184 research outputs found

    Wear mechanisms in press hardening of boron steel : identification and laboratory study

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    Press hardening, also known as hot stamping, is a hot sheet metal forming technique which allows producing lightweight components with complex geometry and outstanding mechanical properties. For this reason, use of press hardened components is steadily increasing in the automotive industry. Several variants of the press hardening process exist. The most common is direct press hardening of AlSi coated boron steel. In this process, a coated sheet metal blank is austenitised, transferred to a press and formed and quenched in a single step. One of the factors affecting the competitiveness of press hardening is tool wear. Press hardening dies require intensive maintenance, which increases production costs and limits the efficiency of the process. In the case of press hardening of AlSi coated boron steel, wear due to material transfer from the coating is particularly severe. The present thesis deals with wear on press hardening tools, following a methodology of integral analysis beginning at the industrial system and ending with laboratory tribological studies. As a first step, a non-destructive methodology for the analysis of industrial forming tools was developed, based in surface replication. Using this technique, the surface of the tool is transferred into a stable and highly accurate polymeric replica. Replicas obtained this way were studied in the laboratory using optical profilometry techniques. This methodology was applied to the characterization of wear in industrial press hardening tools. Replicas were obtained in normal production stops, allowing complete study of the process without affecting production. Analysis of these replicas allowed identifying the main wear mechanisms appearing in press hardening tools. Laboratory tests were then developed to study and obtain full comprehension of the tool-component interaction. These studies were not based in the design of new press hardening tribosimulators; instead, simplified test setups were devised which allowed the isolated study of the relevant wear micromechanisms and the main factors affecting them. In the first test, interaction of aluminium and tool steel was studied at different temperatures. System behaviour was observed to be highly dependent on the generation of hard oxide particles and on mechanical interaction between the surfaces, with adhesive processes taking place at high temperature. In a second series of tests, the role of adhesive forces was studied independently from mechanical interaction, and it was observed that surface engineering techniques modifying the chemical composition of the tool surface (nitriding, coating and application of lubricant) resulted in modified affinity. To complete this study, the effect of mechanical interaction was studied; wear micromechanisms were observed to change based on the surface finish of the tool specimen. Finally, the applicability of PVD coatings on press hardening tools was studied. On the one hand, a test methodology was developed able to characterize the mechanical response of coated steel surfaces at temperatures similar to those in hot metal forming. Samples with different surface engineering solutions were studied to determine how temperature affected system performance, and to evaluate the contribution of substrate nitriding under a PVD coating. On the other hand, an industrial test was carried out using coated production tools on a press hardening shop. Commercial PVD coatings appeared to reduce the buildup rate of transfer layers, but did not eliminate the issue of material transfer. Results of this work show that tool wear appears from a complex combination of chemical and mechanical interaction. While a solution to wear in press hardening still does not exist, the relative importance of these wear micromechanisms can be influenced by modifying the chemical, topographical and mechanical characteristics of the tool surface.L'estampació en calent és una tècnica de conformació en calent de xapa metàl·lica que permet obtenir components de baix pes, gran complexitat geomètrica i excel·lents propietats mecàniques. Per aquesta raó, és un procés particularment atractiu per a la indústria de l'automoció. Existeixen diverses variants d'aquest procés industrial, però la més comú és l'estampació directa d'acer amb recobriment d'Alumini-Silici. En aquest procés, la xapa recoberta es porta a temperatura d'austenització i es trasllada a una premsa, on en un sol pas es du a terme el conformat i el tractament tèrmic. Un dels factors que afecten la competitivitat de l'estampació en calent és el desgast de les eines. Les matrius utilitzades requereixen un manteniment intensiu, cosa que afecta negativament l'eficiència del procés. En el cas de l'estampació d'acer amb recobriment AlSi, el desgast és molt sever i està relacionat amb la transferència de material del recobriment a l'eina. El focus d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi del desgast en estampació en calent seguint una metodologia de treball que abarca des de l'anàlisi d'eines industrials fins al desenvolupament d'assaigs tribològics al laboratori. En un primer pas, es va desenvolupar una metodologia d'assaig no destructiu basada en les rèpliques superficials. Amb aquesta tècnica es genera una còpia de la superfície de l'eina utilitzant un material polimèric, que es pot estudiar al laboratori utilitzant tècniques d'anàlisi topogràfica. Aquesta metodologia va ser aplicada a la caracterització de desgast en eines industrials d'estampació en calent a partir de rèpliques extretes durant parades de la línia de producció. En aquest treball, es van identificar els principals mecanismes de desgast que apareixen en aquest sistema. A continuació, es van desenvolupar assaigs de laboratori que permetessin comprendre totalment la interacció entre eina i component. Aquests estudis no es van centrar en el desenvolupament d'un tribosimulador complex, sinó en utilitzar configuracions experimentals simplificades per a estudiar de forma aïllada i controlada els diferents mecanismes. El primer assaig es va utilitzar per a explorar la interacció entre alumini i acer d'eines a diverses temperatures. El comportament del sistema va resultar ser fortament afectat per la generació de partícules dures d'òxid i la interacció mecànica entre les superfícies, amb una component d'afinitat química a alta temperatura. En un segon dispositiu experimental, la contribució de les forces adhesives sorgides d'aquesta afinitat es va estudiar de forma aïllada. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que els tractaments que modifiquen la composició química de la superfície (nitruració, recobriments i lubricants) afecten de manera important aquestes forces adhesives. L'estudi al laboratori es va completar amb una avaluació de l'efecte de la interacció mecànica: es va poder observar que els micromecanismes de desgast varien en funció de l'acabat superficial de l'eina. Per últim es va estudiar l'aplicabilitat dels recobriments durs PVD a les eines d'estampació en calent. Per una banda, es va desenvolupar un assaig de laboratori per a caracteritzar sistemes d'eines recoberts a temperatures equivalents a les del conformat en calent de metall. Utilitzant aquest assaig, es va avaluar l'efecte de la temperatura sobre el rendiment mecànic d'acer d'eines recobert, així com l'efecte de la nitruració del substrat. Per altra banda, es va dur a terme una prova industrial utilitzant eines d'estampació en calent amb recobriments PVD comercials. Tot i que no es va eliminar el desgast, es va observar que el material transferit s'acumulava a menys velocitat en aquestes eines. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi mostren que el desgast a l'estampació en calent apareix per una combinació de factors d'interacció química i mecànica. La importància relativa d'aquests factors pot modular-se modificant les característiques químiques, mecàniques i topogràfiques de la superfície de l'eina

    Digitally-enhanced lubricant evaluation scheme for hot stamping applications

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    Digitally-enhanced technologies are set to transform every aspect of manufacturing. Networks of sensors that compute at the edge (streamlining information flow from devices and providing real-time local data analysis), and emerging Cloud Finite Element Analysis technologies yield data at unprecedented scales, both in terms of volume and precision, providing information on complex processes and systems that had previously been impractical. Cloud Finite Element Analysis technologies enable proactive data collection in a supply chain of, for example the metal forming industry, throughout the life cycle of a product or process, which presents revolutionary opportunities for the development and evaluation of digitally-enhanced lubricants, which requires a coherent research agenda involving the merging of tribological knowledge, manufacturing and data science. In the present study, data obtained from a vast number of experimentally verified finite element simulation results is used for a metal forming process to develop a digitally-enhanced lubricant evaluation approach, by precisely representing the tribological boundary conditions at the workpiece/tooling interface, i.e., complex loading conditions of contact pressures, sliding speeds and temperatures. The presented approach combines the implementation of digital characteristics of the target forming process, data-guided lubricant testing and mechanism-based accurate theoretical modelling, enabling the development of data-centric lubricant limit diagrams and intuitive and quantitative evaluation of the lubricant performance

    Determination of the Mechanical Properties of Hot Stamped Parts from Numerical Simulations

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    AbstractHot stamping is a well-established process in car manufacturing today. However, the resulting mechanical properties of a hot stamped part and its behaviour during a crash are still open questions. The usual procedure includes destructive experiments to determine the mechanical properties resulting from the forming and quenching process. The gained information is then used for crash simulation. Using images from micrographs to determine the proportion of bainite and martensite resulting from the hot stamping process has proved to be difficult, as these structures are fairly similar and hard to distinguish.Sophisticated numerical simulations of the hot stamping process are available. The hardness resulting from the hot stamping process can be predicted fairly well from these process simulations. However, information like the tensile strength that is more relevant for the crash behaviour cannot be predicted that easily. It is not yet state of the art to map the results from the hot stamping simulation directly into the crash simulation. The approach to be presented in detail in this contribution uses the forming speed and the quenching velocity to predict the relevant mechanical properties of the hot stamped parts. Both input parameters, the forming speed and the quenching velocity, can be derived from the numerical hot stamping simulation. By means of experiments using a thermomechanical test system Gleeble well defined process parameters were used. Micro tensile test specimens were manufactured out of the Gleeble specimens to eliminate the effect of the Gaussian temperature profile created during the Gleeble experiments. Afterwards, tensile tests were carried out to derive a response surface for 22MnB5. The validated results allow the determination of the tensile strength of hot stamped parts from the numerical simulation of the hot stamping process with good accuracy