74 research outputs found

    Addictiveness and sttractiveness of tobacco additives

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    SCENIHR (Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks): et al.The Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) has been asked to evaluate the role of tobacco additives in the addictiveness and attractiveness of tobacco products. The criteria for dependence established in humans indicate that tobacco has a high addictive potential, but it remains difficult to assess the addictiveness of individualadditives. In animal studies the addictive potency of the final tobacco product cannot be assessed. The reinforcing potency of drugs is measured after intravenous injections and suggests that the abuse liability of pure nicotine is weaker than the addictive potential of tobacco products in humans. The currently used methods to define addictiveness of nicotine and additives are thus not considered adequate. In humans, the positive correlation between tobacco consumption and dependence suggests that individuals with high nicotine levels in their blood are more dependent. In animal studies using self-administration, an inverted U-shaped dose-response curve has generally been revealed suggesting that the addictiveness of nicotine is not directly linearwith the dose. There is however substantial variation in the response to nicotine in both animals and humans, and genetic factors probably play an important role. No tobacco additives which are addictive by themselves have so far been identified. However, sugars, polysaccharides and cellulose fibres which are naturally present in tobacco, or sugars added in high quantities to most tobacco products, give rise to numerous aldehydes, such as acetaldehyde, in tobacco smoke. Acetaldehyde given intravenously is self-administered and enhances the addictiveness of nicotine in experimental animals. Additives that facilitate deeper inhalation (e.g. menthol) or inhibit the metabolism of nicotine may enhance the addictiveness of nicotine indirectly. Substances such as ammonia that increase the pH of the tobacco and the smoke, result in higher amounts of uncharged nicotine. However, it is uncertain if more nicotine isabsorbed with higher smoke pH. For smokeless tobacco it seems that an increased pH enhances nicotine absorption in the mouth.The methods used to quantify the addictive potency of additives have limitations because of technical challenges in experimentally manipulating the presence or absence of anadditive in a tobacco product. Such experiments require large technical and financial resources. In addition, there are ethical issues if testing in humans is considered. Due to these limitations, the available methodologies are not considered adequate. A number of technical characteristics of cigarettes (paper, filter, packing, geometry) influence the content of different substances in the smoke and the size of smoke particles. Many smokers compensate for a lower dose of nicotine by increasing puff volume and frequency, and by deeper inhalation. The particle size of the smoke aerosol does not seem to substantially influence the exposure to nicotine. The technical characteristics of cigarettes may thus modulate smoking behaviour but it is uncertain if this leads to a higher risk of addiction. Attractiveness is defined as the stimulation to use a product. The attractiveness of tobacco products may be increased by a number of additives but is also influenced by external factors such as marketing, price etc. Animal models do not currently exist for the assessment of attractiveness. In humans, the attractiveness of individual tobaccoproducts may be compared in panel studies, surveys, and by experimental measures. Another method is to experimentally adjust tobacco products to exclude or include individual additives and test responses to them. However, this type of research is difficult due to ethical considerations that will usually preclude human testing of tobacco products, particularly among non-users or children. The use of fruit and candy flavours seems to favour smoking initiation in young people. Menthol also attracts a number of smokers, in particular African Americans. Some additives decrease the harshness and increase the smoothness of the smoke. Certain additives yield a full and white smoke and other additives reduce the lingering odour of the smoke in order to favour the acceptability of smoking to people around. Additives considered attractive may in principle lead to brand preference or a higher consumption of tobacco products. However, it remains difficult to distinguish the direct effects of these additives from indirect effects such as the marketing towards specific groups.Peer Reviewe

    Odour evaluation using arrays of conducting polymer sensors.

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    Devices based upon the human olfactory system, comprising arrays of gas sensing elements with suitable data handling systems have shown much promise as being a viable alternative to human testing panels and established instrumental methods of assessing odours. The introductory chapter reviews the progress which has been made by various groups in developing these so called "electronic noses". Chapters 3 and 4 deal with the characterisation of a series of water-based beverages and a range of tobacco samples. The results show promise, but also that sensor response is dominated by water which masks the responses of the analyte species. Results are presented in tabular and visual form, the latter being radar plots and ribbon diagrams. When the water signals are subtracted from the raw response data, different samples show individual and different visual patterns. The promise of these results is hampered by the impression of the data, as it is clear that the problem of water interference has to be reduced for the promise of sensor arrays to be fully realised. In chapter 5, a series of structure/response mapping studies are considered. The effects of aliphatic chain length and of ring substitution are reported. Some discrimination is again evident, with water creating the same problems as in the previous studies. Throughout the work a device comprising an array of polypyrrole-based conducting polymer gas sensors was employed. Some response data has been analysed using euclidean clustering techniques to determine the individuality of sensor responses. Groups of sensors, very often pairs or threes in an array have responded in a very similar fashion

    Expression of multidisciplinary flavour science : proceedings of the 12th Weurman Symposium

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    The 12th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium contributed 177 lectures and posters to the wealth of flavor knowledge; these were presented in eight sessions: biology, retention and release, psychophysics, quality, thermal generation, bioflavors, impact molecules, and analytics. Emerging topics were discussed in three workshops dealing with flavor and health, in vivo flavor research, and flavor metabolomics. It has been an excellent forum for passionate exchange of recent results obtained in traditional and emerging fields of flavor research. The symposium allowed coverage of the broad diversity of flavor-related topics: comprising odor and taste; applying targeted and holistic approaches; using sensorial, chemical, biological, physical, and chemometric techniques; as well as considering nutrition and health aspects

    Expression of multidisciplinary flavour science : proceedings of the 12th Weurman Symposium

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    The 12th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium contributed 177 lectures and posters to the wealth of flavor knowledge; these were presented in eight sessions: biology, retention and release, psychophysics, quality, thermal generation, bioflavors, impact molecules, and analytics. Emerging topics were discussed in three workshops dealing with flavor and health, in vivo flavor research, and flavor metabolomics. It has been an excellent forum for passionate exchange of recent results obtained in traditional and emerging fields of flavor research. The symposium allowed coverage of the broad diversity of flavor-related topics: comprising odor and taste; applying targeted and holistic approaches; using sensorial, chemical, biological, physical, and chemometric techniques; as well as considering nutrition and health aspects

    Kuumastressi mõju musta kapsasrohu (Brassica nigra L.) ja vääristubaka (Nicotiana tabacum L.) fotosünteesile ja lenduvühendite emissioonidele

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    A thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Biology.Plants are susceptible to various abiotic stress factors during their growth, such as low and high temperatures, drought, and excess water and light. At this time, rising temperature is one of the most topical issues as it threatens the ecosystem as a whole and has an impact on agriculture. The main goal of the thesis was to investigate if the heat stress responses of Brassica nigra L. and Nicotiana tabacum L. are related to the heat stress severity, to evaluate changes in foliage photosynthetic characteristics (net assimilation rate, stomatal conductance) and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and if the stress reaction is species specific. In the case of B. nigra species-specific glucosinolate degradation products (GDPs), monoterpenes and stress compounds like green leaf volatiles (GLVs) were the main target for VOC investigations. From N. tabacum emission of isoprene, monoterpenes, methacrolein and methanol together with GLVs were evaluated. For B. nigra three diverse heat stresses were applied: 1) temperature response curve (20-40 °C); 2) long-term stress (25-44 °C); 3) heat shock stress (25, 45-50 °C). For tobacco heat shock was applied at 46-55 °C. Heat stresses caused foliage photosynthetic characteristics decrease in both plants. Long-term and heat shock stress caused increased emission of GDPs and GLVs from B. nigra, although the variety of compounds belonging to these groups was diverse in long-term stress. For N. tabacum, 52 °C was the maximum temperature threshold to cope, as temperatures above this increased the emission of GLVs and methanol (maximum peak at 54 °C). At highest temperatures both species emitted (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and (E,E)-2,4-hexadienal, demonstrating cellular damage. Monoterpenes emission from both species was not altered by temperature increases. High temperatures and their occurrence longevity affects VOCs emission from plants and VOC changes affect plant-plant, plant-insect and plant-insect-environment interactions.Taimed on oma kasvuajal vastuvõtlikud erinevatele abiootiliste stressi faktoritele nagu näiteks madalate ja kõrgete temperatuuride esinemine, põud, liigne vesi ja valgus. Käesoleval ajahetkel on temperatuuritõus üks aktuaalsemaid teemasid, kuna see ohustab ökosüsteemi kui tervikut ning avaldab mõju põllumajandusele. Töö peamiseks eesmärgiks oli uurida musta kapsasrohu ja vääristubaka reageeringut kuumastressi erinevatele ja kõrgetele temperatuuridele, muutusi fotosünteesi näitajates (õhulõhede juhtivus, fotosünteesi kiirus) ja lenduvühendite emissioonis ning hinnata, kas kuumastressile reageerimine on liigispetsiifiline. Musta kapsasrohu puhul peamised lenduvühendid, millele keskenduti olid liigile spetsiifilised lenduvad glükosinolaatide laguproduktid, monoterpeenid ja erinevad stressiühendid e rohulõhna komponendid. Vääristubaka lenduvühenditest uuriti isopreeni, monoterpeene, metakroleiini, metanooli ja rohulõhna komponente. Mustale kapsasrohule tekitati kolm erinevat kuumastressi: 1) temperatuuri järk-järgult tõstmine (20-40 °C); 2) pikaajaline stress (25-44 °C); 3) kuumašoki stress vesivannis (25, 45-50 °C). Vääristubakale tekitati kuumašoki stress vesivannis temperatuuridel 46-55 °C. Kuumastressid tekitasid mõlemas taimes fotosünteesi näitajate tugevaid langusi kõrgematel temperatuuridel. Pikaajaline ja šoki stress tõstsid glükosinolaatide laguproduktide ja rohulõhna komponentide emissooni mustast kapsasrohust, kuid pikaajalise stressi käigus oli nende lenduvühendite varieeruvus mitmekesisem kui šokikatses. Vääristubaka maksimaalseks temperatuuritaluvuseks oli 52 °C, millest kõrgemal olevad temperatuurid aga suurendasid märgatavalt rõhulõhna komponentide ja metanooli emissiooni (maksimaalne tõus esines temperatuuril 54 °C). Kõrgematel temperatuuridel esinesid mõlema taime emissioonides sellised rõhulõhna komponendid nagu (Z)-3-hekseen-1-ol ja (E,E)-2,4-heksadienaal, mis viitavad kahjustatud taimerakkudele. Kõrged temperatuurid ja nende ajaline kestvus mõjutavad oluliselt taimede lenduvühendite emissioone ja neil on märkimisväärne mõju taimede, taimede ja putukate omavahelises suhtluses ning taime-putuka-keskkonna interaktsioonides.Publication of the thesis is supported by Estonian University of Life Sciences. This research was supported by the European Commission through the European Regional Developmental Fund RESIST project “Breeding for disease resistance in plants”, the Centre of Excellence ENVIRON (project 3.2.0101.11-0026) and the Centre of Excellence EcolChange “Ecology of Global Change: natural and managed ecosystems” (project 2014-2020.4.01.15-0002), the European Research Council (advanced grant 322603 SIP-VOL+), and the Estonian Ministry of Science and Education (institutional grant IUT-8-3)

    Some aspects of the chemistry of the dried fruit aroma

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    Many compounds of alleged dried frult-llke aroma have been prepared with a view to a structure-activity relationship (S.A.R.) analysis of dried fruit odorants. Of the oxaspiro[2,5]octane type compounds, all the diastereoisomers of ethyl 4,4,7-trimethyl-2- (1-oxaspiro[2,5]octyl)carboxylate were prepared. The glycidate esters, derived from the Darzens condensation of α-ionone with methyl and ethyl chloroacetate, were also prepared. Megastigma-5,7-(E),9-trien-4-one was synthesised from β-ionone. All of the compounds were claimed to have dried fruit-like or related aromas, but these claims were not confirmed by us. Some novel chemistry and compounds were prepared during the syntheses of these compounds. In a serendipitous discovery by workers at Gallahers Ltd., cyclohexylacetic acid was found to possess a dried fruit note. In order to Investigate the stereoelectronic requirements of the presumed dried fruit aroma receptor, several commercial compounds were assessed and several analogues were prepared and assessed. The 2-, 3- and 4- methyl substituted acids were synthesised by two novel routes from a suitable methyl substituted cyclohexanone. The ring methyl substituted α,β-unsaturated acids were also prepared and assessed, as were the α,β-, β,γ-and γ,δ-unsaturated analogues of cyclohexylacetic acid itself. In addition, several bicyclic acetic acids and their unsaturated analogues were prepared and assessed. Thus, 9-bicyclo- [3,3,1]nonylacetlc acid and 9-bicyclo[3,3,1]nonylideneacetic acid were made. Likewise, the isomers of 2-blcyclo[2,2,1]heptyl acetic acid and 2-bicyclo[2,2,1]heptylideneacetic acid were assessed. Furthermore, a variety of the intermediates were prepared and assessed. The results of the S.A.R. study of these substituted acetic acids were inconclusive. The most realistic dried fruit-llke odorant was cyclohexylacetic acid and the odorant of lowest threshold was exo-2-bicyclo[2,2,1]heptyl acetic acid. Of interest, some methyl esters of these types of compound had dried fruit-like notes in their aroma profile on smoking in a ciarette

    Farmstead Magazine, Harvest 1982

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    Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 2020

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