51 research outputs found

    Diversity and Management of Phytophthora in Southeast Asia

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    Crop Production/Industries,

    Integral olive harvesting systems: characterization, adjustment and improvements

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    La presente tesis doctoral aborda el estudio conjunto de la recolección mecanizada y la poda del olivo para mejorar el uso de las cosechadoras, actuales y en desarrollo, por medio de la adaptación del árbol y el diseño de la plantación. Se han considerado tres de las principales tipologías de cultivo del olivo presentes en España: tradicional, intensivo y superintensivo. Las adaptaciones del árbol a la máquina se han centrado en el olivar tradicional, ya que apenas se realizan nuevas plantaciones de esta tipología de cultivo, mientras que, el diseño de plantación se ha estudiado para el olivar superintensivo, En caso del olivar intensivo se han tenido en cuenta ambos factores. Para determinar la influencia del diseño de plantación sobre el funcionamiento de las cosechadoras de olivar se ha desarrollado un sistema de seguimiento remoto y una metodología de análisis de tiempos, junto con un monitor de rendimiento. Estos desarrollos han permitido la obtención y análisis de un gran volumen de datos para tres cosechadoras comerciales de olivar. En cuanto a la adaptación del árbol a las cosechadoras, se ha estudiado la distribución de la producción de aceite en la copa del árbol, tanto en calidad como en cantidad, para establecer las zonas prioritarias donde debe actuar un sistema de recolección mecanizada. Además, se han establecido tres tratamientos de poda para evaluar la adaptación del olivar tradicional a la recolección con cosechadoras, tanto actuales como en desarrollo. La caracterización de la estructura del árbol se ha completado con una metodología para evaluar la porosidad de copa basada en la radiación transmitida. Finalmente, a nivel de fruto se ha determinado el efecto que genera la aplicación de esfuerzos torsores en el pedúnculo del fruto, de cara a mejorar el porcentaje de derribo que podría obtenerse con una cosechadora en futuros desarrollos. Actualmente, el olivar superintensivo cuenta con un sistema de cosecha muy eficiente y con una alta capacidad de trabajo, aunque sensible a distintos parámetros de diseño de la plantación como son el ancho de calle de servicio o la longitud de línea de árboles. Al igual que el olivar superintensivo, las explotaciones intensivas requieren una adaptación del árbol a la cosechadora, mientras que el sistema de derribo se diseña para obtener una mayor eficiencia en aquellas zonas de la copa de mayor interés, como la zona exterior y superior del árbol. Del mismo modo, el olivar tradicional requiere una adaptación importante de la estructura del árbol para mejorar la eficiencia de la cosechadora. La adaptación de la estructura del árbol no ha influido en la producción de frutos en el periodo estudiado. Sin embargo, en algunos casos se ha producido una reducción de la producción de frutos en zonas de la copa que son difícilmente accesibles para algunos sistemas de derribo, como ocurre con la producción de las ramas interiores. Todo ello, a pesar de que la aplicación de diferentes tratamientos de poda si ha generado diferencias en la porosidad de la copa y, por lo tanto, en la radiación transmitida. Por último, se ha determinado que es recomendable generar giros superiores a 180º en los frutos para facilitar su desprendimiento, variando los resultados en función de la variedad.This doctoral thesis addresses the related studies of mechanised olive harvesting and pruning of olive trees, in order to improve their use by present and developing harvesters, through the adaptation of the tree and the layout of the orchard. In the research, the three main orchard categories currently in use in Spain have been considered: traditional, intensive and super high density olive orchards. On one hand, the adaptation of the tree to the harvester by pruning has been focused in traditional orchards, since very few new orchards are planted in this way. On the other hand, orchard layout was mainly considered for super high density orchards: whilst for intensive orchards, both factors were studied. A remote tracking system, a time elements methodology and a yield monitor were developed for the study of olive harvesters. Using these devices, a large data set from three olive harvesters was gathered and analysed. This data set was used to assess the influence of orchard layout on harvesting performance. Regarding the adaption of the tree to the harvesting system, the distribution of olive oil yield in the tree canopy has been studied – regarding quality as much as quantity – in order to establish a system to increase harvesting efficiency. Furthermore, three pruning treatments were tested, in order to evaluate the adaptation of traditional olive trees to different harvesting systems. A methodology for the measurement of olive tree crown porosity was developed and tested, based on radiation transmittance, in order to describe olive tree structure. Finally, the effects of twisting forces on fruit stalks were assessed in order to improve harvesting efficiency for further harvester developments. Currently, super high density olive orchards have an efficient and highly effective harvesting system, although this is influenced by orchard layout, mainly alley width and row length. The adaptation of trees to the harvester is required by both super high density and intensive olive orchards. Furthermore, the fruit detachment system should be designed to obtain high harvesting efficiency in those canopy areas which are more productive to harvest, such as the outer canopy and upper canopy. In the same way, traditional olive trees require important adaptations in order to increase harvesting efficiency, although it was found that debris production is not related to pruning treatments. Tree pruning did not influence the total fruit yield, although in some cases, fruit distribution has been modified by pruning, reducing yield within the inner canopy, which is more difficult to reach with some harvesting systems. Despite this, crown porosity and thus radiation transmittance were affected by pruning treatment. Finally, it was found that it is advisable to apply stalk twisting angles over 180 º in order to improve fruit detachment process although different cultivar behaviour was observed

    Handbook of plant and soil analysis for agricultural systems

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    [SPA] Este libro recopila diferentes protocolos para el análisis de plantas y suelos para sistemas agrícolas. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un conjunto completo de indicadores para evaluar la productividad de los cultivos, la calidad de los cultivos, la calidad del suelo y la fertilidad del suelo con procedimientos y métodos viables y sólidos. La evaluación de la sostenibilidad de los agroecosistemas requiere la selección de indicadores adecuados y su medida. El presente manual ha compilado diferentes indicadores para evaluar el crecimiento de los cultivos, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, el rendimiento de la granja, la calidad de los cultivos y las características nutricionales, los análisis físicos del suelo, los análisis químicos del suelo y los análisis biológicos del suelo. El libro está organizado en tres partes: i) análisis de plantas y cultivos, ii) análisis físico-químicos del suelo y iii) análisis biológicos del suelo. En total, proporcionamos 90 procedimientos para el análisis de plantas y suelos, incluida la importancia y las aplicaciones, el principio del método descrito, los reactivos necesarios, los materiales y equipos, la descripción detallada del procedimiento, los cálculos necesarios y algunas observaciones específicas.[ENG] This books compiles different protocols for analysis of plant and soil for agricultural systems. We aim to provide a complete set of indicators to assess crop productivity, crop quality, soil quality and soil fertility with feasible and robust procedures and methods. The assessment of the sustainability of agroecosystems needs the selection of suitable indicators and their measure. The present handbook has compiled different indicators to assess crop growth, incidence of pests and diseases, farm yield, crop quality and nutritional characteristics, soil physical analyses, soil chemical analyses and soil biological analyses. The book is organized in three parts: i) plant and crop analyses, ii) soil physicochemical analyses and iii) soil biological analyses. In total we provide 90 procedures for plant and soil analysis, including the importance and applications, the principle of the method described, the reagents needed, the materials and equipment, the detailed description of the procedure, the calculations required and some specific remarks.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 72800

    New Advances and Contributions to Forestry Research

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    New Advances and Contributions to Forestry Research consists of 14 chapters divided into three sections and is authored by 48 researchers from 16 countries and all five continents. Section Whither the Use of Forest Resources, authored by 16 researchers, describes negative and positive practices in forestry. Forest is a complex habitat for man, animals, insects and micro-organisms and their activities may impact positively or negatively on the forest. This complex relationship is explained in the section Forest and Organisms Interactions, consisting of contributions made by six researchers. Development of tree plantations has been man’s response to forest degradation and deforestation caused by human, animals and natural disasters. Plantations of beech, spruce, Eucalyptus and other species are described in the last section, Amelioration of Dwindling Forest Resources Through Plantation Development, a section consisting of five papers authored by 20 researchers. New Advances and Contributions to Forestry Research will appeal to forest scientists, researchers and allied professionals. It will be of interest to those who care about forest and who subscribe to the adage that the last tree dies with the last man on our planet. I recommend it to you; enjoy reading it, save the forest and save life

    Handbook for Surveillance and Monitoring of European Habitats. First Edition

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    The primary objective of this Handbook is to describe the methodology appropriate for coordinating information on habitats in order to obtain statistically robust estimates of their extent and associated changes in biodiversity. Such detailed rules are necessary if surveillance; i.e., recording information at a point in time; is to be repeated subsequently as monitoring, otherwise real changes cannot be separated reliably from background noise. The BioHab procedure will also map all Pan-European classifications, such as EUNIS, where possible, as a basis for their surveillance and monitoring throughout Europe. The basis of the General Habitat Categories is the classification of plant Life Forms produced by the Danish botanist Raunkiaer early in the 20th century. These Life Forms e.g. annuals or trees, transcend species. They are based on the scientific hypothesis that habitat structure is related to the environment. The BioHab General Habitat Categories cover the pan-European region (except Turkey) with 130 GHC¿s derived from 16 Life Forms (LF¿s). They have been field tested in all the environmental zones in Europe. Variation within a General Habitat Category is then expressed by environmental and global qualifiers, which are combinations of soil humidity, nutrient status, acidity and other habitat characteristics. Important additional information is given by adding codes from predefined lists of site and management qualifiers

    Acta Universitatis Sapientiae - Agriculture and Environment

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    Mathematical model of interactions immune system with Micobacterium tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) remains a public health problem in the world, because of the increasing prevalence and treatment outcomes are less satisfactory. About 3 million people die each year and an estimated one third of the world's population infected with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (M.tb) is latent. This is apparently related to incomplete understanding of the immune system in infection M.tb. When this has been known that immune responses that play a role in controlling the development of M.tb is Macrophages, T Lymphocytes and Cytokines as mediators. However, how the interaction between the two populations and a variety of cytokines in suppressing the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis germ is still unclear. To be able to better understand the dynamics of infection with M tuberculosis host immune response is required of a model.One interesting study on the interaction of the immune system with M.tb mulalui mathematical model approach. Mathematical model is a good tool in understanding the dynamic behavior of a system. With the mediation of mathematical models are expected to know what variables are most responsible for suppressing the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis germ that can be a more appropriate approach to treatment and prevention target is to develop a vaccine. This research aims to create dynamic models of interaction between macrophages (Macrophages resting, macrophages activated and macrophages infected), T lymphocytes (CD4 + T cells and T cells CD8 +) and cytokine (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10,IL-12,IFN-dan TNF-) on TB infection in the lung. To see the changes in each variable used parameter values derived from experimental literature. With the understanding that the variable most responsible for defense against Mycobacterium tuberculosis germs, it can be used as the basis for the development of a vaccine or drug delivery targeted so hopefully will improve the management of patients with tuberculosis. Mathematical models used in building Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) in the form of differential equation systems Non-linear first order, the equation contains the functions used in biological systems such as the Hill function, Monod function, Menten- Kinetic Function. To validate the system used 4th order Runge Kutta method with the help of software in making the program Matlab or Maple to view the behavior and the quantity of cells of each population

    Medicinal and poisonous plants

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