13 research outputs found

    Approaching Retargetable Static, Dynamic, and Hybrid Executable-Code Analysis

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    Program comprehension and reverse engineering are two large domains of computer science that have one common goal – analysis of existing programs and understanding their behaviour. In present, methods of source code analysis are well established and used in practice by software engineers. On the other hand, analysis of executable code is a more challenging task that is not fully covered by existing tools. Furthermore, methods of retargetable executable code analysis are rare because of their complexity. In this paper, we present a complex platform independent toolchain for executable-code analysis that supports both static and dynamic analysis. This toolchain, developed within the Lissom project, exploits several previously designed methods and it can be used for debugging user’s applications as well as malware analysis, etc. The main contribution of this paper is to interconnect the existing methods and illustrate their usage on the real world scenarios. Furthermore, we introduce a concept of a new retargetable method – the hybrid analysis. It can eliminate the shortcomings of the static and dynamic analysis in future

    Generic Reverse Compilation to Recognize Specific Behavior

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    Práce je zaměřena na rozpoznávání specifického chování pomocí generického zpětného překladu. Generický zpětný překlad je proces, který transformuje spustitelné soubory z různých architektur a formátů objektových souborů na stejný jazyk na vysoké úrovni. Tento proces se vztahuje k nástroji Lissom Decompiler. Pro účely rozpoznání chování práce zavádí Language for Decompilation -- LfD. LfD představuje jednoduchý imperativní jazyk, který je vhodný pro srovnávaní. Konkrétní chování je dáno známým spustitelným souborem (např. malware) a rozpoznání se provádí jako najítí poměru podobnosti s jiným neznámým spustitelným souborem. Tento poměr podobnosti je vypočítán nástrojem LfDComparator, který zpracovává dva vstupy v LfD a rozhoduje o jejich podobnosti.Thesis is aimed on recognition of specific behavior by generic reverse compilation. The generic reverse compilation is a process that transforms executables from different architectures and object file formats to same high level language. This process is covered by a tool Lissom Decompiler. For purpose of behavior recognition the thesis introduces Language for Decompilation -- LfD. LfD represents a simple imperative language, which is suitable for a comparison. The specific behavior is given by the known executable (e.g. malware) and the recognition is performed as finding the ratio of similarity with other unknown executable. This ratio of similarity is calculated by a tool LfDComparator, which processes two sources in LfD to decide their similarity.

    On Matching Binary to Source Code

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    Reverse engineering of executable binary programs has diverse applications in computer security and forensics, and often involves identifying parts of code that are reused from third party software projects. Identification of code clones by comparing and fingerprinting low-level binaries has been explored in various pieces of work as an effective approach for accelerating the reverse engineering process. Binary clone detection across different environments and computing platforms bears significant challenges, and reasoning about sequences of low-level machine in- structions is a tedious and time consuming process. Because of these reasons, the ability of matching reused functions to their source code is highly advantageous, de- spite being rarely explored to date. In this thesis, we systematically assess the feasibility of automatic binary to source matching to aid the reverse engineering process. We highlight the challenges, elab- orate on the shortcomings of existing proposals, and design a new approach that is targeted at addressing the challenges while delivering more extensive and detailed results in a fully automated fashion. By evaluating our approach, we show that it is generally capable of uniquely matching over 50% of reused functions in a binary to their source code in a source database with over 500,000 functions, while narrowing down over 75% of reused functions to at most five candidates in most cases. Finally, we investigate and discuss the limitations and provide directions for future work

    Decompilation of Binaries into LLVM IR for Automated Analysis

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    Complexity in malicious software is increasing to avoid detection and mitigation. As such, there is greater interest in using automation for reverse engineering. Current state-of-the-art tools use proprietary intermediate representations (IR) in decompilation and lack open-source development. LLVM IR has emerged as a candidate for a reverse engineering IR as it is already a mature tool for compilation and has a wide set of existing analysis tools. In 2019, the NSA released the Ghidra reverse engineering framework as a free and open-source alternative. In this thesis, we examine the development and application of IRs in Ghidra for lifting to LLVM IR and evaluating the efficacy of that lifting. Of interest was lifting at both the disassembly and decompilation stages of Ghidra. We developed two tools: Ghidra-to-LLVM and Ghidrall. The former uses Ghidra's Low P-Code IR for a disassembling lifter while the latter uses Ghidra's decompilation data structures as a decompiling lifter. Lastly, we test the efficacy of Ghidrall as an input for automated solving and against another lifter. Our results show that Ghidra is effective and has promise as an input for future LLVM-based reverse engineering technologies


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    The past decade has been witnessing an explosion of various applications and devices. This big-data era challenges the existing security technologies: new analysis techniques should be scalable to handle “big data” scale codebase; They should be become smart and proactive by using the data to understand what the vulnerable points are and where they locate; effective protection will be provided for dissemination and analysis of the data involving sensitive information on an unprecedented scale. In this dissertation, I argue that the code search techniques can boost existing security analysis techniques (vulnerability identification and memory analysis) in terms of scalability and accuracy. In order to demonstrate its benefits, I address two issues of code search by using the code analysis: scalability and accountability. I further demonstrate the benefit of code search by applying it for the scalable vulnerability identification [57] and the cross-version memory analysis problems [55, 56]. Firstly, I address the scalability problem of code search by learning “higher-level” semantic features from code [57]. Instead of conducting fine-grained testing on a single device or program, it becomes much more crucial to achieve the quick vulnerability scanning in devices or programs at a “big data” scale. However, discovering vulnerabilities in “big code” is like finding a needle in the haystack, even when dealing with known vulnerabilities. This new challenge demands a scalable code search approach. To this end, I leverage successful techniques from the image search in computer vision community and propose a novel code encoding method for scalable vulnerability search in binary code. The evaluation results show that this approach can achieve comparable or even better accuracy and efficiency than the baseline techniques. Secondly, I tackle the accountability issues left in the vulnerability searching problem by designing vulnerability-oriented raw features [58]. The similar code does not always represent the similar vulnerability, so it requires that the feature engineering for the code search should focus on semantic level features rather than syntactic ones. I propose to extract conditional formulas as higher-level semantic features from the raw binary code to conduct the code search. A conditional formula explicitly captures two cardinal factors of a vulnerability: 1) erroneous data dependencies and 2) missing or invalid condition checks. As a result, the binary code search on conditional formulas produces significantly higher accuracy and provides meaningful evidence for human analysts to further examine the search results. The evaluation results show that this approach can further improve the search accuracy of existing bug search techniques with very reasonable performance overhead. Finally, I demonstrate the potential of the code search technique in the memory analysis field, and apply it to address their across-version issue in the memory forensic problem [55, 56]. The memory analysis techniques for COTS software usually rely on the so-called “data structure profiles” for their binaries. Construction of such profiles requires the expert knowledge about the internal working of a specified software version. However, it is still a cumbersome manual effort most of time. I propose to leverage the code search technique to enable a notion named “cross-version memory analysis”, which can update a profile for new versions of a software by transferring the knowledge from the model that has already been trained on its old version. The evaluation results show that the code search based approach advances the existing memory analysis methods by reducing the manual efforts while maintaining the reasonable accuracy. With the help of collaborators, I further developed two plugins to the Volatility memory forensic framework [2], and show that each of the two plugins can construct a localized profile to perform specified memory forensic tasks on the same memory dump, without the need of manual effort in creating the corresponding profile

    Functions Detection in Decompilation

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    Práce popisuje metody detekce funkcí při zpětném překladu programů. Obsahuje základní informace o vědním oboru reverzní inženýrství a jeho užití ve výpočetní technice i mimo ni. Představen je zpětný překladač, vyvinutý výzkumnou skupinou Lissom na FIT VUT v Brně. Hlavním cílem je objasnění několika metod detekce funkcí, diskutování jejich výhod a nevýhod a zjištění problémů detekce funkcí. Po detekování začátku, konce a těla funkce je potřebné nalézt parametry a návratové hodnoty. Jsou představeny některé algoritmy z této oblasti. Výstupem jsou navržená a implementovaná řešení detekce funkcí a parametrů nezávislá na architektuře.This work describes methods of functions detection in decompilation. It contains basic information about reverse engineering and its applications in computer science and beyond. Decompiler developed by research group Lissom at FIT VUT Brno is introduced. The main objective is to elucidate several methods of functions detection, discuss their advantages and disadvantages, and identify the problems of functions detection. After detecting the start, end and body of function, it is needed to find the parameters and return values. There are some algorithms presented in this area. The output of this thesis is design and implementation of architecture independent function detection and parameter detection.

    A compiler level intermediate representation based binary analysis system and its applications

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    Analyzing and optimizing programs from their executables has received a lot of attention recently in the research community. There has been a tremendous amount of activity in executable-level research targeting varied applications such as security vulnerability analysis, untrusted code analysis, malware analysis, program testing, and binary optimizations. The vision of this dissertation is to advance the field of static analysis of executables and bridge the gap between source-level analysis and executable analysis. The main thesis of this work is scalable static binary rewriting and analysis using compiler-level intermediate representation without relying on the presence of metadata information such as debug or symbolic information. In spite of a significant overlap in the overall goals of several source-code methods and executables-level techniques, several sophisticated transformations that are well-understood and implemented in source-level infrastructures have yet to become available in executable frameworks. It is a well known fact that a standalone executable without any meta data is less amenable to analysis than the source code. Nonetheless, we believe that one of the prime reasons behind the limitations of existing executable frameworks is that current executable frameworks define their own intermediate representations (IR) which are significantly more constrained than an IR used in a compiler. Intermediate representations used in existing binary frameworks lack high level features like abstract stack, variables, and symbols and are even machine dependent in some cases. This severely limits the application of well-understood compiler transformations to executables and necessitates new research to make them applicable. In the first part of this dissertation, we present techniques to convert the binaries to the same high-level intermediate representation that compilers use. We propose methods to segment the flat address space in an executable containing undifferentiated blocks of memory. We demonstrate the inadequacy of existing variable identification methods for their promotion to symbols and present our methods for symbol promotion. We also present methods to convert the physically addressed stack in an executable to an abstract stack. The proposed methods are practical since they do not employ symbolic, relocation, or debug information which are usually absent in deployed executables. We have integrated our techniques with a prototype x86 binary framework called \emph{SecondWrite} that uses LLVM as the IR. The robustness of the framework is demonstrated by handling executables totaling more than a million lines of source-code, including several real world programs. In the next part of this work, we demonstrate that several well-known source-level analysis frameworks such as symbolic analysis have limited effectiveness in the executable domain since executables typically lack higher-level semantics such as program variables. The IR should have a precise memory abstraction for an analysis to effectively reason about memory operations. Our first work of recovering a compiler-level representation addresses this limitation by recovering several higher-level semantics information from executables. In the next part of this work, we propose methods to handle the scenarios when such semantics cannot be recovered. First, we propose a hybrid static-dynamic mechanism for recovering a precise and correct memory model in executables in presence of executable-specific artifacts such as indirect control transfers. Next, the enhanced memory model is employed to define a novel symbolic analysis framework for executables that can perform the same types of program analysis as source-level tools. Frameworks hitherto fail to simultaneously maintain the properties of correct representation and precise memory model and ignore memory-allocated variables while defining symbolic analysis mechanisms. We exemplify that our framework is robust, efficient and it significantly improves the performance of various traditional analyses like global value numbering, alias analysis and dependence analysis for executables. Finally, the underlying representation and analysis framework is employed for two separate applications. First, the framework is extended to define a novel static analysis framework, \emph{DemandFlow}, for identifying information flow security violations in program executables. Unlike existing static vulnerability detection methods for executables, DemandFlow analyzes memory locations in addition to symbols, thus improving the precision of the analysis. DemandFlow proposes a novel demand-driven mechanism to identify and precisely analyze only those program locations and memory accesses which are relevant to a vulnerability, thus enhancing scalability. DemandFlow uncovers six previously undiscovered format string and directory traversal vulnerabilities in popular ftp and internet relay chat clients. Next, the framework is extended to implement a platform-specific optimization for embedded processors. Several embedded systems provide the facility of locking one or more lines in the cache. We devise the first method in literature that employs instruction cache locking as a mechanism for improving the average-case run-time of general embedded applications. We demonstrate that the optimal solution for instruction cache locking can be obtained in polynomial time. Since our scheme is implemented inside a binary framework, it successfully addresses the portability concern by enabling the implementation of cache locking at the time of deployment when all the details of the memory hierarchy are available

    Deep Analysis of Binary Code to Recover Program Structure

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    Reverse engineering binary executable code is gaining more interest in the research community. Agencies as diverse as anti-virus companies, security consultants, code forensics consultants, law-enforcement agencies and national security agencies routinely try to understand binary code. Engineers also often need to debug, optimize or instrument binary code during the software development process. In this dissertation, we present novel techniques to extend the capabilities of existing binary analysis and rewriting tools to be more scalable, handling a larger set of stripped binaries with better and more understandable outputs as well as ensuring correct recovered intermediate representation (IR) from binaries such that any modified or rewritten binaries compiled from this representation work correctly. In the first part of the dissertation, we present techniques to recover accurate function boundaries from stripped executables. Our techniques as opposed to current techniques ensure complete live executable code coverage, high quality recovered code, and functional behavior for most application binaries. We use static and dynamic based techniques to remove as much spurious code as possible in a safe manner that does not hurt code coverage or IR correctness. Next, we present static techniques to recover correct prototypes for the recovered functions. The recovered prototypes include the complete set of all arguments and returns. Our techniques ensure correct behavior of rewritten binaries for both internal and external functions. Finally, we present scalable and precise techniques to recover local variables for every function obtained as well as global and heap variables. Different techniques are represented for floating point stack allocated variables and memory allocated variables. Data type recovery techniques are presented to declare meaningful data types for the detected variables. Our data type recovery techniques can recover integer, pointer, structural and recursive data types. We discuss the correctness of the recovered representation. The evaluation of all the methods proposed is conducted on SecondWrite, a binary rewriting framework developed by our research group. An important metric in the evaluation is to be able to recompile the IR with the recovered information and run it producing the same answer that is produced when running the original executable. Another metric is the analysis time. Some other metrics are proposed to measure the quality of the IR with respect to the IR with source code information available