35 research outputs found

    Detection of squawks in respiratory sounds of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients

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    Mechanically ventilated patients typically exhibit abnormal respiratory sounds. Squawks are short inspiratory adventitious sounds that may occur in patients with pneumonia, such as COVID-19 patients. In this work we devised a method for squawk detection in mechanically ventilated patients by developing algorithms for respiratory cycle estimation, squawk candidate identification, feature extraction, and clustering. The best classifier reached an F1 of 0.48 at the sound file level and an F1 of 0.66 at the recording session level. These preliminary results are promising, as they were obtained in noisy environments. This method will give health professionals a new feature to assess the potential deterioration of critically ill patients.publishe

    Influence of event duration on automatic wheeze classification

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    Patients with respiratory conditions typically exhibit adventitious respiratory sounds, such as wheezes. Wheeze events have variable duration. In this work we studied the influence of event duration on wheeze classification, namely how the creation of the non-wheeze class affected the classifiers' performance. First, we evaluated several classifiers on an open access respiratory sound database, with the best one reaching sensitivity and specificity values of 98% and 95%, respectively. Then, by changing one parameter in the design of the non-wheeze class, i.e., event duration, the best classifier only reached sensitivity and specificity values of 55% and 76%, respectively. These results demonstrate the importance of experimental design on the assessment of wheeze classification algorithms' performance.publishe

    Multi-Time-Scale Features for Accurate Respiratory Sound Classification

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the urgency of the developments in computer-assisted medicine and, in particular, the need for automated tools supporting the clinical diagnosis and assessment of respiratory symptoms. This need was already clear to the scientific community, which launched an international challenge in 2017 at the International Conference on Biomedical Health Informatics (ICBHI) for the implementation of accurate algorithms for the classification of respiratory sound. In this work, we present a framework for respiratory sound classification based on two different kinds of features: (i) short-term features which summarize sound properties on a time scale of tenths of a second and (ii) long-term features which assess sounds properties on a time scale of seconds. Using the publicly available dataset provided by ICBHI, we cross-validated the classification performance of a neural network model over 6895 respiratory cycles and 126 subjects. The proposed model reached an accuracy of 85%卤3% and an precision of 80%卤8%, which compare well with the body of literature. The robustness of the predictions was assessed by comparison with state-of-the-art machine learning tools, such as the support vector machine, Random Forest and deep neural networks. The model presented here is therefore suitable for large-scale applications and for adoption in clinical practice. Finally, an interesting observation is that both short-term and long-term features are necessary for accurate classification, which could be the subject of future studies related to its clinical interpretation

    Multi-time-scale features for accurate respiratory sound classification

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the urgency of the developments in computer-assisted medicine and, in particular, the need for automated tools supporting the clinical diagnosis and assessment of respiratory symptoms. This need was already clear to the scientific community, which launched an international challenge in 2017 at the International Conference on Biomedical Health Informatics (ICBHI) for the implementation of accurate algorithms for the classification of respiratory sound. In this work, we present a framework for respiratory sound classification based on two different kinds of features: (i) short-term features which summarize sound properties on a time scale of tenths of a second and (ii) long-term features which assess sounds properties on a time scale of seconds. Using the publicly available dataset provided by ICBHI, we cross-validated the classification performance of a neural network model over 6895 respiratory cycles and 126 subjects. The proposed model reached an accuracy of 85% 卤 3% and an precision of 80% 卤 8%, which compare well with the body of literature. The robustness of the predictions was assessed by comparison with state-of-the-art machine learning tools, such as the support vector machine, Random Forest and deep neural networks. The model presented here is therefore suitable for large-scale applications and for adoption in clinical practice. Finally, an interesting observation is that both short-term and long-term features are necessary for accurate classification, which could be the subject of future studies related to its clinical interpretation

    Robust and Interpretable Temporal Convolution Network for Event Detection in Lung Sound Recordings

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    This paper proposes a novel framework for lung sound event detection, segmenting continuous lung sound recordings into discrete events and performing recognition on each event. Exploiting the lightweight nature of Temporal Convolution Networks (TCNs) and their superior results compared to their recurrent counterparts, we propose a lightweight, yet robust, and completely interpretable framework for lung sound event detection. We propose the use of a multi-branch TCN architecture and exploit a novel fusion strategy to combine the resultant features from these branches. This not only allows the network to retain the most salient information across different temporal granularities and disregards irrelevant information, but also allows our network to process recordings of arbitrary length. Results: The proposed method is evaluated on multiple public and in-house benchmarks of irregular and noisy recordings of the respiratory auscultation process for the identification of numerous auscultation events including inhalation, exhalation, crackles, wheeze, stridor, and rhonchi. We exceed the state-of-the-art results in all evaluations. Furthermore, we empirically analyse the effect of the proposed multi-branch TCN architecture and the feature fusion strategy and provide quantitative and qualitative evaluations to illustrate their efficiency. Moreover, we provide an end-to-end model interpretation pipeline that interprets the operations of all the components of the proposed framework. Our analysis of different feature fusion strategies shows that the proposed feature concatenation method leads to better suppression of non-informative features, which drastically reduces the classifier overhead resulting in a robust lightweight network.The lightweight nature of our model allows it to be deployed in end-user devices such as smartphones, and it has the ability to generate predictions in real-time.Comment: preprint submitted to JBH

    Algoritmos de procesado de se帽al basados en Non-negative Matrix Factorization aplicados a la separaci贸n, detecci贸n y clasificaci贸n de sibilancias en se帽ales de audio respiratorias monocanal

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    La auscultaci贸n es el primer examen cl铆nico que un m茅dico lleva a cabo para evaluar el estado del sistema respiratorio, debido a que es un m茅todo no invasivo, de bajo coste, f谩cil de realizar y seguro para el paciente. Sin embargo, el diagn贸stico que se deriva de la auscultaci贸n sigue siendo un diagn贸stico subjetivo que se encuentra condicionado a la habilidad, experiencia y entrenamiento de cada m茅dico en la escucha e interpretaci贸n de las se帽ales de audio respiratorias. En consecuencia, se producen un alto porcentaje de diagn贸sticos err贸neos que ponen en riesgo la salud de los pacientes e incrementan el coste asociado a los centros de salud. Esta Tesis propone nuevos m茅todos basados en Non-negative Matrix Factorization aplicados a la separaci贸n, detecci贸n y clasificaci贸n de sonidos sibilantes para proporcionar una v铆a de informaci贸n complementaria al m茅dico que ayude a mejorar la fiabilidad del diagn贸stico emitido por el especialista. Auscultation is the first clinical examination that a physician performs to evaluate the condition of the respiratory system, because it is a non-invasive, low-cost, easy-to-perform and safe method for the patient. However, the diagnosis derived from auscultation remains a subjective diagnosis that is conditioned by the ability, experience and training of each physician in the listening and interpretation of respiratory audio signals. As a result, a high percentage of misdiagnoses are produced that endanger the health of patients and increase the cost associated with health centres. This Thesis proposes new methods based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization applied to separation, detection and classification of wheezing sounds in order to provide a complementary information pathway to the physician that helps to improve the reliability of the diagnosis made by the doctor.Tesis Univ. Ja茅n. Departamento INGENIER脥A DE TELECOMUNICACI脫

    Multi-Label/Multi-Class Deep Learning Classification of Spatiotemporal Data

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    Human senses allow for the detection of simultaneous changes in our environments. An unobstructed field of view allows us to notice concurrent variations in different parts of what we are looking at. For example, when playing a video game, a player, oftentimes, needs to be aware of what is happening in the entire scene. Likewise, our hearing makes us aware of various simultaneous sounds occurring around us. Human perception can be affected by the cognitive ability of the brain and acuity of the senses. This is not a factor with machines. As long as a system is given a signal and instructed how to analyze this signal and extract useful information, it will be able to complete this task repeatedly with enough processing power. Automated and simultaneous detection of activity in machine learning requires the use of multi-labels. In order to detect concurrent occurrences spatially, the labels should represent the regions of interest for a particular application. For example, in this thesis, the regions of interest will be either different quadrants of a parking lot as captured on surveillance videos, four auscultation sites on patients\u27 lungs, or the two sides of the brain\u27s motor cortex (left and right). Since the labels, within the multi-labels, will be used to represent not only certain spatial locations but also different levels or types of occurrences, a multi-class/multi-level schema is necessary. In the first study, each label is appointed one of three levels of activity within the specific quadrant. In the second study, each label is assigned one of four different types of respiratory sounds. In the third study, each label is designated one of three different finger tapping frequencies. This novel multi-labeling/multi-class schema is one part of being able to detect useful information in the data. The other part of the process lies in the machine learning algorithm, the network model. In order to be able to capture the spatiotemporal characteristics of the data, selecting Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory Network-based algorithms as the basis of the network is fitting. The following classifications are described in this thesis: 1. In the first study, one of three different motion densities are identified simultaneously in four quadrants of two sets of surveillance videos. Publicly available video recordings are the spatiotemporal data. 2. In the second study, one of four types of breathing sounds are classified simultaneously in four auscultation sites. The spatiotemporal data are publicly available respiratory sound recordings. 3. In the third study, one of three finger tapping rates are detected simultaneously in two regions of interest, the right and left sides of the brain\u27s motor cortex. The spatiotemporal data are fNIRS channel readings gathered during an index finger tapping experiment. Classification results are based on testing data which is not part of model training and validation. The success of the results is based on measures of Hamming Loss and Subset Accuracy as well Accuracy, F-Score, Sensitivity, and Specificity metrics. In the last study, model explanation is performed using Shapley Additive Explanation (SHAP) values and plotting them on an image-like background, a representation of the fNIRS channel layout used as data input. Overall, promising findings support the use of this approach in classifying spatiotemporal data with the interest of detecting different levels or types of occurrences simultaneously in several regions of interest