2,566 research outputs found


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    Today, e-learning has become a reality and a global trend imposed and accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are many risks and challenges related to the credibility of online exams which are of widespread concern to educational institutions around the world. Online exam system continues to gain popularity, particularly during the pandemic, due to the rapid expansion of digitalization and globalization. To protect the integrity of the examination and provide objective and fair results, cheating detection and prevention in examination systems is a must. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to develop an effective way of detection of cheating in online exams. In this work, a system to track and prevent attempts to cheat on online exams is developed using artificial intelligence techniques. The suggested solution uses the webcam that is already connected to the computer to record videos of the examinee in real time and afterwards analyze them using different deep learning methods to find best combinations of models for face detection and classification if cheating/not cheating occurred. To evaluate the system, we use a benchmark dataset of exam videos from 24 participants who represented examinees in online exam. An object detection technique is used to detect face appeared in the image and crop the face portion, and then a deep learning based classification model is trained from the images to classify a face as cheating or not cheating. We have proposed an effective combination of data preprocessing, object detection, and classification models to obtain high detection accuracy. We believe that the suggested invigilation methodology can be used in colleges, institutions, and schools to look for and keep an eye on suspicious student behavior. Hopefully, by putting the proposed invigilation method into place, we can aid in eliminating and reducing cheating incidences as it undermines the integrity and fairness of the educational system

    Machine Learning Algorithm to Detect Impersonation in an Essay-Based E-Exam

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    Essay-based E-exams require answers to be written out at some length in an E- learning platform The questions require a response with multiple paragraphs and should be logical and well-structured These type of examinations are increasingly becoming popular in academic institutions of higher learning based on the experience of COVID-19 pandemic Since the exam is mainly done virtually with reduced supervision the risk of impersonation and stolen content from other sources increases Due to this there is need to design cost effective and accurate techniques that are able to detect cheating in an essay based E- exa

    Object Detection in Online Proctoring Through Two Camera Using Faster-RCNN

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted changes in teaching methods from offline to online, including the implementation of exams. But many reports say that the potential for online exam cheating is very high which can compromise the credibility of the exam. The online exam monitoring system using one camera makes it difficult for officers to make decisions because of the lack of evidence and supporting data. In this study, we propose a monitoring approach using two cameras, namely a camera on a laptop to get a front view of the participant and a cellphone camera to get a side view of the examinee but because of the complexity of the problem, at this stage we only focus on the side camera. Implementation begins with the collection of video recording data, custom data sets for training and pretrained datasets from the zoo model. Training is carried out using a custom dataset to detect objects that are not recognized by the pretrained dataset. The evaluation of the training results using the COCO evaluator showed the average of the bbox-AP is 59,169. The fraud detection process is carried out using 6 exam videos with a total of 192,929 frames, producing two outputs, namely object detection videos and csv files. The csv file contains the frame number, time, object detected in each frame. The next process is to analyze the csv file and mark frames that have the potential to be fraudulent. The evaluation results show an accuracy of 0.884615385 and a recall of 0.82142857

    Cheating Detection in Online Examinations

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    In this research, we develop and analyze a tool that monitor student browsing activity during online examination. Our goal is to detect cheating in real time. In our design, a server capture packets using KISMET and detects cheating based on either a whitelist or blacklist of URLs. We provide implementation details and give experimental results, and we analyze various attack strategies. Finally, we show that the system is practical and lightweight in comparison to other available tools

    A systematic review on machine learning models for online learning and examination systems

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    Examinations or assessments play a vital role in every student’s life; they determine their future and career paths. The COVID pandemic has left adverse impacts in all areas, including the academic field. The regularized classroom learning and face-to-face real-time examinations were not feasible to avoid widespread infection and ensure safety. During these desperate times, technological advancements stepped in to aid students in continuing their education without any academic breaks. Machine learning is a key to this digital transformation of schools or colleges from real-time to online mode. Online learning and examination during lockdown were made possible by Machine learning methods. In this article, a systematic review of the role of Machine learning in Lockdown Exam Management Systems was conducted by evaluating 135 studies over the last five years. The significance of Machine learning in the entire exam cycle from pre-exam preparation, conduction of examination, and evaluation were studied and discussed. The unsupervised or supervised Machine learning algorithms were identified and categorized in each process. The primary aspects of examinations, such as authentication, scheduling, proctoring, and cheat or fraud detection, are investigated in detail with Machine learning perspectives. The main attributes, such as prediction of at-risk students, adaptive learning, and monitoring of students, are integrated for more understanding of the role of machine learning in exam preparation, followed by its management of the post-examination process. Finally, this review concludes with issues and challenges that machine learning imposes on the examination system, and these issues are discussed with solutions

    A computational academic integrity framework

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    L'abast creixent i la naturalesa canviant dels programes acadèmics constitueixen un repte per a la integritat dels protocols tradicionals de proves i exàmens. L'objectiu d¿aquesta tesi és introduir una alternativa als enfocaments tradicionals d'integritat acadèmica, per a cobrir la bretxa del buit de l'anonimat i donar la possibilitat als instructors i administradors acadèmics de fer servir nous mitjans que permetin mantenir la integritat acadèmica i promoguin la responsabilitat, accessibilitat i eficiència, a més de preservar la privadesa i minimitzin la interrupció en el procés d'aprenentatge. Aquest treball té com a objectiu començar un canvi de paradigma en les pràctiques d'integritat acadèmica. La recerca en l'àrea de la identitat de l'estudiant i la garantia de l'autoria són importants perquè la concessió de crèdits d'estudi a entitats no verificades és perjudicial per a la credibilitat institucional i la seguretat pública. Aquesta tesi es basa en la noció que la identitat de l'alumne es compon de dues capes diferents, física i de comportament, en les quals tant els criteris d'identitat com els d'autoria han de ser confirmats per a mantenir un nivell raonable d'integritat acadèmica. Per a això, aquesta tesi s'organitza en tres seccions, cadascuna de les quals aborda el problema des d'una de les perspectives següents: (a) teòrica, (b) empírica i (c) pragmàtica.El creciente alcance y la naturaleza cambiante de los programas académicos constituyen un reto para la integridad de los protocolos tradicionales de pruebas y exámenes. El objetivo de esta tesis es introducir una alternativa a los enfoques tradicionales de integridad académica, para cubrir la brecha del vacío anonimato y dar la posibilidad a los instructores y administradores académicos de usar nuevos medios que permitan mantener la integridad académica y promuevan la responsabilidad, accesibilidad y eficiencia, además de preservar la privacidad y minimizar la interrupción en el proceso de aprendizaje. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo iniciar un cambio de paradigma en las prácticas de integridad académica. La investigación en el área de la identidad del estudiante y la garantía de la autoría son importantes porque la concesión de créditos de estudio a entidades no verificadas es perjudicial para la credibilidad institucional y la seguridad pública. Esta tesis se basa en la noción de que la identidad del alumno se compone de dos capas distintas, física y de comportamiento, en las que tanto los criterios de identidad como los de autoría deben ser confirmados para mantener un nivel razonable de integridad académica. Para ello, esta tesis se organiza en tres secciones, cada una de las cuales aborda el problema desde una de las siguientes perspectivas: (a) teórica, (b) empírica y (c) pragmática.The growing scope and changing nature of academic programmes provide a challenge to the integrity of traditional testing and examination protocols. The aim of this thesis is to introduce an alternative to the traditional approaches to academic integrity, bridging the anonymity gap and empowering instructors and academic administrators with new ways of maintaining academic integrity that preserve privacy, minimize disruption to the learning process, and promote accountability, accessibility and efficiency. This work aims to initiate a paradigm shift in academic integrity practices. Research in the area of learner identity and authorship assurance is important because the award of course credits to unverified entities is detrimental to institutional credibility and public safety. This thesis builds upon the notion of learner identity consisting of two distinct layers (a physical layer and a behavioural layer), where the criteria of identity and authorship must both be confirmed to maintain a reasonable level of academic integrity. To pursue this goal in organized fashion, this thesis has the following three sections: (a) theoretical, (b) empirical, and (c) pragmatic

    A Computational Academic Integrity Framework

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    L'abast creixent i la naturalesa canviant dels programes acadèmics constitueixen un repte per a la integritat dels protocols tradicionals de proves i exàmens. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és introduir una alternativa als enfocaments tradicionals d'integritat acadèmica, per a cobrir la bretxa del buit de l'anonimat i donar la possibilitat als instructors i administradors acadèmics de fer servir nous mitjans que permetin mantenir la integritat acadèmica i promoguin la responsabilitat, accessibilitat i eficiència, a més de preservar la privadesa i minimitzin la interrupció en el procés d'aprenentatge. Aquest treball té com a objectiu començar un canvi de paradigma en les pràctiques d'integritat acadèmica. La recerca en l'àrea de la identitat de l'estudiant i la garantia de l'autoria són importants perquè la concessió de crèdits d'estudi a entitats no verificades és perjudicial per a la credibilitat institucional i la seguretat pública. Aquesta tesi es basa en la noció que la identitat de l'alumne es compon de dues capes diferents, física i de comportament, en les quals tant els criteris d'identitat com els d'autoria han de ser confirmats per a mantenir un nivell raonable d'integritat acadèmica. Per a això, aquesta tesi s'organitza en tres seccions, cadascuna de les quals aborda el problema des d'una de les perspectives següents: (a) teòrica, (b) empírica i (c) pragmàtica.El creciente alcance y la naturaleza cambiante de los programas académicos constituyen un reto para la integridad de los protocolos tradicionales de pruebas y exámenes. El objetivo de esta tesis es introducir una alternativa a los enfoques tradicionales de integridad académica, para cubrir la brecha del vacío anonimato y dar la posibilidad a los instructores y administradores académicos de usar nuevos medios que permitan mantener la integridad académica y promuevan la responsabilidad, accesibilidad y eficiencia, además de preservar la privacidad y minimizar la interrupción en el proceso de aprendizaje. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo iniciar un cambio de paradigma en las prácticas de integridad académica. La investigación en el área de la identidad del estudiante y la garantía de la autoría son importantes porque la concesión de créditos de estudio a entidades no verificadas es perjudicial para la credibilidad institucional y la seguridad pública. Esta tesis se basa en la noción de que la identidad del alumno se compone de dos capas distintas, física y de comportamiento, en las que tanto los criterios de identidad como los de autoría deben ser confirmados para mantener un nivel razonable de integridad académica. Para ello, esta tesis se organiza en tres secciones, cada una de las cuales aborda el problema desde una de las siguientes perspectivas: (a) teórica, (b) empírica y (c) pragmática.The growing scope and changing nature of academic programmes provide a challenge to the integrity of traditional testing and examination protocols. The aim of this thesis is to introduce an alternative to the traditional approaches to academic integrity, bridging the anonymity gap and empowering instructors and academic administrators with new ways of maintaining academic integrity that preserve privacy, minimize disruption to the learning process, and promote accountability, accessibility and efficiency. This work aims to initiate a paradigm shift in academic integrity practices. Research in the area of learner identity and authorship assurance is important because the award of course credits to unverified entities is detrimental to institutional credibility and public safety. This thesis builds upon the notion of learner identity consisting of two distinct layers (a physical layer and a behavioural layer), where the criteria of identity and authorship must both be confirmed to maintain a reasonable level of academic integrity. To pursue this goal in organized fashion, this thesis has the following three sections: (a) theoretical, (b) empirical, and (c) pragmatic

    How Machine Learning (ML) is Transforming Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    In the last decade, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and learning data analytics have been introduced with great effect in the field of higher education. However, despite the potential benefits for higher education institutions (HIE´s) of these emerging technologies, most of them are still in the early stages of adoption of these technologies. Thus, a systematic literature review (SLR) on the literature published over the last 5 years on potential applications of machine learning in higher education is necessary. Following the PRISMA guidelines, out of the 1887 initially identified SCOPUS-indexed publications on the topic, 171 articles were selected for review. To screen the abstracts and titles of each citation, Rayyan QCRI was used. VOSViewer, a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks, and Microsoft Excel were used to generate charts and figures. The findings show that the most widely researched application of ML in higher education is related to the prediction of academic performance and employability of students. The implications will be invaluable for researchers and practitioners to explore how ML and AI technologies ,in the era of ChatGPT, can be used in universities without jeopardizing academic integrity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio