtable '97

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    Contributions to Directed Algebraic Topology:with inspirations from concurrency theory

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    Illustrative Flow Visualization of 4D PC-MRI Blood Flow and CFD Data

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    Das zentrale Thema dieser Dissertation ist die Anwendung illustrativer Methoden auf zwei bisher ungelöste Probleme der Strömungsvisualisierung. Das Ziel der Strömungsvisualisierung ist die Bereitstellung von Software, die Experten beim Auswerten ihrer Strömungsdaten und damit beim Erkenntnisgewinn unterstützt. Bei der illustrativen Visualisierung handelt es sich um einen Zweig der Visualisierung, der sich an der künstlerischen Arbeit von Illustratoren orientiert. Letztere sind darauf spezialisiert komplizierte Zusammenhänge verständlich und ansprechend zu vermitteln. Die angewendeten Techniken werden in der illustrativen Visualisierung auf reale Daten übertragen, um die Effektivität der Darstellung zu erhöhen. Das erste Problem, das im Rahmen dieser Dissertation bearbeitet wurde, ist die eingeschränkte Verständlichkeit von komplexen Stromflächen. Selbstverdeckungen oder Aufrollungen behindern die Form- und Strömungswahrnehmung und machen diese Flächen gerade in interessanten Strömungssituationen wenig nützlich. Auf Basis von handgezeichneten Strömungsdarstellungen haben wir ein Flächenrendering entwickelt, das Silhouetten, nicht-photorealistische Beleuchtung und illustrative Stromlinien verwendet. Interaktive Flächenschnitte erlauben die Exploration der Flächen und der Strömungen, die sie repräsentieren. Angewendet auf verschiedene Stromflächen ließ sich zeigen, dass die Methoden die Verständlichkeit erhöhen, v.a. in Bereichen komplexer Strömung mit Aufwicklungen oder Singularitäten. Das zweite Problem ist die Strömungsanalyse des Blutes aus 4D PC-MRI-Daten. An diese relativ neue Datenmodalität werden hohe Erwartungen für die Erforschung und Behandlung kardiovaskulärer Krankheiten geknüpft, da sie erstmals ein dreidimensionales, zeitlich aufgelöstes Abbild der Hämodynamik liefert. Bisher werden 4D PC-MRI-Daten meist mit Werkzeugen der klassischen Strömungsvisualisierung verarbeitet. Diese werden den besonderen Ansprüchen der medizinischen Anwender jedoch nicht gerecht, die in kurzer Zeit eine übersichtliche Darstellung der relevanten Strömungsaspekte erhalten möchten. Wir haben ein Werkzeug zur visuellen Analyse der Blutströmung entwickelt, welches eine einfache Detektion von markanten Strömungsmustern erlaubt, wie z.B. Jets, Wirbel oder Bereiche mit hoher Blutverweildauer. Die Grundidee ist hierbei aus vorberechneten Integrallinien mit Hilfe speziell definierter Linienprädikate die relevanten, d.h. am gefragten Strömungsmuster, beteiligten Linien ausgewählt werden. Um eine intuitive Darstellung der Resultate zu erreichen, haben wir uns von Blutflußillustrationen inspirieren lassen und präsentieren eine abstrakte Linienbündel- und Wirbeldarstellung. Die Linienprädikatmethode sowie die abstrakte Darstellung der Strömungsmuster wurden an 4D PC-MRI-Daten von gesunden und pathologischen Aorten- und Herzdaten erfolgreich getestet. Auch die Evaluierung durch Experten zeigt die Nützlichkeit der Methode und ihr Potential für den Einsatz in der Forschung und der Klinik.This thesis’ central theme is the use of illustrative methods to solve flow visualization problems. The goal of flow visualization is to provide users with software tools supporting them analyzing and extracting knowledge from their fluid dynamics data. This fluid dynamics data is produced in large amounts by simulations or measurements to answer diverse questions in application fields like engineering or medicine. This thesis deals with two unsolved problems in flow visualization and tackles them with methods of illustrative visualization. The latter is a subbranch of visualization whose methods are inspired by the art work of professional illustrators. They are specialized in the comprehensible and esthetic representation of complex knowledge. With illustrative visualization, their techniques are applied to real data to enhance their representation. The first problem dealt with in this thesis is the limited shape and flow perception of complex stream surfaces. Self-occlusion and wrap-ups hinder their effective use in the most interesting flow situations. On the basis of hand-drawn flow illustrations, a surface rendering method was designed that uses silhouettes, non-photorealistic shading, and illustrative surface stream lines. Additionally, geometrical and flow-based surface cuts allow the user an interactive exploration of the surface and the flow it represents. By applying this illustrative technique to various stream surfaces and collecting expert feedback, we could show that the comprehensibility of the stream surfaces was enhanced – especially in complex areas with surface wrap-ups and singularities. The second problem tackled in this thesis is the analysis of blood flow from 4D PC-MRI data. From this rather young data modality, medical experts expect many advances in the research of cardiovascular diseases because it delivers a three-dimensional and time-resolved image of the hemodynamics. However, 4D PC-MRI data are mainly processed with standard flow visualizaton tools, which do not fulfill the requirements of medical users. They need a quick and easy-to-understand display of the relevant blood flow aspects. We developed a tool for the visual analysis of blood flow that allows a fast detection of distinctive flow patterns, such as high-velocity jets, vortices, or areas with high residence times. The basic idea is to precalculate integral lines and use specifically designed line predicates to select and display only lines involved in the pattern of interest. Traditional blood flow illustrations inspired us to an abstract and comprehensible depiction of the resulting line bundles and vortices. The line predicate method and the illustrative flow pattern representation were successfully tested with 4D PC-MRI data of healthy and pathological aortae and hearts. Also, the feedback of several medical experts confirmed the usefulness of our methods and their capabilities for a future application in the clinical research and routine

    Technologies for Biomechanically-Informed Image Guidance of Laparoscopic Liver Surgery

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    Laparoscopic surgery for liver resection has a number medical advantages over open surgery, but also comes with inherent technical challenges. The surgeon only has a very limited field of view through the imaging modalities routinely employed intra-operatively, laparoscopic video and ultrasound, and the pneumoperitoneum required to create the operating space and gaining access to the organ can significantly deform and displace the liver from its pre-operative configuration. This can make relating what is visible intra-operatively to the pre-operative plan and inferring the location of sub-surface anatomy a very challenging task. Image guidance systems can help overcome these challenges by updating the pre-operative plan to the situation in theatre and visualising it in relation to the position of surgical instruments. In this thesis, I present a series of contributions to a biomechanically-informed image-guidance system made during my PhD. The most recent one is work on a pipeline for the estimation of the post-insufflation configuration of the liver by means of an algorithm that uses a database of segmented training images of patient abdomens where the post-insufflation configuration of the liver is known. The pipeline comprises an algorithm for inter and intra-subject registration of liver meshes by means of non-rigid spectral point-correspondence finding. My other contributions are more fundamental and less application specific, and are all contained and made available to the public in the NiftySim open-source finite element modelling package. Two of my contributions to NiftySim are of particular interest with regards to image guidance of laparoscopic liver surgery: 1) a novel general purpose contact modelling algorithm that can be used to simulate contact interactions between, e.g., the liver and surrounding anatomy; 2) membrane and shell elements that can be used to, e.g., simulate the Glisson capsule that has been shown to significantly influence the organ’s measured stiffness